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Fight Song [Naruto]


Meme lover

this is a closed roleplay between mldna &

@Lethal ! please respect that :)


"Dear one, don't be so sad now. I need you to promise me something, after all." The voice was velvet, soft and gentle as though it were a blanket. "I want you to promise me that you won't ever back down, little one. And that you will care for those precious to you. Can you promise me that?"

A small child, no older than four, let out a quiet sniffle as her mother peered down at her. "Yes, mother, I-I promise." The words then were just that - words. She could not understand them fully, yet could feel her heart swell with pride at the look of love when it flickered across her mothers face. Reaching her arms up, the young child wrapped them around her mothers neck and hung up as though her life depended on it, relishing in the warmth her arms offered her.

Nothing but a memory. Picking the dirt from under her nails, a girl of around fourteen let a shiver pass her spine. Winter was slowly fading out into spring, yet the air within the early mornings could not help but make her cold. Tugging the ragged scarf around her neck tighter, the young girl stood on her tree branch to inspect the town within the distance. It was still some time off if she were to walk, which she was beginning to feel she just might have to. Her legs were weak with exhaustion, shaking from hunger, and she could not help but be thankful that she had found a town at least. With a good amount of money in the pack on her back, the young ninja was just dying for a hot meal. Jumping from the tree, she landed flawlessly on the ground, hesitating at the sound of rustling leaves.

But, it was nothing to fear. From the dead leaves emerged a large black bird, his feathers freshly cleaned and shimmering in the cold winters sunlight. He took his position on her shoulder, a happy chirp leaving his beak as she offered him a kiss to the cheek. "Good morning to you, Yashi." A friend found the year before, having fallen from his nest and sprained his wing. Young Airi Hayashi had nursed the injured bird back to health, training with him on her journey. She had been away from home for many years now, following the disappearance of her parents. When all had refused to search for them, Airi had taken it upon herself to do so, tossing herself into a life where she had to become used to teaching herself and learning from those she met on the road.

The winter sky was a dreary grey above her head, no sign of the sun peaking out to be found. A cold wind threatened to tear the scarf from around her neck, pale hands gripping at it desperately to keep the chill out. Her clothes were that of an explorers, torn and muddied from sleeping under the snow and rain, trekking through puddles to find her destination. Once she reached the town, Airi knew she would have to change to her good clothes, if she did not wish to be pitied. And, she did not. The chill in the air flushed her freckled cheeks pink, as though the air was full of heat on a summer day. She walked for an hour, maybe more, when finally she arrived at the steps leading into the town. It was bustling with life, filled to the brim with children's laughter and the slurred speech of adults who had stayed out all night.

It brought a smile to her face, one that was tired and begging for a place to rest that night. Perhaps she would stay a day or two, regain her strength and speak to the local ninja. Glancing at Yashi on her shoulder, Airi began the descent down the steps, stopping in a bathroom to change. Rags turned to tight pants and a sweater, though the bandages around her knuckles had to remain from her fight only a few days before. After all, not everyone she met was going to be good. Turning to her own reflection, she was surprised to see the small scar that had formed above her eyebrow. Reaching back for a moment, she tied her hair up away from her face, only a few stray strands remaining to frame her cheeks. Taking the time to check her weapons, Airi knew it was good to be prepared - anything could happen in a town, even one that seemed well and good on the surface. Exiting the washroom, she began to make way for a ramen shop, stomach growling at the mere scent of food carried on the breeze.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the jubilant townspeople, Slifer is caught in a day dream. It's not a common occurrence for the young boy, at least not anymore. However, he sometimes loses focus and his engulfed by all his senses. This causes him to get lost in thought and every time he does, it turns into the same scenario...

