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Realistic or Modern Free Men. Character Compendium


Free until they cut me down.


F R E E M E N .

C A S T & C H A R A C T E R S

C R O W L E Y ............................... endgame

C I R C E ........................................ sivomega

C R A Z Y E Y E S ........................ sunsmurf

R Y K E R M O N T F O R T ............... xero

S U N D A R A S A M U D R A ........ hearts

PLAYER username

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N A S S A U . S H I P S


Captain, TBA

Firstmate, Sundara Samudra

Boatswain, Crowley

Doctor/herbalist, Circe


Sailing Master, Crazy Eyes


Sailing Master, Ryker Montfort



By the king,



For the effectual reduction and suppression of PYRATES and PRIVATEERS in the Americas.

We do hereby declare, that in Case any Person or Persons, on, or after, the 6th Day of September, 1715, shall discover or seize, or cause or procure to be discovered or seized, any one or more of the said Pyrates,...shall have and receive as a Reward for the same, viz. for every Commander of any pirate Ship or Vessel, the Sum of £100[,] for every Lieutenant, Master, Boatswain, Carpenter, and Gunner, the sum of £40[,] for every inferior Officer, the Sum of £30[,] and for every private Man, the Sum of £20.

GOD Save the King


L I N K S & R E F E R E N C E S




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C R O W L E Y .

Name. Caelin Crowe

Age. Mid-to-late twenties

Occupation. Boatswain, Defiance

Background. An Irish slave bound for Barbados, his ship came under attack by Pirates in the Caribbean Sea. Small by spry, Crowley was found to be an insufferable nuisance, outlasting the majority of the ship's crew and killing three pirates in the process. He eventually found himself cornered by none-other-than the Captain Akhtar of the pirate ship Golden Lion. Impressed by the boy's intestinal fortitude, Akhtar gave Crowley a choice: die or join the Golden Lion crew; survival instincts chose the latter.

Starting as a simple deckhand, Crowley was quiet, perceptive, and cunning, but also precariously smart-mouthed, too often finding himself at the epicenter of a fight that he could not win until he learned to choose his fights more wisely. As years went on, under the tutelage of Akhtar, he grew more discipline, and Akhtar, fonder. Having long ago lost his own son and wife, one to the plague and the other to a terrible fire, Akhtar started to see Crowley as a son.

They sailed for nearly ten years together up until they attempted to overtake the Flagship of Miguel de Oquendo. They seized the ship, but the Golden Lion was damaged beyond repair and Akhtar was fatally wounded. He died before the surviving crew of the Golden Lion made landfall in Nassau. Once in the Republic, the crew arrived without a ship and without a Captain. Most found jobs with other ships, but Crowley wandered for some time in a drunken stupor until his once profound notoriety fatefully placed him on the pirate ship Defiance as the ship's Boatswain.
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Name. Cassaryna Meredith

Age. 19

Occupation. Doctor/herbalist, Defiance

Biography. Born under the name Isabel de Beaumont, she was a British noble. She was the only heir after her older brothers died to a disease. The people were convinced she was a witch, who sneaked in to the noble family and cursed them all - hence the death of the previous heirs. Rumors spread that she was a human reincarnation of Medusa, one of the Gorgon sisters. The fact that she was born albino didn't help, since she looked terrifying to the people. Even though she was only three years old, people were afraid to look her in the eyes. Her servants always made sure to cover them up with a piece of cloth. Every single unfortunate thing that happened was blamed on the young girl. The people were desperate, so they decided to burn her at the stake.

At the day that she should have died, an old lady appeared behind her old, rusty cell. The girl, young, starving and barely able to speak, was saved. The woman was able to convince the nobles to sell Isabel to her (some say the nobles were manipulated by using potions on them). After that incident, she started to live with the old woman. She renamed Isabel de Beaumont, Cassaryna Meredith, which was her own name too. They became close with each other, like a mother and a daughter. Since the woman was a herbalist with a vast range of knowledge, Cassaryna too became renowned for her skills.

