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Forest Child

"Fun," a harsh laugh erupted from under the covers. "Of course you'd think its fun, listening to the screams of a helpless creature. Not even an animal, but a highly intelligent being who is probably smarter than you'll ever be. Because unnecessary torture is so much fun." Asher did not move from his fetal position under the blanket but rather hugged his knees closer to his chest, the image of the young vampire painted across his eyelids but slightly altered. He did not see monstrous fangs or blood. He saw eyes filled with pain and confusion, and it broke his heart a little. Surrana always said he cared too much; maybe she was right.

Toma pursed his lips, obviously displeased with the turn in conversation. Asher and Aurelio often butted heads over little things like this, but at least they did not argue nearly as often as Azrael and Demetrius. The exchanging of opinion he could handle, but when it escalated to physical blows like arguments with his cousin so often did, that was when Toma chose to intervene. Ideally, there would be no disagreements at all, but with so many different personalities in one "room", he knew it was hopeless to expect peace all the time.


"A vampire?" Azrael repeated, her interest piqued. How she would have loved to see that. Feeding the prisoners was one of her favourite tasks because it was just so far from the ordinary. Everything here was dull in her eyes. At least when she went to feed the prisoners she found variety. It was amazing what sorts of creatures resided out in the wilds, free to do as they wished with no restraints and no boundaries. Often she entertained the idea of setting them all free, maybe following them out past the walls and into the endless expanses. But she never did. Just gave the captives their food, exchanged words with the few who were willing to speak to her. That was it.


Despviir nodded thoughtfully, turning to peer out of the entrance where the door remained slightly ajar, propped open by the guard's corpse. The sun had disappeared behind the treeline, but it was still light enough outside that even she would be easily spotted despite her grey skin. "Then we shall leave after the light is gone. I do not think they light the paths at night, we can be in and out in less than an hour's time. I suppose we cannot deny anyone who wishes to follow us, but I would like to keep our company small."


"My, don't you clean up nicely," Daneel smirked, a shallow attempt at defecting the boy's attention. He was a mess of shaggy hair and open wounds. Dried blood covered most of his clothes and his face, and he had to even take a personal inventory of bones he might have broken or the state of his horns. Everything hurt, and he was happy to leave it at that for now. No need to discover that his horns were missing, thought sharp pains at the base of where his horn were located gave him the creeping suspicion that the wretched humans had done something. He simply had not noticed as the iron had taken up nearly all of his attention. "They call me Daneel."
Demetrius sighed. Aurelius worked almost purely with the blacksmith, and as such had only ever been to the prison once. When he was twelve. He made it to the door with the food cart before he had wimped out and it was up to Demetrius to feed the beasts for him. Aurelius' talk of fun was all machismo to cover a shame he still felt over cowardice. Not that Demetrius would spill such a secret about his brother, Aurelius should reap what he sows. Demetrius made eye contact with Toma, trying to convey that it was Aurelius' place to fix it, not any third party's.

"Asher, that's not how I meant it, I swear! It's just...got to be loads more excitement than what I do everyday. I'm never on prison duty," Aurelius said defensively. He knew he had probably crossed a line, and it was obvious that Asher was perhaps even more sympathetic towards the vampire than Demetrius was. Aurelius had never seen his brother looking more troubled than when describing feeding time today. Aurelius was mildly jealous, actually. Both Asher and Demtrius had gotten to meet one of the most frightening of creatures in the wood, and Aurelius had done nothing with his day but get hurt like an idiot and miss work.

He was waiting for a reply, but he smelled food, and he heard the girls coming around the corner.


"That's all I know really. They caught him resting in the church catacombs. Poor thing was probably just trying to pass through, no vampire victims have been reported in three years, and they dealt with the beast responsible. This one was probably just sheltering from the sun," Surrana said, turning the last corner before their room's entryway. She could hear Aurelius talking already, the loud git. Oh, Asher seems to have said something, if she understood what she heard.

She turned to smile at Azreal. "Well, let's bring them a boutniful feast!" Surrana exclaimed, pulling back the curtain and leading the other girl with her. The atmosphere was slightly tense, but that was usually the case if Aurelius and Asher talked. Too much fake bravado meeting with much too honest pacifism and cowardice; it was always a mess.


Vorinia looked to the elf and the Drow. "I'm coming with you as well. And I believe our two saviours should come as well," the nymph said, motioning to the two in question in their position near her feet. "The armoury and smithy should be the first targets, so we can get weapons. Then the storage building. That alright with you younglings?" She questioned, her tone both gentle and condescending at once. Strange accomplishment.

Calindrien merely nodded, too disdainful of the nymph for a verbal reply.

The vampire, Bastien he had called himself, nodded as well, before turning back to the Tiefling.


Bastien turned back to the Tiefling. "My thanks...I think," he said in reply to the creature's complement. The Tiefling looked in bad shape, but he would need to be in better condition for their escape. The other creatures not of their group already seemed to be heading for the exit, only waiting for light to be gone, similar to the Drow's plan. It wouldn't be long before alarm bells sounded. Perhaps an hour or two, as they would probably respect the Drow's plan enough to allow her group (and it was undeniably hers, for now) their out before the other beasts struck.

The vampire had just fed, and he knew what to do. "Here, it's an old trick we of the night's children use on our mortal allies," he said, slitting his palm with one of the daggers. "Drink. It'll heal you and reinvigorate you for a little bit. Like when humans drink coffee. You'll crash in about four or five hours, so we will need to get you proper food. This will do for a bit," Bastien said, holding his bloodied palm to Daneel's mouth. It wasn't exactly a savoury sight, but vampire blood was potent in healing ability. Among other things.
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"Whatever," Asher mumbled to his knees. The scent of food found its way to his nose, but he found he had lost his appetite somewhere between the prison and his secluded section of the village's stone wall. Surrana would expect him to eat, he knew, and often times he would humor her, but not tonight. He ignored the sounds of food being placed on the table and the amiable chatter. He ignored the pangs in his stomach as the pervading scent grew ever stronger. Because even if his stomach said he was hungry, his brain warned him that if he took even a single bite he would surely be sick later.

Toma released a weary sigh and ran a hand through his unkempt hair. So it would be a tense meal, and what a shame as Surrana had been so pleased to find that everyone would be home for dinner tonight. Often jobs were unpredictable, and a few kids would miss dinner altogether. It was a rare occurrence when all six of the friends made it home on time. Usually the best one could hope for was four around the small table. And Toma was starting to think that was how it should be.

Azrael felt the tension in the room and her immediate thought was that Demetrius had obviously done something or said something to piss everyone off. She cast suspicious glares from across the table as she helped Surrana lay out their meal--she had really outdone herself with the best cut of pork Azrael had ever seen--but said nothing. She was not fond of the twins. At all. They always felt the need to stir up animosity with their stupid opinions and rash actions. Even the proud way they tended to carry themselves had Azrael clenching her fists and grinder her teeth. Had it not been for Suranna and Toma she would have ended them a long time ago.


Despviir regarded the nymph with a rather offended expression. "Younglings," she scoffed, standing just a hair taller as she straightened her spine and looking at the creature with haughty reproach. "I daresay I have far outlived each of the souls in here. I existed long before the age of man, I lingered as these humans thrived, and I may yet survive to see their downfall. I do not believe even you can say the name, nymph." For it was true, Despviir was many centuries older than even the other elvenkind here in captivity. And to have this woodland spirit speak to her as if she were some newborn was the greatest insult imaginable.


"Don't insult me with your talk of humans," Daneel growled, pushing Bastien's hand away. He refused to acknowledge that side of his being, for though he appeared human in nature, that was the only that linked him to the race of men, but his pride allowed him to think he appeared more demonic than human with long, pointed ears, an impressive pair of horns for his age, large fangs and even a tail. Also being more than three quarters demon, he held sway over hellhounds and even limited amounts of hellfire, more than he could say for most of his race. So perhaps he didn't heal as quickly as vampire, that did not obscure the fact that he was healing quickly enough. Even now his wounds were closing over and his heart rate becoming slower and stronger. He would be fine.
Surrana motioned for everyone to sit down, a too taut smile gracing her features. Demetrius winced. His twin and Asher had definitely scored them all a Talk. Aurelius, however, seemed ignorant of the young woman's expression. He seemed to be drooling over the food instead. She lovingly stared at everyone sitting at the table, at least outwardly. Demetrius saw the cold fire of her annoyance burning in her eyes. Demetrius sat down at his place, watching all the others do the same except for Asher. Stupid, stupid boy... Demetrius thought with a decent amount of worry for someone he considered a friend, even if it was a fragile relationship.

Surrana, of course, was not having that. "Asher. If you are awake, at least sit at the table for a moment, I wish to discuss certain matters with you all," she said in an icy tone, a stark contrast to her warm expression. "If you aren't hungry, that's fine, but Nan and I spent quite a bit of time preparing the meal. This is the last of the meat we have for this month, until the village Elders deign to give us a next restock. So at least come over and appreciate how it looks and smells. It will be the last you'll see of pork for a long while," she said coldly.

