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Fantasy Flight for Freedom CS - Over



Ten Thousand Club
~Please post here to join. You may not post in the RP until you have been approved~





Dragon Type: (See Lore)

Pack: (Astra or Draven)

Pack Position: (Please see what is open before you apply)



Mate: (Not your own character. Please also ask the other player before deciding)


Dragon Appearance:

Human Appearance:

Backstory: (Min 1 paragraph please)

Alpha Male: (TBD in RP)
Alpha Female: Artemis Lunala

Beta Male:
Beta Female: (Please post in OOC showing interest before replying)


Astiel Stormchaser



Kestin Evergreene
Astaroth 'Ash' Smallclaw
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi

Alpha Male:
Slade Kresney
(Father of Tritt)
Alpha Female:
(Please ask in OOC before posting a form for this - May be required to be decided in RP)

Beta Male:
Styx Kagren
Beta Female:
(Please ask in OOC before posting a form for this)




Tritt Kresney
Leviathan 'Levi'


Black (Non-Shifter)
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Artemis Lunala

27 years



Dragon Type:
Western Dragon


Pack Position:
Alpha Female

Can control / manipulate electricity. She can make it dance across her scales, giving others shocks if they were to touch her.
Can call bolts down from the sky, though this takes up energy.
Can fly faster than the average dragon, though not by much
Can start small fires with said electricity, though this takes a lot of concentration

Tends to go 'insane' during storms, with the urge to let it dance through her. This makes her dangerous to those around her, as her only priority becomes getting into the storm, and she would be likely to harm anyone between her and it. For this reason, when she can feel a storm brewing, she will often disappear to the basement and have someone lock her inside until the storm stops. Also tends to be weaker after this.
May 'short circuit' if forced underwater. Can't swim.

The Alpha Male.
To be decided in the RP

Leviathan 'Levi' Lunala

Dragon Appearance:

Human Appearance:

Born into the Astra pack, Artemis was powerful, but often cast aside, even as a child. This was due to her lack of control, and the danger she posed to the rest of the flock. However, the older she became, the more controlled she got, and she started to rise through the ranks. As a Beta, she disappeared for a while, returning pregnant, refusing to admit who the father was, and often getting upset when anyone pushed. Soon after her child, Levi, was born, the previous Alpha died, leaving Artemis as the new Alpha for Astra pack.

She played her role well. Juggling the care of her child and of the pack was hard, but with peaceful times around them there wasn't much to fear. Of course, everything went wrong when a storm hit, whilst she was out with little Levi, teaching him to fly. She went crazy, and when she returned to herself she found blood on her snout, and her child gone. She searched and search, but eventually came to the realisation that she had murdered her own child.

Since then, with no idea that Levi is actually alive, she has locked herself away every storm. She also refuses to speak of the matter, which only happened two years ago.
Astaroth 'Ash' Smallclaw

14 years



Dragon Type:
Western Dragon


Pack Position:

Ice Manipulation
Unfortunately very weak. Creates frost across her scales to keep herself cold, and can make a faint cold mist with her breath.

Small / Weak - Very low fighting ability

None for now

None for now

Dragon Appearance:

Human Appearance:

Born into the pack, Ash was named rather ironically. As a young hatchling, it was unknown what her power would be. However, her parents, both fire wielding dragons, believed she'd inherit their power. Therefore, the nickname of Ash came about. It wasn't long after that she made a tiny puff of mist. It was always believed that she'd get stronger, but she can barely manage to keep herself cold in warm temperatures with the small amount of frost she can make. She is also very small in her dragon form, around only half the size of the average fully grown dragon.
Astiel Stormchaser

18 years



Dragon Type:
Western Dragon


Pack Position:

Mechanical Manipulation - The ability to make anything remotely mechanical do as he pleases, if it's in the realms of it's abilities. Of course, there isn't much mechanical items out there, but he likes to spend time creating his own. Little mechanical birds are his favourite and, whilst they don't do much more than fly around and perch on his shoulder, he loves making them. So the birds can fly, despite their weight, because they have wings. Similarly, mechanical things modelled after animals can do as that animal would, as long as it's mechanics can move in such a way. Parts of his body are also mechanical, made by him, since he was injured long ago. The pieces on his dragon form disappear when he shifts, bonded to his dragon form in the same way his scales would be. However, his right leg in his human form, as well as his back right leg in his dragon form, is always mechanical, the form of the mechanics just switches to fit his form.

Water. Short circuits his mechanics and can, if left long enough, rust them.
Also needs to have made the mechanical pieces before hand, cannot create them from thin air.



