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Fandom Fire Emblem Fates: Ablaze

So after deciding between This and That(and possibly Those), I wanted to know if I could reserve a spot as a Cheve Rebel.
I've just been waiting around. I'm the outrealm hero so I join quite...Late
Aquaknight said:
Yeah there's always that, but hopefully she's fine and is just busy with finals or something.
Damm. Some people STILL have school?!
Epax said:
Damm. Some people STILL have school?!
Yep, where I live Summer break doesn't start till the last Saturday of June. I'm not sure where SW lives but I'm guessing she's either having finals now or is sick.
I'd say if things go too far south we should make some sort of temporary board until our admin comes back, so that way we could add new players and whatnot and keep moving with the story. This could be our one-week-later solution.
Well reading all this I can say that I could wait another week sure, if anything happens keep me update. :D (Regardless if I do get accepted my character wouldn't join on the spot either.)

Well, for the new thread, we'll have to figure out who it falls on to take the torch, and whether or not we should make any amends to the current structure. Any volunteers?
I'm still here and willing to join in when you're able. But I'm obviously unable to take the torch :P
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