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Fandom Fire Emblem: Requiem | OOC


It is a dark time for the Realm.

After seven years of fighting, King Roidnell II of Yveltskr has finally been usurped. In his place rules King Leonhardt II, a man who Yveltskr men and women hope brings peace and prosperity to the country. Under the banner of the white griffon, the new king claims that Yveltskr will rise to its former glory after the civil war, and stand tall against the other nations of the Realm. This promise will prove difficult to fulfill, as not only a year after his rise to the throne, a vicious plague begins to the very south of Yveltskr. People say that it started in one of the Laguz slaves that got trafficked from Tornabraux. Others whisper that the mages unleashed a vile creature unto the Realm. Some have suspicions that Roidnell cursed his country upon his dying breath... the rumors go on and on.

The disease has begun to run rampant. It works quickly, killing its victims within two days of its contraction and turning them into a morphed, wretched demon. It plagues crops and disfigures livestock as it kills them slowly. More and more sightings of the disease begins to work its way north and south, and time is running out. Yveltskr's first trial in its new era has begun.

King Leonhardt II decides to send his niece out into the world to gather men and women under his name. Together, they will travel in search of the Fire Emblem, which Leonhardt hopes will end the plague and save his people. While the prospect of becoming heroes of Yveltskr might seem tempting for some, they must traverse grueling landscapes and turn their blades upon both friends and enemies.


The Adventurer's Handbook serves as a guide to any wayward traveler. Just flip through the pages and you'll learn all you have to know about the Realm and its peoples.

Lord (varies) / Any single weapon type (varies) > Great Lord (name varies) / Any two weapon types including original (varies)

Mercenary (Sword) > Hero (Sword, Axe) or Ranger [Horse] (Sword, Bow)

Myrmidon (Sword) > Swordmaster (Sword)

Fighter (Axe) > Warrior (Axe, Bow) or Hero (Axe, Sword)

Archer (Bow) > Sniper (Bow) or Ranger [Horse] (Bow, Sword)

Barbarian (Axe) > Berserker (Axe) or Warrior (Axe, Bow)

Pirate (Axe) > Corsair (Axe, Sword) or Berserker (Axe)

Thief (Knife, Dagger) > Rogue (Knife, Dagger) or Assassin (Knife, Dagger)

Knight [Armored] (Lance) > General [Armored] (Lance, Axe, Sword) or Great Knight [Armored, Horse] (Lance, Axe, Sword)

Soldier (Lance) > Halberdier [Armored] (Lance) or Uhlan [Armored, Horse] (Lance, Sword)

Cavalier [Horse] (Sword, Lance) > Paladin [Horse] (Sword, Lance, Axe) or Great Knight [Armored, Horse] (Sword, Lance, Axe)

Pegasus Knight [Flying, Pegasus] [Female] (Lance) > Falcon Knight [Flying, Pegasus] [Female] (Lance, Sword)

Wyvern Rider [Flying, Wyvern] (Lance) > Wyvern Lord [Flying, Wyvern] (Lance, Axe) or Wyvern Knight [Wyvern, Dragon] (Lance, Sword)

Nomad [Horse] (Bow) > Nomad Trooper [Horse] (Bow, Sword)

Monk (Light Magic) > Bishop (Light Magic, Staff)

Priest [Male]/Cleric [Female] (Staff) > Bishop (Light Magic, Staff)

Troubadour [Horse, Female-locked] (Staff) > Valkyrie [Horse, Female-locked] (Anima Magic, Staff)

Mage (Anima Magic) > Sage (Anima Magic, Staff) or Mage Knight [Horse] (Anima Magic, Staff)

Shaman (Dark Magic) > Druid (Dark Magic, Staff) or Dark Knight [Horse] (Dark Magic, Sword)

Laguz (varies)


  • Please note that this is a 18+, high-casual/semi-advanced roleplay. While I don't expect novels for posts, I would like for you to please take your time creating your characters and writing your posts. We all make mistakes, and that's fine, but if your post gives me a headache to read, then that'll be an issue.
  • Do not ghost us. If you need to step away from the RP, please let me know.
  • I will listen to people's suggestions and ideas for plot development and etc. However, my final decision is law.
  • Once this OOC goes up, I will create a discord and PM the invite link to those who have already proclaimed interest. Please be active on the discord, as that is the easiest way for most people to get in touch with one another.
  • Please read the Adventurer's Handbook. There is a ton of information that is already set in stone. Characters can't be certain races, come from certain nations, etc.
  • While we do have a handful of people, I don't want you guys to constantly pump out posts. Thus, we will be running on a semi-cyclic posting schedule. This means you should try to wait for everyone to post first before typing another post. If the person we're waiting for doesn't post in a week or so, then we may move on.
  • I get that we're all busy at times, but I would love it if players post once or twice a week.
  • The "lord" class is off limits for now.
  • I will only accept one Branded character. I will also impose a limit on Laguz.
  • Try to keep characters balanced! This means that if there's four girls and only one dude, then you should probably make a dude.
  • Fill out all portions of the character sheet, please. Also, please follow the format of the character sheet.
  • I am a fun-loving person. I love it when we talk about things on Discord and make fun of characters, create ships, theories, and relationships. Don't hesitate to reach out to me for anything you need!
  • Have fun~


