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Fandom Fire Emblem: Redemption


A light in a dark place
Fire Emblem: Redemption

Welcome to the Heart of Tauron. The Fight for independence begins with the search for our heroes.​

IntroductionsWelcome, aspiring heroes to the land of Tauron, known by that name because the continent is shaped like an ox. Our story begins at the Heart of Tauron, where a recent overtake of the throne sent ripples of unease and tension through out the zone. But before I get ahead of myself, I'd like to introduce myself. I am the voice of the land, a record keeper for the histories of the emblem. I will see through your journey and record what has happened so that our children and theirs could read of the events to come.

Before we get started, here are some useful pages that you may want to bookmark:

First, let's start with the OCC
Introduce yourself here if you are interested in partaking this journey. This page is also the gateway to all other pages related to Fire Emblem: Redemption, so I suggest you bookmark it.

Second, let me know what role you want to play in the OCC or through the PM. Once your character is accepted, then post it here.

Third, if you are new to Fire Emblem or want to brush up on logistics of the series check out the mechanics page here. This page will also let you know the available classes that you can play.

For those of you on mobile devices or can't access hyperlinks the links are down below:
OCC: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/fe-redemption-occ.352416/
Characters: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/fe-r-characters.352417/
Mechanics and Classes: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/fe-r-mechanics-and-classes.352567/#post-8161343

One last thing before submitting character applications: read the rules of this RP carefully
1. All of RPNation rules apply here. This means that the RP will not go above PG-13 - keeping swears to a minimum, and avoiding very explicit content. Swearing, and romance is allowed, but to a degree.

2. Be respectful of one another. We all don't need to agree on certain ideas of the RP, but we are one team. You can respectfully disagree, but try not to escalate things to become a hindrance to the progression of this RP.

3. No God-modding, and avoid Mary Sues. It's okay to have a tragic background, but try to think of different ways to present that tragedy. After all we don't want ten characters, who all lost their mother and farther in a tragic fire, and now seek only revenge. Diversity should be the aim.

It's obvious what God-modding is. No one is invincible. When I say an attack hit, it hit, and when I say an attack missed it missed. These cases will be based off your stats, so it's not some decision that I make out of whim. I believe all of you won't run into this problem, but I wanted to put it into the rules as a reminder.

4. Now I hope that we will not come into this scenario, but if any of these rules are broken in some way I have the right to punish the RPer as I see fit. The punishment may vary from warnings to suspensions, and even (hopefully not) ban from the RP.

5. I hold the right to add onto, and take out of the rules I set here at anytime as I see fit.

If you agree to these set of rules, put the first letter of your ID name, followed by the last letter, then followed by the number of rules I set on this page (it's 5) under the Password section of the Character sheet. (So, my password would be Dl5 because my ID is Diagonal.) By typing the password in and submitting your Character Sheet to me, you hereby agree to the rules set on this page.

This is not a mandatory rule to follow, but let's have fun. It is crucial that we are enjoying taking part of this vast story of nations fighting, and struggling for what they think is right, so that the story comes alive for us. Once you digested all of the rules, you are all set to submit a character. :)

Now with that out of the way, let me tell you more about the land of Tauron...

Tauron is a continent that is shaped like an ox. They say that a dragon made the continent. The Head lies northeast. The tail, West, and the legs to the south. However, our story takes place at the Heart. In the center of Tauron, ranges of steep mountain and fog have spread themselves in a region that is shaped like an upside down heart. There seems to be no way of entering the Heart, so the people outside of the Heart let it be.

There are three nations that reside in the Heart. To the south, and close to the mountains, lie the nation of Talos. They are a nation made up of small farming villages. For work, they farm, but that's a part time job. The real income comes into Talos by clearing up a bounty, as they are the land of the assassins. I've heard that there have been an over take of the throne recently by twin assassins. They have remained a neutral country in the War of the Dragons, but who knows what the new rulers would do? Talos lives by one law: "Kill or be killed."

To the northeast of the country of Talos lies the Lunicarch empire. They believe that the Heaven Dragon has created them, and gave them the right to rule all of the Heart. Order, Ration, and Balance must rule the Heart, and so they fight for these ideals against their foil, the Abyssylgians. Their capital city boasts of highly developed structures, and lights that are powered by magic. The society is highly sophisticated, with proper dress codes. The class between people are very defined with an upper class and a lower class. Tradition dictates what goes on here. The rich spend their time visiting various places of the empire, and having tea parties, while the poor are forced into labor, cleaning the streets, the sewers, and being servants of the noble households. Order in everything means order among the people. Hence there are strong forces of the army around every corner, severely punishing those who violate the Lucinarch's law. There is zero tolerance for chaos.

To the northwest of Talos lies Abyssylgia, a land scorched in flames as every land that the Abyssylgians claim, the ground turns dark. Their capital is off far west at the edge of the Heart, where volcanoes constantly fume ashes to make a cloud that veils the activity of its people. They believe that the Hell dragon created everything and all must obey it. Chaos, Instinct, and Power is what must rule the Heart, and the Abyssylgians will stop at nothing to achieve this. Despite it's gloomy outside looks, Abyssylgia 's insides are quite expanse. Every citizen of Abyssylgia is allowed to live where ever they want. Hard work, and passion will earn them more favor. Laws are ambiguous, and if a person were to act on their emotions, people take that into consideration. Forgiveness is a factor in chaos.

To the north of Talos, northeast of Abyssylgia, and northwest of Lucinarch is a region known as the Sacred Ground. Both of the Dragon Nations, Abyssylgia and Lucinarch, believe that this was the origin place of the Dragon God. Trees unlike any other reside here, and some even spot living creatures within them. Beyond the trees, and to the northern edge is a cave entrance. Inside there is a huge stone tablet with sacred writing, and a crystal clear orb. Both of the dragon nations believe that their Dragon is resting in this place, and once all of the land is conquered that their dragon will come back alive. But to do so, they need the wood elves as it is written in the sacred texts. Those who were to disturb the dragon's slumber would pay the consequences. Respecting the texts, both of the Dragon Nation has marked the land up to the place where the white trees grow, and agreed to never fight within this area. Today, the entrance to the Sacred Grounds is heavily guarded by both nations' guards. Only the prophets, who could read the ancient texts may enter the Sacred Grounds to maintain the trees, and offer tribute to the shrine.

