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Fantasy Flawed Character Schools


New Member
Sign Up Sheet For Students-




Fandom? (If yes, put which one)-


Grade (PreK to High School)-


Ever Been Expelled or Arrested? (If yes, put why)-


Character Type (Fat Idiot? Straight [Wo]man? Wierdo? ETC?)-

Any Siblings At Our Schools?-

Physical Description Or Picture-


For Teachers-




Fandom? (If yes, put which one)-


Will Teach (PreK to High School)-


Character Type (Fat Idiot? Straight [Wo]man? Wierdo? ETC?)-


Any Children At Our Schools?-

Physical Description Or Picture-

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Name- Scar

Gender- male

Species- cat

Fandom? (If yes, put which one)- Warriors

Age- 100 moons (human years 18 I guess)

Grade (PreK to High School)-senior

Flaws- oh god, he's the king of darkness and a murderer

Ever Been Expelled or Arrested? (If yes, put why)- no, surprisingly, since he usually lives in the forest

Personality- persuasive, rude, sarcastic, serious, mean, stuff like that

Character Type (Fat Idiot? Straight [Wo]man? Wierdo? ETC?)- uhh... I guess the bully

Any Siblings At Our Schools?- no

Physical Description Or Picture- Scar from the lion king but as a cat

Other- he has shadow magic, he can turn into a shadow,
Name- Moontiger

Gender- female

Species- night elf/cat/bear/bird/moose/killer whale (not combined)

Fandom? (If yes, put which one)- yes, Warriors and World of Warcraft

Age- 500 years (still young for her race)

Will Teach (PreK to High School)- any

Personality- sweet, sassy, kind, patent, strong as hell, powerful

Character Type (Fat Idiot? Straight [Wo]man? Wierdo? ETC?)- best teacher unless you piss her off

Strengths- a bunch

Any Children At Our Schools?- no

Physical Description Or Picture- just wait, I'll get a picture for you later with all the parts

Other-can change into animals, has tons of magic including healing and attacking magic
Name- Sara Emerald

Gender- Female

Species- Cat Animatronic

Fandom? (If yes, put which one)- FNAF

Age- 16 years

Grade (PreK to High School)- High School

Flaws- OVERSIZED BOOBS. Animatronics shouldn't even have them...

Ever Been Expelled or Arrested? (If yes, put why)- Yes, went to her crush's house, despite the restraining order.

Personality- Obsessive, flirty.

Character Type (Fat Idiot? Straight [Wo]man? Wierdo? ETC?)- Stalker

Any Siblings At Our Schools?- Cara Emerald, Pre-K

Physical Description Or Picture- Hot Pink, with a lime green belly.

Other- Has dated 150 different men.
Name- Cara Emerald

Gender- Female

Species- Cat Animatronic

Fandom? (If yes, put which one)- FNAF

Age- 5

Grade (PreK to High School)- Pre-K

Flaws- Was born, became princess of the World, The End.

Ever Been Expelled or Arrested? (If yes, put why)- No

Personality- Whiney and Demanding

Character Type (Fat Idiot? Straight [Wo]man? Wierdo? ETC?)- Weirdo

Any Siblings At Our Schools?- Sara Emerald, High School

Physical Description Or Picture- Lime Green with a Hot Pink belly.


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