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Fandom Finding Home ((Max Ride RP))


Landlocked Mermaid
Kat looked out over Crater Lake, Oregon, thinking to herself. It'd been so long, and she'd spent so long alone. Her flock? Gone. Long gone.

Bella and Izzy, her sisters? Dead.

Serenity? Vanished one night during "night watch".

KK? They woke up one morning and she was gone.

Jamie, her fearless leader? Who knew...

Kat had spent three years aone now. Occasionally, she'd visitthe last place they were all together at, that little lake she loved so much. Where Bella was buried.

She always found herself back at a lake. Both Bella and Izzy were buried by one, it made her feel not so alone.

And now? She was working, ha! With humans, even funnier.

She stretched her wings out, sore muscles aching. She hated having to keep them in all day, but they couldn't be out when she was working at the front desk of the lodge.

She felt so alone, out here in a world by herself. But where, now, without her flock, was she supposed to in home?


So, I'm a little heartbroken And I remembered my second RP, the family I found there. And I remembered Kat, my first character. Bella and Izzy. How I met them. The home we found. Now, Bella and Izzy are gone, passed away, and everyone else? No idea.

Maybe this is the dumbest idea ever, but I want to find home again. Maybe a new flock? Or, if you want, be one of the characters I mention, except for Bella or Izzy. Huge no-no there. Be any of Max's flock. Be a new character. (Basic skelly).

I just want to have a reason to come home every night.

I prefer first person RPs, not sure why this came out third. I'll RP in first. You can do whatever.

Just RP with me?
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