There were very little times when Abyssylgians and Lucinarchs weren't fighting each other. Recently, they have called for a cease fire in the change in the rulers of Talos. There, the young prince will begin a journey that will cause a ripple through out the whole land.
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Prologue: EscapeThe Prince's Group Fire and chaos - to the prince, those two words described the palace perfectly. With the note in hand he ran out of the building to see assassins zooming left to right spraying sand over the unyielding fire. Among the burning heat, two familiar figures rose on top of the building. They were standing on their toes, and leaning against each other's back. One had something dangling off his pointer finger, but Democritus couldn't really make out what it was, but he had an idea of who they were.

He took a step forward to get closer to the scene. But soon the figures became very clear when part of the burning roof fell directly below them. After the clearing of smokes and cinder, the two white haired boys were revealed. Kaiden and Laiden, Demo's older twin brothers looked over the mess of the city in surprisingly unusual calm. Could they have already formulated a plan to take back the land from the terrorists? It wouldn't be a surprise to Democritus. Laiden was a genius in formulating the perfect plan in dire situations, and Kaiden, well you couldn't find any tougher assassin than him anywhere. Together there was nothing they couldn't do. Demo let out a sigh of relief. His brothers would find the assassin. His brothers would take care of the problem like always. But then why did Kaiden have his father's crown dangling on his finger?

Kaiden looked out at the scene with impatient eyes. He began twirling the crown on his finger, as he looked on at the crowds running.

"They are running so fast. I just want to dig my blades into their throats." Kaiden said, as he let out a laugh.

"Patience, brother. We must wait for the right time." Laiden said with indifference. His eyes were affixed to the sky. With dirks in hand Laiden stood there not moving.

Democritus needed an explanation. He took out his dirk daggers, as he made an attempt to climb to the top of the palace. As he took his first steps, the young prince was intercepted by a fast shadow that carried him to a small shack that was out of sight of the Twins. Demo started flailing his arm trying to free from this person's grasp.

"Hey, let go of-" Demo's words soon became muffled, as a hand was placed over his mouth. He looked up to see who his captor was. The long black hair, and bandaged arms. It was his father's vassal, Siego.

Democritus couldn't really look at Siego's face as it was turned around the corner looking at the Twins. Quickly he turned back to face the prince. Siego's ruby eyes, and smile was still the same, as he spoke in a hushed voice,

"Prince Hashi, you must escape here. The twins are planning to take over the country tonight. They are ordering all the royal family to be killed tonight. Your life is in danger."

Demo's eyes widened at the word "kill". His brothers, kill him? But why?

"There is no time to explain more. Please, make your way to the outskirts. If I survive here tonight, I'll meet you there. But for now," Siego said with a grunt as he got out some explosive tags, and a shuriken. "I'll make a distraction for you. Now go!"

Before the young prince could react, Siego kicked Demo towards the direction he was supposed to run to an then punctured the tag with his shuriken. A huge "boom" was heard as the house exploded with blue flame. Democritus didn't even look back, his mind was full of questions, and his eyes tearing up, his body just carried him forward.

Dante Verren Dante Verren Scrubnoppon Scrubnoppon Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
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At the start of the night Garren was sitting peacefully in his room peacefully whittling away a piece of wood with his knife until it began to resemble a bear. He had been working on this one piece for several days and it was almost near perfection. As he was finishing the final touches on it a distressed knock on his door interrupted his work. Standing up the large man went and opened the door to reveal a panicked assassin and the chaos of the city. If the assassin said anything Garren didn't her him. Instead he took a step outside his house and stared at the skyline filled with smoke. The city was in flames. Scowling Garren shoved past the assassin and into his house. He quickly through on his armor and strapped Reaver to his back. By the time he made it outside again the assassin was gone.

Garren quickly made his way to the palace, pushing his way through crowds of people if he had to. He needed to find the King or even better the young Prince. If anything where to happen to those two then the kingdom would be indanger, well not that he really cared about the kingdom itself but the people who lived in it were important. When he got to the palace an explosion racked a near by buidling and caused it to go up in blue flames. Garren sheilded his eyes from the fire and caught sight of two figures standing calmly up on the palace. "The twins, how can they be so calm and sit back while this happens... unless..."' Garren spoke to himself, he needed to find the prince now. If the prince needed to escape he would head for the gates, of course he might be hiding in the city as well. Garren's best bet to find him would be the outskirts or somewhere near the gate. With one last glare at the twins in the building Garren took off towards the city outskirts to go search for the Prince, if he didn't find him there then he would search by the gates.
Esmeralda "Esme" Branwen

Esme heard the sounds of battle from beyond the walls of the training room she was in. An explosion, in particular, drew her attention. She yanked the sword she had just swiped at the dummy, right out of it, and rushed out of the room. Throwing open the door, she faced whatever terrors were out this night. Terrors aplenty, by the looks of it. Fires raged, people ran screaming, and there were bodies laying around. Her family and friends..! The Branwen household! It was under attack! By who??

Ninjas and assassins suddenly leaped into frame. Though the instant they were there, they were gone with another blink of her eyes. Except for one. He came up, holding her cousin in his arms, with a knife up to his throat. "I bet you're wondering what's happening, huh, young Esmeralda? Well, the Branwen house is no friend of the Twins!" He motioned behind her. "Saw you swiping your flimsy blade at the dummies in there. Those were strong strikes, and yet..."

Esme glared at the twinkling eyes obscured in shadow. She glanced at her cousin in his arms, and gently shook her head. He was freaking out, shaking, and crying, the dagger drew blood on his neck. "A dummy is not a worthy opponent, is it young miss?" His question drew her attention back to him. "I bet you want to know exactly what's going on? Perhaps I'll tell you, if you beat me.. Hehehehe!"

"You already told me," Esme growled, gripping the small sword in her hands. He seemed to consider. Then he laughed, "Oh, so I did! Well. With regards from the Twins!" he then quickly sliced her cousins neck, before she could scream "no!" he fell to the dusty ground gargling blood and siezing. She focused her chocolate eyes on him, they glowed furiously. "You and your treacherous kind are going to regret this!" Esme hissed, before rushing at him. She swiped her sword, but he deftly avoided to the side. He then swiped at her, nicking her side. "AH!" she shouted out, feeling wetness, he had managed to cut through her light leather armor. He was strong. Deft, agile, too, but not fast. Unusual, considering he was an assassin type, but she noticed the muscles hinting, straining at his own leather armor. He was bulkier than most she guessed. Weighing him down. Recovering quickly, Esme leaped up and brought a blade down. He wasn't expecting another attack, and she managed to cut deeply into his shoulder.