Even Aurelius, distracted by hunger and the smell of food, noticed the stern nature of her voice. Oh, it was going to be one of those discussions, wasn't it.

The last of the light was gone from the sky, and Aurelius felt it was going to be a long night.


Vorinia laughed. Green-tinged tears of mirth streamed down her face, as she tried to regain her breathing. "I do believe I can, actually, Drow. Your age is just barely scratching the threshold of a millennium. You're young for your kind, what's left of them. Your species' reproduction slowed down and halted completely about... eight centuries ago? So my estimate would be somewhere between eight and nine centuries of age, give or take. The elf here," the nymph said, motioning to Calindrien, "Is about...five centuries. The vampire and the Tiefling are around a century. This village is three hundred years old, built during the rise of man. So you, dear Drow, are the second oldest thing for leagues and leagues and leagues. My kind, what the elves haven't enslaved and the humans haven't slaughtered, go back quite far. So, if I feel the need to call you younglings, I will."

The nymph looked mildly annoyed by the end of her speech, but returned to a kind, neutral expression. She didn't care what the Drow thought of her, Vorinia just wished for it to be clear she can and will refer to others as younglings as long as it pleases her. Calindrien rolled his eyes. Nymphs were basically immortal children, always fun loving and petty.

"Don't mind her too much, nymphs refer to everyone as young. They themselves don't even know the full extent of their lifespans. Unlike with elves, Drow, and vampires, however, age does not account to power. Just let her have her foolishness," Calindrien stated to the Drow. She could tell the woman might be a bit haughty, but she was wise enough to just let it go and move on with plans. He hoped. The sun had set, and they should be going soon.


Bastien retracted his hand from the slap, his eyes showing a small ounce of hurt. A small, predatory light entered his ice coloured eyes, but he calmed himself. If the Tiefling didn't want his healing expedited by vampire blood, so be it. "Fine, then don't accept a gift." The vampire stated calmly, standing up to join with the others. He hadn't meant to offend the demonblood, as vampires called them, only to help. His cheeks burned with shame and hurt, but his eyes betrayed nothing, and the pink of his blush hard to see in the dimly lit prison.

Calindriend noticed the exchange. What idiot turns down vampire blood? Blood from a vampire was seen as a powerful ingredient in potions and aphrodisiacs in elven lands, and coming by it was a pain. Raw vampire blood was as potent as arcane energy, if the vampire was healthy and well fed. Shaking his head at the stereotypical brashness of the Tiefling, the elf nodded in welcome as the vampire stood beside him and the Drow, the nymph still standing a couple feet away.
Asher heard the ice in her voice. He knew he'd fucked up somehow, though he was more inclined to place the blame on Aurelius for starting on the topic. At any rate, tensions were high enough and he did not want to be the reason dinner was ruined, so with much internalized grumbling, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and pushed himself up into a seated position. It wasn't exactly "at the table" but he deemed it was close enough as his knees nearly touched Toma's back. All eyes turned to Surrana, waiting for her to start talking. Her speeches were infamous, and everyone hated them, but it was wiser to stay silent and let her get everything out of her system rather than ignoring her until she decided to punish her victims in the most passive-aggressive ways possible.


The Drow gracefully allowed to speak and offered a brief apology, for though she had been locked away for many years she had not yet forgotten her manners. The apology was in no way heartfelt, but she thought it wiser to let bygones be bygones at least until they had reached safety. She took a quick count of her party--five including herself--and quickly described her plan. They had to be fast, they had to be silent. She would not hesitate to leave them behind if they slowed her down. First they would go to the armory and smithy, find suitable weapons. Calindrien would lead them to this warehouse he had mentioned where they might find provisions and suitable clothing. And then they would be off, hopefully going their separate ways for she had little sentiment for the other woodland creatures and would rather be by herself. As such, she did not bother giving her name though many names had been exchanged already.

Daneel listened from his place on the wall, nodding in agreement with the plan though no one really cared what he thought or payed much attention to him at all. He didn't care. He was just trying to plan the best place to spark a fire that would burn this village to ashes while still travelling in a group for protection as he was still too weak to escape by himself. He was not, however, too weak as to accept vampire's blood. Yes, he caught the look Calindrien had given him, and he raised a challenging brow as he gracefully rose to his feet without a single complaint from his body.
Surrana smiled at the gathering, the chicks to her mother hen. She let them sit in silence for five minutes, feeling the atmosphere grow evermore tense as she made them wait. Finally, in a soft voice one might use to calm an infant, Surrana began with a question. "Would someone kindly inform me as to why our dear Asher and Aurelius seem to be in foul moods?"

Demetrius gulped. It had to be a trap, but he and Toma were the only ones she would accept an answer from. "Asher and I fed the prisoners today. It was Asher's first time with that role, which...was unfortunate. They had the new prisoner, a vampire, strung up in blessed iron. As you can imagine, it was a little...traumatic," the twin replied, looking to Asher, hoping he didn't overstep a boundary. "Asher is kindhearted and empathetic. I'm sure it was a rough experience for him, as it was hard for me and I've fed the prisoners many a time. And Aurelius said something stupid, of course," he continued.

Aurelius motioned to say something, but Surrana held up a hand without taking her eyes off Demetrius. She motioned for him to continue. Demetrius cleared his throat. "He said something about always missing out on the fun, in that careless way he does, and it hit a nerve for Asher. Nothing was meant by it, I assu-"

"That's enough. While it's all well and good that Aurelius didn't intend to upset Asher, I do not care. What I care about, Aurelius," Surrana said, turning her glare on the other twin, "Is that you don't know when to silence your foolish mouth. Hate me for this if you wish, but I have a story to share. There once was a small boy of twelve, and orphan assigned to go feed the prisoners in our village. He made it to the door before he burst into tears and his twin had to continue his duty. As he has done every year since, fulfilling his brother's assignment as well as his own to go down into that dank pit of despair and feed the beasts. That cowardly child would be you, Aurelius, and your brother is quite kind to continue to do that for you. Don't look so surprised, little ten year old Surrana was watching from the window of the bakery as she helped sort the different flours," Surrana stated, keeping a calm appearance as Aurelius looked down in shame and Demetrius tried to continue looking neutral.

"So do not make some offhanded remark about how fun the prison must be to visit when you yourself react to it badly. This was Asher's first time. It is traumatising for us all, our first time. Even Toma and Azreal, for all their brevity, were messes their first time. Azreal, you of course have adjusted more to the assignment than we have, but do not deny the fear you had," Surrana stated, looking to the girl in question.

Turning to Asher, Surrana grew stern. "Asher, I love you dearly, I truly do. But you must learn to at least act brave. You are not a coward or weak for feeling empathy for one of the creatures. There was a half elf, two years ago, who's mother was fleeing her own village in exile. She made it here. They put her to the stake for cavorting with the fair folk, and her bastard son was locked in the prison. I almost gave him the key, when I met him. They kept him tied in thin iron chains, not even blessed. Iron does not mix well with the elves. But I did not, for the obvious repercussions that would have entailed. But the fact of the matter is that we all feel pity and empathy for those creatures, at some time or another. It is nothing to be ashamed of. But you must cease the cowardice and pacifism. This is a cruel world, you would do well to keep that in mind. That vampire? I don't care that he could be a saint of the church turned against his will, he is still going to die for the simple crime of existing. That is the village we live in. That is the world we live in. You. Must. Accept. This." She concluded, her demeanor returning to tired but perky, as she began eating.


The elf shook his head at the Tiefling's idiocy. He thinks to himself that it probably would have gone differently had the Tiefling known how rare a gift it was for a vampire to give, and how offensive it was to their Society to refuse the gift. The Tiefling would have been charged magically for days. As Bastien had said, Daneel would have crashed within a few hours. What the vampire did not mention is that the high would continue after waking up. From a freshly fed vampire, the energy, strength, and healing would have lasted him a week, until the blood faded from his system. The elf shrugged, it wasn't his problem.

The Drow seemed to be making a move towards the exit, and the elf followed suit. The vampire followed hesitatingly, while the nymph walked alongside the Tiefling. The move into town began.
Azrael's eyes widened in both surprise and amusement as Surrana went straight for the kill. Usually there was at least a little fluff in the beginning, like her whole "I do this out of love" speech--which Azrael had actually memorised some time ago--but not this time. She went straight for the jugular with tooth and claw, and she couldn't help snorting with amusement as the blonde recounted Aurelius' first, and it would seem only trip to the prison. So the long awaited question as to why it seemed the boy had never once been called for feeding duty was finally answered. She leaned over to deliver some smart remark in her cousin's ear, but she hadn't so much as opened her mouth when Surrana brought her name into the lecture, reminding everyone that even the fearless girl had been shaken after her first time in the prison. Azrael cut her eyes away from everyone else and trained her gaze on the ground, a faint blush staining her cheeks and spreading across her ears. Those were the days just before Toma agreed to teach her how to fight. "To defend yourself," he had explained, but as the years passed on it became much more than simple self-defense. She knew how to use her slight frame and flexibility to her advantage and had even managed to take down Toma once or twice in their sparring.