Dragon Appearance:

Human Appearance:

Astiel was born to an average shifter, and a powered one. His father was a fire wielding dragon. Life was sweet, and safe, until his mother was killed during a violent attack from some unknown beast. His father, away hunting at the time, returned to find Astiel cowering under his mothers wing, despite her being dead. Life from then on became difficult, as his father blamed Astiel for everything. He was beaten, abused, and ultimately left for dead after an accident on his fathers behalf that ended with Astiel losing his leg, the end of his tail and earning damaged wings. Only 16 at the time, he was picked up and nurtured back to health by the Astra pack, who took him in.

Since then he built himself mechanical legs, one for his human form and one for his dragon. Strangely, the legs seemed to bond with the forms they were meant for, and don't fall off when he shifts. The plates and joints he also made were added to his dragon form, to strengthen his wings and tail, ended up doing the same.

Leviathan 'Levi' Lunala

8 years



Dragon Type:


Pack Position:

Super Speed - Levi can run / fly at speed far faster than the average dragon. So much faster, for that matter, that he is seen as a blur. He gives off electricity as he does so, making him crackle, and is perhaps an addition given his real mothers powers.
Also has faster reaction times, since his entire body runs faster than everyone elses, including his instincts.

Stopping. While Levi can react fast, stopping is always an issue. He'll often misjudge and simply slam into something.
His power takes up a lot of energy. Even when he doesn't run, he needs to eat more than the average dragon, else he becomes sick and passes out eventually.



Dragon Appearance:

Human Appearance:

Mostly unknown. He was found by the Draven at 6 years old, shivering and bleeding from a wound on his head. Whatever happened and wherever he came from was lost, when it turned out he had amnesia. Since then he's done his best to fit in with his new family, admiring the older hatchling Tritt, and the Alpha. It does bother him that he can't remember where he came from, or what happened, but he's happy in his new home.




Dragon Type:
Western Dragon


Pack Position:

Nature Growth - Can grow plants as she pleases. Often helps with herbs for the Healer.

Fire - Burns her worse than it would a normal dragon
Weak - Unable to fight with her power and small size.



Dragon Appearance:

Human Appearance:

Born into the pack, it was always known Tawny would be an Omega. Submissive, quiet, and unwilling to harm anyone, she was mistreated by the pack for years before she was even classed properly as an Omega instead of a hatchling, which has only been recent. She takes the punishments as they come though, since Omegas are meant to be the lowest of the pack, beaten and abused. She doesn't mind really, she understands that she's useless to them

Styx Kagren






Dragon Type:



Pack Position:

Beta Male


Illusion - The ability to create any form of image around him, be it another dragon, an animal, fire, ice. Not limited by the images he can create. Can cause great distractions, allowing him to use surprise in battle. Can also use these illusions to change his own image, thus perhaps making him look bigger and more intimidating.


Illusions are just that, illusions. You could run straight through them without batting an eye, as they are merely an image in your mind. If you are smart enough to know him, you wouldn't be distracted by these, and thus he'd lose his edge of distraction and surprise. This is also the only power he has, leaving him to fight with tooth and claw otherwise. It also takes quite a bit of concentration to make many, big moving illusions without faltering.





Dragon Appearance:


Human Appearance:



Born into the Draven pack, Styx easily climbed the ladder to become Beta, and is quite content in that position. He took his chance when their current Alpha won the challenge against the old, doing everything possible to make his Alpha proud and happy, and soon was promoted to be the Beta when the past Beta mysteriously died. Said death was caused by Styx himself, not that anyone has been able to work this out.
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Name: Strife

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Sexuality: N/A

Dragon Type: Wyvern

Pack: Astra

Pack Position: Warrior

Power: Lightning absorption

Weakness: Water, Ice (As you know these don't mix well with lightning)

Mate: N/A

Hatchlings: N/A

Dragon Appearance:


Human Appearance:


Backstory: Born in Scotland in a cave. Strife was given the ability to shift into a human being to preserve his kind from complete extinction. This wyvern was a VERY VERY endangered species and were hunted to the brink of extinction to keep cities from loosing power and for the high selling price that their electric absorbing heart sold for. Strife took up a job as an electrical technician because of his experience with electricity as a wyvern. However though; people have become slightly suspicious of his origins due to his latest incident where he survived being shocked with 3.79 Giga Watts. He loves his job and tries his absolute best to ignore the suspicious glances he gets from people who think he is more than what he appears to be. If only they knew the truth....
Name: Tyranus/Tyrann

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Dragon Type: Wyvern

Pack: None

Pack Position: None

Power: Evolution to match environment: Since he was a hatchling, Tyranus has constantly changed himself to survive. Sometimes he needed stronger wings to escape predators, sometimes he needed darker scales to hide in the shadows. He even gained firebreath in order to cook his meals so he could feed himself after his mother was killed by a member of the Draven Pack. His current form as the Black Dragon is the culmination of many years of killing and eating anything he can to stay alive.