"AHHH!" The man screamed out. In his own fury, he rushed at her, taking a swipe, nicking the arm she had outstretched to cut him. However, in the next retaliatory blow of hers, Esme downed him with a swipe. The man fell, dead, right beside her dead cousin. She looked up, wondering just how to respond next...
Warren had been resting in his bed not too long after he had got home. He had a long day, involving saving villages from plunderers, lifting things for village residents, heavy weapon training and such. It had been busy for him. His axe rested in the corner next to the door, with the fire blazing in the other side of the room. Warren lie at the end of his bed, about to drift off until
It isn't so much as a knock at the door then it is someone punching a door. Shaking his head awake, warren groggily made his way to the door, and opened it.
Warren's father stood at the door, not wasting time at all to explain what he was there for.
Warren left his mouth agape as the castle was aflame, raging akin to the fireplace in his room.
"Do you know what's happening?"
"No clue... it happened so suddenly!"
"I-I gotta check on the prince... make sure he's safe."
Warren out on his helmet and grabbed his axe.
"Thanks for letting me know, I'll, uhh... check in with you later."
"you answered the call to duty instantly... Just like me... You're truly a ledden."
"...Thank you..."
Warren took off, his axe on his back...
"...Stay Safe...!"
Warren's father yelled after him as he left.
. . . . .
Warren found his way toward the castle. He isn't the fastest, so time is of the essence.
Making his way into the castle, he yelled out, hoping he wasn't too late.
"Priiince! Young priiiiince!"
Democritus kept running with his eyes closed until he bumped into a wall. The prince fell backwards due to the momentum he had when he hit the wall. Rubbing his forehead in pain he looked up. The wall was no wall, but rather a very large man, a man familiar to him. It was Garren. The prince quickly stood up, blood rushing to his head he began to blurt out words from his mouth.

"Garren, the... the palace. A-and the twins, they murdered my father, and they burned the village, and they-they are going to kill all the royal family. Siego just warned me."

Demo stopped and stumbled due to lack of air while he was speaking. The young prince was worried, but also relieved to have found one of his guards.

Kaiden turned nonchalantly at the blue flames. He began to tremble. His hands were fidgeting uncontrollably. A crooked smiled formed under his mask, and a small chuckle began to come out, followed by another, and another until Kaiden started to laugh uncontrollably. The assassin's laughter resembled that of a hyena screaming into the night sky.

Laiden, too put an eye towards the flame, but seldom moved in position. He simply gestured his brother to take a look. Indifferently he said, "It is time."

He raised his hand into the air. Instantly, all the assassins that were putting out flames stopped moving. The twin assassin let up two finger in the sky, and pulled it down to point straight in front of him. Immediately the assassins got out stones from their pockets, and smashed them together to make sparks. The sparks immediately grew into flame, and the whole city was burning brightly. What the assassins were spreading wasn't sand, but gunpowder.

The whole main capital combusted in bright orange. Villagers came out of their burning villages trying to escape. One mother came out with her baby and son, ushering on her husband to come out of the house. Before the husband could jump out, a burning log fell upon the man's back, and he was stuck. No matter how hard the mother and children tried. The baby in her arms began wailing, as if it could tell the distress its mother was going through.

"Go on without me, we can't both die here." The man said.

"But I don't want to leave you here."

"Just do it. Live for the kids."

"I can't I- I love yo-"

Her words were cut off, as a quick shadow appeared. Crimson red spread throughout the sky. Kaiden was there with his dagger already on its victim. He looked up with gleeful eyes.

"You know, you should have really listened to your husband." He said, licking the blood off of his blade through his mask. Three slashes. The mother and children all fell to the floor. The baby cried no more.

Laiden was still positioned on the rooftop. Seeing what his brother has done, he closed his eyes and let out a sigh. There was no need to be that dramatic. Such foolishness. He reeled back his legs, and in a second he took off.

Red filled the night air as blood and fire took over the capital city of Talos.

Within the palace, Warren could see a figure in the dark next to a pile of dead bodies. The figure held another body by the collar. As the barbarian stepped closer to the figure while obliviously yelling "Prince?", he could see the figure turn to look at him with glowing ruby eyes as it took out a shuriken from the now dead body. Shadows of liquid sprayed out from the body. That was all Warren could see because before he could react, four shadows surrounded him. Instantly he was transported to the outskirts, by the four figures. They threw the heavy barbarian down on the ground, where Democritus and Garren were talking. Then they disappeared from sight.

"Warren, is that you?" Democritus yelled as he went over to the golden armored barbarian.

Tags: Dante Verren Dante Verren Scrubnoppon Scrubnoppon Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
"...Who the hell?"
Warren had his axe at the ready, as he called out to the figure. It turned revealing glowing eyes, startling Warren. Before he could even wind up with his axe, he was surrounded by many shadowy figures that seemed to appear from nowhere.
"Gah! What is thiiiiis!?"
Warren Tried wildly swinging his axe, to no avail. And by the time he maneuvered in such a way that he'd hit one, he found himself in the ground, by two familiar people...
"Ahh! Prince! Garen!"
Warren stood up, using his heavy axe as support. When he was up, he planted the axe into the ground, and leaned on it.
"Are you both alright? nobody's hurt?"
Warren took a once over everybody, glad that nobody seemed to be hurt too badly.
"What's befallen this kingdom...? Just yesterday everything was normal, and now... the village, the castle, it's all aflame. I just hope my family is okay- but enough of that. Your safety is my first priority, Prince."
Garren couldn't help but scowl at the surrounding smoke, his search for the prince was getting him nowhere. Every second he wasn't by the prince's side something terrible could be happening to him. Getting ready to continue his search he felt someone run straight into his back. Moving his right hand to the hilt of Reaver on his back, he turned to look who had ran into him. Garren couldn't believe his luck, the object of his search, the prince had literally just ran into him. A large smile appeared on his face at the sight of the boy but it quickly disappeared when the Prince had told him what Saigo had said. "So my suspicion was correct, damn those two to hell." he growled.

Suddenly things went from super bad to extremely bad. The village seemed to explode into flames. He griitted his teeth together and grabbed the Prince's shoulder. "I need you to listen to me. We need to run. I will be hear right by your side but if something happens and I need to buy you time you have to keep running as fast as you can. Now lets go." He quickly told the prince before turning around and getting ready to move farther into the outskirts.

