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Fantasy Forget Me So Discussion

My idea so far is a fire nymph who works for the local blacksmith as their apprentice. Having a natural affinity towards conquering flames she finds a perfect home stoking the forge and making complex tools with her nimble fingers. As for the background, still working on that. I'm thinking of making her an escape slave; though that idea is still up in the air. I'll flesh it out more whenever the character templates are ready.
Though I prefer drawn, I don't mind either way. Don't really get the 'stigma' against anime FCs. Like, if you don't want to deal with them, just imagine how'd they look realistically. This is a platform centered around creativity, is it not?
And I personally figured the background for mine would be a local heroine. Used to the attention of her hometown, but lately has been worried whether or not she actually has any real relations to people, or if it's just because she's a hero of sorts. Finding that the only way to get a real connection with someone is to erase her former life and start anew. Hoping people will get to know her, before her reputation.

Also, I feel the same about real people as FCs. It's just- uneasy knowing it's an actual person, I guess?
Ah yes, what do you guys think the relationship of the local hero that disappeared would be to you guys.
Relationship? Kind of depends on how long we're living in the town at the start of the RP. New arrivals won't know about any hero, living there for a few days and you might know them from face or stories. I personally think you'd have to be living there for a few weeks to build up a relation towards anyone.

Though, hey- odds are I'll be first in line to go find the hero, regardless whether or not my character has a relation towards them.
Yeah. Since my character won't have been in the village for that long to start with they probably won't know much about them.
Also, something I've been wondering, how 'mature' do you intend this to be? As per RpN rules there won't be any- well- adult content. But how about bloodshed (the amount of detail), substance abuse (alcohol), etc.
Have you ever played a rune factory game? It's kinda like that. I think combat and bloodshed can be described without being too bloody if that makes sense. There will be a bar/restaurant mostly for interactions rather than the abuse or drinking of alcohol. If you need a reference, I suppose I could write one up later.
Well, while I would like a few more people to make a village, I'll start making official things if enough time passes. I'll probably fiddle with some lore, rules and the such in the meantime and update you guys as time passes. I want to get that small village in a big world effect if that makes sense. Now, how many people are committed to this rp at the moment? I'm not exactly sure.
Interested in playing a character who was one of the greatest archer but then disappeared after a major conflict and was presumed dead. He was injured and stumbled upon the village and would then work in the village as a woodcutter who cuts wood everyday.
Well, I'm thinking that you guys just post your personality and appearance, then I'll assign the jobs as seen fit.
What about their history? And do we need to describe any weapons or skills? Since we'll most likely be fighting if/when we're going after the local hero.

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