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Fandom Fire Emblem: Redemption

The Prince's Group
Esmeralda "Esme" Branwen

So the battle was hard underway, huh? The thieves all took their time attacking one of the armored men on their side. They now surrounded him. While Esme figured she could land a pretty decisive blow on the weaker thieves, with their light armor, she spotted a Barbarian. An axe wielder?! Perfect! She could dance around him and his big hefty weapon. She'd teach him a lesson that day! That he chose the wrong sort of weapon to do combat with. With a smirk, she dashed over to him, spun and swung her large sword right at the lumbering oaf. She expected a pretty solid hit, even if he lived, she would easily dodge such a cumbersome weapon. So really she saw no downside to attacking this fool. Perhaps he should've decided to mimic his fellow thief people around him. "Yyaaah! Take this, fool!" she called out.

Diagonal Diagonal Dante Verren Dante Verren Scrubnoppon Scrubnoppon

Nyxa Revenna

Again, Nyxa was just around for the sheer fun of it. The intrigue of listening and hearing secrets. It was an entertaining prospect. Knowledge of anything, she enjoyed, but to actively participate? Eh, seemed unnecessary for her. Regardless, seemed like she was summoned over for whatever reason. The girl smirked, shrugged, made her way over, and finally sat upon the seat indicated.

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The Prince's GroupThe barbarian turned around as Esme was targeting him. He was surprised that this girl could see so well in the dark. After all, he thought he was well hidden within the shadows. A thief jumped within the way of the attack. It took the hit solidly. The thief fought back. It threw a dagger towards Esme's direction, slicing a part of her skin off. (-1 HP)

The barbarian smirked as he disappeared into the shadows once again. He made sure that he couldn't be seen in the night.
Garren Ford
Prince's Group

Garren snarled widely as his armor was pierced his flesh. He had enemies around him on all sides but behind him. Logic told him to retreat but Garren was coward. Turning on the thief who he had wounded in his counter attack, He roared at the smaller man and spun Reaver at him once more. "Die!" He roared at the thief as he brought the upwards in a fast uppercut.
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The Prince's GroupThe injured thief foresaw Garren's mighty swing and rolled out of the way. On his two feet and left hand, the thief threw his dagger at Garren which struck him right in the chest. The dagger dug through Garren's armor leaving a huge gash. (-3 HP).

Turn 3

Turn 4
Democritus couldn't see what's going on. Everyone seemed to be engaging in the fight. It was too dark to see, and his body seemed to not want to move. He turned to the bridge to look at Siego. He was trying his best to tie back the ropes so that it may be possible to cross. When the master ninja got sight of the prince looking at him, Siego said, "Hang on just a bit more, my prince."

Democritus gave a nod as he turned to an axe coming down to his face. Caught off guard Demo, barely met the axe with his dirk, but the damage was already done. As the axe came down on Democritus a loud cracking sound could be heard. The young prince couldn't help but let out a scream of pain as bones were crushed by the steel axe of the barbarian. (-8 HP)

Instinctively, Demo retaliated by lunging at the barbarian with his uninjured arm. Quickly he jabbed his dirk into the barbarian's chest. However, Demo's attack seemed to weak to pierce the barbarian's skin. Rapidly, Democritus attacked again, but to his dismay, the barbarian didn't even wince at his attack.

A slow yellow grin spread across the tanned barbarian's untrimmed face. Blood splashed onto his face as he took the axe out of Demo's injured shoulders. He slung the now crimsoned steel axe over his shoulder.

"Well, well. Ya ain't so tuff now are ya?" The barbarian said as he spat out mucus stuck at the back of his throat. "Dunno why yer head is worth so much."

Democritus started breathing heavily as blood trickled down his left shoulder. This was the first time that his own blood was spilled over. He wanted to freak out and run, but he was too tired. Right now it was about surviving this heaping giant of a barbarian.

"Well, kid. Guess I gotta do the whole 'I tell you my name, before I kill ya thing.' " The barbarian let out a hearty laughter. "The name's Grimly, leader of the bandits of the Outskirts. Remember it well in the afterlife. Boys!"

With that Grimly took two of his finger and put it in his mouth to let out a high pitch whistle. Immediately the thieves turned to the sound, like prairie dogs turning to the sound of danger nearby.

The two thieves that were on Garren went towards the direction of the injured prince. One of them was just in reach to throw a dagger at the prince. The dagger flew and hit the prince on the hand where he was holding onto the open wound. The prince let out a silent groan of pain, as he retaliated back with his own dirk which hit the thief and made the thief stagger.

(For Garren)
The thief in front of Garren moved to the side to attack, lunging at Garren with his dagger, but his dagger bounced off. However, Garren could feel his defense weaken a bit. Garren swung back and hit the thief, breaking bones with his Reaver. The thief began to sweat as he tried to recover from the damage.