Suddenly a man in golden armor appeared from literally no where causing Garren to draw Reaver and get into a ready stance. It wasn't until after the Prince ran to his other guard that he recognized that the man in armor was Warren. "Were fine for now" responded Garren to the younger mans question. "Now get moving both of you. We don't have time to stand around." He told them as he took the lead.
Diagonal Diagonal Scrubnoppon Scrubnoppon
Esmeralda "Esme" Branwen

Esme pushed into one of the rooms of the Branwen estate. There, mounted on the wall, was a large sword of unknown making. It had weird symbols on it, and seemed to have unusual cracks in its steel. She moved over to it, and reached up. Picking it off the wall, she felt its weight yank her arms down. "Ungh," she hissed in pain, the cut on her arm and on her side sizzling. Ignoring the pain, she lifted the blade, noticing the green glow. The blade also seemed to split apart, held together by some strange, unseen magical force. It was remarkable. "This is just the replica?..." she murmured allowed. This was the first time she had ever held the Broken Earth. It only ever remained mounted on the wall. Shaking her head, she needed to leave. Lifting the sword up and over, she mounted in place over her back, then rushed to grab some supplies.

Moments later, Esme was rushing away from the home she knew. In sorrow, she stepped over bodies of friends and family. Men and women of the Branwen name were dead. Most of these people she knew to be capable fighters. The assassins had all cut them down in coldblood. Probably leaping at them from the shadows, and silencing most without them even knowing there was an attack happening. It sickened Esme. Anyway, she ran and ran and ran away. Leaving her home was hard, but it was necessary to survive, and that's all that mattered now. Orange flames rose up, red lit the sky. It was like one of her worst nightmares made reality. She was scared, but had to suck it up.

Huffing in pain, she was nearing the very outskirts of the capital town (or whatever exactly it is haha). In the distance, she saw some people. Narrowing her eyes, she skid into the shadows. Nearing them, she reached back to grab the glaive on her back. She heard their voices. Older gentlemen... Then? Narrowing her eyes through the dim light, she noticed white hair. It was them! Growling furiously, she grabbed the grip of her blade, and rushed out of the bushes without thinking. Nearing, she slowed down, her fury dissipating. It wasn't one of the Twins. "H-huh? O-oh..." It was another of the princes instead. Her hand lowered, and she stood next to them, feeling self-conscious. Then she winced, and brought up a hand to her bloodied side.
Diagonal Diagonal Dante Verren Dante Verren Scrubnoppon Scrubnoppon
When Warren mentioned his parents, Democritus couldn't help but think of his own. The warm smile of his mother, and the tough arms of his father were all memories that were going to cinder. The young boy almost took off running towards the palace again, but Garren's stern and urgent comment brought Demo back to reality.

It was true that he needed to get out of here. There were many that counted on him living. If not for himself, then for them, Demo must survive. He was about to head out towards the border, when he felt a huge momentum coming his way.

Turning, Democritus saw a girl run straight towards him with his sword. His eyes opened wide in surprise, as the prince got his dirks out infront of him. The girl seemed to get wide-eyed herself, as she started to slow down as she got closer, and coming to a full halt right beside Demo with her sword at her side.

"Uh.." Demo let out at the girl's confused expressions.

A huge explosion came from the fields nearby briefly lighting up the dark outskirts of Talos. Demo shielded his eyes with the daggers as the explosion lost its brightness. Out of the aftermath of flames and cinder, came a figure limping towards the group with it's right limb dangling infront while the left held onto it. It was Siego.

"I see that your guards have all arrived here young prince." Siego said.

"Siego!" Democritus rushed towards the master ninja, and supported him with Demo's shoulders. The white bandage on Siego's right arms was dyed with red blood. He seemed to be limp on his left leg.

Siego pushed Demo away from him, and tried his best to stand straight. His smile was always present, and people would only know he was in pain by the sweat that formed around his forehead.

"That is not necessary, young prince. Our priority is getting you out of here, safe."

He stumbled ahead of the group.

"I can lead you out of here. To the north of here, across the Ferron river, there is a neutral zone between the three nations of the Heart. The borders there are ambiguous, and Talos wouldn't dare to send troops there unless they wanted to go to war against the Dragon Nations. We should all head to there, and seek refuge from one of the nations."

"But what about our families?" Demo couldn't help but ask even though he probably knew the answer he was going to get.

Siego leaned in to the side of Demo, "Prince Hashi, I know how scary it must be for you going out alone for the first time. But you are now a leader, these people put their lives for you. So, try put on a brave face... at least for your father's sake."

"We start marching tonight. Time is of the essence. Let's go prince's guards. Come on." Siego finished, as he began to walk towards the river.

Democritus stood still, his head hanging low. He just let out a grunt as a response to Siego's expectations. Gritting his teeth, he looked back up front. "You heard the man. Let's move." Demo said, as he took steps to follow Siego.

"It's no use now little boy," Kaiden said, as he lifted up the tear filled boy up by the neck. His parents lay dead on the ground. The kid grabbed onto Kaiden's hands, kicking and struggling to get out, but to no avail.

"Yes, struggle. Your blood color will be even more vibrant when I open you up."

Laiden appeared like a shadow right behind his twin brother.

"Kaiden, finish up your killing. We have a speech to deliver."

Kaiden rolled his eyes, and he lowered the kid down to the ground.

"Why do you have to ruin the fun for me. Live a little brother."

"We got no time for that. On top of the tower, now."

With that Laiden dissipated into the shadows. Kaiden released the boy to put a hand on his forehead. The child began to crawl away.

"Now I don't want to see the blood anymore."

The child limped towards a house, his little fingers trying to reach the door. Then, slice. A dagger went through his neck and pinned against the wooden door. Kaiden's hand was stretched towards that area. A deep red sprayed all over the door, as the child fell over with a thud.

"Just kidding." Kaiden said lightheartedly, as a crooked smile formed under the mask. Then he too disappeared.

From the watch towers the two brothers stood, the highest tower in all of Talos. Laiden began speaking. His voice was amplified to the point where his voice could be heard clearly for miles

"Citizens of Talos. The king you knew is now dead. We, his twin sons, Laiden Hashi, and Kaiden Hashi will henceforth take the rightful position as heirs to the land. As your sovereign rulers, we shall bring Talos back to its former glory. All those who stand against our wills as kings shall be executed immediately. Talos brothers and sisters, all shall return to serve their country, and rebuild from the terrorist acts of Democritus Hashi. Those who bring back this traitor to us dead or alive, shall be granted immeasurable treasures."

"All hail, King Kaiden, and Laiden Hashi. All hail!"

Democritus looked towards the starry sky. Tonight, there were unusually many. It was almost as if the stars were commemorating many people that were murdered that day. However, the young prince's mind was filled with thoughts and worries about the days to come.

