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Fantasy Flight for Freedom Lore - Over

~Dragon Types~

There are many types of dragon formes held by shifters. An average size is only slightly bigger than a horse.

Western Dragon

The Western Dragon is most commonly
thought of when thinking of a Dragon.
Four legged, with great claws. Large
wings, thus capable of flight.

The Drake

The Drake is very much like a Western Dragon,
but without the wings. Often possess great strength
in their legs, but cannot fly.

Eastern Dragon

The Eastern Dragon is serpent in body, often long.
They possess short legs, often four. Usually have fur.
Cannot fly.

The Amphithere

The Amphiptere has the body of a serpent, from
head to tail with a pair of wings behind its neck,
where forelimbs might be found. It possesses no hind
limbs. Some have feathered wings, occasionally, though
most have those of a dragon.


The Wyvern is similar to the Western Dragon.
However, it's wings are attached to its arms.​
~Pack Positions~

Alpha Male / Female:
Leaders of the pack, and a mated pair. Pack members must listen to their orders, or face punishment. Leadership can be challenged, thus fought for, however this is rarely done due to the Alphas often being among the most powerful in the pack, and the fight often being till surrender or death. If not challenged, and the Alphas die, the Betas will take their place, and new Betas will be chosen from the rest of the pack.

Beta Male / Female:
The second-in-commands to the Alphas. Only two, and are a mated pair. Must listen to the Alpha's orders, but can also order around the rest of the pack. Again, this position can be fought for, though again this is rarely not done for the same reasons as an Alpha challenge. Can become Alphas if the Alphas die. If the Betas die, the Alpha's will chose a new Beta from the rest of the pack.

The only one other than Alphas and Betas to have a say in the pack. Can order those injured to stay put and keep them off duties. This command can even be given to Alphas and Betas, though they may not always listen. Tend to have all the knowledge of healing, including those of herbs and plants in the area that can help, or hinder them. Often have knowledge of others weaknesses.

The grunts of the pack. Will defend and hunt for the pack. Below Alphas, Betas, and the Healer, but can boss about the Omegas as much as they please. Often 14 and above

Dragons too old or too injured to fight or hunt anymore.

Babies of the pack. Are classed as a hatchling until they reach 14. Have no say in the pack.

Lowest of the pack, usually due to their nature. Often small and submissive, or unable to fight despite being young or uninjured. Will tend to get used as the pack punching bag. Also tends to care for the hatchlings when their parents are away.​

Belonging to both the Astra and Draven packs, powers are rarely seen on Dragon-Shifters outside of those packs. This is due to them being genetic. Rarely will a normal Dragon-Shifter pair create a powered Dragon-Shifter. However, a normal DS and a powered DS could potentially create a powered, although rarely. A powered couple are almost certain to make a powered hatchling, though occasionally the child won't have an ability.

Those without powers are known to the powered as Nulls. To the Nulls, those with powers are named the Gifted.

Powers are very ranged. From manipulation of an element, to basically anything your mind can think of. These powers range in strength also. So, whilst one water-wielder may be able to breathe underwater, another may be able to telekinetically move the water itself.

Some powers, however, are off limits. Instant healing of others, immortality, instant kills, very destructive forces etc. If you are not sure if a power is OP or not, please message me through PM or discord.

Powers will always have some form of weakness. If you cannot think of one, then PM me, or choose a different one. It cannot be as simple as a dragon who is stronger than yours, as that is generally a given.​
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Dragons are creatures that often mate for life. Of course, they often refer to mates as 'Soulmates'. This is due to the forming of a mental bond between the chosen pair, allowing them to feel as each other is feeling, such as pain or fear. This link can be blocked, but only by choice of one of the two. Mated pairs often mark each other with a bite, claiming them as theirs and therefore unable to be taken.

There are instances of so called 'False Mates'. If two dragons believe themselves to be bonded, and bite each other, but later believe they were not meant to be, they may break their bond, if there actually was one. However, this is often looked down upon, and very rarely done.

The Alphas, as well as the Betas, are mated pairs. You will not get an Alpha Male who is not mates with the Alpha Female.