A second thief that was injured from Garren's previous blow came in front of the barbarian to attack him. The dagger left a scratch to Garren's armor causing it to weaken more. (-1 HP). Garren retaliated with his Reaver breaking more bones on another thief.

(For Esme)
The injured thief retaliated by moving to the side of Esme and attacking her head on. The thief's dagger pierced Esme's skin, lowering her defense and giving her a small cut (-1 HP). Esme retaliated elegantly handling her sword to injure the thief some more. A thief from the bush came out in front of Esme to attack her head on. The dagger cut Esme in the same place causing the wound to open more (-2 HP). With the strike, Esme felt her guard lowering. However she retaliated, chunking the thief's HP. Another thief came up from behind the thief in front of Esme and threw his dagger at Esme at range. It hit Esme in the exact same spot causing trickling of blood (-3 HP).

(For Warren)
Two thieves jumped out of the hidden bushes to the sides of Warren. The first one attacked, but did no damage. Warren retaliated, and gave decent damage to the thief. The second thief attacked, scratching the thick armor of Warren's, but still no damage. Warren retaliated, and gave the thief decent damage.

Trickles of sunlight began to peak out of the east, as the night spent away into dawn.

A Flurry of daggers fell upon the prince's group. (- 2 HP)

Enemy HP: 3 Thieves badly injured, 4 thieves injured, 1 thief healthy, and Grimly: 30 HP.

Team HP: Democritus = 1 HP ; Garren = 9 HP ; Esme = 6 HP ; Warren = 16 HP

Dante Verren Dante Verren , Scrubnoppon Scrubnoppon , Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
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LucinarchWhen the Dhahek heard Edda’s reply, he simply let out a smile. “Edda! I never seen this side of you before. It’s quite the change from your usual solemn self, I like it.” The knight said as he gave her a bit of a nudge.

When Edda motioned for her Dhahek looked at the tall slender man, who reached out to the general to shake his hand.

“Klaus, was it?” Nice to meet you the knight responded with a firm handshake. When offered a frosted scone, Dhahek took it from the baker/retainer’s hands and observed it, before taking a bite out of it. The pastry was hard on the outside, and the frosting gave off a bit of glimmer in the lights of the castle. The inside was moist, and light. Its taste had a bit of sour of the fermented dough which complemented the sweet hard coated frosting of the bread. Simply put, it was delicious.

“My, my. You weren’t kidding when you said you are a good baker. This is one of the best scones I’ve had.” Dhahek said as he let out a hearty, low-voiced laugh.

When Klaus commented on Bane as being “stand off-ish”, Dhahek raised an eyebrow, and a bit of a frown formed on his face as he looked over at Edda indicating to her his disapproval in the manners of his subordinate.

“Well, young man. That’s no way to speak of your superior officer. Bane is one of the trinity members after all.” he said to Klaus, “I would offer this to my comrade, but he is best left alone for right now.”

With that his usual smile returned on the knight’s face as he shook his golden locks free to the back of his cape.

Behind the chatting group, Bane was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, and one foot leaning against the wall so that his knee was pointing outwards. His body faced away from the group, but his face was looking towards the area. There was no way any human could hear what Klaus had said to Dhahek from the distance Bane was at, but one couldn’t help but wonder if he did as he kept looking over in the direction of Dhahek, Klaus, and Edda.

CaseyCascade CaseyCascade , Dante Verren Dante Verren
Garren Ford
Prince's Group

Hearing the Princes Cries of pain he turned to see teh large barbarian's ax red with teh Princes blood. Feeling rage boiling inside of himself He roared loudly and rushed towards the man who dared attack the Prince. He knew that charging the man was probaly a bad idea considering his current state but he had no other choice. As he got closer to the barbarian he swung Reaver down towards the man hoping to deal some damage and get his attention away from the Prince.
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Edda Karling

"I'm sure I have no idea what you mean. I always act the same" replied Edda as Dhahek nudged her. She must have let her guard down a bit and some of the excitement had to have escaped. She would have to be more careful about that. When Klaus called Bane stand offish Edda couldn't help but sigh internally. She was use to and fine with most of Klaus antics and she allowed him to speak his mind however he wanted to around camp and her manor but in the palace and around the other Trinity was a different matter. "You will have to forgive him Dhahek, he is a bit of idiot." that was honestly teh only excuse she could come up with for trying to cover for her retainer.

Even though she was looking at Dhahek she could feel Bane's gaze in their direction. She was sure that the man was watching the three of them. "Better left alone...." she mumbled to herself. She wondered if that was true. What reasons did he have to be watching them. Did he want to join them but couldn't find the right words to say anything? Did he despises there presence and want the group to vanish from sight? Or was there some other reason? Perhaps he had heard Klaus's comment. If he did it wouldn't be a hundred percent surprising considering he had always been an odd person but still it made her wonder.
Diagonal Diagonal CaseyCascade CaseyCascade

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