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Realistic or Modern Foster Life

Auriel smiled as she helped Amanda to the kitchen. "I have tons of food so eat as much as you'd like," She explained as she handed her a plate with several pancakes and eggs and a glass of orange juice. "Let me know if you need anything else," She smiled.

She then walked over to Cavalier and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Thanks, for helping sweetheart, it means a lot. Eat as much as you want, it's going to be a long day."
He smiled as he felt his moms kiss on the cheek. "No problem Mom." Cavalier said as he made himself a breakfast plate and a glass of orange juice. He sat at the table, eating quietly.
Amanda takes the plate and glass of orange juice. She looks around and takes a seat at the kitchen table. She takes a small bite of her pancakes and places a hand on her stomach. 'Kid. I'm sitting down. What else could you possibly want me to do? I'm eating. I don't have to go to the bathroom. Are you just doing this to make me uncomfortable? Because it's working...' She thinks to herself and bites back a groan. Her hand begins to rub her stomach, trying to get the baby to settle down. She takes another bite of her pancakes and takes a small sip of the juice.
Jack stayed by the door with John, "John is it, we got your information, but I didn't want to use your name til you told it to me." He knew this child was very hurt, and of wanted to avoid just another foster home. "You got to give us a chance, we won't be perfect, but we will be better then the others." Jack's voice was soothing, hopefully comforting the boy.
Amanda lets out a small sigh, continuing to rub her stomach as she eats. She eats about half of her food and finishes her drink before she finally decides she's full. She looks around before her eyes settle on Auriel. "I can do the dishes if you'd like." She says and takes a deep breath as she tries to stand up.
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((Crap, sorry, I wasn't getting alerts.))

John attempted to smile back at Jack, but barely managed a grin. "Thank you." He whispered, and continued his way into the house, clutching his small tattered bag closely.
Jack walked past him, heading towards the kitchen, "Food is already made John, come on and meet the rest of the family." He entered the archway, giving his son a pat on the back as he walked past him. "Glad you finally woke up, usually takes a bull horn.". Making his food he sat on the bar stool near his wife, enjoying the home made orange juice the most.
Amanda looks at Jack before looking at the floor. "May I, uh, go lay down on the couch?" She asks hesitantly. She remembers asking that in previous homes and she often got no dinner later that night, especially if she didn't finish her breakfast. "I can help with the dishes later." She adds. All she wanted to do was lay down. She was tired, but didn't want to go to bed. She had taken a nap on the car ride over.
Auriel smiled sweetly at Amanda, "It's fine sweetheart, you look tired, why don't you get some rest?"