Asher's face had turned bright red the moment Surrana posed the initial question. So this was going to start and end with him then. And indeed it did and she went around the circle, reminding everyone about how frightened they had been feeding the creatures, and how they should not give him a hard time. He knew she was trying to impart one of her life's lessons, and yet at the end he felt as if she had just wanted to scold him for being a pacifist and accuse him of cowardice. He was ashamed, yes, but he did not have to be ashamed around them, so as she ended her lecture, Asher stood silently and slipped from their room, out of the building, and into the cool autumn night where he might be able to breathe without accusations hanging around his head like a death sentence. Yet one phrase still rang in his ears and wounded his judgement like the lash of a whip: I almost gave him the key, when I met him... But I did not, for the obvious repercussions that would have entailed.

What had he done?


Despviir held the door open, red eyes piercing the gloom of the night as they sprinted past her. She would be the watchout tonight as her party of five slipped through the deep shadows cast by sleeping houses on the way to the middle of town where the smithy and armory promised a wide range of weapons for the escapees to choose from.
Surrana had noted Asher's absence, but she left him to his own devices. She had said what she needed to, and now she was hungry. She had the strangest feeling that this night was about to go terribly terribly wrong, although she had no idea why. She conversed with the twins, and Azreal and Toma, hoping Asher would return before bed. The night's patrolmen would not take too kindly to an orphan out on the streets at this hour. She would go look for him if he was not back by the end of dinner. Azreal and Demetrius were arguing, as usual. 'Fiercly debating' as Toma tended to call it. The cousins seemed to only consider something an argument if violence was involved. Demetrius, for all his muscle and martial prowess, didn't pick physical fights with Azreal. Not because he knew that Azreal could beat him, as she has convinced herself, but because they would both end up hurt. He had the size and muscle, she had the agility and the hand to hand experience. They'd both end up flat on their asses with Aurelius laughing and Toma and Surrana scolding the both of them. And Toma would probably hit Demetrius, even if Azreal had started it. So it was best that their fights remained verbal.

Aurelius still seemed quite reserved after the tongue lashing Surrana had committed. This was a mild lecture, length wise, but content wise she had shredded everyone completely and utterly. Aurelius couldn't help but think she was the perfect mother figure, all gentleness with passive-aggressive manipulating and vicious skill with words when angered.

Demetrius just looked tired, eating his meal and continually throwing glances at Asher's seat and the door. He was worried for Asher, and he was worried about a gnawing suspicion in the back of his mind. Asher had looked slightly guilty during part of Surrana's speech. He prayed to God he was wrong in that train of thought. He felt a great deal of pain for the vampire as well, but he would never do something as stupid as free a creature from the prison. But was Asher that stupid...?


Calindrien looked at the different weapons the humans stored within the armoury and smithy. He noticed a familiar gleam in the pile of weapons. He took out the twin blades, joined by a leather string. Elvish in make, but not his own familiar blades he had left in the forest. He couldn't help but wonder as to how the humans got their hands on these, but he had no doubt that the humans stole them from a previous prisoner. Calindrien shivered over the thought of what might have happened to the last elf they held captive. He also managed to find a well made bow, modeled after elven weaponry, but not nearly as strong and supple. It would have to do until he could make his own. He grabbed a quiver, as many arrows as he could, and some leather archery gloves. He went outside to wait on the others. The Drow already seemed to be there, weapons ready. He didn't see the vampire, who already had a set of daggers. He was probably making sure no one caught them off guard.

Vorinia surveyed the human weapons. She didn't need any of the armours held in the building, as her skin was already tough as bark when she had the energy for such magic. What she needed was a weapon. In the wilds, the dryads and nymphs fought off human and elven invasion with weapons of wood, rock and stone. These mostly metal weapons annoyed her with their gleam. Finally her eyes alighted on a long, elegant glaive. She typically used such a weapon, although made with bone instead of steel. At least it would be easier to maintain than one of the many iron weapons, and she knew how to fight with it. She looked around once more, and noticing a silver cross medallion hanging on the smith's desk, she grabbed it. The vampire seemed sweet enough, but she didn't want to be caught unawares if he went feral. Plus silver would keep the elf and Tiefling from being too much of a threat, should they turn on her.


Bastien wandered around the village, daggers sheathed in his belt. He needed new cloths, but the storehouse Calindrien spoke of was sure to have some. He marveled at the size of the village, it was a lot bigger than he had thought. More of a small town. Must have been one of the great outposts of the human empire before it receded into a mess of fractured lands and kingdoms and isolated villages.

He walked in absolute silence, as only his kind could. He had no need to breathe, and his heart did not beat. He saw a large building with crates and boxes surrounding it, more in the windows. The storage building. But why was there still light in the windows, and the smell of youth pervaded the place along with poverty. He had a sinking feeling in his stomach. He knew of human villages that used such buildings for twofold purposes; always as a secondary storage building, and as something to house the outcasts of society. In some human towns it was the elderly, in others the sick, as a place of quarantine. The smell that filled Bastien's nose told him that this was neither, but rather a place for the young. It was too lit up at night for it to be a schoolhouse. Meaning it was an orphanage. Bastien's trepidation grew as he came closer. Children. Children stood in the way of freedom. The others would surely be willing to make the sacrifice, but was the vampire? He wasn't so sure.

He saw movement and caught a familiar scent. The human from the prison. Walking on his own outside. In a town now filled with monsters, most of whom were not among Bastien's group who merely wanted to leave. Shit...this is bad, this is really bad. Not knowing what to do, he burst into action, catching the human male in seconds. He put his hand over the man's mouth, to cover in any sound.

"Um, I... Uh, thank you. For the keys. But... We need to get you somewhere safe, like...immediately," Bastien stammered, panicking slightly. The human looked startled and guilty and terrified all at once, and looked on the verge of a panic. Bastien was about to open his mouth to try and calm the man down, but he was interrupted.


"Asher! Asher where are you, it's time for bed. I didn't mean to upset you with my speech, I did it out of my care for you. Please come back," Surrana was half yelling as she walked around the orphanage. Then she spotted him, with his back to her. She sped up, excited to have found him and stopped dead. Looking around Asher was one of the most beautiful creatures Surrana had ever seen, ice blue eyes aglow with an unnatural luminescence and skin whiter than she had ever seen. She froze in shock, as did the creature. He looked terrified and panicked.
Despviir wandered through the stacks of steel, disappointed to say the least. The craftsmanship was clumsy at best and a complete eyesore at worst. Still , the Drow predicted she would need a weapon before the night was over. Anything here would likely make due, but it was all so heavy. She needed something light, something that would move as quickly and as silently as she which ruled out all swords and many of the daggers. She hesitated to reach for a bow because she already knew the wood to be too flimsy, and even the length a little short for her taste. What she needed was a strong longbow, something tall and elegant, something dependable. Everyone else had found a satisfactory weapon, and they seemed to be waiting now, all eyes on her and her fingers trailed over the wall of bows, plucking each string to test its strength. They seemed nothing more than toys, and Despviir was near giving up on this futile search when just out of the corner of her eye, cast aside against the far wall lay something she thought she might never see again. It was her own bow, crafted by her father long ago when she was still a little one, just coming of age and training as an archer in the guard. It had seen her through many hard times. Curious that the humans should have held onto it all this time...

In one swift motion she restrung her bow as the years had seen the bowstring loosen and slip away from the top notch and slipped it over one shoulder so that the wood of the bow rested comfortably against her back. Such a comforting sensation, so natural, she couldn't help the smile that pierced through the scowl that had made a home on her face for the past three years. She looked around the armoury, counting heads like a mother might her young. "... three... Where's the vampire?"

"He went that-a-way," Daneel supplied, pointing in the direction of the supply house. "He already grabbed the daggers from the guard, probably went in search of clean clothes before he made his leave."

"And did no one follow him?" Despviir growled, advancing on the Tiefling swiftly as a hurricane.

The boy shrugged. "I don't really think he needs a babysitter, but seeing as you're about to send someone to go fetch him, you can hold your breath. I'm on it." And with that, Daneel pushed off the wall with lazy effort, sheathing his newly acquired weapons in his boots, breeches, and any other place that he could hide various knives. He kept a single dagger out, of of the pair he had found. They were beautifully crafted, and he only wished he had found proper sheaths for them to that he could keep them someplace easy to access rather than in the folds of his tattered clothes.

The Tiefling drifted through the night as if he was nothing but the darkness himself, quiet but not entirely silent. He did not have the luxury of being dead like a vampire, so he still relied on breathing for, well, everything. He turned the corner onto the winding street leading to the supply house on the outskirts of the town, encountered an unsettling amount of light. He shrank back into the safety of the shadows, peering around the building to find Bastien holding a restraining arm and a silencing hand around the lanky, white-haired boy from earlier.

