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Realistic or Modern [FGB] Frangible: In-Character

Alexandra Falconer
[BF] Bell & Friends
Location: Café, Stuttgart, Germany
Interaction: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu

Last online 4 hours ago
Turns out Lexa hadn't been that late as the rest of the detachment poured in immediately after her. Lexa marked the next arrival as she entered the café not surprised as she approached their little table, Lexa didn't recognise the character on the new arrivals shirt but it was clearly from some animated show so it was likely that she was here for them. Lexa smiled at Bell as his stood up and was surprised at the loud slurp behind her, she spun to look back at the new arrival. The arrival spoke tiredly, accent heavy in her voice, fortunately for Lexa the accent easily gave away the identity of the new arrival. "Konichiwa Ryuuko" Lexa's Japanese still retaining her American accent "Chokusetsu oaidekiteureshīdesu", She was taken aback by the young woman's abruptness and greeting but it would be nice to have a native speaker for her to bounce phrases off, as long a Code was willing of course.

As she began to turn away to head towards the counter with Bell another person entered the café, initially Lexa thought he might just be someone trying to get into work early but he quickly dispelled that impression by waving at the group. Lexa smiled at him as he approached chuckling along with him as he poured out excuses for his tardiness. Not wanting Bell to leave her behind Lexa began moving towards the counter "Nice see you, I'm Lexa" she through the comment over her shoulder to at least do a partial introduction.

After ordering a pastry and a coffee Lexa got into a small disagreement with Bell about who should be paying resulting in him performing a very neat slight of hand to get his card to the machine before Lexa could notice. She nearly socked him in the shoulder, arm tensing ready before she relaxed, even if they played together she didn't really know how he would react to that. As revenge for him paying Lexa quickly scooped up most of the order carefully stacking it in her hands before strutting back to the table with a huff.

Lexa carefully placed the order down before sitting down in her seat and shooting a smile at Evan "Sorry for running off, I'm Angelex in game" She passed over a coffee and pastry before pulling her paper closer to her. She was about to quickly scan the headlines when Bell's comment grabbed her attention, she never realised the Geico had a wife and kids or that he would bring them along, she looked closer at the man but nothing new revealed itself. As Bell flipped around his phone Lexa's concentration went back to her paper, she was aware that some people streamed the game online but it had never been particularly interesting for her. She supposed it could make a rich field for information gathering but that sounded a lot like working in her free time, she already had several documents that needed translating while she was here she didn't need more.

As Bell moved to timetable Lexa focused back on him, a game this morning sounded fun and she nodded along as he spoke, she stayed quiet until he mentioned the plan for the afternoon, "The Konigstrasse is definitely worth it, if any of you indulge as well there's a great beer store that I'd love to show you. They have some of the best Stouts I've ever had." Lexa let excitement bleed into her voice Die Bierothek Stuttgart was one of the highlights of transferring through here.

Chokusetsu oaidekiteureshīdesu - I'm glad to meet you in person.

Connor O'Boylan
Connor sat quietly as the meeting progressed, taking in the information given to him. From what he was being told, the close range fights were going to be intense, and that was just how he liked it. "Jammers do fuck all if we're in shouting distance of each other. That'd be you and me, LD, maybe J if she decides to stick around. Pubbies don't like talking to each other, so I think we'll be fine. You sniper boys might get a little pissy we can't ping 'em to get blasted through cover though, could flash a laser though, if they're paying attention and want to take a guess." Connor said through a granola bar before swallowing what was in his mouth to continue talking.

"Map selection also matters. If we're on Snow, Gold, anything not close in, we'll have an edge. But if we're forced in, I can take a ballistic and trap them in a room if someone has my ass."

"Throw the regular routes out, we know that's not what they're going to use. The weird and the funny is what they're going to go for. We look at the routes Weaver's got and expect them to do something similar. The weirder and funnier, the better. Could also get rid of these routes, if the map allows, like Collapse. Spearhead could set traps in these locations as we pull back. Or we can get my fat ass to one of them and surprise them that way."

