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Fandom [FNAF] Freddy's SCREAMpark


"Oh, so hallucinating a conversation was just a new part of the collection of odd occurrences at work that I will never be able to talk about again until I give up and hire a psychiatrist." Dagny thought with pessimistic sarcasm, trying to keep herself alert as the foreign black identity sat itself at the end of the hall, silently watching. The owner's brows burrowed, they did not recognize this thing at all. Having bought every animatronic present in the park, this strange apparition certainly was not ringing familiar. The closest thing the park owned to the phantom was a Shadow Bonnie projection, and even then she was most certainly sure that wasn't what she was looking at. The mention of 'dangerous things' once again struck a cord of familiarity with the owner in regards to Springtrap's reference to 'demons'. "Dangerous things aside from the possessed animatronics? Is... Is he back?" Dagny inquired quietly, heart racing at the prospect of discussing doom in her park with a black ghost. Still, if there was a real threat loose in the theme park worse than what even she was even aware of... She certainly couldn't turn a blind eye away from such a thing. Not unless she wanted the SCREAMpark shut down with the same lightning fast  and aggressive public outcry that had faced the Fazbear pizzeria chain in the past. The first possibility that came to mind as something worse than maniac robots was the chilling Purple Man killer himself, which had caused her ask if 'he' had returned. The owner felt a sinking feeling in her chest as she realized that if her guess was correct, then Springtrap was almost most definitely the culprit... Was using William's voice all a scam? Would he have murdered her if the technicians had not interrupted them?! In their fear and agitation, Dagny's imagination was spiraling out of control into dark places.
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  Freddy Fazbear

Freddy sat upon his stage and was leaning against the wall. To the ordinary eye, it would seem like he was inactive. But, that wasn't the truth at all. Freddy was currently going over all the information he had gathered regarding the park. He was slowly developing his plan to escape and trying to make a list of what he would need. Freddy's train of though was interrupted as a technician came into check on him. He was annoyed at the interruption and stealthily reached for his microphone.

"O-okay, Freddy." The young man said uneasily. "I'm just gonna give you a quick once over.."

Freddy amused by the technician's behavior and thought that he might just spare him. But, he had also interrupted his thoughts. So, the young man deserved some punishment. The technician leaned in slowly and carefully examined the animatronic bear. When the young man looked into his eyes, Freddy blinded him with the light in his eyes. Then, he stood to his feet, towering over the technician and knocked him out with a single blow from his microphone. The young man crumpled and there was a small trail of blood down his head. Freddy frowned and internally sighed to himself. I even held back to 10% strength.

Freddy reached down and easily lifted the technician by one arm. Then, he slung the young man over his shoulder and began to lumber out of the building. 

Hush. I am  n̼͇̭̣o̦̬̞t͇̩̟̠̣̯̜ he̩̞̼̹̼r̘̜e̥͔ ͍t̤̺̮͍o h̖͓̰͖͎͎ar̘͚̫m̤ you.

The Shadow's Nightmare stays inactive.

Just r̺̼͙̟͙͚e̲̰̤̙̗m̰̙e͓̩̫̝̥m̫b͍͚e̫ͅr̻̖ t̮̬̹͇͈͎͕o̯̝͉̯͍ ̻b͍̩̼̳̻̠͇͔e̙̞͖̩͉ c̜̻̝̙a͙͈̹͕̱͇̦̗̺̝̮̹̫̙̘r̫̱͇̫e̲̦͔͕̩̪͎f̪̩͎͔̬͇̮͎̖̰͙̰ṷ̰̻̞͎̯̩̫̫̙͓͔̦ḷ̘̥̗͔.̰͉̳͈̼͍̺̪̳̮̥̟͖ U͍̙̙̜͎̟̮͎͈̱͂ͦ̾̃̀̆͐̿̒n͈̜͕̲̼̯̜͒ͥ͋͑ẗ̟͈̫̲̩͓̗̺̟́ͪ͛́i̟̱̖̻͙͍̝͇ͤ͛́͒ͧͥͩ̉͌͛̊ͪl̻̗͈͇̪̹͍̰̹͔̩̒͌̉ͬ̔ͫ̑̓ͮ͗̌ͤ̑ͮͅ ͍̠̞̥̮̝͙̙̪͎͈̲̦̫̗̻ͩ̊͗̐͛͋̔͌ͅͅn͍̟̦̫͒̿͊̍͌̂̏́͑ͭͪ̏ͬ̆̆̓e̼̰̭͍̤̬̺͙͚͈̬̠̗̞̹̜ͮ̎͆̌͗̑̀̎ͪ̓ͅͅx͖̹͎͖̮̥͈͙͍̱̦̞̲ͧ͛̇ͦ̋̀ͩͭͩͨt̬̹͓̲̪̦̰̯͂ͪ͒̀ͨ̊̀̊́̈́̅͊̋̓ ̯͈͉̩͖͓̼̣̗̠͙ͤ̾̎̾̆̂͗t̝̞̹͇̬̦͉̖͈̰̖͍̞̝̻̟̣͒̋ͮ̉i̫̭̻̺̻͍̒͒̔ͪ͂̑̐m̻̫̱̠̰͎͉̩̙̼̜̦̟̺͊͋̃͆ͭͭͯḙ̰̰ͮ͋̅ͮ͊̌͋̾̚.̤̣̼̦̳͈͓̖̳̱̠͆ͭ̓ͤ̂ͅ