Weakness: Tyranus has adapted his body to survive the harsh enviroment of his territory. However dragons who have evolved differently to survive against different predators pose a threat against him. His dark scales make him an easy target to spot in the sky unless he hunts at night. Tyranus's body is strong yet soft to touch. A trait shared by him and his parents is the weak point located on his neck area. Strong magic focused on that area can gravely harm and potentially kill him.

Mate: None

Hatchlings: None

Dragon Appearance:

Human Appearance:
Jun the Mage.jpg

Backstory: Tyranus has always been a lone wolf. When he was a hatchling, his sire was gravely wounded by a member of the Astra Pack. When at the crucial time his mother was meant to teach him how to fly. She was killed and eaten by a member of the Draven Pack. Since then, Tyranus has trusted no one from a pack. Preferring the company of dragons who are packless or remaining alone. His ability to evolve enabled his growth into a fierce and deadly hunter. Titled "The Black Dragon", he is known for his cold heart and ruthless consumption of almost anything that finds itself in his territory. On the odd occasion where a dragon tries to take from his hunting grounds, Tyranus has brutally killed and devoured their meat.
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Name: Kestin Evergreene

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Dragon Type: Eastern Dragon

Pack: Astra

Pack Position: Omega

Power: Ice and Snow- Can create, shape and manipulate ice at will. Can create any forms of water, including snow, slush, hail, icicles, ice spikes, glaciers, pack ice, frost, and polar ice caps. Can also create cold by reducing the kinetic energy of atoms and thus making things colder, for various effects and combinations.

Weakness: Fire, heat, heights

Mate: TBD in future

Hatchlings: None

Dragon Appearance:
Human Appearance:
Backstory: Kestin was born as an only child to his mother and father. The boy was born autistic. He grew up as a slow learner, and he couldn't really grasp the idea of following the rules. He would much rather play around and do his own thing in the group, quickly earning himself the title of an omega. He really couldn't fit in with anyone and he was seen as the loser and misfit. His parents both died at one point of the boy's growing years. HIs mother died shortly after the birth and his father died of heart cancer when he was 7 years old. The boy grew up, depending on the other members of the clan to care for him, though he isn't really attached to anyone at the moment. He is known as the orphan of the pack.
Name: Slade Kresney

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual (leans more toward females)

Dragon Type: Drake

Pack: Draven

Pack Position: Alpha Male

Power: Darkness Manipulation- Can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows. By itself, darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but by accessing a dimension of dark energy it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance. Can also control and manipulate the beings that exist in this dark dimension, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows, create allies made of shadows, etc. The allies he creates only last for a few minutes, but they can be helpful when outnumbered. Slade can ignore the allies, he doesn't have to keep track of them or concentrate on them. The allies themselves are average in their strength, they are easy to defeat if outnumbered. He can only make two allies, at most. The weapons he creates from shadows can take at least 60 blows before they destroy. The bladed weapons can be very sharp and powerful, and he can only form one weapon a day. The weapons are mainly useful in his human form.

Weakness: Water, swimming

Mate: Lilia Kerin

Hatchlings: One son named Tritt

Dragon Appearance: Minus the wings

Human Appearance:
Backstory: Not many people know of Slade's past. He tends to keep this away from the other dragons' knowledge, not wanting anyone to know too much about him. In truth, his parents abandoned him when he was just a hatchling, they didn't want to deal with a child so they thought it would be best to leave him on the side of the road. He was found by a lone dragon, who raised him from a hatchling and helped him grow. The loner made sure Slade grew strong and powerful, he saw potential in the young man. Slade grew up to be powerful, strong, his guardian saw him as an alpha and he was the one who told him to join the Draven. That's exactly what Slade did.

Unfortunately, Slade ran into another dragon in search of the Draven pack. A dragon he quickly fell in love with and even gave the female a child. After settling down with her at a young age, he helped raise the boy they named Tritt. Though, this happy family wasn't meant to be. This female dragon left Slade and Tritt, abandoning them just like Slade's parents did. Wanting his son to grow up strong, Slade raised the boy to know his mother was nothing but a filthy wretch. The young man and his son traveled to continue the search for the Draven pack.

At 24 years old, Slade challenged the alpha male of the Draven pack. The drake had won easily with his many years of training and battling, and he became the new alpha of the pack. The man took great pride in this achievement, making sure to do his job to the best of his ability.
Name: Tritt Kresney

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Dragon Type: Drake

Pack: Draven

Pack Position: Hatchling

Power: Darkness Manipulation, still learning his powers. Same description as his father's power.

