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Fantasy Five of the Sky: Completed and Confirmed Sheets

Name: Nyx Valkryie

Gender: Female

Age: 20

General Physical Description: She stands at about 5’7/170cm with a slim, athletic build. She has pale skin, covered by a few visible birthmarks. She has a small scar running vertically through the side of her lips. Her hair is sleek and jet black, just past shoulder length, though it’s often pulled up and out of her face. She has eyes of the same color, and they have a “cat eye” appearance.

Role: Outlaw/outcast, fighter

Abilities/Formal Knowledge:
~Basic/limited book-based education
~Hand-to-hand combat
~Knife/dagger throwing

Positive Traits ~ Quick-witted, empathetic, dependable, loyal.
Negative Traits ~ Stubborn, headstrong, pessimistic, impatient.

Public Knowledge:
~Recorded history of aggression
~Nearly charged with multiple crimes, managed to get out of the charges/consequences
~Born to wealthy family

Player to GM knowledge:
~None at the moment

Nyx was born to a wealthy family. High expectations were a given, the need to be “perfect” was also more than prominent in her life. Just before her teenage years, she ran away. It was all too much. On the run, she was found by the leader of a criminal organization. They “raised” her, trained her to be a fighting machine, tested her every moment of every day to the point of exhaustion and near death. Eventually, she ran away from them as well, not willing to spend the rest of her life with the fear of losing it. She turned to a life of crime, relying on herself and her skills alone to survive.

Character Goals:
Survival is the only goal she has in mind to begin with, but that may change as the story progresses.

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