It fades away.

 Springtrap's paitence wore thin, and he decided to make himself a priority. He walked out of his area and walked the paths, looking for one of the guards. He found one and was able to get behind the guy. He wrapped an arm around there neck and held it there, waiting for him to be rendered unconscious. He dropped the man to the ground and went about doing this on a few more, then stopped after about five. He made it back to his area unnoticed and then saw Dagny. Looks like he missed her, though she seemed to have just been talking with someone else. "Is... Everything... Alright... Dagny?" He asked, putting himself against a wall. "You seem... Troubled... What happened?"
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By this point with the disappearance of the spirit, the highly agitated and confused owner wanted nothing more than to leave the theme park. Springtrap had not shown in his maze, it probably had been a trap anyways... He could be outside doing who knows what to the night guard by this point. As Dagny quickly left the building and went to regroup with the furry headed teen who had been escorting her out, she was greeted with that particular individual's limp body lying across the ground. It felt depressing to have her suspicions seemingly confirmed that fast. While it was hard not to assume the worst given the circumstances, a quick palpation for a pulse revealed that the kid was still alive, albeit unconscious. Despite the "Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for damage to a property or person" sub clause immediately coming to the owner's mind, she couldn't just leave the youth to the terrors of the night on good conscience. Dagny scooped up the night guard in their arms before awkwardly shimmying them into a piggyback position over their back, the kid's fursuit snout resting limply over her shoulder. It was then that Springtrap made his appearance, causing her to yelp and give a bit of a jump in fright, their tensions wound up far too tight that evening. "Everything is not alright- There was a ghost and I am seeing words- I keep being told there is some Lovecraftian evil in this park, but nobody bothers to be anything less than vague! Now all the night guards are knocked out and I don't know why- I don't know if you are a glitched robot, my uncle or some murderer! I don't know what to trust any more and I just want to go home." the woman vented, a solitary tear sliding down their face as she fought to remain composed. Dagny slowly turned and began her trek for the entrance gates, teenage backpack in tow, expecting if Springtrap wanted to maim her or argue his case he'd follow regardless.
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Springtrap would follow, looking at her as she carried the boy. "The... unconscious state... of the boy... Was... My doing... To get your attention... I see now... though... It was... Unnecessary..." He hissed out. "And do you... Want to know... What I am...? Who I am...? It might... Change how you... Saw me before..." He rasped. He put out a slow hand on her shoulder, a comforting gesture but more likely that not scared the crap out of her, so he retracted it soon after. "In... My current state of things... I... I am not what I want to be... I want out of this... In more ways than you think... But it is almost like a curse... This suit..." He mumbled. His thoughts were wrapped around his son and daughter who passed, both to his own creations. Sadness welled in him, at the deaths and all he had done to try and save them.