Weakness: His own weak strength, light, brightness

Mate: None, too young

Hatchlings: None, too young

Dragon Appearance: Minus the wings

Human Appearance:
Backstory: Tritt was born to his father Slade and his mother. He only grew to age two before his mother abandoned the two, leaving him to only grow up with his father's care. The boy grew up with a deep hatred for his mother. Growing up in the Draven pack, the boy has learned the dark side of things. He is growing to be a cruel dragon shifter, hatred toward others outside of the pack. He wants to follow in his father's footsteps and prove that he is the best he can be.
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Name: Nyx

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Sexuality: N/A

Dragon Type: Wyvern

Pack: Astra

Pack Position: Hatchling

Power: Nyx can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible variant. Due to condition of albinsium, Nyx appears as an Ice manipulating dragon and often confuses others. She can use heat waves to see, and the fire she breathes is blue in color. If she becomes too distressed, or in need of defense, she can contour flames around her entire body. Nyx is still learning to control these powers.

Weakness: Ice, Water, Blind

Mate: N/A

Hatchlings: N/A

Dragon Appearance:

Human Appearance:

Backstory: From birth, Nyx was never wanted. Her mother and father abandoned her due to her condition and left her for dead. She was taken in by a rouge who raised her for three years until she was brutally killed by the Draven pack. It seemed the will of the world wished for her to fail as she struggled to make it on her own. Fortunately, she was taken in by the Astra pack and given a new chance at life. The young one has a rather sour personality, caused by the inner guilt and sense of abandonment she received from her parents and the death of her caretaker, and prefers to keep herself withdrawn from others. She fears that anyone she gets close to will be injured.
Name: Juniper

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Dragon Type: Western Dragon

Pack: Draven

Pack Position: Hatchling

Power: Juniper can create, shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers. The user can cause plants to grow, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk", mutate plants by rearranging DNA structure and revive withered or dead plants.
They can use their power for defense and support cause flowers and other plants to bloom instantaneously, manipulate tree branches to use them as whip-like weapons, control spores and pollen, and bring plants back to life and make them sprout seeds/fruits/berries, use plant chemicals to heal people/objects or manipulate their properties for a wide range of effects.
Though less commonly activated, the ability may deal a series of offensive techniques on a target. Using the plants as weapons enables users to grasp and strike continuously with vines and roots, project thorns at a distance, and quickly regenerate the withering weapons at the user’s will. She can grow vines to entangle enemies climb around a target's neck, causing choking, or strike with plants. A more subtle technique is to release damaging toxins and pheromones, affecting targets in which conditions should be treated quickly with ailments.

Weakness: Fire/Heat, Immense Cold, Weak- too small to win in a physical fight.

Mate: “Nope.”

Hatchlings: “Not any time soon.”

Dragon Appearance:

Human Appearance:

Backstory: Juniper was born into the Draven pack. However, she has been alone for the past years without her mother, who died in a brutal attack. Ever since the death of her mother, Juniper has become quiet and shy. She used to be able to turn to her mother to help resolve her conflicts, but now that is not an option. However, the young being does seek revenge on the ones who slaughtered her mother, and believes them to be in the Astra pack, her reason for disliking them. Though, she is unsure and holds back on her need for revenge.
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Name: Raubahn

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Dragon Type: Weastern

Pack: Astra

Pack Position: Beta Male

Power: Earth Manipulation: Raubahn can manipulate any material that is created from the earth. Rocks, Metals, and Crystals are his primary choices, but has used a space rock before to make very unique items. One of his favorite attacks is to cover his body in material and smashing whatever is in his way.
Raubahn's father taught him a very unique ability that allows him to turn himself into a living smelter. By inhaling a large amount of air after consuming ore, Raubahn can use the fire in his belly to turn the ore into liquid hot melted. He then can either use this molten liquid during his forging, or, can hurl molten balls of liquid at his enemies.

Weakness: Water: In human form, enough to drown in. In dragon form, a large lake. He can not swim. He is also so large and heavy, his wings can not actually carry him.

Mate: None

Hatchlings: None

Dragon Appearance:


Human Appearance:

Raubahn has been in the Astra clan since he was a hatchling. The first and only son of Rubain and Sera, Raubahn was prized and loved by both his parents. His father, a seasoned veteran within the pack, was a very proud and able bodied blacksmith. He would make everything from weapons, to armors, to works of engineering when it was needed. His ability to manipulate the stone and metals within his forge were legendary. So of course his son learned as much as he could during his time with his father. Like his father, Raubahn learned how to harness the powers of his elemental blood and become an exquisite craftsman. His father also taught him how to fight during their spare time, and he quickly became a force to be reckoned with among his peers.
Raubahns father never got to see his rise to Beta Male within the pack. On an expedition into the further mountains to claim prized ore for a commission, Rubain was attacked by a pack of Drakes that were unrecognizable to him. He fought off as many of them as he could, but there were to many of them and he had reached an age where he could not fight forever. He died on the mountain pass, where his son found him. The pack that attacked his father never came forward, but at that moment Raubahn swore to take vengeance for his father. He fought his way to the Beta Male position, a position that he could actually do something about trying to track down his fathers murderers.

