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Fire and Ice (Diagonal and MidnightWolf)

The seven year old Noelle woke up the feelng of an icy cold chill. Her father told her the day before that they where going meet the Queen for a meeting from the nieghboring kingdom at the border. She got dressed with the help of her maid. She walked down stairs. Her father smiled at her. They walked outside together. The cold air from there kingdom was sharp like a dagger. Noelle ran ahead of her father on to an a lake that was iced over. She slipped and fell on her backside, sliding close toward the borderline. She laughed and her father chuckled at his little girl.
Zero was sleeping under an active volcano, when her mother slipped in. She made him get up, even though he wanted to sleep some more. Today was apparently an important day. Quickly, he got dressed, while his mother awaited in a molten lava dress. The ground was red hot where she stepped, and that's just the way he liked it. He didn't care much for other kingdoms - he just wanted to rule this one by himself.
Noelle sat on the icy lake as she waited. She didn't feel the need to stand yet. There was no need to at the time. Her being close to the boundary could feel the intense heat coming from the other side. She scooted herself back a litte. The heat us uncomfortable to her. She couldn't grasp how or why people could tolerate that kind of heat. Though she did wounded about the other kingdoms, she prefered hers the most. She stared into the other kingdom and waited, waited and stared.
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