This walk was going to prove either terribly insightful or terribly frightful. The way Springtrap spoke of his condition made Dagny hesitant in the pursuit of answers, suspecting what she might hear and not liking it. The touch to the shoulder did make her jerk in fear, but William's voice was a bit more defined than it had been on their first encounter, the nostalgia alone softening her reaction ever so slightly. "If I am being honest with myself, I don't think I can handle the whole truth as of this moment..." the woman responded with a long tired sigh, their eyes drifting away towards the direction of the exit to the incredibly sullen robot shambling next to her. She was unsure if it was poor condition of the animatronic or bafflingly enough possible family ties that made her feel pity for the being walking alongside her, but Dagny felt compelled to do something. Slowly and with a shaky hand, the owner held one of Springtrap's paws in their own, giving it a squeeze for as much his reassurance as her own. "Just for tonight... At least tell me if you are William Afton or not." the woman stated, trying to focus on the one fact that could possibly be seen in a positive light.
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Springtrap gave Dagny a sideways glance before giving his answer. "Yes, Dagny... It's me... William..." He responded with a sigh, waiting for a response from her. They made it to the entrance of the park and he stopped, waiting for Dagny. "Go... On ahead... When you come back through... I will help with the others..." He rasped.
 Freddy Fazbear

Freddy stalked his way through the park, still carrying the technician, and eventually reached a small medical shed. He lumbered into the doorway and scanned the room. It was empty. Freddy walked over to the first cot and unceremoniously dumped the young man on to it. He walked over to the small cabinet of supplies and tried to carefully pull it open. But, his monstrous strength just ripped it off of the hinges. Freddy shook his head and tossed the door away. The sound jostled the technician and he slowly came into consciousness. Freddy moved to loom over him and stared down at the young man, who stared back terrified.

"Hello." Freddy said casually after several moments of silence. "My name is Freddy Fazbear and you are going to help me get out of here."

The teen who Dagny had been carrying had woken up again by the time the owner had reached the front entrance with Springtap. After being placed back down, the youth was suitably alarmed, giving the large golden rabbit a defensive smack over the head with his flashlight before being told to stop and take the rest of the night off. Dagny unlocked the gates and watched the traumatized teen stumble into the parking lot, feeling empathetic to his current state of fearful disbelief. Afterwards the woman fished out the radio in her pocket and loudly demanded a roll call of all staff left in the park, it did well in her intention of rousing knocked out workers, getting various voices stating their names in reply. One of the technicians sounded unusually frightened, but given the situation she couldn't blame him. Finally, after the long pause Dagny looked back to Springtrap, still having a great deal of trouble processing that he was the man she had once called uncle. "It looks like most of the staff will be able to handle themselves. Thanks for the offer of help, however... Um, it was nice to see you again after so long. I guess I'll just be on my way then..." the owner said softly in an awkward farewell, stepping through the gates and preparing to lock up the park from the outside. She felt like there was more to say, but she was at a lack of words for the current situation and still not sure if her sanity was all there.
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"Yes... Perhaps one day... You will know... My whole... Story..." He rasped, then turned to shamble back to his section. He thought of how he held her, something that hasn't happened to him in years. He walked back, and made note his motions were slightly smoother, though still clunky and slow. Perhaps he would finally become used to the suit he was doomed forever to.



[/B] Just checked in with Eagleye415 to make sure nothing was going to be disrupted with Freddy's plot. We're doing a three day time jump! Setting wise we are picking up on a Monday night (11 PM, closing time) after a busy weekend for the park. If there are any problems, contact me in the conversations I have open with you and I'll be sure to iron them out as quick as I can!

After the spectacularly bizarre events of the previous night, the owner of the park decided to give themselves a long weekend of sorts to recover. As she only worked weekdays by her own choice (though problems always seem to rise most prominently on weekends dragging her back in...) the span of Friday through Sunday was spent on reflection and struggling through tossing her preconceived definition of 'reality' aside. Dagny assured herself that she would go back to work on Monday, she would start learning about these sentient animatronics and she would take every baffling new truth in stride. Unfortunately, her time away from the park had generated a large mass of unkept paperwork, keeping the woman office-bound for most of the day and causing her to direct around managers to relay messages and instructions in her steed. The Afton came out of their bunker of an office to grab one more large coffee to before the shops closed down for the night, watching the guests being herded out the front entrance like sheep, a few of the day guards having to escort some stragglers who had tried to hide in the park overnight for the purpose of making a viral video. The owner cast those particular individuals a chilling gaze of judgement as she waited for her coffee to become cool enough to drink, sitting alone at a table near to the original Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria.
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Springtrap stood at the main entrance to his attraction, hesitant to leave. He finally decided on leaving and pushed the door open, his movements getting much smoother over the past few days, though they are still somewhat stiff. He walked the park aimlessly, as he always did. He found Dagny by herself and he walked over, all the while thinking on how often he ran into her now. He finally made his way over and he suprisingly sat down. He stayed quiet a minute as the wires and animatronic parts settled, a few pops audible. He stared for a moment before speaking. "Good night, Dagny... How goes things...? He rasped. "Im sure... You would... Like to know... My story... Now?" He asked.