The midday sun bared down heavily, but it was welcomed by the boy. During his small adventure, he learned to love the sunlight. He loved the feeling of warmth that was provided, it kept him from reminiscing about his earlier life. He was walking down the small dirt path cutting through a large grass field. He didn't realize it at the moment, but he was noticeably excited. He had an adorable little skip in his step, a smile that wouldn't cease, and his eyelids were squinting from the genuine smile. As much as he enjoys his outings, getting to know everyone in regions here and beyond, there's nothing that compares to the feeling of seeing his friend, Korinth.

Hours pass by, and he knows he's close to his destination. His body shivers for a moment with excitement at the thought. He starts jogging, enjoying everything that his senses provide him. The sound of crunching dirt and small rocks beneath his feet, the birds chirping in the distance, the warmth from the sun he loves so much, and the smells of... His heart skips a beat. He didn't notice anyone around, so the smell seems very out of place. Cautiously, he continues towards his house, walking quickly now, rather than jogging.

He walks past the gate to the fence surrounding the front yard of the home. Clouds begin to roll in, blocking the sunlight from the world below. As shade falls across his face, Slifer's head bows, nose pointed straight at the ground... He tries to deny the obvious, but deep in his unconscious he's concluded that the smell is not so misplaced after all. As he walks with a sulking posture, his feet feel heavy like bricks. He doesn't want to continue, but he does. He comes upon the front of the home and the stench fills his nose and his mind goes blank. His eyes fill up with tears, and a single drop flows down the right side of his face.

The wind picks up for a little bit, and the cold hand of winter seems to scratch at his cheeks. Slifer is startled out of his thoughts, gasping a little as the wind passes by. He feels thankful for the wind watching out for him, keeping him from reliving the horrible scene. His smile quickly turns to a blank expression as he pulls a kunai from his robe. He gently rubs the blade against the soft skin of his arm. He applies a bit more pressure, and even more until he feels the steel puncture his flesh. He slides it to the left and quickly pulls the blade out, leaving a small, clean open wound. He applies a small towel to the cut and holds it there for a time after sheathing his kunai. After fifteen minutes or so, he puts the towel away and is left with an eighth scar on his arm. He looks up and begins walking through the town, enjoying the smell of ramen as he passes the shop nearby.
As another cold wind races forwards, Airi lets out a quiet grumble, pulling the scarf up to cover her mouth. The winter has always been a season she's hated, especially since she took to the roads on her own. As she gets closer to the ramen place, her thoughts are ripped away by her sheer desire for food, especially warm food. Sitting down at the table, the young girl offered a grin to the man running the shop, enjoying the warmth from the food pouring out. Once she had placed her order, Airi leaned back in her seat to take a moment and think.

She had been searching for her parents for years now - how many had it been? They had vanished when she was only six, and she had left a year after. So, it had been seven years of being on her own, then, and she hadn't made it too far from home. After all, she was taking her time in looking for her mother, stopping at every town she came across to make some money and ask questions of those who lived there. Her thoughts were once more interrupted as a bowl of steaming soup was set down in front of her, eyes flashing with hunger. Blowing on some of the broth, she offered the first sip to Yashi on her shoulder, having always understood that what was natural came first - and that included her friend.

Finally, Airi allowed herself a few bites of the delicious soup, and practically melted on the spot. It had been a long while since she'd had such good soup, having eaten her own caught food for many months. The last town was far behind her, long forgotten as it held nothing special. Yet, she had spent several months there, regaining the strength she had lost before arriving there.
Slifer continues his walk. His head is partially aimed down, an instinctual practice due to the cold. He wasn't walking fast; he kept at a comfortable pace. The small pathways offered in the village might have caused a little annoyance with the townspeople behind him. The village's smaller paths were usually slightly crowded, but they didn't mind the young boy's pace. Most knew of him and addressed him with a small greeting by name as they passed him by cheerfully. It wasn't the reason at all, but the people would just assume that it was due to his blindness that he walked so slow today. This wasn't the case, but there was no reason for him to point it out. So he just greeted the passersby with a shared gratitude.