Mated pairs are looked to to bring new hatchlings into the pack, and thus keep it thriving. A bond is often rejoiced by the pack.​

Hatchlings are often known as the 'babies' of the pack, despite often being older than a baby. Hatchlings range from the time of actually being born, to the age of fourteen. The age is specifically chosen due to being the age a dragon can have hatchlings of their own, though most do wait until they are older to even consider the thought of having a mate.

Hatchlings, despite the name, are born, not hatched. They are named such due to actual dragons tending to lay eggs, and is a name adopted from them.

Hatchlings are usually not in control of their shifts until they reach around a year old. Up until then, shifting can occur when they simply get overwhelmed by one emotion. After a year old, they often gain more control of it, allowing them to shift as they please if they have enough patience to learn how, though large amounts of emotion may still force them to shift forms.​

Shifting is done by all Dragon-Shifters, and involves going from human to dragon, or dragon to human.

Dragon-Shifters can shift from even before they are born. In their mothers womb, it is actually possible for the child to shift in the last months of pregnancy, often causing considerable pain for the mother until the child shifts back. For the first year after they are born, shifts are uncontrolled, yet still painful. They become more controllable after their first year, and by the time they reach Warrior age they are often in complete control.

The process is painful. With bones breaking and skin growing, as well as other changes, the process will never be completely painless. It is actually lessened for children under the age of one, when their shifts are uncontrollable. However, control is what makes it more painful. The older a dragon gets, and the more they can control it, the less pain they will feel, and the more they will get used to it.​

Communication in human form is as you would expect. Through talking.

However, in dragon form, things work a little differently. Of course, dragons can make verbal sounds, but they can't speak. Instead, they can telepathically communicate with each other, including those in their human forms. However, telepathy is unable to be used in human form, which means they can hear the telepathy of others, but have to speak aloud to return.

Telepathy is also difficult for hatchlings. They learn to use it as they would talking verbally. In other words, it's shaky and unintelligible to begin with, but becomes clearer and more understandable as they grow.​


The time setting of this RP takes place in a medieval-fantasy era. So, knights, swords, arrows, candles, castles, etc. No electricity, glass buildings, skyscrapers etc.

The Forest:

The Forest, Perditta, is large. It surrounds the humans kingdom on one side, and is separated by a wall, which is constantly guarded day and night. There is only one way in, or out into the forest, and this is constantly guarded also. People are only permitted to go out into Perditta with express permission from the king. Which means, people leave only rarely nowadays, due to the previous amounts of people who went missing. It is filled with many mythical creatures, ranging from unicorns to griffins.

The packs themselves live very far away from the kingdom itself, and are thus unlikely to ever go there. The dragons never enter the kingdom unless with express permission from the Alpha from some dire reason, but this hasn't happened in many, many years. Instead, they live in their own buildings, castles hidden far into the forest.

The Astra Castle:

Settled far away from the humans, and not far from the Draven, the Astra Castle is surrounded by the forest at the front, and a rocky mountain behind. Built by the a past Alpha, with strange powers of architecture, it has been built to house the dragons, and their human forms, with ease.

This means the doors are large, big enough to fit a dragon through larger than average size. The rooms are similarly big, for the same reasoning, though there is human furniture around, for those who use their human forms around the Castle. Each pack member has their own room, with mated pairs being allowed larger rooms to sleep together. The Alpha's room is the largest. The Healer not only has their own sleeping room, but another large room to do their healing in.

The Draven Castle:

The Draven have settled not too far away from the Astra, at least not by flight terms. Like the Astra, their territory is large, as is their Castle. No one knows where the castle came from, since it was originally abandoned there. Often thought to be the first Astra Castle, before the Astra moved into their new home. Thus, it would have been magically created by the same dragon who built the Astra Castle.

The doors are large, big enough to fit a dragon through larger than average size. The rooms are similarly big, for the same reasoning, though there is human furniture around, for those who use their human forms around the Castle. Each pack member has their own room, with mated pairs being allowed larger rooms to sleep together. The Alpha's room is the largest. The Healer not only has their own sleeping room, but another large room to do their healing in.


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