Run, young prince of Talos. Though your path's end may be yet to be decided, there are many obstacles to climb over in order to survive.
Chapter 1: Plans<BGM>

News of the new kings of Talos spread throughout the Heart. With the uncertainty of what the new rulers have in mind, both of the Dragon nations, Abyssylgia and Lucinarch agree to a cease fire in their long fought war for the rights of their land. Each nation quickly gathers their generals, and councils to hold a meeting of what to do.

Meanwhile Democritus heads off to the border where Talos, Abyssylgia, and Lucinarch meet. There are guards all around, but none dare attack. Conveniently, recent ceasefires from the two Dragon nations left a few soldiers behind on the border.

The Prince's Group<BGM>

Democritus and his company marched over the grassy plains of Talos to the Ferron River. During this time of season, the river banks should have empited, and the waters be tranquil. However, the rivers today seemed to be running rapidly.

Scanning the area, Siego, stopped and turned to the group "There is only one way to get across. Through the bridge over there."

The injured ninja pointed towards an old wooden bridge. It's length barely touched the other side, and was held together by planks of wood and ropes. Usually guards would maintain the bridge every week or so, but it was the calm season for the Ferron River. This also meant that there were no guards standing next to the bridge so the group could pass by without any confrontation.

"The width of the bridge only allows one person to cross at a time. Any more weight, and it seems that the old bridge will crumble." Siego told Democritus.

"What is the best course of action?" Demo asked.

"I recommend that the faster units cross first, and then the heavier troops be the last few to cross over."

"Then let's do that. Okay, uh guards. Let's cross the river through the bridge. But one at a time. Faster units will go first. I'll cross first-"

"Prince, please, let me cross first." Siego interrupted, "I may be injured but I can still walk. I want to test if the bridge is safe for us to cross."

"O-oh, okay." said Demo looking at Siego. Then turning to the group he said, "Seigo will cross the bridge first for us, and then if it's safe we'll cross it starting from the faster units."

Dante Verren Dante Verren Scrubnoppon Scrubnoppon Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko


The main capitol was lively as ever in Lucinarch. Vibrant colors and fashions bloomed the streets. Rows of sakura trees were perfectly aligned across the side walks, as young couples and elders alike walked to admire their beauty. The men all had suits, while the ladies walked with large dresses. Some even had umbrellas to shield them from the sun. Every few blocks or so, there were soldiers dressed in gold, blue, and silver, monitoring the streets. There was no chaos to be found.

In the center of the capital, was a huge white castle with cone shaped roofs. The structure was elegant, and bold. No one could ever miss such a large sight: it was the Divine Palace.

On such a peaceful, and organized day, a Knight in Lucinarch armor, strode in on his noble horse. People got out of the way to not get trampled. Ladies gasped, while the men grumbled, as the Knight stopped in front of the Palace. The horse let out a dramatic neigh, as it kicked up its front hooves to signal that it has arrived to its destination.

Soldiers rushed to the direction of the horse, as the Knight got off the horse, and took off his helmet. Golden locks of hair fell down gently onto the Knight's decorated badges. It was Dhahek. He handed off his horse to the soldiers that came to salute him.

"Take her off to the shelter. Burny worked hard day and night to bring me here." The general said as he handed the reigns to the soldiers.

"Men, open the gates."

"Yes, Sir."

The pearly white gates, opened to reveal a crowed palace. Servants going left and right bringing refreshments. Advisors, and members of the council enjoying arguing amongst themselves, and Dhahek was just at the entrance of the palace.

Once the general stepped into the palace, the door shut with a loud creak. Dhahek began to scan the area. It seemed like he was the first to come here. He walked straight on, greeting people who took note of him, and smiling at the admirers. A servant walked up to him with a tray: "Would you like some wine, sir?"

Dhahek declined as he made is way to the door of the council room. He reached for the door, when a familiar voice spoke to him,

"Finally showed up."

"T'was a long ride from the battle field to here." Dhahek smiled as he turned to see the one who spoke, "You know Bane, you should really take off your helmet when inside the palace. It's quite, disrespectful to the queen."

Bane was in his armor, much like Dhahek, but his outfit was slimmer and aerodynamic. His helmet also covered up to his eyes. Bane pushed himself off the walls he was leaning against. He turned to face the door.

"The queen's not ready for us yet. The doors are locked." He said.

"My, my. Ignoring people's words are we?"

"Not ignoring. Just taking in." Bane said as he continued to look at the door. The atmosphere around him began to change. A black and red aura flowed out of him. The nobles around him began to move away, and the talking crowds began to quiet.

Dhahek, however seemed unfazed. He smiled as he spoke "Now, now, Bane. Save your energy for the council. We'll need it for today. Now where is that girl, Edda?"

Bane turned around, the aura around him quickly disappearing. "She's not here."

The crowds began to pick up again, and everyone was

"Well, let's hope she turns up in time. The queen insisted that the all of the trinity be here."

CaseyCascade CaseyCascade Dante Verren Dante Verren


"Despicable!" Yelled an old man, his mouth full of spit, and his fist slammed down on a dark wooden table full of people. "This cease fire is a sham! By the Hell Dragon, we should be out there fighting the Lucinarchs!"

"Calm down, Narik." Chimed in a hooded person. "We must discuss the matters of what happened in Talos."

"Who cares about those sell-swords. We can easily take on them and those order-loving freaks any day! King Trueman, surely you must agree." The old man slammed his fist again on the table which cause books to float up in the air for a bit, and drinks in the chalice to shake.

Beyond the round table was a set of stairs that led to a dark steel throne. It was covers with a red cloth, and the symbol of Abyssylgia. The path leading up to the throne was laid out by a long red carpet that spanned the throne room. Unlike, Lucinarch, the capitol palace of Abyssylgia was made out of grey stone bricks. Despite the exterior becoming black due to volcanic ashes, the insides were still grey in color. On the throne, rested King Trueman III. He had his head resting on his right hand at the arm of the throne listening to what they were saying.

To the left of him was a much smaller throne, where Queen Hestus was sitting with her legs crossed, and her mini bat imp swirling about. She seemed very displeased at the disrespect that the old man was showing, but didn't speak to it.

"Archanist Narik, if you are so confident, why don't you go out and fight? I'll give you as much of the troops as I can give." Said a young voice from the end of the table. It was Prince Trueman IV. He had his feet up on the tables, and both his hands on his head. He seemed to be half listening to the conversations, while half looking up at the ceiling.

The old man squirmed as he withdrew his fist. "W-well... you see.... Prince Trueman..."

"Don't you know the laws of this land? Those who fight have the right to speak. Those who win have the rights to the land." The prince responded, rocking his chair back and forth while maintaining a nonchalant smile. "Since you spoke up, you are volunteering to fight, right?"