Evan Marco| Geico-35
Stuttgart, Germany
Detachment: B&F
Interaction(s): Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Scavenger Scavenger Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu
“If they’ve got cheese and ham croissant that would work perfectly for me” Evan would say with a nod, he'd wait patiently with a small hum looking around and then to his watch, oh well least he wasn't that late, looking up he at least got an introduction from one of the other's here "well nice to make your acquaintance" he'd reply to Alexandra. regardless his attention returned to Bel. "they're doing fine a bit of jet lag for the kids both of em, are sound asleep luckily, so they aren't much trouble, nor for Linda, will take that suggestion tho sounds rather nice, brought an extra camera this time just in case you know how it is with travelling something always goes just a little wrong special when it's the whole family" Evan would say with a short nod.

once again attention shifted back to Lexa, Angelex, yeah he'd heard that name before. "well now Iv got both names to the face, good to know- oh Frangible partners hey? that gonna be interesting guess we are a little more famous" he'd grin cheerfully. "yeah a few morning matches will do us some good I think"


[KSL] MasterAssassin23
Location: NE Spawnpoint
@Worthlessplebian Soviet Panda Soviet Panda @Dovinique

Currently playing: TDM on EDELWEISS

"Noted on all." Pradeep nodded as he soak in all of his teammates' opinions. As he tried to process their gameplay flow and the tactics proposed, it managed to distract him from the thought of having to deal with Belligerent. Taking the laser idea from the Irish, Pradeep brokered a smirk. "Laser's not a bad idea actually. Can rope them up from a distance and mark targets."

"Suit up and pick a corner. We've got some ways to rehearse before the big game." He stood up, grabbing his duffel bag. "If you guys gotta hit the latrine, now's the time. I'm going to tweak my loadouts a bit. Just join through my channel."

Fitting into his bodysuit, Pradeep ran a quick inspection before putting on his HOST helmet. Taking the far side of the living room, he laid back against the end of the sofa and sighed softly.
"Initiate ARKS." Initiating the loading process, the man quickly checked his Frangible messages before being able to access the Frangible client.

Scrolling past the banners, he tapped into the loadout screen to customize his weapon of choice while waiting for the rest of the gang to join his quick-matching party. A quick practice match to get them all out of the jetlag, but one that demanded a set amount of focus. Torn between the promise of getting a shot at Belligerent and that of his team's synergy, Pradeep let his thoughts run free before the matchmaking pinger flashed a chibi-icon animation that gave them a thumbs-up. The cartoonish character then dragged the pixelated banner behind them, digitalizing the map banner to unveil the upcoming match - Edelweiss TDM.

MasterAssassin23's then entered the foreground in their Haven Knight cosmetic set, dressed in cerulean blue cloak over metallic armor, alongside their teammates with idle animations running as the timer ticks down. Locking in their equipment, their character finally materialized, shifting from the two-dimensional view of the menu screen to that of their character's point-of-view. The HUD began to materialize as a brief cutscene showcased their in-game characters jogging towards an armored personnel carrier.


Seated properly within the metal box on wheels, the red light persisted for some time before finally turning green as the vibrating motion of the vehicle finally came to a stop. As the APC unloaded the players and drove off-map, MasterAssassin23 and their teammates waited for the final ten seconds to finish counting down as the announcer buzzed their radio channel. Bringing up the map, which is often randomized for dynamic map engagements, the layout showed a rocky ridge filled with limestones to the North and East. The lower Western woods provides natural cover and concealment from the elevated position to the North and East. Meanwhile, the South is a flat pasture with some green mounds and scattered country houses made of wood with sporadic trees in between. Flocks of sheeps can be seen roaming free in some clearings in the center of the map. KSL's team spawned to the Northeast with several high-ground avenues to explore.

"I'll take the Northern ridge and provide overwatch. They will likely try the Western Woods to flank us and conceal their movement. No one's stupid enough to run center in open ground, but it would be nice if we can get some eyes on the buildings to the South. Keep your head on a swivel and pick a good position to fortify. Pick off the noobs going for the center field." As he spoke, his avatar relayed his word in a deeper and muffled voice as if simulating its vocal displacement beneath the metallic helmet.


Primary: 98 Bravo (Kommando Flecktarn)
+ Cureaxis LRO 10x
+ Yankee 9 Muzzle Brake
+ Gladius 20" Short Barrel
+ High-Powered Short-Magazine (5-rounds)
+ Oscar 5 Bipod
+ Tidal Laser Pod

Secondary: Pacer Auto (Black Watch Order)
+ Siren Suppressor
+ Taped Skeleton Stock
+ Typewriter Foregrip

Gadget: Smoke Grenade


[BF] XBelligerentX
Location: SW Spawnpoint
Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu Scavenger Scavenger Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

Currently playing: TDM on EDELWEISS

"Welcome to the team, Lexa! And I will admit, this could have been a bit more organized, but it is what it is - a last-minute trip." He said, managing to slip past her and actioned the payment with a swift motion with his card. For the man, it was not a difficult thing to do, having nearly-perfected his distraction ability in Frangible, though his persuasive skills leave much to be desired. Rubbing the back of his head gently, all that Jon could do was smile nervously as it seemed that his insistence did not fare well with Lexa. Alas, he was glad that she got along for the ride.