[Anime Picture goes here]


Name: [first and last~]

Age: [a good age range would probably be 18-30]

Gender: [male or female]


Class: [I will only be accepting first tier classes]

Birthplace: [be as specific as you can be]

Equipment: [weapons and etc; please only use in-game weapons that are not extremely strong]

Appearance: [add any further notes that the picture above doesn't show]

Personality: [no Mary-sues or Gary-stus]

Biography: [don't make this too long, please]

Quirk: [one thing that makes your character stand out from the rest; are they a good singer, good with animals, a master chef, etc.?]

OSS: [a one-sentence synopsis; summarize your character in one sentence, just like the old games did!]

Other: [add anything else I didn't ask for in the basic character sheet]
Aura Of Twilight Aura Of Twilight
Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
LittleGeekMorgan LittleGeekMorgan
Midrick Midrick
Blanche Blanche
FoldedPages FoldedPages
Dandelion Dandelion
Hyelin Hyelin
explosiveKitten explosiveKitten
Caramelwitch314 Caramelwitch314

Now that I'm doing a recount, I think this is enough people. One of my friends will be joining as well, and this is not including myself. So we have about... 13 people! Wow. Thought we had less.

I will be PMing you soon with the discord link. Please join it when you're able.

Would you like us to post a character sheet here or in the Discord?
Sooo I have a question- I want to make a Wyvern Rider, but I don’t necessarily want her to be from Yveltskr. Is it possible to find Wyvern riders in other countries? If so, would I be able to get her into this group of “valkyries” mentioned in Belhurst?
Sooo I have a question- I want to make a Wyvern Rider, but I don’t necessarily want her to be from Yveltskr. Is it possible to find Wyvern riders in other countries? If so, would I be able to get her into this group of “valkyries” mentioned in Belhurst?

Yes, you can find wyvern riders everywhere else. Notable classes are just what the nation is known for, and even then it isn't very specific. And yes, you would be able to get her in the Yveltskr Valkyrie.

Also, this is a reminder for everyone to join the discord~
Yes, you can find wyvern riders everywhere else. Notable classes are just what the nation is known for, and even then it isn't very specific. And yes, you would be able to get her in the Yveltskr Valkyrie.

Also, this is a reminder for everyone to join the discord~
Great! I have more questions about these Valkyries. Is there like a process you have to go through to become one, or like some kind of academy, or... I’m assuming there is some kind of selection process
Great! I have more questions about these Valkyries. Is there like a process you have to go through to become one, or like some kind of academy, or... I’m assuming there is some kind of selection process

I'm guessing training is pretty brutal, and the few that get through training become fresh members. :)
Please post your character sheet here for review. Then, when it is accepted, you can put it in the Character thread.

"What do you mean you would rather die of this plague than eat my cooking again? Say that again and I’ll put a hex on you so horrible you’ll wish you had the plague.”
Name: Ayla (Ai-lah) Yaeroth

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Sollan

Class: Shaman

Birthplace: Was born in Noranimus but was raised and trained in Tornabraux by an adoptive family

Equipment: Various dark tomes

Appearance: I imagine her without the armor that is pictured about and without the jewels. Instead, just the dress with black accent and black halter

Personality: Ayla is headstrong, outspoken, stubborn, and at times a bit scary but cares deeply for her family and the ones around her.

Biography: Born in Noranimus to two light magic wielding parents, there was always something a bit off about Ayla; she had preferred to dabble in dark magic and thus, her parents shipped her off to Tornabraux where darker magic was more accepted. It is there that she would learn how to become a shaman and wield dark tomes. Being away from her family allowed her to focus solely on her studies and she excelled in most of her classes.
Aside from dark magic, Ayla enjoys creating various hexes and playing ‘pranks’ on people. Although she is experienced in dark magic, she is very lighthearted and cares deeply for the people around her; it is her enemies and the people who disrespect her cooking that fear her wrath.
She recently ventured back to her homeland to visit her family. That’s when she discovered the plague had over taken them. Learning this, she would eventually join the King’s niece in search of the Fire Emblem to stop the plague.

Quirk: Ayla enjoys dancing in her free time and, if she wasn’t a shaman, would more than likely be a dancer.

OSS: A young woman with fearsome magic wielding abilities and even scarier cooking skills.

Other: Ayla loves to cook; unfortunately, she is horrible at it and often uses left over ingredients such as bat wings and frog legs from her hex’s to ‘spice’ up her dishes.
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