"You idiot," he breathed.


Asher had been taken completely unawares as he felt a hand clamp down over his mouth before he could even register what was happening let alone take a breath to scream for help. Startled green met determined blue as he looked up and his eyes widened in recognition. It was the vampire, free from his cage, leering too close to Asher's exposed skin for comfort. Although in all honesty the vampire could be at the other end of the street and it would still be too close for comfort for they had all heard the stories: the victims caught by surprise and left live just long enough to realise their fate before gleaming fangs pierced the skin at the base of the victim's neck and he or she was bled dry.

He scrambled backward as the creature opened its mouth, presumably to take its first bite, and tripped over the uneven cobblestone. He though he was going down when a strong arm wrapped around his waist, keeping him upright. The man was talking to him, but Asher wasn't focused on the words. He was focused on his proximity to this beautiful creature, this terrifying monster of legends who was thanking him for the keys and... wanting to take him somewhere safe? Asher pulled his face away from the vampire's silencing hand, the better to voice his confusion when the sound of his name turned his attention to the blonde frozen in place just feet away.

"Surrana," he gasped, looking quite like a deer in the headlights. He should have felt fear, but instead he found the only sensation he could name was guilt. Guilt for giving the vampire the key, guilt for upsetting Surrana at dinner. Had he just followed the rules the vampire would still be locked away. Had he put on a pleasant face as he normally did during meals Surrana wouldn't be here, just feet away from the greatest threat imaginable. Had he just been brave... "Run!"

"Well if this isn't a wild turn of events," Daneel drawled, emerging from the shadows at last, twirling the dagger in his hands as if it were a toy. The lights cast his form in harsh shadows, defining his large teeth and casting his eyes in shadows. His horns gleamed in this light, and his entire profile painted a monstrous shadow upon the crumbling facade of the store house. "You know, we ought to kill you two, but it would seem both Bastien and I owe the boy our lives. So we're going to have to be fast; the others are behind me."
Bastien flicked his eyes between the man, the girl, and the Tiefling, trying to decide the best course of action. Daneel was giving him the opportunity to save these humans, but the vampire didn't have long. The rest of their group would be here soon enough, and though the nymph might let the humans be, odds were that the Drow and elf would not. The girl, Surrana, looked suddenly determined. She seemed to have guessed the basics of what was going on. She didn't exactly looked pleased, but Bastien couldn't tell if the glare was for himself or for the young man in front of him. Possibly both, if he was honest with himself.

"Daneel, can you...just keep the others occupied. Just for a moment, I mean. I'm going sneak them out the back door...and maybe get myself some clothes while I'm in there," the vampire said, moving without waiting for a reply. He guided the white haired boy over to the blonde. The male had guilt all over his face, and was being more or less silent. The blonde girl was less so.

"I can't believe you were this bloody stupid, Asher," she whispered angrily. She walked with Bastien and Asher to the entrance to the orphanage, looking over her shoulder as they retreated. The Tiefling looked like he was conflicted over being amused and annoyed. Best to worry about that later. There were monsters in the village, wandering the street. She needed to get her friends to safety, and if this vampire was going to help, far be it from her to refuse. "I'm Surrana, by the way. You've already met Asher. You're the vampire they caught this morning, yeah?" Surrana whispered questioningly, opening the door to the building.

Bastien nodded, trying to ignore the revolting smell of human food and the tempting smell of young blood. "That's right. I'm Bastien," he responded with hesitation. For all he knew, the girl's compliance might be a trap. It would be easy to take on a human, or even a group of humans, as well fed as he was. But he would rather not risk that amount of noise. "You..wouldn't happen to have any spare clothes, would you?" He asked, not daring to hope.

Surrana shrugged. "With your size, your best hope would be that Azreal has some clothes to spare. The twins and Toma are too large, and Asher and I are too tall," she replied. There would be no harm in giving the boy clothes, surely. Bastien nodded, too nervous to speak. The sounds of children and teenagers, and even a few adults, were surrounding him. He didn't like it. They finally turned a corner in the maze of a building, and stood before a curtain. Bastien could smell four other humans within. Hell, am I going to have to help six humans? Daneel and the others are gonna kill me....

"Just... wait here for a second, Bastien. Asher, come with me. We have to introduce our new freind, and get the others moving. Quickly," Surrana said, every muscle tense. Bastien could hear the rapid beat of her heart. The fear was setting in, as it already had in Asher. Bastien felt terrible for doing this to them, but it was at least better than dying. Bastien nodded in acknowledgment, glancing over his shoulder. He didn't hear the others just yet, but they were surely about done with the smithy.


Surrana stepped through the curtain, holding it in such a way that it allowed Asher to enter but hid their unexpected guest. Demetrius was busy mending his brother's tunic, Aurelius was reading another book, and Azreal and Toma were in the middle of some discussion. They all looked up at Surrana and Asher's appearance. Surrana wasted no time.

"Guys, pack your things, as much as you can carry easily. Spare clothes, tools, whatever.Weapons if you have them, I know the twins have their parents' stuff, even if you hide it. Toma and Azreal, if you two tell me you don't have weapons hidden here, I'd die of shock. Get a move on, now, go go go. Asher here did something really dangerous, and we are about to pay for that. The entire village is about to pay. Luckily we have someone helping us, but we have maybe ten or fifteen minutes tops to get out of here," she ordered, beginning to pack her own things with a swiftness she herself wasn't aware she was capable of.

Demetrius stood up, looking wary. "What's going on? Asher, Surrana? Tell us, please," he said worriedly. Aurelius was already packing, not in the mood to tick Surrana off a second time that night. Toma and Azreal looked to be doing the same, but Asher and Demetrius stood where they were. Asher looked guilty, and that filled Demetrius with dread.

"Better to show you, really," Surrana stated distractedly. "Bastien, you can come in. Help us pack even."

The curtain lifted, and the boy walked into the "room" with an intense amount of shyness and anxiousness.


Calindrien sighed in impatience. That vampire and the Tiefling were going to get them all caught. He was also jealous that the humans had kept the Drow's bow, but not his own. Hell, they probably snapped his bow in half and used it for firewood for all he knew, the savages.

"We should follow after them, they're probably at the storage building anyways. We need to go before the other escaped prisoners decide we've had enough time and raise alarm bells with their vengeance," the elf stated, turning to the Drow.

Vorinia nodded in agreement with the elf. They didn't have long at all. But there was another important matter she wasn't sure how to approach. Sometimes random clairvoyance was more a nuisance than a gift. "I for once agree with the elf. Daneel is probably waiting for us, and the vampire is helping some...friends," she said. The Drow and elf would not be pleased, but the nymph knew the new members would prove quite useful. Especially on the account of the vampire, since he would need a blood supply. Vorinia had a feeling that the humans would be a lot more than labour and livestock though, although she dared not mention that aloud to the other two. If they think of the humans as slaves, it would probably save the humans' lives...
Daneel glared at the vampire's back for a moment, watching as his new pets lead him into the orphanage. He turned quickly on his heels and began the walk back to the armoury, slashing at the air with his dagger in annoyance. "Daneel do this, Daneel do that," he grumbled, "go be a distraction while I gather some nice warm clothes and a hearty meal for myself. Because it would seem at Tiefling's worth is now no more than a simple guard dog."

Still, here he was going to distract the others while the kid went to save some undeserving urchins from the terrors of the night. He did not believe the humans would see it that way. Because human feared vampires above all else. They would likely see this as a kidnapping and fight the beast every step of the way, and Daneel would not blame them. A vampire's hunger was a terrible thing; it made the creature impulsive and not the least bit a senseless beast driven by sheer bloodlust. Daneel predicted at least one of the children would become a source of food before the night was out.

The Tiefling came upon the armoury just as the door swung open and slowed to a stop. The rest of his company emerged from the building looking far from pleased, and Daneel found he had not yet formed a decent excuse when confronted by the Drow about the whereabouts of the vampire.

"Well," he stalled, scratching the back of his neck anxiously as he cast about for some sort of explanation. And, why, what better explanation than the truth? "It would appear that Calindrien's store house is inhabited by dozens of children. The vampire volunteered to go in as he is the only one of us who can be truly silent, and find where they store the clothes and other such provisions."


"I don't need another lecture," Asher hissed. "I'm an idiot, a coward. I got it. You already said as much during dinner, and I don't need a repeat." This was all he wished to say on the matter, so he remained willfully silent the rest of the way to their room. Surrana did all the talking, naturally, so while she tossed around vague instructions, he packed what little he possessed. She advised bringing weapons, but he possessed none and would use none. Instead he stuffed his collection of journals, some full, some waiting to be used, and some only half completed along with a few charcoal stubs and two changes of clothes into a small sack and was finished. He remained silent as the others voiced their loud opinions rather than packing.


