Advice/Help Finding Fairy Tale Story/Mythology Roleplayers?


"no more pomegranates!" - demeter
My Problem

I've have this sort of Fairy Tale/Story/Mythology based search going on for a while. This is the original post. I haven't received almost any responses for it (comments or PM) in regards to it. I have multiple other search posts (Fantasy, Historical, Modern/Realistic, Futuristic, and Fandom) which have all received responses of some kind. All searches are pretty much formatted the same way except for the plot ideas of mine and such. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong.

Is there a better way to go about this search? Am I missing something important? A better way to advertise perhaps? I'm not sure what to do but keep bumping it with high hopes. Are there even any roleplayers around that are interested in that sort of genre here?

Any advice would help!

Thank you <3
Hmmmm, I think, and this is just me talking from my own meandering experience online, that the major problem you might be experiencing is that people already know those fairytales and similarly know how they end. Like, say for instance that you found someone to RP out the Little Red Riding Hood story, and your partner say, re-imagined the wolf as a modern serial killer who is actively hunting down certain members of Red's family. While you could put your own spin on things, the outcome is already known, which makes the amount of creative input hard to gauge. I know I would feel constrained, trying to follow the plot of the original. It would feel more like a screenwriting exercise than an RP to me. I don't know how many other people would feel, but that's the immediate impression I got. I would be more inclined to join if you were looking for something more along the lines of DC's/Vertigo Fable comic series, which, if you haven't already googled, you should, because from the looks of things, you'd like it. (It's the story world and characters that Telltale Games' "Wolf Among Us" is taken from)

You might have more success if you keep the story a little more open-ended or make the intention of not following the plot of the stories to the letter much more clear. Remember, most people skim, they don't read, and I've found that it pays to make your intentions and desires abundantly clear when searching for partners.

Good luck out there!
Hmmmm, I think, and this is just me talking from my own meandering experience online, that the major problem you might be experiencing is that people already know those fairytales and similarly know how they end. Like, say for instance that you found someone to RP out the Little Red Riding Hood story, and your partner say, re-imagined the wolf as a modern serial killer who is actively hunting down certain members of Red's family. While you could put your own spin on things, the outcome is already known, which makes the amount of creative input hard to gauge. I know I would feel constrained, trying to follow the plot of the original. It would feel more like a screenwriting exercise than an RP to me. I don't know how many other people would feel, but that's the immediate impression I got. I would be more inclined to join if you were looking for something more along the lines of DC's/Vertigo Fable comic series, which, if you haven't already googled, you should, because from the looks of things, you'd like it. (It's the story world and characters that Telltale Games' "Wolf Among Us" is taken from)

You might have more success if you keep the story a little more open-ended or make the intention of not following the plot of the stories to the letter much more clear. Remember, most people skim, they don't read, and I've found that it pays to make your intentions and desires abundantly clear when searching for partners.

Good luck out there!

Thank you for the advice! I'll try to put it a little more of the intention that I don't plan to follow the plots. I sometimes do forget that people do tend to skim. Thank you so much!
First reason you're not getting any bites may be simply because you're new. Getting responses here usually boils down to be well known in the community already. Sometimes you get lucky and just so happen to have the same interests as other people. I got bites for a fate zero roleplay, but not for a medieval adventure roleplay.

Secondly saying no mary sues, at least for me, is a bit of a turn off. People who throw insults around like being an edgelord or being a mary sue, tend to not be pleasant people in my experience. And if you're a newbie with a fresh account already coming off as some what of a jerk, well it's not going to help your case. Saying you won't deal with them, means a lot of people won't even deal with you because what if you call them a mary sue? Are you just going to waste their time and laugh at them?

Lastly, there's actually nothing wrong with your desired rp themes, but it probably just means no one else in interested in dracula or greek mythology so far.
First reason you're not getting any bites may be simply because you're new. Getting responses here usually boils down to be well known in the community already. Sometimes you get lucky and just so happen to have the same interests as other people. I got bites for a fate zero roleplay, but not for a medieval adventure roleplay.

Secondly saying no mary sues, at least for me, is a bit of a turn off. People who throw insults around like being an edgelord or being a mary sue, tend to not be pleasant people in my experience. And if you're a newbie with a fresh account already coming off as some what of a jerk, well it's not going to help your case. Saying you won't deal with them, means a lot of people won't even deal with you because what if you call them a mary sue? Are you just going to waste their time and laugh at them?

Lastly, there's actually nothing wrong with your desired rp themes, but it probably just means no one else in interested in dracula or greek mythology so far.

Hmm, I believe you're right. I never meant to come off as a jerk of course, but I can definitely see how it may have an effect. Thank you for the advice! I really appreciate it. I'll try to word myself better and all. :D

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