First League Game


Tell me about your first league game and make me feel better about myself.

My first match? Jinx top with six boots of speed. I tower dived and tried to kill cloud drake ten minutes into the game. We lost to the bots. Don't hate, it was my first MOBA.
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It was back in 2009, two weeks after release.

(When the drake was just the drake, when the bots were nowhere to be found)

Ashe Bot with Taric, Win ez pz
Played during CBT (closed beta). Picked udyr 'cause he looked cool. Straight up built Wriggle's Lantern, then proceed to lose 'cause I did not know exactly what I was doing.
It was back in 2009, two weeks after release.

(When the drake was just the drake, when the bots were nowhere to be found)

Ashe Bot with Taric, Win ez pz


Played during CBT (closed beta). Picked udyr 'cause he looked cool. Straight up built Wriggle's Lantern, then proceed to lose 'cause I did not know exactly what I was doing.

Gosh, y'all have been playing for sooo long xD
I guess it was around 2010 when kog maw first released? I don't remember the specifics but I remember I was pulled into the game by a guy that I used to raid with who was playing at what would now probably be a high diamond/low masters level? Anyways, I remember queuing up with him and getting absolutely fucking obliterated by these guys. No joke, probably 30 deaths per game. I also remember building AP on absolutely everyone, because you want ability power so your abilities do more damage, right?
I started to play in season 5 so the first I ever used was lux I played her top lane I didn't know what to expect though she was really fun to use and it angered the other team a lot though 
Unorthodox champs can work sometimes, if for no other reason than it's unexpected, especially in top lane (top lane main reporting in), where you have a staple lineup of like, 8 champs being played. Rolled through a high D1 player the other day while they were on stream as Sona top, and I attribute a lot of that to them not knowing how to deal with the champ in the position. It was hilarious listening to them during the game.
Unorthodox champs can work sometimes, if for no other reason than it's unexpected, especially in top lane (top lane main reporting in), where you have a staple lineup of like, 8 champs being played. Rolled through a high D1 player the other day while they were on stream as Sona top, and I attribute a lot of that to them not knowing how to deal with the champ in the position. It was hilarious listening to them during the game.

I saw a top lane soraka once 
I saw a top lane soraka once 

I haven't seen it in awhile, but in S4 top lane soraka was a thing, and was straight cancer. I also abused the fuck out of her for rank without shame. She was ridiculous to lane against. Her Q was an AoE nuke that hit everything in range, it reduced its' own CD at max rank by 10% if you hit an enemy champ with it, and it shred MR on everyone hit, stacking. Her heal also granted a massive armor buff, and her E was a point and click harass ability that had no mana cost and silenced. It was just...absolutely absurd to play against. You would build CDR and just spam Q endlessly. You'd nuke down their entire wave all at once, while reducing the enemy champ's MR and getting free harass. If they stood back and avoided trade, you would just spam E on them and get harass without spending mana. If they DID come in and try to trade, you'd pop heal on yourself for your armor buff, silence them with your E so they couldn't use their abilities to trade with, and they'd sit there tanking your entire creep wave while they had no creeps to trade back with because your Q had nuked their entire wave down. You'd build into a tank/CDR build with Rylai's and just be a brick wall. You'd just end up with these monstrous waves and could 2v1 or 3v1 people easily, because you were so tanky, with so much sustain, and were constantly getting plowed by 3 stacked waves and your Q, which had literally a less than 1s CD at max rank with CDR and was shredding up to 120 MR in an AoE at max rank. It was absurd. 
I haven't seen it in awhile, but in S4 top lane soraka was a thing, and was straight cancer. I also abused the fuck out of her for rank without shame. She was ridiculous to lane against. Her Q was an AoE nuke that hit everything in range, it reduced its' own CD at max rank by 10% if you hit an enemy champ with it, and it shred MR on everyone hit, stacking. Her heal also granted a massive armor buff, and her E was a point and click harass ability that had no mana cost and silenced. It was just...absolutely absurd to play against. You would build CDR and just spam Q endlessly. You'd nuke down their entire wave all at once, while reducing the enemy champ's MR and getting free harass. If they stood back and avoided trade, you would just spam E on them and get harass without spending mana. If they DID come in and try to trade, you'd pop heal on yourself for your armor buff, silence them with your E so they couldn't use their abilities to trade with, and they'd sit there tanking your entire creep wave while they had no creeps to trade back with because your Q had nuked their entire wave down. You'd build into a tank/CDR build with Rylai's and just be a brick wall. You'd just end up with these monstrous waves and could 2v1 or 3v1 people easily, because you were so tanky, with so much sustain, and were constantly getting plowed by 3 stacked waves and your Q, which had literally a less than 1s CD at max rank with CDR and was shredding up to 120 MR in an AoE at max rank. It was absurd. 

Thats insane you can abuse your laner very easily from what you wrote Also there's such as thing as Soraka jg idk how that is.
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No. they reworked her to her current state specifically due to people abuse this version of her in this manner. The only thing that remains from her kit in this interation is her ult. Even the heal is radically different now, compared to what it was when she had this playstyle going on.
I started right at the end of S6, like a week or so after Jhin was released. I was screwing around on bots for a while, and after a few horrifyingly bad Yi and Warwick bot games I found the one true god: Fiddlesticks. So a friend of mine and I decided to queue up for my first pvp (he was about silver 4 at the time) we went bot, and he carried me so far that I was essentially a backpack. (For the love of god never play Supportlesticks btw) After an hour and a half game of sweating, splitpushing, being squashed, and screaming at my ping to go the fuck down, we emerged victorious. And somehow I managed to get a triple kill halfway through???? Quite the stroke of beginner's luck, and I TOTALLY didn't just Fid ult into a mid teamfight that was almost over, stealing three kills. At all.
I was Blitzcrank.

Someone mentioned they were taking "bot lane", so I followed them and stayed in that lane the entire game. I thought "bot lane" meant "robot lane". As Blitzcrank, I was a robot. And so, I remained in this lane all game, alternating between camping in tower radius and feeding.
I started right at the end of S6, like a week or so after Jhin was released. I was screwing around on bots for a while, and after a few horrifyingly bad Yi and Warwick bot games I found the one true god: Fiddlesticks. So a friend of mine and I decided to queue up for my first pvp (he was about silver 4 at the time) we went bot, and he carried me so far that I was essentially a backpack. (For the love of god never play Supportlesticks btw) After an hour and a half game of sweating, splitpushing, being squashed, and screaming at my ping to go the fuck down, we emerged victorious. And somehow I managed to get a triple kill halfway through???? Quite the stroke of beginner's luck, and I TOTALLY didn't just Fid ult into a mid teamfight that was almost over, stealing three kills. At all.
I once had a support fiddlesticks he was pretty good I was playing lux bot which made taking botlane real easy .

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