A short ways past the ramen shop, he began to feel a bit of discomfort. He felt as if there was an imbalance with the general atmosphere of the people around him. He begins to wonder if someone is in distress for a brief moment, but his thought is quickly proved incorrect. Three men, older than the boy by at least four years, were the cause of the anomaly he sensed. As a punch is thrown at the back of his head, Slifer can only assume they are in some kind of a rush as to be so angry with him. He easily ducks down and turns to face his tormentor and friends. He asks, "What is the pro--," and before he can even finish his question, the same man tries to grab hold of his robe. Slifer hits the underside of the man's elbows with his hands shaped in a straight edge. The man's arms fall backwards to his side, and he becomes more hostile. His thugs opt to take hold of Slifer's arms, but he jumps backwards, bumping into a bystander in the process. The crowd of people back away, forming a rough circle around the four individuals. The three goons quickly close the gap between them and Slifer, with a look a sadism in their eyes. They hastily throw strikes at the boy, but he deflects or out right dodges the barrage. Pacing his breath to avoid tiring easily, he assumes this will go on longer than it need to. The three men are becoming increasingly annoyed by the constant miss and deflection of their hits. They start pushing him towards the wall of a building with an alley way right next to it. Slifer isn't physically pushed by them, but they begin to form a line that he cannot pass as they close in on him, forcing him backwards.

His back hits the wall and he warns them very calmly, "
This is not going to end well for either of us." Obviously, the thugs dismiss this as a petty last resort to leave the situation. They gladly deny it, and push him into the alleyway. Slifer's heart rate increases. He is not scared of what these men will do to him. It's very obvious they are of no fighting style and he could easily punish them. No, his heart races because he is realizing this situation will call for a violent answer. He doesn't want this. His eyes tear up as his mind is thrashing itself with thoughts of putting these men in their place, or running cowardly away. He is given no time decide as the men begin their assault. He dodges the first few strikes thrown at him, but the instigator of the three pulls out a knife, and the others soon take up the practice. He whispers one last warning, but it comes out more as a plea, "Stop." And with his head pointed at ground, the men begin thrusting their knives at the boy. He breaks the wrists of two of the men almost instantly as their knives fall to the ground clinging. Their faces turn to instant shock as screaming soon follows. Slifer is crying heavily at the situation, and he tries his best to keep his focus and composure, but something about this is just tearing at him. The two injured men leave, but the third one, the one who began this all, stays and is angrier than ever. He picks a steel pipe off the ground that must have fallen off the old rugged building years ago. He hurls the pipe at Slifer, and in the boy's momentary gap in concentration, he is struck in the chest by the solid piece of steel. He falls to the ground under the force of the blow and lets out a huge breath. With the wind sufficiently knocked out of him, he struggles to regain his breath. He tries to cry out, but nothing comes out of his mouth. He lays there at the mercy of the thug, hoping he just goes away. "That this whole situation can just... Just end."
The gathering crowd was enough to draw attention from Airi as well, her knuckles turning white below the bandages at the sound of a fight. A shadow cast itself over her eyes for a moment - did she want to cause trouble when she had just arrived? However, it was not in her nature to allow anyone to be hurt or fight alone. Pardoning herself for just a mere second from the ramen shop, the female rolled up the sleeves of her sweater, pushing through the crowd. The two who had already been hurt did not have a chance to move past her, hands rushing out to catch the back of their shirts and throw them to the stone below her feet. However, her eyes never left the back of the man who had thrown the steel pipe. Chest rising and falling quickly, Airi narrowed her eyes at the man. "Excuse me, sir. Not a very nice thing you're doing there," she hissed through clenched teeth.

As the man turned to face her, she let a large grin pass over her face. "Now, why not try that move on me once? I wanna see how fast you are." The man was clearly not in the mood to play, striking out with bare hands instead. His hands didn't even skim her, feet pushing her backwards out of reach. From clenched hands shot three shuriken, their metal racing just over his skin and drawing blood. "Not quite fast enough, stranger." Airi breathed out, racing forward to meet him. She was much quicker than he could ever dream to be, her training on the road having built up her strength and ability to read her opponents. The fear pooled off of him in waves, bubbling up from deep in his chest as her hand gripped onto his arm. With a quick movement, she was behind him, arm twisted in such an awkward position it just might break.