The owner looked next to them as Springtrap settled in the seat beside her with a surprising amount of casualty to his motions. The feeling of uncanniness from being greeted by a decrepit rabbit every night still had yet to fade, but at the very least she didn't view Springtrap as a threat anymore. The woman was patient in allowing the being to gather the proper amount of air to struggle out some words, receiving a familiar greeting. Before even getting a chance to respond Dagny was addressed with a second question, clearly the one the animatronic had more interest in. From the way he worded his inquiry, William seemed to be the one now ready to tell how he ended up inside the Springtrap suit, more than the other Afton was invested in knowing the gruesome details. Still, she had braced herself for harsh truths during her three days away from the themepark, now was the time to test her resolution. "I will listen to whatever you feel comfortable in telling me." Dagny replied in a calming manner, sipping her drink before looking into Springtrap's softly glowing silver eyes.
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 Freddy Fazbear

Freddy sat alone on his stage once more. He had sent Bonnie and Chica off to spend time together. What nuisances they had become when they had arrived here. Opting to enjoy their time together rather than attempt to leave. Freddy couldn't express the disappointment he felt at his two friends behavior. His mind was fully focused on escaping and exploring the outside world. He had gotten bored of the endless cycle of the Fazbear empire. Freddy felt truly old and tired in this one moment of reflection. Then, slow, hesitant steps broke up his thoughts. 

Alex, the terrified technician, slowly walked into the domain of the infamous bear. He shook with every step, but was focused on reaching the animatronic. The poor young man just wanted the nightmares to stop. Since he had last seen Freddy, at night he would have nightmare's of Freddy's face with the Toreador March as a constant soundtrack. He had barely slept and struggled to work. Alex had finally decided to come back as the dream voice beckoned him to the stage.
(OOC: Damn you and your references...)


He gave a small, near imperceptible nod. "Well... Where to start... I guess from where... It truly began... My son... Was bit... By an animatronic... In 1983... But he lived... But he was different... Broken, almost... I wanted to fix him... To put him back together... I tried for years... I murdered so many children... Hid them in those suits... Tried to figure out a,way to fix him... But then my daughter was caught in it too... I warned her so many times... But she didn't listen... She died along with his him... I was haunted by all those children... I had been building the suit... This suit... As an escpae method, of sorts... And it worked... Up until the springlocks failed... Resulting in the severe laceration and impaling of my body... But I managed, by an act of god... To survive..." He finished, then looked down. He looked back up. "Did I sastisfy your needs?" He asked

