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Fantasy Forest of Doom

Charlotte closed her eyes not seeing what was happening around her. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" she screamed squeezing her eyes shut and her hands over her ears.
[QUOTE="the-lich]The cat human meows licking his hand, as he sat down smiling "you dont have a choice...or maybe you do.....maybe you will survive, maybe not"

(Lol, your character reminded me of Chesire)

The creature who stole his prey finally showed up, a sort of serpent who could animate the inanimate. He would want nothing more than to rip its throat and guts out and devour his prey, but things are starting to turn interesting, so he chose to observe for a while.
Sefarina was flying by looking at the peaceful and quiet ripples in the water when all of a sudden she heard someone shout out something really loud. "What in the world was that?!?!" Sefarina quickly flew over seeing the same girl from earlier. She hid in a tree noticing she was scared. Sefarina didn't know what to do. She didn't want to scare her or anything. Sefarina carefully and quietly flew down to the ground and walked towards her. She grabbed her hands and moved them so she could hear Sefarina. "It's all right I'm not going to hurt you. No one is going to hurt you." Sefarina said softly trying to calm her. "What's the matter?" Sefarina said hoping the young girl wouldn't freak out or try to run away again.
"No I promise I won't hurt you. My name is Sefarina." I said running my fingers through her hair trying to calm her down. "Why are you so frightened?" I asked her curiously.
Hmmm..i dont get any interest from trinkets~" he waves his arms, kitty ears wave as does his tail. "But ill go...ill leave and...sniff when monsters eat your flesh...ill cry for you" he tip toes away snobbing, then checking her.
"I hear voices everywhere! I'm being chased, being hunted..." She says as beads of sweat form on her forehead and her eyes quiver.
"Shhhhh! It's okay! I don't see anyone around here and besides I'm here and I like to see someone try to defeat me." I laughed. "Where do you live? I can easily take you home and make sure no one will hurt you. I promise." I said trying to calm her down.
Erulisse stares blankly as the creature leaves, moving her wrist into her eyesight she manages to crack something of a smile. "Maybe...?" She looked back into the forest. The beasts last words still lingering but only just for a few minutes more. "Was it really that easy?" Letting out a sigh of relief she shook her head and let her arm fall lifelessly to her side. "Maybe..." She stepped out the stream and sat heavily on the ground. "Let them eat my flesh, I have no reason to be here anymore, there's no one here." Unconsciously she began to lay down on the cold ground, and her heavy eyes closed. "Tragedy is my life." her voice only a whisper as she fell asleep.
She shook her head. "I'd actually rather live here than where I used to..." she murmured when she heard whinnying, she turned around seeing her horse come bounding through the trees towards her.
"Well I don't think that's a good idea living here. It's really dangerous. If you want you can come over to my place. It isn't much put a dark cave. but to me it's home at least." Sefarina said.
Belzaghor resisted the urge to laugh. "Well well, there are still some who choose to help than to stalk their prey." He thought to himself, finding this amusing indeed. He found the arrogance of the fairy amusing, and it sounded as if she is really convinced of what she said.
"It's fine.." She says. "I'll be fine..." She says as she gets on her horse and the owl flies back, she continues on with her journey.
"Be careful if you need anything holler." Sefarina said as she waved goodbye. The fairy then started walking away towards a lake.
"Why am I here?" She stirred in her sleep. "Worry not love I am here with you." A soothing male voice sounded in the dark room. "Love?" Erulisse shot up and her eyes popped open standing in front of her was the man she had thought she lost. "You were dead, I. . . I saw you, they took you from me!" She climbed to her feet and ran to him throwing herself into his arms. "No my love I am always here." He wrapped his arms around her and patted her head. "Always" The room lit up and Erulisse felt as if she was floating on clouds. Her love looked down at her his eyes smiling at her. "Always." He repeated, and then slowly started to fade. "No my love, come back I can not live without you!" "Noo. . . ." Erulisse mumbled in her sleep and tears began to stream from her eyes. "Take me with you.." Grabbing in her sleep she reached out and took up the cat creatures shirt holding it tightly. "Take me with you. . . My love."
(Lol wow sleep for a few hours when stuffs dead then bam 48 new post lol.)

Xenon stood there in the trees watching, as all the evenrs unfolded before him. Several new creatures had kniw appeared in the forest. When he saw the girl next to his lake he peered closer, as that was his. Then other creatures appeared. In his mind he knew only one thing the creatures were encrouching on hus territory. When they ventured forth further into his land he stood up enraged. Quickly his eyes transformned, as his anger grew stronger eyea like that if a snakes.

Xenon launched into the air jumping from the top of the tree, and into the air where his body shed the human form releasing his true form. He let out a eath shaking roar, that vibrated through the air. He quickly soared through the sky tracking down the creatures. Black flames with a bright purple light eminating from it leaked from the sides of his mouth. His eyes glowing a bright neon purple.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Sefarina quickly grabbed her wand ready if he did attack. "What do you want?!?" Sefarina waited for answer. @Lord Anubis
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Xenon dived towerds the creature shouting at him making a high pitched wining sound, as he cut through the air. Just before reaching top of the creature his wings shot out catching the lift from the onrushing air. He quickly tiltwd upwards soaring just above the trees. Before he passed the creature he let out a stream of black fire. Even if it did not strike the creature the flames would engulfe the trees setting them ablaze with black flames letting out a bright purole light from the flames.
"Woah!" Sefarina dodged the flames and noticed it hit the trees. She grabbed her wand and shot water to quickly kill the flames. After she did that she went after the beast! She waved her wand and stopped him from moving. "What is your problem?!?! Why do you want to hurt me I didn't even do anything!!" Sefarina was furious.
What the creature failed to understand was the law of territory. When a creature encrouched upon anothers territory they had every right to defend it. While xenon was initially stopped by the creatures magice his wings slowly began to beat faster against the wind. Large gustbof air flew hard against the creature, as he slowly began to move forward.
"Ah. Stop It!" Sefarina could feel her feet sliding backwards because of the strong gust of wind. Sefarina realized he must live here or something. "Wait! Stop! I'll leave! I didn't mean to intrude or anything. I just wanted to rest here the lake is so peaceful. I'll leave now I'm sorry." Sefarina then lowered him down wither her wand and flew up to the sky leaving.

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