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Fandom Fire Emblem: The Outrealm Guilds OOC


Boopmaster General
OOC thread for The Outrealm Guilds.
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Flooberoid Flooberoid just to check, are you against html coding in our character sheets? I saw you said to maintain the format you used, but I wasn't sure if that just meant the content, not the actual appearance.
Flooberoid Flooberoid just to check, are you against html coding in our character sheets? I saw you said to maintain the format you used, but I wasn't sure if that just meant the content, not the actual appearance.

I mean both the content and the appearance.
I expect a unified look to the page. Easier to navigate and find what you're looking for than if everyone's doing things differently.
Flooberoid Flooberoid - submitted my OC, let me know what you think!

I saw it. Not gonna lie, I had to look up what "Re-Move" was. That name only appears in a PlayStation knockoff of Fire Emblem though; The name actually used by the series is "Canto." :P
Other than that, though, I don't see any problems. I appreciate the effort you put into it!

Midnight Paragon Midnight Paragon I thought you'd just copy the character you were originally going to use in your RP. I like the new one though! Just one question: Does he not promote from mage? He could totally become a sage.
I saw it. Not gonna lie, I had to look up what "Re-Move" was. That name only appears in a PlayStation knockoff of Fire Emblem though; The name actually used by the series is "Canto." :P
Other than that, though, I don't see any problems. I appreciate the effort you put into it!

I only included it as Re-move because it was listed under pegasus knight skills in the wiki that way, not Canto. D: But I can change it to Canto!
Flooberoid Flooberoid
If you want, I could put the older character in instead. I just figured that a newer RP deserved a newer character. As for the Sage thing.....well, yes and no. He's more along the lines of.......Hugh, from Binding Blade. He has a whole lot of magical experience, but he isn't a sage just yet, more like a level 15 mage. I suppose it would still make sense for him to be a Sage either way, but I didn't want him to be extremely powerful at the very beginning.
Flooberoid Flooberoid
If you want, I could put the older character in instead. I just figured that a newer RP deserved a newer character. As for the Sage thing.....well, yes and no. He's more along the lines of.......Hugh, from Binding Blade. He has a whole lot of magical experience, but he isn't a sage just yet, more like a level 15 mage. I suppose it would still make sense for him to be a Sage either way, but I didn't want him to be extremely powerful at the very beginning.

Well what I'm saying is you didn't list it as a possible class promotion. I suppose I wasn't really clear in my instructions.
But it's no big deal. And by all means, keep the new character! I was just surprised, is all.
I haven’t abandoned this, just for some reason my internet provider said RPNation was a fake site and so I couldn’t get on here for about three days lmao. I’m still interested and I’ll get my character up this weekend.

Just have to work out what to do with this bio and how to properly integrate this character into the story lmfao

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