Name: Lucas

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Dragon Type:Drake


Pack Position: Warrior

Power: Blight Manipulation: Lucas' powers have been honed to extract poisons and diseases from the things he eats. It becomes absorbed into his body, processed through special glands lining his stomach wall, and then stored within pouches within his body. He can store anything from potent acid's to hemotoxic venom. Most of these are delivered by his breath attacks or bites. But sometimes he will drool onto his claws to create a coating for melee attacks. He also can store pouches fur of noxious gases and fowl diseases that he can spread with his breath. But these are only for large scale battles, and require him to eat rancid meat for several days.

Weakness: Fire attacks will nullify his more gaseous attacks, while water can wash away poisons that have not broken skin. Acid is harder to remove, but something with a low base like dirt could remove it before to much damage is done. While he can not fly, he is light on his feet and very fast.

Mate: N/A

Hatchlings: N/A

Dragon Appearance:


Human Appearance:

Lucas had a rough hatchlinghood. He was abandoned pretty early on and forced to survive in a very harsh swamp a ways outside of Astra territory. As far as he knows, he has Astra lineage, but he has never been able to prove it. The fact that his parents left him, left him with a grudge against the Astra clan that he has never let go of. He learned how to survive the best he could in the swamps, eating what vegetation would supply him with the nutrients just to survive, and dead animals when he could find them. This made him grow small, but it also showed him what his abilities could do. He became fast, and agile, and learned how to best use his poison abilities in combat situations. He grew up, and when he learned about the Draven's push against the Astra clan, he was quick to sign up for the fight. He will stop at nothing to see the Astra taken down, and maybe even deliver the killing blow to the parents that abandoned him.
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Name: Kyragosa

Age: 38

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Hetero

Dragon Type: Western

Pack: Astra

Pack Position: Healer

Power: Ice Manipulation ~ Kyragosa is able to manipulate ice, frost and the cold (and by proximity, water, in limited and appropriate fashions), and can conjure crystalline ice formations by freezing moisture in the air. She is fond of using her powers to preserve wounds or conjure armor. She also able to heal by weaving a wound with enchanted frost that protects and accelerates natural regeneration. She is able to turn her own hide into solid ice that is so cold and so hard that she becomes a living suit of armor that is nigh indestructible, however she cannot fly or use her power in any other fashion while this is happening. Kyragosa can alternatively transmute specific parts of her body without imposing such restrictions on herself. Her only "offensive" use of her powers that she has used is breathing shards of ice like weaponized hail.

Weakness: Unless she is using her powers to crystallize herself, heat and fire are great weaknesses for her. Dry environments are where she is weakest.

Mate: Currently None

Hatchlings: Currently None

Dragon Appearance: Normally she has blue scales with a white underbelly, and her wings are normally feathered, though almost always frosted. Below is her crystalline form.

Human Appearance:

Backstory: Kyragosa would be known as a cyromancer to most. Having been born with scales that made ice feel warm, she was taught from an early age how to manage the frigid temperatures that her body output so that the cold she enjoyed wasn't burdensome to her pack. As she continued to grow in size and strength, Kyragosa had put her abilities to good use by studying and practicing the preservative nature of ice and using it to conjure armor in battle in her years as an Astera Warrior. However, her continued use of her magic taught how to manipulate natural regeneration. After rigorous training, she would earn herself the title of "Healer" once she had come to master this unique form of cyromancy.


Name: Rashgarroth

Age: 60

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Dragon Type: Western

Pack: Astra

Pack Position: Warrior

Power: Volcanic Manipulation ~ Rashgarroth's powers have grown dramatically over his life. He has the ability to conjure magma and lava, in conjunction with stone, at will and in a multitude of forms. This, however, is affected by his proximity to an active magma chamber. Breathing pure, unadultered magma is something he can only do while he is actually in or on an active volcano. When he is out of a volcano, but still benefiting from a magma chamber in the region, his draconic breath is more like lava - half magma, half earthen debris. When he is far away form a magma chamber, his breath becomes volcanic ash, or earthen debris carrying little bits of magma. This gradience on his powers also goes for his ability to create volcanic eruptions and manipulatable pyroclasts. He is fond of bathing in lava after battles, as the molten rock and flame seem to cauterize and cover his injuries in a layer of stone skin. While it will never replace his ebon scales, something is better than nothing.