Azrael looked at Surrana as if her friend had grown a second head. What had possessed her to come barging in demanding that they all pack immediately. And take weapons? She and Toma exchanged weary looks, but they knew the drill. It had been the same with their parents: act now, ask later. So the cousins jumped to their feet and Azrael quickly stuffed clothes, blankets, her books, and Toma's sketchbooks into her messenger bag and his rucksack while Toma pried a few wooden planks away from under his bed, pulled out a wooden box filled with swords, daggers, and his favourite, a wooden staff. He pulled it up from under the floorboards and slid the contents out into the middle of their room so that everyone may have their pick. Azrael, as predicted, picked out some small hunting knives and a single dagger. Her small stature prevented her from wielding much else, and though Toma could have his pick of everything, including the broadsword laying close to his feet, he chose the simple staff and nothing else.

"Typical," Azrael smirked. "But, Surrana, what is this all about?"

She'd barely gotten the question out when another figure passed through the doorway. It was small of stature, rather slender, but no less a killing machine. She immediately dropped her bags and took up the dagger she had placed on the table and dropped into a fighting stance, much like the others. Well, all except Asher, the spineless bastard. "What the bloody hell are you doing?" She screamed, fighting the urge to throw a knife at Surrana's face. "How could you let this thing in here? What is wrong with you?"
Calindrien growled in frustration. Leave it to humans to dump their unwanted brats in a warehouse. At least the vampire was good for something. They were perfectly designed hunters, killing machines created as a balance for the human infestation that infected the world. Humans were an apex predator, the top of the food chain, with reproduction cycles that allowed them to overpower even the elven nations and penetrate into the Forest. Well, until the Forest fought back. These villages and towns were growing rarer as the humans retreated back to their homelands. Still, vampires were useful allies against the ever present threat of humans. Elves feared them as well, albeit not as openly as humans. Vampire Society had an accord with the elves after all. Taking that all into account, Calindrien felt he could trust the vampire not to screw up. He would be in and out with clothes in no time, the elf hoped.

"Shall we go wait for him near the village gates? If I recall they are quite close to the storehouse..." the elf stated, interrupted by the nymph's giggling.

"Daneel, you should probably tell the whole truth. We will be having some pets along for the ride," Vorinia stated. She actually quite enjoyed the idea of meeting some humans. If she had to, she'd help the vampire in defending the creatures, although she had an inkling it wouldn't come to that. "Would it not be best to get that out in the open now, before our leader here snaps you in two?"


Aurelius grabbed the claymore he kept hidden in a chest. The sword had belonged to the twins' mother, and had been all that was left of her after she had been imprisoned and executed for treason. His twin kept their father's sword and shield in his own chest, and he grabbed that as well since his brother was too busy with talking. Aurelius was for once being the responsible one, as he grabbed as many of his brother's clothes as well as his own. He packed books and medical supplies, his brother's sewing kit and his bundles of herbs and bandages. Luckily none of the orphans had many worldly possessions, so they wouldn't leave much behind, save maybe the furniture. Aurelius looked up, packing almost complete, when he heard Demetrius suck in a shocked breath and Azreal yelling. He quickly looked to the source of the sudden quiet and unease.

At the door of their room stood one of the most beautiful youths Aurelius had ever seen, all pale lily white skin and ice blue eyes, perfect facial structure and smooth hair. His clothes were tattered and covered in blood, and he seemed uneasy. It took a minute for Aurelius' brain to catch up. Oh. Oh fuck. Oh fucking fuck fuck, Asher really screwed up this time, and why the fuck is Surrana going with it?!?


Surrana stopped her packing to level an icy glare at the other girl, before pointedly looking at Asher. "Actually, Azreal, you can lay blame on Asher for this one. I'm only following orders that we need to get out of here. Neither the vampire or the Tiefling companion he had deigned to give me any information, but we can assume the prison is compromised. This village is about to go to hell quite fast, and I'd rather not have the blame tossed at me for this, thank you very much."

It wasn't often that Surrana got this pissed off. Asher had really fucked them all over with this. She turned to grab a weapon from the pile on the floor. A simple short sword would do. She turned and waved the rather anxious looking vampire to come further in, and hopefully explain what had happened.

Demetrius was still staring shocked and open mouthed at the vampire, although like Toma, Aurelius, and Azreal he had dropped into a defensive stance. Vampires were predators. Exceedingly dangerous predators. And no matter how small and fragile this one looked, it could probably outmatch both Toma and Demetrius in raw strength, Azreal in agility by a long shot, and all of them in fighting experience. He saw Surrana motion to the boy, er, the creature. He needed to stop thinking of it as a boy or even remotely human. No matter how delicate and innocent it looked.


Bastien was tautly wired, observing the humans all assume fighting positions except for the two that had led him in here. He even saw the tall man who had fed him earlier, crouching but unsure. It appeared he had a brother, but they smelled differently enough for the vampire to tell. He was mildly overwhelmed by the smell of blood and adrenaline in the room. Sharing an enclosed space with humans was never a great idea for him. His thirst was still abated from the prison guard, but he wanted to be away from the temptation. Then the blonde one motioned for him to move forward. Shit, this was going to be unpleasant.

Bastien cleared his throat, letting the silence fall after the two females yelled at each other. "Um, hello. My name is Bastien Sutherland. Your, uh, friend here...Asher. He didn't mean any harm in giving me the keys, he really didn't. Please don't blame him..." the vampire whispered, just loud enough to be heard.

"I... don't mean to alarm you. Or scare you or any of that. I'm not here to eat you... I'm just.... Me and four of the other escapees are just trying to get out of your village with proper supplies. I...we didn't think there would be anyone in here. I thought it was just a storehouse. But...you all need to leave. Immediately. The village is more or less... doomed, really. I'd...really like for you to get out of here safely, is what I'm trying to say. And we don't have long, the others will be here soon, or they'll be waiting for me at the gates or something..." Bastien trailed off. The humans still looked hostile, except for Surrana who merely looked determined to getting her friends to safety.

He knew the forest was dangerous for humans. Exceedingly so. But he was afraid to make the offer for the group to come with him and the others. The offer that was on the tip of his tongue. He didn't know if he could trust himself not to hurt the humans, or protect them when the rest of his group found out. He was also afraid for his original intention. The Azreal girl looked especially hostile, and asking to borrow clothes from her might put him in a violent position. Not that she was a threat to him, but he certainly didn't wish harm on them. Even if they all smelled like ambrosia to his vampiric nose.

Surrana cleared her throat. "Bastien, if you don't mind, I'd like to sign us up for coming with you," she stated, holding her hand up as the protests began. "Idiots, we won't survive as six humans alone in the woods.... Anyways. Allow us to come with you, at least unti lthere is a safe place for us to part ways. And You need clothes for you and your companions, yes? Azreal, show a little kindness. I'm in no mood to fight with everyone over this, I can see you wanting to tear me a new one. They need help, we need to live. And you're the closest to his size, if you have any spare boyish clothes," Surrana stated, the barest hint of anxiety and stress weaving itself into her voice at the end. She had probably just made the vampire's situation a hell of a lot worse, and she looked to Toma for a voice of reason.
A tense silence filled the room for what seemed like years, and Asher was finding it rather difficult to breathe as all eyes turned to him. The expressions ranged from shock to pure hatred, but none of them help compassion. His heart leapt to his throat as, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Azrael shift. It was the slightest movement, but he had lived with her and her cousin long enough that any movements they made were intentional. Toma saw it too, and and a look crossed his face which sent a chill down Asher's spine.

"There's a reason your mother abandoned you..." the girl hissed, paying little attention to anything but the pale boy in front of her. She did not notice Toma slowly making his way towards her. She only saw the artery at his throat and felt the blade in her hand. "you filthy snake."

Azrael moved before Toma could reach her, lunging at Asher, knife aiming for his throat. As it were, the blade did not reach its mark as Toma took Azrael by the hair and jerked her back, slamming her down on the ground and knocking her unconscious. "That is enough," he said, rage boiling beneath the surface of his grey eyes. "We will all take our things and go with the vampire. It is our best chance of making it out, and certainly our only chance of staying alive out in the wilds. There will be no more discussion, no more threats. Everyone out."

He shoved Azrael's weapons in his shoes. She would not be granted weapons for some time, not after this. He secured both bags on his back and tossed Azrael over his shoulder as he watched the others file out.

