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Fantasy Forest of Doom


Six Thousand Club
You think your forest is scary? Bears wolves and even snakes you fear? This is nothing compared to what lies inside the forest of doom. You are either lost or live inside as a predator or a prey...

((Rules are in Overveiw))
Charlotte rode her horse into the forest with the owl on her shoulder. "We're just going in and out to get food, alright guys?" She said speaking to her horse and owl, even though it was more like she was talking to herself. When they entered the woods, it seemed to get darker and more scary. She looked around and she thought she heard a branch break. "Hello?" She said with a frightful voice.
Arakoth had heard voices. Yes, the voices that dare enter his territory. He had been lingering near the edge of the forest, to catch the last glimmer of light before sundown. His keen eyes sheepishly swept over the figure in the distance, fading in and out from the passing trees that marked the feeble being's disappearance. Arakoth simply followed the girl, manuevering his way through the fallen branches. "Death follows, little fawn."
Charlotte's horse whinnied as his eyes darted behind him, but Charlotte's pat on the neck calmed him. "Its alright boy. Stay here, I'll be right back.." She says putting her head on his. She walks over to some mushrooms growing by a tree, and starts to pick them and put them is a basket.
Arakoth stopped slithering as the woman had stopped to gather some resources. He watched closely, and moved ever so slightly. He studied the girl, watching her every move. She was elegant, beautiful, and even seemed quick on her feet. But, it had suited Arakoth's will for hunger. Without hesitation, the serpent moved closer quietly. His scales mimicking the environment around him.
Charlotte's horse snickered and trotted over nuzzling her shoulder. She shushed him and smiled, but turned into a frown when she saw something in the corner of her eye. Green long and scaly. She stood up backing away with her horse's reins.
Xenon was sitting on some latge stones near a lake. The cool breeze blowing against his skin. He leaned his head back breathing in the cool air. As he did he caught the scent of a being he hand not seen in a very long time. He wondered why this being had appeared near the area, and decided he should investigate. The lake was close to his territory, and he did not lile the idea of another creature encrouching onto his land of its strength. Xenon rose from the stone he sat on steadily following the scent. His predatory instincts kicked in, as his movements wete silent.