Weakness: Ice is his greatest weakness as it dampers his abilities and easily reopens his lava-tended wounds. He is also at his weakest the further away from an active magma chamber he is.

Mate: Currently None

Hatchlings: Currently None

Dragon Appearance: He is supposed to be more bulky than the image tells, but otherwise accurate. The red stripes are scars.

Human Appearance: Whenever he changes into his human form, he shifts into a heavily-armored figure of which only burning eyes can be seen beneath the helm (he does not have the shield & spear).

Backstory: Rashgarroth is not one that people typically decipher as a member of the Astera Pack - including many of his own faction. To an extent, they are right. He was born into a pack whose name has been burried in time. He had fought alongside his native pack for years after ascending from his status as a hatchling. It wasn't until he saw the treachery that his own were pursuing. He was one of honor and glory, neither of which proved present in the affairs of his former pack. So he vanished into the volcanic mountains. When his pack declared war on others, he would descend from his dwelling and crush his former friends into the earth. This earned him the title of "the Warbreaker." After so many years went on, and once the Draven arrived, the Astera Pack began to look in need of his prowess. As such, he volunteered himself with the warriors of Astera from his place in the mountains.
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  • Name: Black

    Age: 50

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Straight

    Dragon Type: Drake

    Pack: Loner

    Pack Position: warrior

    Power: Venomous bite and can move some of venom to his claws, making that wounding with claw transpires venom to victim.
    Immunity to most venoms and poisons.
    Both are things that his species has.

    Weakness: Lightining

    Mate: none

    Hatchlings: none

    Dragon Appearance:
    Black drake.jpg

    Human Appearance: No human form

    Backstory: Black has lived his life as loner as far he remembers. He prefers hunting at forest and swamps where he can ambush his prey and dive in to water if needed. He often uses his venom to weaken prey or attacker and go then wait that venom will take effect.
    He had mate year ago, but she was killed by dragon hunter and eggs that she was watching where stoled, that made Black go to depression and move from where he had lived, from when he left from his parent's territory and where he had meet with his late mate.
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"Valka, older and more mature honestly"
"Volker, the "Youngest" of the two"

"Well both of us are 29 unless we include minutes"
"No one ask about that! just age!"

"Well obviusly i am a very sexy lady..."

"Meh, Kinda keep things to myself"
"Pffft she is just shy and-"
"Shut up unless you want me to kill you"
"Ok ok....I am more open, she is just...meh, like a wall"

{Dragon Type}
"A wyvern"
"Nonono...TWO headed wyvern, come on i exist!"

"Oh thought it was like "Draw" or something"

{Pack Position}
"We make sure you don't die"
"Remember kids! a apple a day keeps the...um...the Astra away! is it Aztra or Astra?"

"Take your soul...."
"Not funny no, not that"

--Life channeling--
The twins are notorious for one ability, capable of taking the "Life" out of some other living being and transfer it to another,healing the taker and harming the giver. They cannot just take the life out of some one as the person or thing they are taking it out of must be in a calm environment, they must remain still and calm as if the person is struggling or fighting it ill prove unimaginably hard. The process is not long but it depends on the wound,sickens or injury the person receive has as if its a minor cut it will only take a few seconds compared to a lost limb that would talk half a hour. But it as well depends on the "Life force" of the being.

If the being is, for example, a tree it considers a "Lesser" being, meaning extracting its life and transferring it to another is very easy but it wont heal as much compared to a person, a "greater being" witch takes slightly long but its healing is remarkable. This process CAN kill the one giving if spent to much time. Now after healing some one the one ho as given the "Life" feels healed, relived from all sickness and energized. But the one giving will feel the opposite: weak,tired,sick,etc depending how much life was taken from it. ONE THING TO KEEP IN MIND! this ability cant be preformed with just ONE of the siblings, both must be present as one sibling will "siphon" the life while the other is the "Catalyst" to give it. or holding it. The "Life" obtained can be stored inside a hollow object such as a bottle or coconut for later use, if broken its all lost.

When in dragon form there breath is not flames but more of a green glowing "Vacuum". There jaw opens wide siphoning life of targets in close proximity, healing them very slowly and damaging target.

--Birth connection--
From birth both twins are connected mentally, capable of communicating with each other and knowing where one and another is "feeling" they are there and knowing such. They cannot be completely separated.

"Honestly we are weak if we are apart, we cant transform and such"
"Yea, its a shame"
"Hey! come on i know you enjoy my company!"

There biggest weakness is seperation as without one another they cannot transform, channel life or combat well, being dependent of one another.

"My brother is a hatcling"
"Hey respect!"