Asher approached timidly, gaze darting back and forth between Toma and the girl over his shoulder. "I... uh thank y--"

"--Don't," Toma barked. "I did not do this for you. You have single-handedly managed to ruin what was left of our lives. At least here we had food and shelter and some semblance of opportunity. You have sentenced us all to death." He shoved a bundle of clothes into Asher's hands with enough force to send the boy stumbling back in order to maintain his balance. "Give these to your friend."
Bastien watched the whole exchange, not entirely sure what to do. He had meant to appease the humans over Asher's...mistake, he guessed. The vampire may have benefited, but it was still a mistake to commit such an act for a human. It was rare for a human to move as fast as Azreal had, and if she hadn't been sloppy from her own anger, the knife would have been plunged into Asher before Toma had caught her. All that blood, flowing freely from the wound. The beautiful scarlet and crimson seeping over the pale flesh, the heart pumping it out faster and faster to try and replace the loss, adrenaline weaving through the liquid like an enticing perfume. Bastien shook his head, ashamed of his lack of control. Asher looked at a loss, holding a bundle of clothes. Daneel might have a hard time getting these clothes over his horns, but the rest should be fine. There were Azreal sized clothes in the bundle as well, meant for Bastien.

"I'm...going to change real quick. Alright? Surrana has led the others to just outside the back door, we can meet them in a second," the vampire stated, grabbing the small tunic and pants. The tunic was of a well woven cloth, a dark cream in shade. He'd have to be careful about stains when feeding, until he could obtain more clothes. There were no shoes, but that was fine. Bastien preferred to be barefoot. Shoes made more sound, no matter how soft the sole.

He stripped off his old clothes, trying to ignore that he was changing in front of the human. With his back facing Asher, he put the new clothes on. They hugged his figure, as to be expected, but they were comfortable and of a fine quality for an orphan. Checking over himself, he quickly turned back to Asher. He was tempted to drag the shell shocked man by the hand, but that would have just upset him. His skin was cold to the touch, after all. Plus, the humans clearly viewed him as a monster. Sighing, Bastien pulled back the curtain. "Come on, let's go meet the others."


Demetrius was checking over his things, making sure his brother had done a decent job of packing. It seemed he had, which was a relief that Demetrius very much needed in this chaos. His brother kept glancing up at the door as the group waited. Aurelius always did have a weakness for pretty things, even if it could kill him. Demetrius couldn't help but feel similarly. Asher had made a rather large mistake and the vampire was too dangerous to trust, but he was indeed enchanting to look upon. Surrana probably would have smacked him had she known his thoughts.

Surrana was still fuming. How could Asher do this to them. They were so dead. There was no escaping that. The town would be slaughtered tonight, so they would die if they stayed. And the vampire and his group would probably kill them anyways. This whole situation had her on edge. She had almost been disappointed that Toma had stopped Azreal. The other girl was still slumped over her cousin's shoulder. She'd be out for at least another half hour, maybe less. Her musings were interrupted as Bastien and Asher walked out. She glared daggers at her friend. She couldn't deny that the vampire cut a fine figure, all fixed up. The tight clothes weren't helping that opinion either, and had to elbow Aurelius as he stood beside her staring. If Demetrius was closer, she would have done the same to him. Surrana was too emotional to be distracted by attractive looks, and Toma was too level headed to outwardly express a reaction. But Surran had a sinking feeling that the looks were part of what made vampires perfect predators.

Bastien looked at the humans, and motioned forward. He could smell the rest of his group not too far away. "This way," he murmured, steeling himself for the shit storm he knew was about to happen.


Vorinia smirked. They were on their way. Maybe ten minutes.
Asher barely registered the walk as they made their way to the gate, only that he kept quite a bit of distance between himself and the others. Azrael's words still stung about as much as he assumed her blade would. It was common knowledge that his mother had abandoned him for a great deal of wealth. Basically, it was live in luxury, or starve with a newborn child. She chose luxury, obviously, but that did little to save her from the plague that settled over the village five years ago. He did not know her, so he did not mourn. Actually he saw it as a merciful act of nature, freeing him from the torment of seeing her in town with her new husband and child. The sickness had taken them all, even the little girl named Hero.

They reached the front gate in good time, just minutes before midnight. Toma signaled they halt a a good distance away from the waiting party. A precaution that provided little safety, Toma realised, as two of the creatures carried bows and arrows.


Despviir stood in a defensive stance, bow raised and string drown, arrow aimed directly at the vampire's chest. It would not kill him, but it would give her time enough to obtain the means to end his existence. "Explain yourself, vampire," she demanded. "You would risk our escape for a few pets. Why?'
Bastien paused, looking at the notched arrow pointed at his heart. It would appear the Drow had forgotten how fast a vampire, even a young one, could move. But if he did dodge out of the way, the arrow would hit one of the humans, of that Bastien had little doubt. His teeth clenched in a mixture of irritation and nerves, his fangs scratching into his inner lip. This was a situation he had best approach with caution. The Drow was aiming her bow at him, but the elf was aiming at the humans. Specifically Toma, probably due to the perceived threat of his size. Bastien looked to the nymph and Daneel for a help as he began. He stepped close enough to be out of the human's weak earshot.

"The white haired one in the back, he's the one who gave me the keys. He's why we're free in the first place. We can't just leave him and his friends to die, we owe him a life debt. Plus these are the same humans who are responsible for feeding prisoners, yeah? Surely you owe them some kindness. The other escapees will tear this village apart..." Bastien whispered, trying not to let the humans over hear him. He didn't want to admit his empathy for the humans, although he would if it came down to it. Luckily Vorinia spoke up in his defense.

"Dear Drow, just think about it. These humans can be of use. Their kind imprisoned us, why not return the favour and keep them around to perform different tasks for us. We can dump them off at another village when we tire of them," the nymph stated, grinning slightly. The vampire was protective of the humans, for reasons she couldn't figure out. But it would be best if Despviir thought she had the power in this decision.

Calindrien lowered his bow just slightly, looking thoughtful. "She has a point. Plus, we can use them for the vampire's nutritional needs. I don't know about you, but dealing with a hungry vampire is not something I wish to do," the elf muttered. Vampires were responsible for the destruction of many human towns and villages, simply because the bloodsuckers had gone too long without feeding. Plenty of fae and elves had also been victimised by vampire bloodthirst. Vampires were at their most dangerous at two times: when fully fed and when starving.

Bastien let out a small hiss, not having realised how necessary the elf's suggestion was. That was going to be an awkward conversation with the humans, if Despviir agreed to letting them stay on. "They can be my responsibility if it's really necessary. Please, we can't just leave them here," the vampire pleaded. His Sire would have smacked him for begging a 'lesser' creature for anything, but Bastien wasn't particularly arrogant like she had been. Plus, begging was a simple manipulation that could gain you much. His Sire's pride and inability to manipulate with 'weak' forms of intrigue, such as begging, was what had gotten her assassinated by her enemies in the Society.


Surrana looked uneasily at the group of monsters. The grey-skinned elf creature did not look pleased with what Bastien was saying. The other elf was glaring more at Surrana and her group than at the vampire. She had heard the elves had a distinct dislike for humans, although she couldn't remember exact reasons. Something about the old Empire attempting to conquer elven lands, or some other atrocity humans had committed. She couldn't hear much of the vampire's conversation with the other creature, but she heard things about labour and blood. The vampire looked resigned, whatever was going on. He seemed kind enough, for a bloodthirsty beast, so what had him on edge put Surrana on edge.

Demetrius couldn't stop staring at the vampire or Asher, annoyed at the latter for what he had done, annoyed at himself for not being the one to save Bastien. He did a double take at that line of thought, and his expression went from confused to irritated very quickly. He tried to distract himself by looking to his brother. That didn't help as the idiot of a twin was staring dreamily both at the vampire and at the human looking woman in the back of the group. A nymph, if Demetrius remembered that prisoner right. Of course Aurelius would ignore his brain and think only with his lust. Aurelius would flirt with anything, something that Demetrius was severely worried about in present company.

Surrana glared as she saw the conversation between escapees start drawing to a close. She turned to Toma. "What kind of deal do you think the vamp worked out with them?" She asked, not sure how well the vampire would be able to get a good deal from the others. They didn't look very welcoming.
Toma nearly missed Surrana's question as he stared down the male elf. Obviously the creature saw him as the biggest threat, and he would not back down from the silently issued challenge. He had people to protect, and it would do no one any good if he were to find himself dead on account of this elf. Azrael's weight grew heavy on his shoulder, so he brought her back over his shoulder and cradled her in his arms as he replied. "I could not tell you, but for our sake I hope it does not include becoming a source of food."


Despviir's grip on her bow faltered just slightly. The vampire made a fair point. Had the children not maintained a regular feeding schedule, they would not be alive today, but a life debt? Their people, the humans, were the reason they had been imprisoned in the first place. She hardly saw it fit to pardon these urchins with just the simple act of dropping a key. The act contained no valor, no bravery, nothing deserving of such a binding contract. But the Nymph posed a rather swaying suggestion. These humans looked capable of many hardships, and there would be many opportunities to make use of them in the wilds. And a food source would be needed to keep the vampire in check...

"Fine," she decided. "We will take them with us. Strip them of their weapons."