Leaning close to him, she lowered her voice, "I suggest you get out of here. I won't miss the next time." Letting go of his arm, she watched him scamper off into the crowd, stopping only to try and usher his friends off of the ground. However, she had effectively knocked them out on the stone - they would not be moving anytime soon. Turning to the boy about her age on the ground, she allowed her gaze to soften. "Are you alright?" She asked softly, hearing the crowd begin to vanish behind her.
Slifer lay there on the ground, still recovering. He was bracing himself for another blow by the culprit. It never came, and he was thankful. As he lay there catching his breath, he heard someone confronting his enemy. It was a girl, and she sounded young. "Please, please don't get hurt trying to pro--," he couldn't even finish his thought before she had the man drawing blood. He was shocked at the thought that this man could be bested by a young girl. Immediately he realized the girl had used shuriken. He felt a wave a relief at the thought that someone capable was here, and not some random bystander. He felt foolish for a second as well, for second guessing the kunoichi. In less than a minute, she had the lowlife rushing to his friends, trying to leave with them as quickly as he could. The crowd slowly began to resume its daily activities.

Still laying on the ground, the girl asks him if he's alright. "I'm... I'm fine," he hoarsely whispers. He takes a second to finish catching his breath. He sits up a little, with his arms supporting the stance outstretched behind him. "I... Thank you. I don't know what would've...," His train of thought trailed off. He slowly rose to his feat, dusting off his back and arms as he stood. He thought for a moment and realized he had no idea who this was. He thought he had gotten to know all, if not most, of the ninja in the village. His face showing a puzzled look, he says, "I'm sorry for... Well, for this situation." He walked out of the alley and leaned against the wall facing the path where the crowd cowardly stood moments ago. "Have you been here before?" he asks politely.
Airi instantly noticed the young boys blindness, but refused to utter a word about it. Laughing, she shook her head at his statement, "That man wouldn't have done much. He's a big punk - all talk and very little bite. After seeing what you did to his friends wrists, I'm sure you would have been able to take him easy, if he hadn't struck your chest. What a cop out move." Pushing herself to her feet when he stood up, she followed him out of the shadowed alley and into the open streets. If she were honest, she was a bit surprised that no one but her had come to help him. After all, he could have been gravely injured if someone hadn't stepped in.

Shaking the thoughts, Airi turned her attention to his next question. She stiffened - he had already figured out she wasn't a local. "Uh, well, no. I'm from the Hidden Leaf Village, originally." She explained hesitantly. The name felt weird to say out loud. Some days, she regretted ever having left, seeing as her skills may be more skilled if she had stayed behind and training with a sensei. Yet, she had trained with ninja from many different villages at this point, allowing her to learn and master skills that she may have otherwise missed out in if she had remained stationery.

"Oh! How rude of me. My name's Airi, and this here is my friend, Yashi." To echo her greeting, the large black bird on her shoulder let out a screech she was sure meant "hello." Scratching under his chin, the girl allowed her gaze to rest on the young boy momentarily.
Slifer looked down and smiled at the sound of the crow; he hadn't heard the sound of that bird in a while, and this one seemed different from any he's heard. It brought back memories of his small adventures out on his own and the song of forests sung by the birds. He looked back up and softhearted he says, "I'm glad to have met you both. I'm Slifer." Just then, a strong cold wind blows into his face. His eyes water a little at the sensation, and he enjoys the smell of ramen. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting your meal?" he asks tilting his head slightly. "We could talk more there if you'd like," he says gesturing towards the shop. He starts walking slowly.
Surprised that he offered to stay and talk with her, even after finding out she was an outsider, Airi was happy to follow behind him to the shop. "It's very nice to meet you, Slifer. May I ask, what's the name of this village?" In her hurry to get food, she had entirely looked over what the town was. Seeing as she had already made somewhat of a friend, she was considering staying a bit, if only to get to know him and learn from her. Part of her wondered if anyone here had seen her parents, but asking was beginning to feel more like a chore than something she actively wanted to do. Years of searching seemed to only be leading her to a dead end.