{Dragon Appearance}

{Human Appearance}


"A dying home is more than enough for any man or woman to defile morality"

The twins were one born in a very small pack, they dint belong to any affiliation but a neutral social group located in a small village in the Forrest. Named after a great healer in the village "Valoza" the small town was not well known only for the woman who was said to bring miracles and heal even the most wounded. Sadly years prior current the healer passed away for natural reasons but the town named itself after her and continued there tradition and healing for those injured. The siblings were born from there both powered snifters named "Halder" there father and "Bela" there mother. Many saw them as a miracle, twins since from the womb of there mother.were connected both body and mind making them a admired duo. They never seemed to transform in there dragon form for the pass first two years of there life till one day instead fused as one making one two headed wyvern and from there learn not just there only way to transform but as well a connection far more than one could think. Life flow from both as they could feel each other's pain and thoughts but they once discovered they could not just connect with each other, but with the essence of life around them. In there young times of only 13 they learn the ways of channeling that many others could never master as they needed a partner but with the twins being intertwine, it was there natural gift.

One becomes the siphon of extraction while the other becomes the pot to hold, a bond that the village admired and respected and with both there botanic,herbalist and healing studies made the pair a admired healer in the village. But soon all began to fade slowly, the land began to die off in the village and no one knew why forcing them to plant and farm to wider and better place but what they did not know this was the twins doing. Siphoning the life of the green and trees to heal others slowly killed the vegetation in the village after so long. Village elders knew this power was helpful to all but a risk, the twins were told to act cautiously when using there abilities as the land should not be tampered with. The town was not well defended as savage creatures usually attacked and the village could push them off easily as most were dragon shifters but with each passing day they cold not keep the same place or size as it grew more dangerous. The twins knew they did not just needed more extensive training but as well hope for there home. Draven were expanding and taking over land and so the twins entitled to be there healer in exchange for there home to grow with them and prosper.​
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Name: Lilia Kresney

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Dragon Type: Western

Pack: Draven

Pack Position: Alpha Female.

~Emotional Manipulation: Lilia is able to manipulate a persons emotions, she can make their stress go away and bring them waves of great joy and happiness. This keeps peace within the pack but can also be used as a weapon, during fights she can bring great fear to her enemies making them easier to take down. This power is quite important for the pack as it gives them the edge over their enemy.

~This power takes a great deal of concentration, it simply can’t just be conjured out of thin air, it needs time to develop. Lilia’s power also takes a huge toll of her, after using her power she will need to have a rest as it’s source is her soul.

Mate: Slade Kresney

Hatchlings: Tritt Kresney (not biological but she treats him as if he were her own)

Dragon Appearance:

Human Appearance:

Lilia is the daugther of a famous warlock who dedicated his life trying to figure out how to bring people back from the dead. His obsession with this form of magic had stemmed from the death of Lilia’s younger sister who died of polio when she was only 12. While her father searched for a cure Lilia was having to deal with the fact that she wasn’t completely human and in fact she had the ability to transform into a dragon. Lilia’s Mother also possessed this power but had kept it a secret from her family but with her daugther displaying the signs of having inherited the gift her mother sent her away. Lilia was sent to live with her uncle who was a beta of some small pack, Lilia joined the pack and was taught how to become a dragon. It took her a while but Lilia was finally able to transform into a beautiful white dragon who has the ability to control emotions.

Her time with her Uncle’s pack ended and she went in search of a new one, this is when she came across the Dravens. It was Slade who first approached her to join his clan as he’d heard rumours about her powers and so he gave her the status of omega. However only 6 months into being a member of the Draven clan Slade and Lilia realised that they were mates, The pair are now inseparable as Slade is Lilia’s rock and she can’t remember what it felt like without him in her life. Marrying Slade also meant that Tritt now became her son, she is a caring and nurturing mother to him as she has fully taken on the role of being his mother.
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Name: Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (People call him Al)

Age: 81

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Dragon Type: Amphithere

Pack: Astra

Pack Position: Omega

Power: Greater Energy Projection (Ability to absorb, project and manipulate different forms of concentrated energy.) Warning: ability has one huge drawback.

Weakness: Al's Omega status comes from the fact that the more of his power he uses, the faster he loses hold of his sanity. He can only maintain base dragon form for an hour (assuming he doesn't exert himself from combat) before having to return to normal due to sheer necessity. This time frame grows shorter the more mass and energy he accumulates. Which is why he steers clear from combat. He gains control over his mental faculties after a short rest though, but prolonged usage of his powers may permanently change him to a mindless rampaging entity.

Mate: None

Dragon Appearance:1522708427011.png

Human Appearance:1522710355704.png

Backstory: Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi was born in a far off land in the East. His story was destined to be a tragic one as his mother died giving birth to him. That coupled with his uncontrollable powers made him a bad omen among his people. His youth was spent hating himself and everyone around him, something he jokingly referred to as his 'growing phase'. By his early adult years, he had packed what few things he owned to travel the world. No one bothered to bid him farewell.