Daneel felt a surge of relief for the vampire's sake. Bastien appeared quite fond of the little beasts despite having just met them. IT was something he would never understand, affection for humans, but he could understand the anxieties tied to the act of bargaining for a loved one's life. Daneel had found himself in such a position many times, begging for the continued existence of friends, and had seen both outcomes. The life debt was a nice touch, but it was clear the Nymph knew how to reason with a Drow better than the rest of them.

He was reluctant to follow orders, noting that his compliance to others was severely out of character. But if it got them out of here faster, then who was he to complain? The Tiefling approached the white-haired boy first. He was complaint enough, telling Daneel that he possessed no weapons, and a quick, unobtrusive search confirmed the fact.

What an odd human, Daneel thought. To not carry a single weapon seemed very stupid, almost cowardly. He had never once encountered an unarmed human, yet here stood one all timid posture and frightened eyes. It was almost pathetic enough as to send a pang of empathy through Daneel's heart.
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Surrana was unable to reply to Toma, the sarcastic response frozen on her lips as the Tiefling came over to take their weapons. She could have spit at the creature if it weren't for the set of his eyes and the relieved slouch of Bastien's shoulders as he returned to their side. If the vampire was happy, perhaps it was best that they comply. It was certainly a good thing Azreal was still out cold, as she would have tried to kill the Tiefling before he could take her weapon, that's for certain. Surrana handed over her short sword to the Tiefling, briefly recognising him as Bastien's companion from earlier outside the orphanage. She felt defenseless, but surely they would get them back eventually, once they earned their keep. Surrana was worried for the twins however. Their weapons were their inheritance.

"Bastien, what manner of deal did you work out with them, dare I ask?" Surrana questioned the vampire, as the Tiefling moved around their group. As she had thought, the twins were being reluctant. Demetrius was more prone to anger, but one look from Surrana and he handed his sword and shield over without too much fuss, a glare and mumbled curses the only signs of his displeasure. Aurelius grumbled, but was not angry as he handed his sword. They'd get their weapons back, hopefully. For now it was more important to live.

The vampire hesitated, slightly afraid for this conversation. He had been hoping to wait until they had gotten further out of the village. When Bastien finally spoke, it was in a murmur. "I... they'll let you stay on. As...servants... I realise this isn't exactly preferable, but the Drow would have killed you without that kind of deal. The nymph, Vorinia I think was her name, she's the one who suggested it. I'll try to help out. You guys are pretty much my responsibility now..." Bastien muttered, glancing between the humans. "She...also suggested something that... you really won't like. I'm ashamed to admit that it's also very necessary. They all think it would be for the best...If I...fed from you. Your group, I mean," Bastein finished, blushing his pale blush.

Surrana sucked in a quick breath. Toma didn't look pleased with what he heard. She couldn't see Asher's reaction. Aurelius looked more curious than anything. Surrana made a mental note to slap him later. Demetrius looked thoughtful before speaking up.

"We've been working as servants of this God forsaken hell hole for our whole lives. Doing some labour out in the woods was already expected, what's a little more work to ease the burden of the one's saving us? Even if they're saving us from themselves and their own kind. Plus, we owe Bastien for saving us personally. So long as it doesn't kill us or seriously harm us, it seems a fair enough deal that we...offer our blood," Demetrius said, uncertain.

Bastien was too shocked by the human's reaction to reply. This Demetrius smelled of quick temperament and passion, he compliance was very unexpected. He wondered how the other humans would react.


Calindrien sighed. "As soon as they finish explaining the deal to the, we should move. We don't have long," he muttered.

The nymph nodded in agreement. "I agree. As well, should we figure out duties and such for them? Or shall we divide the humans among us, as personal servants. With the vampire responsible for all six of them either way, of course. He's the one who landed us this situation, although Daneel is not without blame himself," Vorinia stated.
Daneel's ears perked at the sound of his name and he shot a resentful look back at the nymph. "Sure," he muttered to himself as he collected Toma's staff. "Blame the messenger. Man, I am so sick of all this shit."

"So why do you stick around," Toma asked, relinquishing Azrael's blades with a complacent nature. No doubt her fury would be outside the range of human words, but it would serve as a fitting punishment because though Toma might have kept them for a little while, she was his one weakness. He doted on her like a loving brother and though he found a need to reprimand her often, he could rarely follow through with his punishments for more than a few hours. Perhaps they could all learn a lesson from this.

Daneel shrugged, not quite sure himself. "I don't plan to once we've made it outside the range of the village. Your blessed chains took quite a toll, and I need time to recuperate." He didn't know why he was saying such things to the man, but Daneel found this Toma to be quite reasonable, and his disposition spoke of understanding, perhaps even kindness. Something a Tiefling rarely encountered in life. Although maybe his had reached assumptions too quickly as he watched Toma's expression turn cold and saw him grip the unconscious girl a little tighter as if it might protect her from Bastien's news.


The collective reaction to Bastien's mention of feeding was rather similar to Toma's, except for Aurelius. The twin did not look apprehensive in the slightest, and Asher could not help but wonder at the reason behind his intrigue, although he found no unjust reason. In fact, Asher noted he was experiencing a range of emotions. Apprehension, yes, but also a intense curiosity and an obscure longing that he could not explain. This was an opportunity to start new. Maybe they would not be completely free, but they would not be held to routine or societal demands. Each day would teach him something new, open his eyes a little more to the vast wonders of the world, provide the courage he could not find in this godforsaken village.

Yes, Asher decided. This is the beginning of something beautiful.


"The others are starting to exit the prison We need to move soon," Despviir announced, heeding Calindrien's advice. "Duties can be discussed from the safety of the forest. As can"--she cast a pointed glance toward the Tiefling--"the argument of whether Daneel bears any blame or not."
Despite Demetrius' rather hesistant words of encouragement and Aurelius' almost concerning curiosity, Bastien was a little terrified of the reactions of the others. He was going to make it up to them somehow, but for now they needed to go. He could already smell blood and fire in the air. The other prisoner's leniency towards their group was gone. The village would soon be the epitome of hell on earth. He sighed, nodding to Daneel in apology. He had heard the nymph blame Daneel as well, and Bastien didn't agree.

"Alright, we can...finish such discussions later. We need to get a move on, quickly..." Bastien stated to the humans. Toma looked quite annoyed with him and Asher looked like he might be going into some sort of hysteria from the smile now gracing his lips. The twins nodded and followed Daneel to the gates, along with Asher and a concerned and thoughtful looking Surrana. Toma was walking more slowly, and clearly angered.

Bastien walked beside the tall man, trying to think of something to say. An apology, an excuse, he wasn't sure. He just kept opening his mouth, and closing it again. Vampires are typically graceful and suave and charming, but after the day he had had, Bastien was at a loss for what to say or do. He had no idea why he felt so bad for what had been the nymph's idea. It was his fault, in only the most unavoidable of ways. The tall human with a girl on his shoulders was going to think he was a complete idiot, a failure at being a vampire, and a monster.


Calindrien nodded, counting the humans as they came. Six in total, although the tall male and his unconscious friend were dragging behind. They could catch up. Calindrien nodded to Daneel and Despviir, leading the Drow to the nymph and Daneel to his own devices. He led the humans to just outside the gate, to await the others. The blonde human glared at him as she walked through the village gate, and the twin males gave him suspicious looks. The blonde male looked completely out of it, but it was not the elf's concern. He would watch the humans as the rest joined them.


Vorinia looked at the Drow, a pleasant expression on her face. "We can agree to disagree, youngling. But the fact of the matter is that it was Daneel who gave the vampire the go ahead for saving the humans. Think on that, will you?" The nymph said teasingly, nodding to an irritated Daneel as she went to join Calindrien and the humans.
Toma looked down at the vampire, his harsh gaze melting slowly. He appeared just a boy, all flushed cheeks and halting speech. He was just as afraid as the rest of them, Toma realised, and this made it easier for him to walk alongside Bastien. He relaxed his stance slightly, but did not relinquish his protective hold on Azrael. He knew vampires were naturally deceptive, and he could not know whether this flustered speechlessness was some sort of deception or if it was genuine. His intuition leaned toward the latter.

"My mind is telling me not to trust you, vampire," he started, voice gruff. "But you do not seem like you are trying to get us killed, so I will go against my better judgement for now. If we are to be travelling together, then no doubt you are indeed going to be in need of a food source. I'm sure you can tell no one is particularly pleased, except maybe Aurelius, the fool, but I would also prefer a full vampire to a starved one, so know I won't put up a fight. In return only request one thing from you: you will not touch Azrael. Not a single hair on her head." He looked down at the girl in his arms, accommodating his grip as she shifted in his arms. She would be waking soon. "She is too small to supply the blood you need, and at any rate, she would put up a fierce fight despite the fact that she would not win. She may try to fight you regardless, but you are not to engage. Understand? You will walk away and let me handle her or so help me, I will sever your head from you body even if it kills me."