Airi had to believe that her parents weren't dead. If they were, than she had given up her home for nothing - could she ever return? If she were to, she would have to start classes from where she left off, a laughing stock because of her age. Gripping her hands nervously, Airi forced herself to lose the thoughts for now. They weren't ones to be having in front of a new friend. As they reached the shop, she suddenly realized how rude she was being, "Do you want anything to eat? I've got plenty of money to spare." She grinned, sitting down in one of the chairs. She made money by doing chores in different villages, ranging from babysitting to catching a run away child. Which, if she were honest, was a bit ironic as she was one herself.
He sat down to the right of her as he greeted the chef. And as if to answer her question, his stomach growled slightly. He chuckles a bit as he says, "Yes, that would be very kind of you." He nods his head at the chef to indicate he'll have the regular dish he gets every time he dines here. He looks down, enjoying the aroma of the shop before turning his head back towards Airi. "So what brings you here?" he asks curiously. "We don't get many young ninja that aren't part of the village too often. You're the first that I've met at least." he says. Seeing his dish is ready, he leans back a bit as the chef delivers his soup. He thanks the chef and takes a sip before turning back towards Airi.
Drumming her fingers against the counter, Airi tried to make the decision whether or not she should tell the truth. "I am searching for my parents, that's all. I left my village seven years ago." She answered, deciding to go with the honest route. After all, this was just another town to pass through, another place to observe and leave. What would it hurt to tell one person of her ultimate goal? Tipping her head down, the young girl began to eat her own food, remembering just how starving she was. Wincing slightly, the female placed a hand over her heart suddenly, feeling what she could only describe as a small pinch. This happened every once in awhile - a pain in her chest that felt as though someone had punched her. "Is this your home?" She asked him, pushing away the pain and offering him a smile, though he couldn't see it.
For a brief couple of seconds he was lost in thought. After she brought up her parents, he immediately started reminiscing over the times he had with his own family. He wished briefley that he could hope they were still alive. He shook his head slightly and, snapping out of his thoughts, he said, "I'm sorry to hear that." He quickly turned his head back at his food and took a few more sips as she did the same. As she asked him the question, he swallowed the food in his mouth, making for a brief pause before he could answer. "Yes," he replied. "Well, at least it has been for the past year and a half. I traveled for a while, enjoying the world, before I decided on settling here." He smiled, going over his travels in his head. "I met a lot of good people then, but I never really found a good place to stay. Eventually I came across the Hidden Leaf. It's the biggest village I've come across and we get newcomers every day. And that was all I was really doing before, trying to just meet people. Now I can do that and not have to move!" He laughed at the remark a bit. He paused for a moment, nodding his head slightly before turning his attention toward her again and asking, "How long are you staying with us?"
Airi finished her own rather quickly, contemplating buying another. Giving in, she took a moment to place another offer, still feeling a hunger in her stomach that wasn't fading. As he apologized, she couldn't help but shake her head, though a small sigh passed her lips. "Don't apologize, it's already happened." She murmured, though a sadness passed over her expression. She couldn't be sure they were even alive at all - it could very well be a wild goose chase she was on, and one that she had truly been thinking of ending. However, she turned to face him as he explained himself, a smile flickering onto her lips. "Really? How interesting..." She trailed off at his next question, shoulders slumping forwards slightly. "I'm... not sure, if I'm being honest with you. Part of me wants to give up the chase, settle down somewhere so I can get some real training. And another part of me wonders if I could ever settle down now, after being away for so long, ya know? I'll be here at least a few days, maybe weeks. I'm very tired."