Throughout his travels, Al exposed himself to several diverse cultures; he read the most curious of books; cracked jokes with some of the wisest of minds. and finally came to piece with his curse. He grew fond of reading. The smallest room in the castle in which he lives is lined with mountains of books strewn across in a seemingly haphazard way. Al assures people that he has a 'system.'

Now at the Twilight of his life, Al awaits his passing with an oddly whimsical sense of humor. It's difficult to find him without an old smile on his face, aged like fine wine. Al is happy with the way he turned out, but still believes his greatest adventure is still ahead of him.
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(I know, shush.)

Thirty Two



Dragon Type:

No pack, he lives in the forest on his own. But he used to be apart of the Draven Pack.


Deer Stalker
The ability to highlight tracks of animals (Includes blood, footprints, flat grass, etc) allowing him to stalk his prey until the time is right to strike. In his previous pack, this earned him the nickname of "Master Hunter".

(Dunno if this is allowed, since it's not an elemental thing. Let me know if I need to change it.)

Because of his eyes, he is weaker to light, because they are more sensitive to it.
(His eyes are yellow, like in the picture.)

Has no mate.


Dragon Appearance:

As tough as the outside environment was, Hunter wasn't always living on his own. He used to be in the Draven pack, always out on the hunt as a skilled warrior. By the time he was of age to join the hunt, he showed potential of raking in a lot of food for everyone, just because of his ability. Whilst he tracked, the others closed in for the kill. But around the age of twenty four, he was wrongly accused of getting one of his pack members killed, causing the alpha to exile him to the forests, where he would spend the rest of his days.

No one has heard or seen from him since then, but lately, food has gone missing from the general hunting grounds of the Draven and Astra territory, the only thing being left behind being blood trails that lead to dead ends.

(Hope this is OK)

"Granny Bara"

Age: 238

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Dragon Type: Salamander - Western dragon with leathery skin instead of scales.

Pack: Draven

Pack Position: Elder, although she works as a scribe and historian of the pack.

Power: Baracuda has very little innate magic within her due to her age, and never had much to begin with. While she is able to shift (Although she will often stubbornly refuse to do so) it is difficult for her to accomplish. Baracuda has accumulated many talents with her age though - She is one of the few, if the only dragon left alive that is able to write legibly in her natural form, as most dragons no longer practice the art of writing outside their human forms. Similarly, she is able to speak human tongue in her natural form - Although it is quite husky and old-fashioned in her speaking style, even for the middle ages. Baracuda is also a competent swimmer, and has great knowledge of the lands surrounding the Draven pack.

Weakness: Age is the power over us all, and Baracuda is no exception. Her old age has rendered her quite physically weak, And she has little speed left in her. Both forms being affected by slowly-growing arthritis pains, She tends to refrain from flying, and is quite a weak flyer when she is forced to the air. Baracuda is smaller then most dragons due to belonging to the salamander subspecies of wyvren, and due to this her skin is less element-resistant then most of her scaley comerades.

Mate: Bara had a mate at one point in her life, but she refuses to tell anybody, and any mention of a relationship between her and other dragons has been scrubbed from the pack's written history, most likely by Baracuda herself.

Hatchlings: Again, Some of Baracuda's clutch may still walk among the tribe, but there is no mention of it within the history she keeps.

Dragon Appearance:

Human Appearance:

Backstory: There are those who will weave the fate of others, and those that will write it for those to come. Baracuda has done both in her life, and lives to serve and keep the pack she has tenderly nursed for so long alive. While she is seen as a blunt and down-to-earth grandmother for hatchlings by most of the tribe, She is respected due to her age and knowledge. Few dragons have lived as long as baracuda, and if it were not for her immense knowledge and historical record keeping she would have been left to die by the tribe long ago. Baracuda has kept the scrolls of history in the great stone cave she calls her "Archive", great stone cubes cut into the stone to store dozens upon dozens of carefully protected parchments. Baracuda was a warrior once, protecting Draven in times of need - but she has long since put the way of tooth and claw behind her in favour of quill and parchment. Is there more? Probably, but Granny Bara has never been one to speak too frequently of herself. No, she'd rather chronicle the life of the tribe, and the inhabitants within.

While she may seem old fashione to some - and indeed, she loathes the art of shifting, seeing it as dragons of old do - a transformation into a disgusting lesser species, and thus she has tried to preserve the art of writing and interracial speech within herself. You will rarely see Baracuda in her human form, as her cave is not only designed for her natural shape, but she has great disgust in changing to her "flappy skinned container". Despite all of this though, she is still loving and caring to the hatchlings of the tribe, and is an incredible bard and storyteller due to her knowledge and practice.​

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