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Fins to Feathers


Maid Of Doom
July first, morning. The sun was out, but there was still an early morning chill. Kole ran his hands through his hair slowly before letting out a deep breath. The night before he got all of his stuff into his new flat, not unpacked but present. Today all there was to do was explore the new town, something both exciting and nerve wracking. Kole had never left his own little farm town before, hell he'd never seen the ocean before the night before.
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Heads turned toward Mari as she walked down the pier, love-struck eyes and lopsided smiles meeting her face. This, of course, wasn't new to Mari. After all, mermaids—especially powerful mermaids like herself—had that effect on humans. As soon as she left the pier, however, they were all reverted back to normal, not-so brainwashed people. As she looked around for a poor soul to prey on, she spotted some seaweed—wait, what? Turning, she bumped into a hard surface—Kole.

I-I didn't know what else to do. =3=;;
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"Oh!" Kole turned, an apologetic and confused look, "I'm sorry about that miss," it was probably her fault, though Kole did not much care. He didn't seem so struck by her, maintaining himself more or less he still was somewhat lost in the new town. At least he wasn't sure where to go yet.

The man with seaweed-colored hair didn't seem to have gotten the gentleman memo of helping a lady up her feet. Even so, she got up with a warm smile on her face. "It's alright, I wasn't looking," she reassured him, letting her eyes meet his. Oh, I've never seen him before.. she realized, her eyes glittering with excitement. "I'm Marigold," she introduced. "Are you touring the sites?"
[ you didn't say she fell to the ground, only that she bumped into him. He would have helped her up ]

"Ah, touring, I guess you could say that," Kole mumbled passing off the question quick, "I'm Kole, nice to meet you," he introduced, holding out his hand.

The woman shook his hand. "A pleasure to meet--ah, well, bump into you, Kole," she told him, a small laugh escaping from her mouth. "I know the place fairly well, considering I've been here for a couple of years(how long should she have been here?)," she started, tucking a stray strand of hair back into place. "Would you like a tour?"
"Ahhh, a tour?" he laughed nervously, "that would sure be nice of you." Kole didn't expect a stranger to be so kind to him. Though he really did appreciate it.

Smiling, she laughed along. "Yeah, well, the people around here are friendly--and plus, I did bump into you," she told him with her sweet tone. "How about the shops? They typically have antiques and such, but if you're not interested in buying anything, they won't bite--or perhaps the pier! They have statues of our founding fathers near land," she babbled on, probably sounding annoying.
Kole let the women babble on not minding it as she seemed enthused, he unintentionally toned in and out of her speech though he did care a bit. Interested in the new town, and the seemingly nice residence.

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