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Forever Alone...?


Senior Member
The year is 515. A simple man, living in a simple village, finds himself in a horrific situation. Unsure of who or why, all he knows is that his wife has been murdered. Back in these days, the police didn't exist. There wasn't any technology, nor were there any real laws. If he wanted justice, he'd have to fight for it himself. Unfortunately, he knew he was too weak to do anything. And he was poor, so he couldn't set a bounty for the killer. Even if he could, he didn't know who had done this to his wife.

Falling into a pit of depression, the man finds himself in the town's tavern. The barmaid pours him some more spirits, and he says, "Even this isn't making me feel better. I wish I could just disappear..." He didn't know it at the time, but the barmaid was a woman who practiced witchcraft. Going back to where he couldn't see, she concocted a potion and mixed it in with his spirits. Upon drinking this, he instantly disappeared, but unfortunately for the barmaid, she was burned for being a witch, having several witnesses seeing her magic.

Rather she was trying to help or not, it didn't work. The man was still there, only, now, he was as small as a bug. And to make matters worse, the spell made him immortal, unable to be killed by anything. So even as much as he wanted to die, he couldn't. She had in a sense, cursed him to live forever in torture. The torture of not being seen, and of having to live alone.

Throughout the years, he had made a few attempts to be noticed by other people, and some were successful. But that didn't always mean good. Some kept him as a slave, or a pet, or a toy. Some were friendly, until they were bored of him. One lady stayed his friend until her early death. He'd found 3 witches, but they all said the same thing. He couldn't be freed of this spell, it was permanent, and they felt sorry for him. Because while most people thought witches were evil, most of them were actually kind-hearted.

In the year, 1620, the man boarded the Mayflower, and headed for the new land. Hoping for a fresh beginning, he had visited his wife's grave before leaving, saying how much he missed her. But it was his time to go, and he found himself in the new world. It was very different from mother England, but he adjusted, because he was in all sense, still just a bug. Over the years, he had seen many wars. The Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, both World Wars... And countless others. It saddened him to see how the world had grown so hateful, and he found himself shutting out any attempts at connecting with other people.

This brings us to the year 2015. It's been 1500 years since his wife's death, and he's stranded in New York, with no easy way to get back to England. This is where he meets your girl. Despite his hesitation, he knows that he needs help. Will she help him reach England, so he can visit his wife's grave? Will she maybe even be able to help him figure out who killed his wife? And will he finally be able to move on, and find love again?

[ So, this is kind of a long description for the plot, but I wanted to give some history about my guy all wrapped up into the plot. Below, I'll post my character sheet, but first, I want to set out a few requirements. First of all, I'm looking for a literate, advanced roleplayer. Somebody who can write me an 8 sentence paragraph 90% of the time, with little to no spelling errors. I'm also looking for a female, if that isn't obvious xD Lastly, I'm hoping to find somebody who is also looking to make a friend, because I like to be friendly and have conversations with the people I roleplay with if I can. If you can meet all these requirements, please post a claim and I'll PM you, as I prefer to roleplay through PM. Oh, and I'll take 1-2 roleplayers for this plot, so if you want it, make sure you come quick. ]

Nathan Blackworth

1522 (Has the appearance of a 22 year old)

Nathan could be considered a handsome man, and was actually desired by most women at his own time. He has dark brown hair, green eyes, and he's clean shaven. His clothes actually are from 1876, the last time he was able to find somebody able to create clothes for somebody of his size. Nathan is a cynical person, having seen so much violence throughout his long life. He has a hard time believing in the good of people any longer. However, if you can convince him otherwise, he will be a loyal friend. Nathan is very lonely, but he doesn't care to admit that. The fact is, when his wife was killed, his heart was shattered into a million pieces, and nobody has ever been able to repair it.

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