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Realistic or Modern Floribama Shore | Confessional Room


@ Camp Flog Gnaw

Floribama Shore

Are you ready for a wild summer?

Come here to talk about things going on in the rp in character. Whether you're talking shit about someone or just explaining your side of things.

(It's just like in Jersey shore or Floribama shore if you're not sure what this is watch these videos
Pauly D confessionalVinnie Confessional)

coded by dwale


"So everyone in the house seems really cool. The girls don't seem like stuck up bitches and the guys are gorgeous. Especially Gio , oh mann he's sexy. My room mate is hot too....oh man...What am I gonna do? Maybe I'll find someone even hotter at the bars..but I doubt it. This mansion is craaazy too...I just wanna get drunk and make out with people."
"A good lot at first sight. I just want to hug Danny like a teddy bear and the talent is fine... Still do I want to start something... I.. I don't know. Am I in the right state of mind. I am here to rest not add to my complications with potential drama. Than again to have such a connection with someone again... The pool? Oh you noticed that... Let's just say, stress and depression lead me to a dark habit that left its mark."

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