She was happy, for a moment, he could not see her. She truly looked rough - chances were, he would not be talking to her if he could see. She had lost weight in the past months, with food being so thin and hard to find. Her cheekbones were much more prominent than they once had been, and her eyes had lost their glow that she'd had when she was young.
Slifer sits there and listens patiently with his head down, taking sips from his soup. He briefly wonders what he would've been doing this whole time had he been in her situation. It seems to him even more difficult than knowing your parents are dead. The fear of the unknown is surely the greatest of all. He nods his head, finishing his soup and resting his two hands in a combined fist in front of his mouth. His bowl is taken away and he ponders. "Well," he says exhaling. "Thank you for the meal, and... well not letting me die." He smirks at that a bit before continuing. "It was nice meeting you two. I wish you the best of luck on your journey, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to come find me." He stands up, gives a slight bow towards the chef, and says good bye to the girl and her bird with a warm smile. He begins walking down the street where not ten minutes ago he was nearly killed. He quickly lowers his chin to his chest in response the cold wind he is greeted by as he walks. "I wonder if she's even more damaged than I was not too long ago. And where I came to find peace, I wonder if she can do the same," were among his thoughts as he continued down the road.
Airi watched him go, fingers twitching on the table. She quickly paid for the meals, acting purely on the need for social interaction when she stood and followed Slifer. Once she had caught up, she hesitated for a moment before calling his name, letting a hand drop to his shoulder awkwardly. "W-would you mind... showing me around, maybe?" She breathed out, body stiff. It had been a long time since she'd had interaction with someone her age, let alone someone who seemed to share an emotional state almost on par with hers. She craved human interaction, conversation - and he seemed to best candidate for it. Even if it was just him showing her around the village, she would be eternally grateful for the time. Pulling her scarf up over her mouth when the cold air blew again, the young female shivered, closing her eyes against the wind.
As he was doing before the brief altercation, he continued to greet the villagers in a complimentary fashion. There was something he didn't expect though, and within moments he knew what it was. Almost as if to confirm his suspicion, her arm fell upon his shoulder. He twitched a bit at the touch and stopped dead in his tracks. He allowed her to finish her question before turning to face her. "I -uh- suppose I could," he says, almost as if he was asking rather than confirming. He shakes his head, dismissing what he just said. "No. No, yes I can," he says, this time more confidently. "I'd be glad to." He turns around and continues his walk, pointing out the shops along the way. "This isn't really that busy of a road, it's just very cramped. The main roads leading to the main gate, now those are busy. That's where you'll find most of the people and the best restaurants and shops," he says.

As they near his destination, the road starts to gradually spread out. The road they're on converges into the spacious grounds of the park. Lots of trees take up the space, along with benches and small paths and bridges. In the center, there is a white gazebo right on the edge of the main river. "I come here everyday," he says with a certain wonder as they walk towards the center. They arrive at the gazebo and he stands at the edge of the white circular fence as he leans over it a little. He holds his hand up to indicate the need for silence. A few seconds later, a plump little duck starts to waddle its way into the river from the opposite side. It wades over to the other side and stops as it gets onto the grass. It looks up at Slifer and quacks. After a few quacks, Slifer smiles and tosses the small duck a few grapes that have been cut in half. After a moment he says, "I don't know why, but when I first came here, this little guy walked up to me, and I mean right up to me. He came right up onto the deck here and started quacking at me. I was a little embarrassed, but I enjoyed it. The next day I came back and here was the same duck doing the same thing. Everyday after that I've come back and fed him grapes." He chuckles a little. "I wish there was more to the story, but that's it." He pauses before finishing, "Well, I guess now he just waits on the base of the river instead of coming to me." He laughs at the thought and just the memory in general.
For a moment, Airi felt as though she may have overstepped a boundary, but felt relief flood her when he agreed to show her around. At the mention of shops, the young female looked down at her clothes, eyebrows furrowing for a moment. "If we have time later, would you mind taking me to some of those shops?" She asked, glancing around the road they were currently on. When buildings began to turn to trees and the distant image of a lake, she found herself shivering slightly, pulling her clothes tight around her neck. It was always colder closer to the water, no matter how small of a source it was. The gazebo was beautiful, causing her to be in awe for a moment - she had never seen such a pretty town.

