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Fantasy Fire Emblem Divide: Sami x Balgair

Sami patrolled outside of the village on deerback as the Alliance got work on making repairs and moving in some supplies. Ever since she enlisted Sami had the opportunity to leave Komodo and experience other parts of Terrunum. And so far she was not impressed. Aurhalz was crowded and Patrium was a ghost country. However in Patrium she could see the object of her destiny in the distance. The Monolith. As Sami made her way around the perimeter she marveled at it in the distance. She slowed her deer to a trot on that side of the village to stare it down as if she could destroy it with her very eyes.

Misuteeku Misuteeku
Balgair was just running about around the perimeter. Right now he couldn't give a hoot about duties and all that stuff. While running around, he saw this girl that was on her deer. 'A playmate!' Balgair thought as he started to run faster. Whatever thoughts were in his mind, vanished completely as he jumped up and landed on top of the deer. "Hey, can you play with me!" Balgair said in a really excited tone. The sudden weight probably scared the deer, but he didn't care.
DoctorDiggles DoctorDiggles
Balgair would probably care when the deer bucked him off. "Whoa shit!" Sami drooped her bow in shock as she grabbed the reigns and quickly eased the large deer. "Easy easy!" Had she zoned out so badly she didn't notice a fox sneaking up on her? What if it had been an enemy or a monster? She would be dead. Sami was thankful it was just an idiot boy but that did not make her any less angry with the idiot boy. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" she snapped at the fox on the ground. "Who the hell are you!?"

Misuteeku Misuteeku
Balgair landed roughly onto the ground, as he quickly stood up. "I'm Balgair!" The fox said as he looked straight up to her. The moments of getting buckled off of the deer, were quickly forgotten as wagged his tail like a dog. Sami's crude words also flew past, Balgair's mind as he looked at Sami. "Can we play!" Balgair said hopping around like a little kid. He started to circle around Sami, as he waited for her response.

DoctorDiggles DoctorDiggles
Sami decided to stop fooling around with this kid. She reached behind her and pulled an arrow from her quiver. Then she pulled back the bowstring and pointed it directly at Balgair. "I'm not playing around here fox, don't move! I'm gonna ask you one more time! Who the hell are you!?" She took an aggressive step forward and asked, "Are you Legion?! Huh punk!? Talk or die where you stand!"

Misuteeku Misuteeku
Balgair thought that Sami was trying to play villain, and hopped excitedly. "You're good at playing, Villain!" Balgair said excitedly, as he lunged at Sami. 'Finally a playmate!' Balgair thought, as time slowed for him as his body was now flying towards Sami. The arrow in her hand, didn't seem to intimidate Balgair at all, as he had his smile plastered onto his face.

DoctorDiggles DoctorDiggles
Sami glared at him. She was very confused and the only thing keeping her from shooting Balgair right now was that he was a kid. "Villain?" she asked before the fox lunged at her. "Woah!" She side stepped the fox and let him crash into the ground. "I'm not playing with you kid! Last warning or this arrow's going up your ass! Are! You! Legion!?"

Misuteeku Misuteeku
Balgair roughly landed on his chin, as he groaned. When he turned around to look at Sami, he could finally tell that she was angry at him. "Nope!" Balgair happily said as he got ready to lunge at Sami again. 'Maybe after answering her question, she'll play' Balgair thought as he began to lunge at her again.

DoctorDiggles DoctorDiggles
Sami sighed in annoyance as she finally got her answer. It wasn't all that convincing. This kid was either a very clever Legion spy or an actual kid. She lowered her bow and put the arrow back in her quiver. "Don't touch me jackass!" she told him as she saw him priming up to lunge at her again. Sami turned her back and whistled for her deer. She walked alongside it at a leisurely pace and called behind her. "Follow me fox!"

Misuteeku Misuteeku
Balgair only nodded as he followed Sami. "So what game are we playing?" Balgair said hopping around. Would it be tag, hiding o seek, or something much more fun? "Also what is a jackass?" The word jackass sounded unpleasant, but you couldn't judge a word on how it sounded like. Right?

DoctorDiggles DoctorDiggles
Sami rolled her eyes and responded to him dryly. "We're playing Shut Up And Follow Me. It's a game where you shut up and follow me. You lost already. Round 2 starts now." Sami didn't have time for games. She had an important job to do. If monsters or Legion soldiers or bandits arrived outside of the village she wasn't going to let this fox get in her or way and distract her from spotting them.

"A jackass is you. You're a jackass." she informed Balgair. "You're a jackass and you should introduce yourself as a jackass to everyone you meet so they know what they're dealing with."

Misuteeku Misuteeku
Balgair could only nod happily as he stood silent, and followed Sami. The game sounded fun in Balgair's mind as he followed Sami. Balgair only nodded more to know what a jack ass is. 'So a jackass is someone who is fun loving, and wants give everyone joy.' Balgair thought as he kept up with Sami, and her deer as they walked.

DoctorDiggles DoctorDiggles
Sami turned around when she didn't hear the fox respond. She was expecting him to lose Round 2 of her made up game but surprisingly he stayed silent. "Hm." At least the fox could follow orders technically speaking. So long as they were phrased as a game. Sami didn't know what the fox was doing here but it seemed unlikely he was a civilian who had wandered into Patrium alone. He was probably affiliated with the Alliance somehow. Sami just couldn't fathom that they would recruit someone so young. For now she would treat him like a lost child.

She lead him back into the village and walked him toward their logistics office. There he would become a high ranking officer's problem and not hers. "Alright you won that round," she told him in front of the door to the office. "Now we're going to play a new game. It's called I'm Lost Who Is In Charge Here. It's a game where you walk into buildings and say: I'm lost. Who is in charge here? Then you wait for someone to talk to you and you do everything they say. It's really fun. You do this building and I'll do that one over there."

Misuteeku Misuteeku
Balgair instantly nodded as he ran towards the buildings. From there, he already lost sight of Sami as he entered insie the building. Already inside he was creating a ruckus everywhere. "I'm lost. Who is in charge here?" Balgair would say as he ran through some objects. He jumped on people, came out of nowhere, or just ran up and asked them "I'm lost. Who is in charge here?" The entire time.

DoctorDiggles DoctorDiggles

Sami shook her head as she heard chaos erupt within the logistics office. But she also couldn't help but smile. The fox was either the craftiest Legion spy in the world or a harmless kid. Whatever he was he was no longer her problem and she could get back to her duties. The little samurai climbed back upon her deer and left the village to resume her duties. Hopefully this time there would be no interruptions.

Misuteeku Misuteeku S SirBlazeALot

[I think we're done here]


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