Almost inaudibly, eyes softening, he added, "She is the only family I have left. I will protect her at all costs."
Bastien pursed his lips, surprised at the human's reaction. He looked at the tall man beside him, wonder expressing itself on his face. It wasn't often that a human willingly fought a vampire for any reason. He didn't think he would ever cause harm to the girl, Azreal, but if he did, the man walking beside him would not be able to do much harm to Bastien. Not without knowing precisely how to kill a vampire. The Church the humans bowed to and the elven kingdoms spent many centuries in figuring out the perfect way to kill a Society member. It took a Society traitor for vampire hunting to go from a suicide mission relying on luck to a precise art form of death.

"I swear not to harm her. And although you are all mad at him right now, I would not approach Asher without his consent first. He seems even more fragile, at least mentally, than Azreal. This I swear. If she attacks me, I will trust you to...deal with it, I suppose. It's a challenge, to shut down defense mechanisms in a vampire's brain. I also hope you know what you would be risking, in fighting me... It's...not usually a voluntary position for a human. You seem...kind, and I hope not to disappoint you," the vampire stated, blushing slightly over the admission. The night had truly messed with him. A little voice nagged at his mind, This temporary trust and kindness the human shows? Useful. Bring it to fruition. Bastien shook his head of such thoughts. His Sire was dead, her lessons and ideas should join her.

"It will not be an easy journey, ahead of us. And I have a feeling your Azreal here will try to kill me more than once. But I will do my best to uphold your wishes, I swear by God," Bastien said, holding a hand to his throat and coughing as the word left his mouth. Calling upon the Divine was painful for vampires and other 'unholy' beings, but could be done with practice, only a painful burning rather than incapacitating agony as it was in the beginning of Bastien's life as a vampire. Elven gods hurt almost as much, gifted nature deities that they were, divine in their own rights.
Toma acknowledged their agreement with a curt nod before lengthening his strides in order to catch up with the rest of the party. They were gathered just outside the gate, the male elf keeping a keen eye on them while Drow and nymph conversed privately a ways off. Daneel stood alone, slouched against the stone wall with an air of nonchalance, a mischievous smirk curling the corners of his lips as some sort of light danced between his fingers. He did not bother wondering what brought such a look upon the demonblood's face. Whatever it was, it did not mean anything good.

He turned to his friends, worried eyes alighting on each of their faces. The twins appeared grim but otherwise fine, as did Surrana. They seemed to have accepted their fate gracefully and were now silently waiting for the Drow's orders along with the rest of the escapees. Asher sat scribbling in one of his journals, a wild gleam in his eye and a wicked smile alight his lips. It was a worrisome picture and opened Toma's eyes for the first time to just how delicate Asher's mental state really was. He would have to keep a close eye on the boy. Their travels had yet to begin and already the blond rocked back and forth, cackling like some madman.


"Perhaps he had a hand in the acquirement of these new accessories, but imagine that is not such a bad thing," Despviir mused, unseeing eyes staring at the vast expanse of forest they spread out before her, welcoming her home after years abroad in a foreign land. Too long had she been left to rot in an iron cell. The cool air drifting from the depth of the green sea cleared her mind and filled her with a renewed vitality. She could think clearly for the first time in years, and it would certainly aid in her decision making. "They can be used for a number of odd jobs, but more importantly they can be an endless supply of fresh blood for the vampire. A sated vampire means one less threat on our journey. What is there to punish, then?"


It was around the point that everyone had clustered together around the gate and the Drow and nymph's discussion looked to be drawing to a close that Azrael began to regain her senses. Toma placed her gently on the earthen floor, kneeled beside her. The young girl cracked one eye open and then the other, brows knit together in confusion as the looked upon an endless void of black-blues with a tinge of orange creeping in her upper periphery. She sat up slowly, rubbing the back of her head with a gentile hand.

"Wha..?" she mumbled, still unable to register exactly where she was.
Demetrius watched as the creatures finished their conversation. It was time for the journey into the forest. The elder twin couldn't help but feel conflicted over this moment. On one side, it meant freedom from the tyranny of the corrupt village and its people, an adventure of the like told in story books. Yet on the other hand, the woods were dangerous. The human Empire had withdrawn from this continent, to the homelands, because of the horrors of these woods. Only the coastal realms bore the Empire's banners, the other villages and townships left to the mercy of nature. And nature was a cold, vengeful power. If they saw another human outpost, it wouldn't be for weeks. Demetrius found himself more and more thankful that they had a vampire on their side, and several other creatures by proxy.

Aurelius watched as Bastien and Toma came through the gate together, the vampire rubbing his throat as if something irritated it. He couldn't help the slight spark of jealousy towards Toma. Aurelius was quite looking forward to one-on-one conversation with the vampire. Curiosity was eating him from the inside out, curiosity for this strange vampire ally. Aurelius was distracted by giggles from Asher. The blighter seemed to be going mad, he could use some sleep.

"Come on Asher, it seems we are leaving. Up up up," Aurelius stated. The two didn't much get along, but Aurelius was still protective of his friends.


Vorinia smirked at the Drow. The nymph got under her skin, something Vorinia was quite pleased about. While the elves at least worshiped the same deities, honoured the same rites and sacred places, as the nymphs and dryads of the woods, the Drow and their high and mighty empire of old had been quite ruthless in spitting on sacred groves, and invading nymph territory. This particular Drow was from the the time after that corrupt empire's decline, but it still left a sour taste in Vorinia's mouth. Personally, she liked this Drow, but she enjoyed messing with her even more. It would be a fun journey. Vorinia started moving forward, as Despviir had ordered.

Calindrien stayed silent, wondering to himself if the nymph and Drow might end up killing each other before they were even a league away.


Bastien stood still, watching the human girl awaken. Toma was all that stood between the vampire and the girl, and Bastien was worried for how she would react upon seeing him. He watched as Surrana walked forward.

"Want me to help her walk? You could use a rest, Toma. I know she's light, but carrying a person is not something to take lightly. She can lean on me, you can walk on her other side," Surrana said, crouching beside the two cousins, flashing a peacemaking grin at the vampire over her shoulder. Toma had looked more peaceful when he joined them, Bastien had to have done something right. She was mildly concerned over the worried glance the vampire gave in return. Perhaps worry over Azreal? No, vampires are cunning. He knows to expect the worst when Azreal returns to consciousness completely. Surrana sent a silent prayer to the heavens that the girl would be reasonable. Bastien looked tempted to join the huddle, but he was hesitant.
Asher looked up at the younger twin, excitement splashed across his blue eyes. If one looked closely enough, it was evident that his pupils were dilated to different sizes and the left eye twitched ever so slightly. It was definitely something to worry about, and Toma was hesitant to leave until he had seen to it that Asher was aloud a day of respite spent in his own company as the years had taught Toma that solitude seemed the best cure for Asher's troubled mind. Unfortunately, they could not stay a moment longer, but still he wondered if boy would be allowed any solitude at all.

For his part, Asher did not seem opposed to the idea of leaving. Quite the contrary really as he stuffed his journal back in his bag and jumped to his feet. "This is going to be such a great adventure," he nodded fervently, taking hold of Aurelius' hand. "There is so much life, out there. So many possibilities and opportunities to learn about this world. Can't you see? This is the best thing to ever happen to us!"


It had been quite some time since she last entered these woods, but as Despviir passed through the first line of tree it was as if nothing had changed at all. The trees still towered high above her head, providing homes for an impossible amount of woodland fauna. The air was sweet in here, just as it had been before the iron of the humans tainted it. She closed her eyes and breathed deep, the smallest of smiles softening her features.

"Home," she breathed. How she desperately wanted to dig her toes down in the rich soil, race through the trees, swim in the frigid waters as she once had. And she might have had she still been a young elf, free of care or restrain. But as it was, she had traded in her youthful joy centuries ago for a longbow and the reserved discipline needed to protect her borders from invading humans who threatened to destroy every last tree.


"Yes, that would be much appreciated," said Toma. He helped Azrael to her feet, guilt tying his stomach in knots as she swayed on unsteady feet. He had just been trying to keep the peace, but in his desperation had taken her down too hard. A quick inspection confirmed that she had been left with a mild concussion and large bump on the back of her head.

"Forgive me, myshka," he murmured, kissing her forehead gently before relinquishing his cousin to Surrana. They had only exchange glances and a brief nod. She knew what to do.


Daneel pushed off from his lazy post on the wall, relieved that they were finally on the move. He took up the rear, falling into step as their company entered the forest on unsteady feet. But he lingered, just outside the first line of trees, turned back to appraise the village outlined by an orange haze. It seemed little of the town had managed to catch fire, which was not surprising given the amount of rainfall this week had surely seeped through to the core of most of the wood. "Pity," he murmured, amber eyes dancing in the light. He moved as if picking a burr off of his shirt, and flicked the item back toward the soggy houses. As he turned, blood chilling screams graced his ears like the sweetest melody as the entire establishment erupted in a great conflagration of a blackish hue.

"A little parting gift," he chuckled, the dark light casting his face into shadow so that all that could be seen was the mirth in his luminescent eyes.

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