"T-that's well uh-"

"Then great, I'll enlist you to the front line right away. I'll tell your family your dead, so they don't grieve later that you died."

"That's enough, Henry." Said King Trueman. "This meeting will not start until the generals arrive to the palace."

"Well then let me get comfortable, because they are going to take a while." Said Prince Trueman as he put a book over his face, and leaned back to take a nap.

@Anvas Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
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The prince's group

Warren had taken off his helmet and taken a nice long drink out of the flowing river. Moving water was safe to drink from, after all. After tossing some water in his face to cool off, he put his helmet back on.

"Hmm... it doesn't look sturdy at all! How old is this? Don't people cross here enough for people to repair it every few years?"

Warren examined the bridge. Rickety bridges made him, like they made most people, uneasy.
"Yeah. The ninja's got a point. After him, you should go prince, then Garren, then I'll go last. This armor's nice and all, it's got a lot of sentimental meaning to me, and it's protective and all, but in situations like this... it's just a heavy inconvenience..."
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David Andersen rarely left the secluded training room he nested himself in once he joined the Abyssylgian army; however, when news of what occurred in Talos spread, the soldiers' reactions he saw from passing glances as he followed the prophet closely varied. Some he noted hid their unease behind their anger, others spoke of action without considering the consequences like hot headed fools. Abyssylgians may be passionate and chaos driven, but surely intelligence mustn't be abandoned. Criticisms rose once the cease fire began, and apparently the council scrambled to call for action in response to the mess. Personally, he couldn't say he was as indifferent as he appeared. He had every right to be worried about not only the nation's state of affairs but also the Heart's as resident.

Speaking of Abyssylgia's response, he looked to the prophet. The dark-clad young prophet was just as fascinating as he was a terrifying force to be reckoned with. David had little to no complaints about his conduct; neither of them seemed to be a people person, and that was fine with him. If only the young prophet would cooperate with him a little more with his hobby though... Although that was a crying shame to be saved for another time, David spoke his of his more relevant concerns, "If I may inquire, is there anything I can do while you are away?" The jarring dissonance between his child-like appearance and not so child-like voice never ceased to amaze people as he has been told from recollection.

He sighed. "The cease fire, is that going to continue? What will we do now?" He grimaced. "Ugh, my head hurts just thinking about it," he muttered, rubbing his temples. He had meant to ask only one question, but the rest simply just spilled out without him knowing from his racing mind.

Diagonal Diagonal Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
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Garren Ford-
Princes Group

As Seigo, Warren. and the prince discussed how they were getting crossed the bridge Garren was watching the way they had came. "We should have Esmeralda go after Seigo. That way we will have two on each side while the prince crosses" he said without turning around. If they were to be ambushed then the Prince would have loyal soldiers on each side instead of one., it would be easier to protect him and fend off the enemy.
Scrubnoppon Scrubnoppon Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Diagonal Diagonal

Edda Karling-

Edda was barely able to keep control of her happiness and reign in the smile that threatened to form on her face. She was exxcediling happy, so much so that she felt like she was going to burst. She was a trinity, one of three of Luninarchs greatest generals, and that meant she was able to not only be in the same room of the queen but also take parts in key meetings with her. Today was one of those key meeting days and once again Edda would be able to be in the presence of the person she admired. As her and her entourage neared the entrance to the city Edda's excitement grew and she picked up the pace.

Rideing on the back of her Pegasus Edda lead down the streets of the capital that lead to the palace. Her silver armor gleemed in the rays of light and many onlookers stopped to watch as she passed. Those in the streets hurried to scramble out of her way to make a clear path, whether it was out of respect, social status, or the fact that Edda had a reputation of being mildly terrifying was up to debate. No matter the cause she soon reached the palace gate.

A soldier aproached to take Nyx's reigns but the Pegasus merely gave the man a challenging look while Edda dismounted. Edda patted Nyx's neck "Go with the soldier and don't cause any trouble." she told to her mount and companion before looking at the man. "Aslong as you don't try to mount him he won't hurt you. Make sure to take him to the shelter and that he is well taken care off until I return." she ordered the man. She watched the man lead Nyx away before turning back to look at her entourage and more importantly, "Alright, Minus Klaus you all are dismissed until the meeting is over. Klasu you are coming with me. Keep in mind where we are, anyone who causes trouble will be given double the work load for the next week. Understood? Good." She told her entourage before heading farther into the palace.

As Edda walked down the palace halls the other nobles hurried out of hers and Klaus's way. Edda's fast walking pace, her stern expression, Bag of tomes at her side, and seeker attached to her back made sure of that. When she got closer to the nobles grew thicker and her expression grew more annoyed. She made her way into a crowd not stopping moveing forward until a noblemen who was either plane stupid or trying to show off to his freinds and some women backed up right into her. "What the! Just who do you think you are to interup-!" the man exclaimed as he slowly turn around only to fall into a fearfull silence when he saw who he was yelling at. "Lady Edda, please forgive me! I meant no offense! Please this way!" said the noble as he stepped aside and offered a bow of apology.

Edda simply ignored the man and made her way up to Dhahek and Bane. "Greetings my fellow trinity." she said in a more forced version of her normal bland voice.
Diagonal Diagonal CaseyCascade CaseyCascade

Klaus followed closely behind his general, looking around at all the people. He dusted off his navy and gold robes, which he only wears on special occasions, and nodded excitedly to the orders he was given. "Oh why yes milady! Of course." He allowed Edda to part the waves of snobby nobles through the palace and spotted the other generals through the crowd. He could see Dhahek and Bane just ahead, he sees them from time to time but he has always awaited the day he could properly meet them in person. Klaus always imagined himself one day sitting down for tea with Dhahek, having a jolly old time and messing around during training. Maybe one day he could teach Bane how to cook... and hopefully gain some appreciation for his baking skills.

Speaking of baking, Klaus remembered that he packed snacks and pulled out a scone while they walked to the magnificent gates. One man... No wait, that's Gerald! Klaus's long time friend backed up into Edda, trying to avoid a confrontation, he apologized frantically. Thankfully, Edda didn't pay him much attention. As they passed the man, Klaus gave him a pat on the back and whispered to him "Don't be too sly or you'll get in trouble." he passed Gerald his scone, "I'll see you after the meeting friend!"

Gerald gave a hearty laugh."Klaus! it's good to see you. They let you into the meeting?!"

"I sure hope they will, I brought some good bribery just in case." He patted his knapsack and gave Gerald a wink before heading off with a small wave.