While Dagny had been aware of the means of her niece and nephew's deaths, the effect it had on William was disturbing to say the least. The confirmation her uncle actually was the child murderer of urban myth did rest heavily on their soul, despite his justifications for his actions. It felt like the happy image she once had of their family in the past was now shattered like a glass window, sharp edges cutting all those who came in close enough contact. There was also the fact to consider that she was for all means and purposes talking to a corpse. The emotional implications rendered the woman speechless and distraught for a solid three minutes before they decided upon what to say in response, having to take a long drink of their beverage before speaking again. "What you did to those kids... Was horrifying. For a parent going through the thralls of grief it is absolutely hypocritical to thrust the same sorrow on others... Unfortunately, despite as much as we all wish it, the past cannot change." the owner spoke, feeling the need to stand up and pace as they could not sit still. "I am not a parent, so I can't say I knew what you were feeling at that time. But I do know the descent into sadness upon hearing my niece and nephew died, followed by their father whom was presumed to have committed suicide. We mourned you and missed you... But then we kept going on with our lives. Whatever force that's keeping you alive in that suit must have a good god damn reason for it, it's probably something you need discover yourself and do. Until then, I'm going to forgive you. Family sticks together, you should have come to us for help in the first place instead of becoming a murderer. Since you botched your first chance, I'm going to stick to you like glue so you don't ruin your second stab at life." The Afton commanded, their eyes holding a fierce determination and an underlying maturity to them. "God damn it!" Dagny huffed afterward, the adrenaline of the moment catching up with her. She gave the robot a very quick one armed hug before resuming their overly agitated pacing, trying to calm themselves and failing, as admittedly it was a lot to take in.
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The technician in question walked with his feet almost dragging across the stage. He always knew their was something wrong with the animatronics in this place, he had felt it deep in his gut. Luckily, as of but a few weeks ago he had the pleasure of working day shift, where the metal menaces were strapped down to a large slab while he did his repairs and maintenance work. Then Mat- No was it Pat? A bloke abruptly quit from night shift, the Afton's polite way of saying he either had gone missing or was dead according to other employees. Working in the dark was tiring and a can of spooks, oh, but that paycheck... If he put his nose to the grindstone he could perhaps finally move out of his apartment and into a real house, his parents would be so proud... Except night shift was a new sort of unexpected hell. After his rather traumatizing first experience with Freddy, the young man's mind was infected with a cancer of fear. He couldn't tell anyone about it, he couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep, he couldn't live! So there Alex found himself at work again, on the stage of the hauntingly intimidating bear, hoping if he humored the thing's wishes long enough, he would be left the hell alone. Sure he was being paid more now, but it still was definitely not enough for this shit. "Look, I'm here. What do you want from me?" the worker grudgingly asked, rubbing his weary eyes from several restless nights.

[/B] If you know who the face claim for Alex is I'm going to be both surprised and impressed.
Freddy lumbered up to Alex and looked down at him. He took a few moments to just stare menacingly at the tech. Then, when he was satisfied, Freddy spoke.

"Alex.. My dear friend.." Freddy said with something eerily resembling a smile on his animatronic face. He 'gently' tapped the boy on his shoulder. "You've been ignoring me. The nightmares would have never gotten that bad if you had just come to the day after. My poor boy." Freddy patted Alex on the head with an almost 'comforting' touch. "But, now that you are here. Let's talk." Freddy pointed over to a table that had a chair on two sides. He walked over and eased his animatronic frame into the larger one. It wasn't everyday he found a chair sturdy enough to hold his weight after all.

Alex leaned away instinctively from the animatronic every time Freddy leaned near, feeling like he was getting sicker and sicker based on the proximity of the bear. "I've been ignoring you because you creep me out..." the young man replied, biting his lip a bit at the giant hand resting on his head... If he wanted to... That robot had the strength to crush his melon in his paws. The detail was made all the more frightening due to knowing the technical specifications of that fact, knowing to just what extent the elder animatronic would be able to mangle his body with ease and... Based on how hard his head had taken Freddy's microphone the first time around, he could guess that the horror did not even know his own strength. The Fazbear employee carefully obeyed the instructions of his furred warden, taking a seat at the table and wondering why the thing even bothered with attempts at being civil. He supposed he should be grateful, it was better than getting held against a wall or beat down. "Look, Mrs. Afton says listening to you animatronics is bad news and I'm guessin' you're trying to trying get out of this joint. I suppose I can't completely blame you, I wouldn't be able to deal with kids all day long, but whatever you're doin' better not get me fired." Alex tried to negotiate, trying to play hard ball right out of the gate so Freddy didn't walk all over him, both figuratively and literally. 
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 Freddy Fazbear

Freddy listened to the young man's words until he finished speaking. Then, he laughed. A surprisingly polite, good-natured laugh. It wasn't really a laugh though. It was more like the echo of laugh that just slightly brushed against your ear drum, so you barely heard it. Barely knew it had happened. Freddy finished his short laugh and drew himself up almost gentlemanly in his chair. He took on a business man like demeanor and adjusted his top hat.