When Cassaryna hit the age of 17, the old woman passed away. All the research she had ever done was inherited by Cassaryna. She was bound to continue the herbal studies her mother wasn't able to continue. It was time for her to leave home and venture out to the world. As silently as possible, as invisibly as possible, she crossed the North Atlantic ocean, rocking back and forth on a ship for 12 months. She finally landed at bay in Nassau. She was determined to join a ship's crew, since travelling by sea is a lot easier than by land. It was difficult for her to find someone to accept her - a woman, quite fragile and not very well known. She did some work as a doctor to spread her name. She was known as Circe for her both poison and medicine brewing skills. Since she was starting to get popular, she was invited to the ship called Defiance. She accepted immediately.
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Name - Jurrien Van Brink

Age - 48

Occupation - Sailing Master, Cursed Trinity

Bio - Jurrien is Dutch by birth, but pirate by trade. Born to a Christian priest in his small town his father wanted him to fallow his footsteps. However the simple path priesthood would not for Jurrien's free spirit. Even at a young age he was always getting into trouble one way or another. No, he needed something far more adventurous than the holy word.

So he decided to take matters into his own hands, despite his fathers disapproval. He headed south to France and decided to join the navy, hoping this would satisfy his itch. He managed to become an apprentice of a Sailing Master for the French navy. This was it, this was the kind of thing he had been yearning for. The adventure, the battles, the experience. As he went about his daily routines, watching the seas by day and the stars by night. He still felt like something was missing. Sure the navy was great but there where still rules, regulations and restrictions. There had to be more.

He wouldn't know what it was until one faithful fight. His ship came under attack and was eventually captured by dreaded pirates. The crew was eventually rescued, before the pirates could sell any of there plunders. Finally Jurrien knew what was missing, It was the true, sweet freedom he was still looking for. It was right on the edge of his grasp, he knew what he had to do now. He was going to become a pirate. Oh, if only his father could see him now. Jurrien eventually made a name for himself, selling himself as an experienced Sailing Master. After serving a few pirate crews, he eventually joined on with the pirate Captain Blandfor Asheton of the Cursed Trinity. He would sail under this captain command as a true pirate.
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Name: Ryker Montfort

Alias: Ike

Age: 24


Occupation: Sailing Master

Biography: Ryker was one of many orphans who grew up on the streets and was drawn to the ocean where he believed every man was a free man. Quick witted as a child, he had evaded capture from slave traders along with several friends growing up but bares the guilt of not being able to save those who got caught. His life has always been rough and getting a meal each day was often a trying task where failure meant death. One of the stronger kids, Ryker naturally assumed responsibility and became one of the leaders of their small group, taking it upon his shoulders to provide for them. His love of the sea and desire for a stable well paying job had made joining the navy a natural choice even if he did not fully agree with some of their ways. The plans he had however, were ruined by an outlaw he had the misfortune to get entangled with and the black mark on his record made it impossible for him to become a marine. Initially angry with the outlaw, an aspiring pirate, Ryker found himself stuck with him and reluctantly became his ship master. The outlaw's antics often left Ryker on edge and the paranoid youngster often tore at his hair and lost his temper in their early years as an upstart gang of pirates. Their many close shaves put his skills and tolerance levels to the test and he would butt heads with his captain at almost every turn. He hated not being in control of the situation and the high risk gambles his captain would take but this did not stopped them from developing a strong friendship. While he never stopped objecting to and worrying about the crazy plans, their continued success put Ryker somewhat at ease and as time passed, he eased back a little accepting that all would be fine as his captain promised. Unfortunately their increased success and notoriety put a target on their back and eventually one arrow hit the mark. Everything fell apart when they fell into the navy's trap on that fateful day which, as far as Ryker knows, killed everyone but him. Having been thrown overboard in the fighting, Ryker woke up alone, washed ashore on an island with the friends he called family and has shared a dream with lost. Since then, he's been hiding in the shadows, aware of the bounty on his head and the manhunt that would start if people discovered he was alive. The incident has left him guilt stricken and more paranoid than before as he now wanders the streets far from ships and the sea with no plans to return.
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fc aishwarya rai


part turkish/indian/french,


sundara samudra.

age 28.

occupation first mate, defiance.




background "beautiful sea", sundara samudra. the nickname is cliché at best but the woman didn't choose it herself... and it seems very fitting that she has attracted such attention from most every seadog and monarch. known for her quick wit and her ability to plunge a knife in your back as she dazzles you with a smile, sundara was born the child of a renowned french explorer and and a woman of indian ancenstry in turkey, sundara was already well-traveled by the time she was eight years of age. on land, at least. she had seen great rivers, lakes, oceans, landmarks. she'd walk the hanging gardens of babylon if it meant sacrificing sea life.

well, perhaps there was a time when she would have done as such. now she is nothing more than a dedicated first mate to her captain. at least she is still something of an explorer.

her life was one of culture and wealth, and though for the time there was little room for woman-scholars, she was determined to have learned all she could. devouring any sort of text she was literate enough to read.

as for her pirate life, she started as little more than a captive.


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