Klaus stopped behind Edda and waited for her to speak to the other generals, he sported his same old tired looking face and half closed eyes, though he now had a huge grin in his excitement and looked rather please, paying attention to their conversation.
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AbyssylgiaVlad Wentzel
"I do apologize for my tardiness." A disgruntle voice echoed through the chambers. "The commute here was quite dreadful."

Out of the shadows stepped a man robbed in black. The man was holding a staff with a red orb on the top and on his hip a book was attached. He strolled forward slowly, face covered by his hood.

He strolled into the middle of the court, bowing slightly as a sign of respect.

"Your majesty." He said first to the king, before turning his head to the prince and said. "Your highness." Before he preceded to stand up stright. "Shall we begin our meeting? Or is there somthing else you would like to speak about first?"

Diagonal Diagonal
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The Prince's Group
Esmeralda "Esme" Branwen

Esme stood with a less threatening pose after rushing and nearly gutting the prince then and there. He wasn't the Twins, like that assassin had mentioned. Which meant... He must have been innocent in all this. Just the fact he was out here talking to these men, talking in a frightened, confused tone. It all relayed to her that these people were innocent in the heinous deeds happening at her back. Speaking of which, an explosion rocked the area, and she shielded herself. Glancing at the orange-red flames, a man came up, and she instinctively took up a defensive pose, but he seemed to have repertoire with the prince. He appeared to be a friendly. Lowering her guard, she noticed the wound on his arm. Her own hand reached for the cut in her side, while she chose to ignore the stinging sensation on her own arm.

This man, who seemed to be named Siego, began to lead them away, claiming he could show them how to find a path leading to some neutral ground.. away from all this treacherous, dangerous chaos. The question of family came up. Esme went solemn, knowing no such thing tied her down here. When Siego mentioned how she was a prince guard, she spoke up -or tried to. "Uh! S-sir! I'm n-not, yet!..." she tried to convey, while hurriedly following.


So this was the land beyond the main city in Talos. Many of her Branwen family regularly frequented here, but Esme had never been beyond those particular borders. She spent nearly all of her time training to be a .. well a prince guard. Something that actually hadn't happened yet. And it seemed it may never happen, now, considering. Her eyes trailed towards the rickety bridge that had the rushing current underneath. It looked like a sneeze would drop the bridge right into those rapids.

Blinking, she heard one of the big men announce the order of who should cross. "Hey!" She called angrily to him. "I know I'm quiet... but it's rude to completely ignore me entirely!" She held up her hands, and inspected herself. "I feel I'm one of the lighter, quicker ones here. I certainly shouldn't cross after your lugging form!" The other man spoke up on her behalf, but she merely flashed him a moody look.

Diagonal Diagonal Dante Verren Dante Verren Scrubnoppon Scrubnoppon

Nyxa Revenna

Standing just behind Seri, stood a short 5'2'' girl, with a flowing purple cape. Her white gaze invoked blindness, but it was more of an oddity for her connection to the dark arts. She could still see just fine, she just had unusually distant, blank-staring eyes. She was attending the meeting with Seri, or really just out of curiosity. Listening to the higher-ups squabble was amusing in its own right. This Archanist Narik should just fight! Test if he is capable of fighting out on the front lines! It was an experiment of sorts! If he was... then he was! If he wasn't... well, then they would know that afterward! Seemed simple enough. If you had something to experiment. In Nyxa's white eyes you just did it. He seemed hesitant, though. Oh well, maybe he was just a dull person. Seri, though, wasn't. Glancing at him, she knew him to be quite lively and fun. He did not appear to be one to back away tail between his legs. He was a doer -like her. A ceasefire didn't bother Nyxa in anyway. She was not super totally invested in war.

Diagonal Diagonal
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The Prince’s group
Siego shook his head in dismissal at Esme’s response. He started at her with his pink rose eyes, his smile never leaving his face. “It would be a shame for a pretty girl like you to take a fall down those rapids.” Then, turning to the bridge, Siego began to walk as he said, “It’s decided then. I’ll go, followed by the prince, the girl, the older barbarian, and the golden armored one.”

The master ninja limped on to the edge of the bridge. The wind blew causing his hair to wave along with the bridge. He took a step onto the wooden planks of the bridge, to which the wood gave creaks out as if Seigo’s foot caused it much pain.

Democritus watched as his father’s retainer took a step onto the bridge. He held his breath, and tensed his shoulders as the bridge swayed back and forth through the wind. Siego seemed to balance himself out. The prince let out a sigh of relief, but his sigh turned into a cry of pain as something stung him right across the shoulder.

It was a dagger. Demo held onto the open wound, and turned around to where the dagger came from. Out of the grass came out a thief. One more popped out of the grass, soon a whole group of bandits surrounded the prince’s group.

“Well, well. Look who we have ‘ere.” Said a low grainy voice. The thieves parted ways for the big man to show up. He held an axe, and a bandana around his head. His hair was short and black, with a decently trimmed beard.

“The ol’ traitor prince.” The barbarian pointed his axe at the prince. “Yer gonna make us rich. Sick em’ boyz, dead or alive!”

The hulking man went to the shadows as the thieves encircled them. Immediately the thieves threw a rain of knives at the group.

“Quickly, everyone to the bridge! We’ll have to risk it.” Demo ordered as he turned around to the sound of snapping rope.

“Prince!” Yelled Siego. He was already across the bridge. His hand was holding onto the broken rope at the other end. “It seems the bridge wasn’t that stable. I’ll try to retie the ropes. You need to fend them off until then.”

“Looks like we’ve got no choice. Let’s fight!” Demo said as he deflected off a dagger with his dirk.

Fight Objective: Kill Boss or Survive for 5 turns.

Lose: Democritus is Killed

Eight thieves surrounded the group. To search for the barbarian, one must first get through the wall of thieves.

Turn 1: Ambushed


The thieves swayed back and forth throwing their daggers at the group. Each of the prince’s group got hit with two daggers (-2HP to all). The thieves seem to not want to get closer.

Dante Verren Dante Verren Scrubnoppon Scrubnoppon Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
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Lucinarch“Well, well if it isn’t Edda.” Dhahek said as he turned around to look up at the tall woman. His golden hair flowed freely from one shoulder to the other, and he met her with his pearly white smile. The knight raised his heels off the floor to meet with Edda’s grey eyes.

“You’re much taller than I remember. Have you grown since we last met?” Dhahek said as he let out a hearty laugh, “And who might this be?” His eyes narrowed to the even-taller white-haired man standing behind the Dark Flier.

Bane retreated to his corner, where he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. He seemed to be looking in the general direction of the conversation. He seemed to be in no mood to talk.