Once he could tell he was close xenon climbed a nearby tree jumping silently from tree top to tree top. After a while he arrived at the scents origins. What he saw he did not expect a creature he had never seen before picking mushrooms. From the scent he caught from the creature he could tell it was female. The creature held his eyes them not being their normal eye color of dark purple, but glowing purple with slitted pupils. However that was not why he was there. He scanned the area using his sence of smells, as well as his draconion eyes till he saw it. In the distance a large serpent slithering across the ground. He watched it curiously wondering if it was here for the female creature.
Ooooo~....whats this now" the smile of felix was both a blessing...and a curse. While felix did not hunt humans, it does not mean he wont attack. His pink scarf dangling from a tree, looking like a thick bushy vine in darkness
Arakoth stopped, still, waiting for her to be on her way once more. His body blended in with everything around him; he was the master of camouflage, and no one could make him stutter for that. He hissed quietly, so quiet only the sharpest of ears could hear it.
Xenon senced another presence in the distance. A hybrid creature of animal, and something else their appearnace looked simillar to the female creature below. He wondered curiously if there was a similarity. Curiousity aside there wete two presences here that could kill the female creature below, but he wanted to know more of the beautiful creature curiostiy driving him. With that said he lept from the tree landind with a loud thump on the ground just a few feet from the female. He watched her curiously his eyes returning to normal dark purple. A layer of darkness scales formned over his skin translucently only giving the faint silouett of black. Xenon looked at the female only stairing occasionally looking at the serpents directiin barly hearing a small sound. He kept aware of the other presence nearby incase it decided to strike.
Felix claws dug into the tree, his sharp smile beamed like a cresent moon. Pieces of bark dropped on to the ground, though he didnt know of arakoth who was below, as each piece hit him.
Charlotte sighed believing it was just a fallen tree. "Come on boy. Let's get out of here." She says climbing onto her horse and the owl on her shoulder. She started from the way they came but stopped in her tracks. "I just came in this way..." She said to herself. "Why does it look like it goes on for miles....?" She found herself deep within the forest unaware that she was going further in. She groaned and put her hands on her head in frustration.
Sefarina in a dark cave trying to sleep. "Grrrrrrrrrrr. Why can't I sleep?!?!" Sefarina said angered. Sefarina looked out of the dark cave and the bright sun blinded her. "ahhhhhhh! Stupid sun! Why do people love daytime so much?" Sefarina kept tossing and turning trying to sleep. Then Sefarina felt someone in danger. "What the? Aww why does someone have to be in danger in daytime? Why couldn't it be night time?" Sefarina groaned. Sefarina grabbed her wand and disappeared. Sefarina found her self in a forest only seeing a girl. "Wait this is what I woke up for a girl who's alone?!?!" Sefarina was tired and worse the sun shined through some branches and would hit Sefarina. "Wait a minute!" Sefarina closed her eyes. Closing her eyes Sefarina could see where living animals were. Just by seeing heat marks or movement made my cold blooded animals. She saw two weird creatures and some cat neko animal. She saw both the serpent and dragon come toward the girl studying her. "There going to kill her!" Sefarina said. Sefarina flew over and shouted out "Stop!!! Don't you two even dare think about killing her! Come out and show yourselves! Then leave and never come back to harm her!" Sefarina said angered. Sefarina waved her wand to pull the beasts out from there hiding and made them visible. She then waved her wand once more and they flew up into the sky and disappeared. "Are you alright?" Sefarina asked the girl.
She was speechless. Her eyes widened. "Demon!" She yelled out, and her horse galloped through the trees, and she was panting. She found herself a long way away from that place and found herself near a lake. She sat down beside it breathing in and out from her heart racing. Her horse nuzzled her shoulder and her owl sat on her shoulder "Hooing"
"Well your welcome hmp" Sefarina said. "I help get rid of those beasts and I get called a demon. Fairy would be better." Sefarina said as she rolled her eyes. "Well..... *yawn* back to bed." Sefarina waved her wand around her and she disappeared only leaving fairy dust. Sefarina was back in her dark pitch black cave. She yawned some more and finally went back to sleep.
Erulisse sat at the edge of a tiny stream that cut through a tiny clearing in the forest she now took refuge in. Tears streaming down her cheeks as she scrubbed at her bare arms, it had been over a month but she swore she could still feel the blood of her lost love running across her flesh. A silent scream of lament left her lips as she bent forward submerging her body letting the cool water slowly wash over her. "I didn't even get to say goodbye." A million thoughts ran through her head but that one proved the loudest. "Find their murderer, find the one that left me alive. . ." Her words came out as only a whisper but they were filled with rage. Sitting up she grabbed her spear and stared into the blackness that was the forest. "But first I need to find my way out of here." As she left the clearing she attached her spear to her hip letting it dig a small trail behind her, that way she'd know where she had been.
Belzaghor chuckled as he watched the scene unfolding. A stupid girl who should know better than to venture into the forest near sundown is now being stalked by a serpent, a dragon, and a queer cat creature. If it was not for the fairy, who was surely insulted st being called a demon, the foolish girl would be dead by now. "This should be interesting." He said to himself, disappearing into the shadows.
Arakoth simply kept himself stilled. He let the magic of the forest do his bidding, for he was now covered underneath the moss, making a testure of bark that had fallen from above, in which he now noticed. But his art of stealth didn't falter on him, not once.
Charlotte watched as the sun went down. She sighed of relief knowing that all of her packs were on with her horse. She was actually running away from the village near the forest, but was only stopping for food. Her stomach grumbled as she set out a sheet onto the grass and laid on it closing her eyes.
Sefarina woke up seeing the beautiful moon shining down on her. The light from the moon shined down on her blue wings making them sparkle. "It's a beautiful night!" Sefarina said. Sefarina never understood why people like day better than night. You just see the sun and some clouds. Night time however you see the beautiful moon with the stars greeting you as you awake. You see shooting stars that make sparks fly throughout the night. It's just so beautiful and peaceful seeing the endless night sky. Sefarina then started wondering around the forest. Every lake, river, or pond she saw that was dirty she would pick up her wand and drive it down into the water making it clean and clear again. After she finished doing that she would wander around humming songs seeing if anyone needed help, but of course as usual most people slept through the night. The only thing that needed Sefarina's help was nocturnal animals. Other than that not much.
Her eyes darted back and forth her ears perked in every direction, at every sight of something moving, at every sound. But nothing sounded remotely close to the village she had left behind. "This is what happens when you run blindly into the forest, you foolish woman!" But she really had no other option. She remembers the events that lead up to her fleeing from the village that rainy night. Without giving her a chance to speak they threw her into the stocks stripping her of whatever pride she had left, then sentencing her to death at dawn. The events that followed made no since but she had no time to think. hours before sunrise a shadowy figure stood before her unmoving and silent, all she could her was his breathing. And then with a snap the stocks unlocked and her chains fell from her legs. and before she could stand the figure had vanished. Without hesitation she stumbled off the platform falling into the mud, just down the road tiny lights began to grow larger as they quickly approached. Climbing to her feet she bean to run, and just behind her she could hear people yelling, "Catch her, stop her." they shouted. But it was far too late as Erulisse slid down a mud bank into the forest and vanished in its eerie darkness.
EraError said:
Her eyes darted back and forth her ears perked in every direction, at every sight of something moving, at every sound. But nothing sounded remotely close to the village she had left behind. "This is what happens when you run blindly into the forest, you foolish woman!" But she really had no other option. She remembers the events that lead up to her fleeing from the village that rainy night. Without giving her a chance to speak they threw her into the stocks stripping her of whatever pride she had left, then sentencing her to death at dawn. The events that followed made no since but she had no time to think. hours before sunrise a shadowy figure stood before her unmoving and silent, all she could her was his breathing. And then with a snap the stocks unlocked and her chains fell from her legs. and before she could stand the figure had vanished. Without hesitation she stumbled off the platform falling into the mud, just down the road tiny lights began to grow larger as they quickly approached. Climbing to her feet she bean to run, and just behind her she could hear people yelling, "Catch her, stop her." they shouted. But it was far too late as Erulisse slid down a mud bank into the forest and vanished in its eerie darkness.
The cat turns eyes glowing red "hmmmm..." the cat boy appeared right in her face, his smile beaming from ear to ear "herroo~"
Belzaghor materialized nearby Charlotte, a wicked grin spreading across his face. Ph how easy it would be to slaughter her right now, but toying with her wiuld be much more fun. He turned into an innocent looking old man, his back bent and he is clothed in a tattered cloak. "Excuse me young lady, I would like to ask for help." He croaked, his voice cracking and he is coughing badly.
Charlotte awoke by a voice of an old man she stood up backing away, knowing that this could be a trap. "No one could survive this forest..." She says to him. "Your just trying to trick me into be killed!" She yells at him backing away with her horse.

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