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Realistic or Modern FLESH EATERS OOC

Settings & Details
  • Settings

    It’s Saturday July 14th, 2025.
    It is almost too hot to manage and some may be affected by it.

    Somewhere outside of Texas, survivors took the chance to clear out a small military base and have made it into their sanctuary.

    There are six places to be in the base.

    The gym.
    The cafeteria.
    The sleeping quarters.
    The office (where they plan supply runs etc..).
    The courtyard.
    The “jail”. (a storage room they altered in case anybody acts up.)

    The survivors inside the camp have collected many amenities to put into the camp for everyone’s use. Going outside is dangerous and people don’t spend much time in the courtyard because loud noise attracts flesh eaters.

    Details of the community

    *this can change. I am all for everybody’s opinions. I promise.*

    Supply runs are done once aweek, sometimes they can be gone for days.

    Any concerns that survivors have will go straight to their appointed leader.

    Everybody votes on who is chosen as leader and if someone doubts the leaders capabilities another vote may be held for a change of leaders, but it has not happened since the community first came together.

    When newcomers come into the community their weapons are forfeited and if they refuse, they will get kicked out quickly.

    Food is rationed out by the chef and only the chef, anyone found taking food that is not apart of their days ration will be given time in jail.

    Any breaches by Flesh Eaters will be dealt with strategically. The leader is usually the one who takes care of the planning but if the leader is not around(say on a supply run) the community will have to deal with it.

    Community rules are posted up in the cafeteria and sleeping quarters and they go like this:

    1. No fighting between community members. Any disagreements will be settled with patience and calm.
    2. The leader has the last vote, always.
    3. Newcomers must hand in firearms upon entering the base.
    4. Food is rationed by the chef and the chef alone. If the chef is not there it is the leader who rations.
    5. Group discussions are held every Monday.
    6. If too many Flesh Eaters breach the base, an evacuation plan is put into place and the group must get out.
    7. All medications are handled by the healer.
    8. * any new rules will be added with a star.
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    Characters & Roles
  • Characters

    Community survivors: 2/8

    The Voted Leader:

    The Chef:

    The Healer:


    “I never imagined I’d ever have to kill anything in my life... I mean, I grew up thinking the world was my oyster... I was so wrong.“

    Danika Marsden.
    25 years old.
    Born on December 27, 2000.

    View attachment 802125
    Before the outbreaks what did she do?
    Danika studied child psychology for 2years and wanted to do social work as well. She didn’t know anything about survival and had to learn the hard way once it all happened. She was raised in a pretty well-off household where her mother was the true breadwinner and her father was at home mostly. Despite that, her dad didn’t like doing outdoors activities and preferred his time spent working on cars in his garage. She often found herself wandering in and watching and learning about that. It came In handy when the outbreak started, and it’s been her greatest asset to offer to the community.
    When did she come into the community?
    Danika arrived in 2022, after one of the founding members found her, alone, hardened by witnessing the death of her family. They saw potential in her that she did not see herself and they cracked her when they realized she was just lonely, traumatized and reckless at that point, she’d almost been devoured a couple times before they found her and she was lucky each time.
    Her personality.
    Danika is best described as an old, grumpy cat who is just a softie if you have patience. She is straight-forward when she talks and cares a lot about her community. She is much more mature and put together at 25, definitely not as reckless, more like a semi-silent force who would do anything to protect her community.
    Her skills.
    Danika is a skilled car jumper, things that she gives thanks to her dad for.
    She loves cooking. If the chef is not in the base or not feeling well she will cook.
    She is good at washing clothes and she takes it upon herself to keep everyone smelling good when she can.
    Agility 6/10 - She’s quick when she needs to be.
    Sneak 4/10 - Clumsy, sometimes she makes loud noises.
    Stamina 6/10 - The only reason she is alive is because she can run.
    Strength 5/10 - She is of average strengt. Can fend off one flesh eater, but not a group.
    Intellect 7/10 - She became survival smart the hard way, now she is pretty good at helping plan supply runs.
    Charm 4/10 - Definitely hard to talk to if your new. Easy going around people she knows.
    1. Multitool/leatherman Compact.
    2. Matches.
    3. Paracord.
    4. Music player/headphones/charging cord.
    5. Empty.

    The Newcomers: 1/2

    The loners: 0/2
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