CaseyCascade CaseyCascade Dante Verren Dante Verren
The Prince's Group
Esmeralda "Esme" Branwen

Esme glared icily her sharp chocolate gaze at the man who called her 'pretty girl'. "This 'girl' has a name," she claimed proudly, stepping up to the bridge just behind him. "It's Esmerada of house Branwen." She turned her eyes away from the older man swaying on the rickety bridge towards the prince. "What? Scared he may fall? If that is the case, then should you not have been the one to cross first?" She was saying this to a prince, she realized, but it still rang true to her. If a prince cared so much for his subjects, then he should be willing to endure their same fate. Such was the mantra for a hero. And a prince equaled a hero, no? She noticed in surprise as a dagger lodged into his shoulder. Before she could react, though, the girl took a dagger to the back shoulder, mirroring somewhat where Demo got hit "AH! Ugh... Blasted curs!" she growled out, turning, and whipping out her large replica sword.

Diagonal Diagonal Dante Verren Dante Verren Scrubnoppon Scrubnoppon
Garren Ford-
Prince's Group
Possible FE character.jpg

Garren couldn't help but grin the bandit group emerged from the shadows, Finally something to fight! The escape to the bridge had been to easy, the fact that no one was guarding it was weird which made it a perfect set up for scum like these bandits. When the prince gave the order to stand and fight Garren's blood began to burn. The rush of adrenaline right before a battle filled his body and the grin turned into a large smile. A knife shot towards him and bounced off the armor on his right shoulder with a *Clank* and fell to the ground. Another knife shot past his face and he felt a twinge of pain on his right ear.

Garren laughed loudly and spun Reaver around in his hands. He locked eyes on one of the swaying thieves on the right flank, it was the one who had cut his ear. Garren's loud laugh turned into a battle cry as he dashed forwards charging straight for the thief. Spinning Reaver around himself "Face me like a man!" he roared at the thief as he brought his weapon down in a diagonal slash towards the enemy.

Edda Karling

"I don't believe that I have grown any taller" replied Edda, "Perhaps you have gotten shorter?" she responded with a slightly lighter tone then usual. It was good to see Dhahek again. Out of the other two Trinity he was definitely more pleasant to be around then Bane. His usual cheery demeanor was a nice change of pace compared to the more serious atmosphere she had noticed since walking into the palace.

When Dhahek asked about Klaus Edda gestured towards the white headed man with her hand. "This is one of my subordinates. Go on, introduce yourself." She said to Klaus. As she waited for Klaus to introduce himself Her gaze shifted away from Dhahek, as usual he had left as soon as she had arrived. She had never really had any kind of conversation with him. In fact the only time she can ever remember speaking to him was in meetings when they had to voice opinions. Oh well, she would eventually have the chance to talk to him some other time.
CaseyCascade CaseyCascade Diagonal Diagonal
Klaus calmly extended his hand out to greet Dhahek looking very relaxed. "Greetings! My name is Klaus Gottileb, big fan, I've been serving under Edda for some time now as a retainer, kinda like a bodyguard in training you might say". Klaus reached into his knapsack and retrieved a frosted scone, "I also make a pretty mean baker, would you like a scone?" The trap has been laid, Klaus's infamous smile, handshake and pastry combo that no law abiding citizen could resist. Trying to make friendly connections by force was essential to fulfilling his fantasies of royal acquaintance and adventure, and hopefully getting Dhahek and Bane to open their mouths, and later their hearts.

He leaned in a bit closer and whispered to Dhahek. "If Bane wants one you can give it to him, I get the guy's kinda stand off-ish."
Diagonal Diagonal Dante Verren Dante Verren
“Quiet.” Responded the dark prophet to David’s remarks. His head was burrowed in his scarf, and he talked out of it. His body didn’t move. Only his eyes moved to the target he was addressing. Shaden had many problems that he had to deal with himself. He just sat here because his sister, the Queen, wanted him to attend. It was much of a hassle that this short man was following along with him everywhere he goes. “We follow what the king decides.”

The king barely moved position in his throne as Vlad entered the throne room. He sat there waiting.

“There is one more that will come. Have a seat.” He addressed Vlad.

The prince gave a wave in the general direction of the sound that Vlad greeted him with the book still on his face.

There were many with tense faces and anger around the meeting table. Seri, wasn’t one of them. His eyes were more on the food at the table. He plopped himself on the table, and motioned Nyxa to come sit beside him. “Well if we gotta wait then we should at least fill our stomachs, right?” He said as he reached for the slab of meat at the center of the table.

Avnas Avnas Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Prince's Group
"Seriously?! This is happening now of all times?! I'm really not in the mood..."
Grabbing his axe, Warren began to slowly approach one of the bandits to his side. There was a great deal of space between the two.
"Listen pal, you can make this easy on everyone, just gather up the merry band and-"
A dagger aimed for warren's shoulder bounced off his thick armor.
"Gaaah! Who threw that! Okay that's it- no more diplomacy."
Pointing the brunt of his axe at the bandit he let out a low growl.
"I won't let you get away with hurting my pride like thaaat!"
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Prince's GroupBefore the thief could dodge out of the way, Garren's axe went diagonally across the theif's shoulder. With the impact, the thief let out a grunt, as he quickly pushed away from the axe. The thief retaliated by striking with his dagger, but it simply bounced off Garren's armor. (no damage)

Turn 2:

Player HP: Democritus = 13, Esme = 16 , Garren = 20 , Warren = 20

Enemy HP: Thief 1-8 = ???, Barbarian = ???

The injured thief ran towards the shadows as another thief got in front of Garren. He attacked with his dagger again, but there was no damage to Garren. However his armor seemed to get weaker. Garren fought back, again hitting the thief for a chunk of damage.

Another thief came from the left side of Garren, and threw a dagger at him from a safe distance. The dagger cut through the damaged armor causing the dagger to land damage. (-1 HP). Garren's armor seemed to get further weakened.

A third thief from the right side this time attacked Garren in the same manner. The dagger seemed to do more damage, and linger around. (-2 HP). Garren's armor seemed to be useless now.

Four healthy thieves aligned themselves near a bunch of hidden bushes. The left and right sides of the prince's group were open to explore now.

Again, a flurry of daggers rained upon the prince's group. (-2 HP to all)

Enemy turn end: 2 Injured thieves, 6 Healthy thieves, 1 Barbarian

Player HP: Democritus =11, Esme = 14, Garren = 15, Warren = 18

Dante Verren Dante Verren , Scrubnoppon Scrubnoppon , Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko

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