"Alex. Dagney is right. Listening to us has, more often than not, been a bad decision. But, I"m sure you know by now that if I wanted you to be, you would be dead. Of course, you have suspected that I want to use you to help me get out of here." Freddy said conversationally. "Now, let me tell you a few things you don't know. Your attempted bravery while endearing is also pointless. You have no fear of being fired, if you practice the proper amount of stealth and discretion. As for the children, during the day we are in a sort of mode that you humans might liken to 'cruise control', our bodies are active and interacting with the kids but, our minds are not fully present. We simply function as the owner would like during the day." Freddy said with a touch of annoyance in his tone. Then, he spoke again mostly to himself. "Such a waste of time.." He looked back up at Alex and did that somewhat strange animatronic smile. "On the subject of the nightmares, if you try to quit this job and simply leave town, they will follow you. If you try to tell anyone or anything about my plans or our conversations, they nightmares will get bad enough to drive you insane. If you try to prevent me from my escape, I will kill you slowly. But, if you can be a competent and reliable ally. I see no need for there to be anymore nightmares and no need for violence. I am not like my fellow animatronics, Alex. My powers stretch far greater and are far older than most. But, over time I have become decidedly less 'savage' than the others."

 "NO!" Was the hissed reply as he sharply stood. "You can' be with me... As close as you would like... It will only... Endanger you... These ghosts you see... Want me dead... Stay away... I am no more... Than a monster now..." He said regretfully. His neck twitched in an odd manner, the suits programming making a struggle to show. It was able to for a breif moment for a lunge was made at Dagny, followed by that screech, most likely heard through the walls of the original building.

The threat of ceaseless nightmares and death did little to make Alex feel any better, despite Freddy's attempts at being 'casual'. The only thing he had been considering doing was reporting the bear's new mafioso style attitude to Dagny, but that plan was up in flames now.  "Alright, enough! Stop making me uncomfortable and just tell me whatcha' want, chief. Gettin' real sick of the doom and gloom up in this place." the young man groaned, adjusting his hat down to cover his eyes so that he didn't have to continue matching gazes with the animatronic. Internally, the guy wanted to ask Freddy if he had even once tried to ask the owner about being let out, or giving her these damnable nightmares... Was he scared of the boss? No, no... That didn't seem too likely. Purple Killer blood or not, she could be broken into pieces just as easy as the rest of em'. Perhaps she was too high profile for her own good. Where as him... All his family lived on the edge the town. If he went missing it would take a while for the news to even get to them... But how would Freddy know that? Did he know that? When it came to mystic mumbo jumbo where did it all start and end? From outside came the sound of an animatronic screech, causing Alex to give a small jump of surprise before cocking his head to the side a small bit. "One of your boys out there?" he questioned shakily, looking grim and hoping that whatever night guard that was had a chance to escape.
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Springtrap's sudden attack did most definitely take her by surprise, the full weight of the animatronic pouncing on the woman roughly bringing her in contact with the pavement. The owner groaned as a small trail of blood leaked from her forehead, the rabbit's screech still ringing in her ears. This was... Strange, to say the least. If William had wanted her to avoid him, why make the effort to come into contact in the first place? It was clear various of his actions in the past were to garner her attention. Was the switch in moods just another affliction of his ghostly state? Although the Afton would like to ponder these questions more, currently their life was conceivably at risk and it would be much better to vacate the area. "So you are going to give up again... Disappointing." Dagny growled, trying to keep the animatronic's gaping jaw from their face, but their strong act crumbled apart the instant they caught glimpse of the angry corpse inside. The owner began to yell in genuine terror before one of the night guards swatted Springtrap with an electrified baton, a device the lady Afton had specifically designed for the park. The voltage was enough to paralyze most angry robots for a solid five to ten seconds, a animatronic taser of sorts. Breathing heavily and eyes wide with fear, the park owner was dragged out from under the motionless rabbit and made no hesitation in fleeing with her guard the second she was free. "I said I would stick with him and ran away near moments later... Yeah, there there goes a nice large slice of my ego. I'll give the bastard some time to cool down and hopefully become less... Murderous." the woman mused, feeling rather dismayed to use that particular word to label William. It was by rather dumb luck that her rescuer happened to be head guard for the night staff. The uniformed man recommended she go home, and frankly Dagny was not in much of a mood to argue that suggestion, following the lead of her employee.
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