When her companion held up his hand, she made sure to stay silent, unsure if there was danger or something else. When a small duck began to quack, she couldn't help but laugh at his story, a wide grin crossing her features. "Well, it seems to me that you've made a friend. Animals don't trust just anyone, you know. It takes a special kind of person to bond so closely with an animal," Airi murmured, reaching a hand up to run it down Yashi's feathers. He had braved so much with her since she had found him, lying on the ground and broken. Part of her had always wondered, why her? Crows weren't naturally a very trusting animal, and to bond with one - let alone train with one - was not an easy task. And yet, Yashi and her had been soul mates, moving so fluidly together, most people thought he was a summoned bird.
Slifer smiled at the comment and started nodding his head slightly for a moment. As the little duck quacked one more time before waddling away, Slifer gets off the edge of the small fence facing the river. He turned to face Airi. "If you'd like, we can sit out here for a little bit longer." A little regrettably he continues, "I have a few items I need to get for my sensei before tomorrow. After that I'm just going to be sitting in my home at the inn a little ways north of the ramen shop we met at earlier. If you'd still like me to show you the shops then, just come find me. It's much calmer at night anyways." He smiled and sat on the bench a few feet from him, waiting for her answer. He realizes he is feeling just like he had when he met Korinth years ago. He smiles as he welcomes the happiness and similarities of now and then. The day has certainly made a turn for the better, he thinks to himself.
Airi let out a slow breath, leaning back on the bench to watch the gray clouds move through the sky. "Yes, I think I would like that, Slifer." She murmured, allowing her eyes to close. She hadn't felt relaxed in ages, not like this anyhow. She crossed her arms over her chest, feeling the winters air cross over her face and cause her cheeks to flush a bright red. "You said this was the Hidden Leaf Village, correct?" She questioned, turning her head to look at him slowly. She had heard of the village before from other villages, the mention of how strong its people were and how pride of a village it was. From what she had seen, it was turning out to be true.

ooc; sorry, short! D:
"That's right," he happily answers. "And out of all the places I've traveled to, the Leaf has to the jewel of my travels. The people are, for the most part, great. They're friendly and humble, but strong too. And the ninja here are, in my opinion, the best of the best. I'd place the genin here like myself above some chunin from other villages." He stopped himself, seeing his rambling as bit arrogant. He chuckles a little. Scratching the back of his neck he says, "I guess you can see I think highly of the people here." His cheeks get a little more red from slight embarrassment and he laughs again, still scratching his neck awkwardly.
Airi let out a small laugh, glancing over at him for a moment. "If you think so highly of them, perhaps I will have to stick around and learn a thing or two." She murmured, tucking her hands into the sleeves of her jacket to warm them up as they walked. She had never found a village that seemed to pull at her heart, that had felt so warm the moment she stepped into it. This village was proving to be something incredible - if only because of the young male next to her. She hadn't felt so compelled to talk to someone in a long time, but he was... easy to speak to.
"I'm glad to hear it," he replies. They walk for a short distance, still in the park. He began to feel very comfortable and at ease. They were walking when a cold burst of wind came and snapped him out of his momentary serenity. He flinched a little and started thinking. He quickly remembered that he had some errands to do for his sensei. "Um- sorry! I had forgotten about that I needed to obtain a few things for my sensei today," he explains. "It'll take me a couple hours or so and afterwards I'm going to head home and rest a little. Like I said, if you'd like to come by later today I'd be more than happy to finish the tour." He finishes with a smile. He scrunched his neck into his jacket a little bit to hide his cheeks from the wind after telling her.

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