(Sorry for not posting for a while, I've been on and off because of family :T)
John followed Jack into the kitchen, still clutching his bag closely. He looked around the large room. It was rather nice, with clean, shining counters, large and well made cabinets, and a bar with stools in front of it. He wasn't entirely sure where to sit, and resigned to looking around instead. He had never been in a place so nice.
Amanda gives a small smile and places a hand on the small of her back and uses the back of the chair to stand up. "Thank you." She murmurs. She waddles into the living room and lays down on the couch, placing both hands on her stomach. She moves one hand to her forehead as she feels a headache coming on, her eyes close and she frowns, knowing she can't take ibuprofen or anything.
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After Cavalier finishes his breakfast, he heads up to his room once again. He sits at his desk and draws a picture. He draws the front of their house and the fpster kids coming into it. Even though the kids where stick figures, he still put a bit of thought into the picture. After he finished it, he put it on one of his walls, turning on his tv shortly after.
That morning, Wendy arrived at her new home by Taxi. Luckily, the fare was paid for by CPS. After getting out of the Taxi with a Luggage, Backpack and her Purse. Although she had only a part time job, Wendy still had a decent pay of $11.75/hr and she worked about four times a week. Luckily, it was her vacation week, so she had some time to adjust to her new life and family. It was going to prove difficult because she was very shy, but she can be outgoing. After the Taxi left, Wendy quietly walked to the front door, pulling her suitcase and rang the doorbell.
Amanda lets out a groan as the doorbell rings. When nobody goes to answer it, she stands up with much difficulty. She waddles to the front door and opens it. She gives a small smile at the girl standing there. "Hi." She says softly. "Jack and Auriel are in the kitchen along with another foster kid...." Amanda states and places a hand on her stomach.
Auriel finally finished up the dishes. She gave her husband a small kiss before leaving the kitchen. She then saw Amanda at the front door greeting another foster child. "Hey, you must be Wendy?" She smiled. "Come inside, have some breakfast."
Cavalier went downstairs to greet the next foster kid, as he heard the bell again. "Need any help with your bags?" He asked, standing off to the side of the girl. He waned to make a good first impression with everybody, just so he wouldnt be 'that weird foster brother' or any other name they could give him. He didnt need a repeat of what happens in class happening at home as well.
Amanda moves away from the door and looks at Auriel. "May I have some more orange juice?" She asks, running her fingers through her hair. Her hands go back to her stomach and she begins to rub it. She holds back a yawn and leans against the wall.
Auriel looked over at Amanda and smiled "Sure, sweetheart, have as much as you'd like." She was happy having these kids here. She knew that she was going to make their lives so much better.
Amanda nods her head and waddles into the kitchen. She grabs a glass from the sink and grab the orange juice, pouring herself some more. She then makes her way back into the living room and sits down on the couch, taking a sip of her juice, before placing it on the coffee table, and laying down.
John felt his eyelids grow heavy as he stood against the wall of the grand kitchen. His nap in the car had only made him more tired, and he was feeling this catch up with him now. He attempted to stifle a yawn, but failed and resorted to hiding his face behind his small tattered bag.
IXI said:
Auriel finally finished up the dishes. She gave her husband a small kiss before leaving the kitchen. She then saw Amanda at the front door greeting another foster child. "Hey, you must be Wendy?" She smiled. "Come inside, have some breakfast."
"Thanks. But I already ate before coming here." Wendy declined on her Foster Mother's breakfast offer. When she saw Amanda, she felt indifferent. Foster Parents also take in pregnant teenagers? That's new. Life must really be difficult when you have another human being growing inside of you. Let alone your body going through all those changes. Not that she had anything against it, but it was new to her.

LoveyDoveyT said:
Cavalier went downstairs to greet the next foster kid, as he heard the bell again. "Need any help with your bags?" He asked, standing off to the side of the girl. He waned to make a good first impression with everybody, just so he wouldnt be 'that weird foster brother' or any other name they could give him. He didnt need a repeat of what happens in class happening at home as well.
She then noticed a young boy next to her Foster Mother. He looked much younger then her. Was he another Foster Kid? Or was he the son of the Foster Parents? Or at least, one of them. When he asked to help her with her luggage, she smiled. "Sure. Just be careful with it." There were some fragile things inside, which was why she warned him. Upon walking inside, Wendy felt overwhelmed. This was second Foster home, so she hoped that she didn't have to deal with any abuse like with her previous guardians. She then ran her fingers through her silky black hair with blue tips. Her hair was partially dyed and she really liked it.
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He smiled at her aonce again before carefully picking up her things and taking them to her room. He carefully set them down by the dresser before closing her door behind him. He went back over to the lounging area, sitting down with a huff. He leaned back a bit, closing his eyes.
Jack poked his head out into the foyer, noticing the new girl. "Wendy?" He walked over to her, allowing his hand to extend, "It's a pleasure to have you here, I'm Jackson Manchester, your new foster parent.". He wanted everyone to get situated soon, for he there were errands to run and it would be a good bonding experience. Yet everyone seemed to be off in their own worlds, which was expected from foster kids.
Amanda sighs softly, and sits up. She grabs her juice and takes a drink of it before standing up. She rubs her lower back, and finishes her juice. Her fingers run through her hair as she struggles to stand up. After a few moments she finally gets it, and walks into the kitchen, putting the glass in the sink. Her eyes trail back to the living room, and then to the new foster kid. She lets out another sigh before waddling back to the front door.
Rex arrives at his new home seeing no faces he knows he shrugs and goes inside and finds his bed and starts unpacking. He doesn't like the house much and he could do without friendly people he would rather have silence then to have to put up with nonsense conversations.

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