"Seems like Lexa here is a frequent traveller. That would be grand. No objections from me, I'm down." Jon acknowledged Lexa's excitement with a hint of curiosity and intrigue from his side.

As the crew caught up with their breakfast, they gradually oozed into the local timezone with the thought of a quick game to get started. While their GDR was far from their competition's standards, only Jon knew of the real reason they even bothered to take notice of BF in the first place. After all the troubles to keep himself out of their sight, it seemed that he has yet to be released by his past. It was only a matter of time before they get dragged into a world of unforgiving politics and conglomerate conflicts. Now that he had an entire Detachment to look after, the man did not have the luxury to dwell on the past. Sighing slightly to himself, the man quickly reel back to reality as he put on a quaint but false smile to keep his teammates' morale up.

"Aight, y'all go ahead and kit up. We'll rally in-game in twenty minutes." He noted finally before parting ways with his team to get into their ARKS gear.

Having confined himself inside his room again, Jon's expressions soured as thoughts on the upcoming match with KSL quickly flooded his mind. While triumph or defeat mattered little, there was a side to him that wished to abide by Hoffmann's request. Reflecting on the matter, it was only fair that he gave it his all not to win, but to provide what could be used by KSL in their future endeavors. Hopping from one detachment to another when the game first launched, the man made quite the name for himself that rivaled the current Champion of the Season. Of all the trending detachments, Belligerent has involved themselves on more than one occasion. The name that fell short of the ArchiteKT when they suddenly dropped out of Exaltium that Hoffmann once personally inducted Bell into. It was not easy to determine for himself a purpose following his exit from the Frangible community for a time that he would deem as his darkest hours.

While it was simple to get back into the game again and keep his personal mission alive, even going so far as flopping his K/D to slip under the radar, the old links that tied him to Exaltium and Hoffmann. Owing much to the man for their past business ventures, Jon still believed in his personal honor. But even more than that, Frangible meant something to him on a personal level ever since he returned. Even now, he owed the members of his detachment an explanation that would inevitably be made when all was said and done. But for the time being, it was a secret that he had to keep to himself.

Residing upon the coffee table within the living room was a black baseball cap that was too small in size for him, yet he had carried it with him anytime he went abroad. Even now, it beckoned the man's attention, resonating a nolstalgic aura plagued with bittersweet memories. Serving as both a memoir of despair and an inspiration, it kept the man on edge as much as it could placate the storm brewing within him. Placing his hand over the baseball cap, a long sigh escaped him as the wrinkles in his jaded eyes finally gave in to the welled-up sentiments. Shifting his gaze forward towards his reflection in the TV screen, Jon quickly got up and got into his bodysuit.

"Initiate." He sounded off within his HOST helmet.

"Let's get to work, Bell." He murmured gently when his in-game avatar materialized, taking on the form of a female operator with dark hair similar to his own in real life, while wearing a cap that is currently in his possession. Donning a mask and a cropped tank top, the avatar utilized a mix of cosmetic gears from various limited sets that was awared to players during Frangible's closed-beta trial period.

As the other avatars began to fill the screen next to his own, the chibi icon finally revealed the matched server to a TDM on the map Edelweiss. Locking in his usual equipment, Belligerent unmuted his mic and spoke through the squad channel. The avatar's animation followed suit, transmitting his words in a female-like voice. "Match already started, we'll do soft recon and pinpoint their positions before committing to an engagement. Any questions?"

The screen then quickly fades into first-person with the HUD slowly appearing via glitch-like effect as the operators entered a cutscene where a UH-1Y helicopter carried them to the combat zone. Entering the open clearing, the operators fast-roped into the map as the game completed its smooth transition from the loading screen to that of the live gameplay.


BF found themselves landing in the Southwest edge of the map. By logical deduction, their opposition main spawn had a high possibility to be located in the Northeastern end of the map. The low-terrain seemed to be of a disadvantage for most, but to their West resided a bountiful forest that could conceal their movement and provide light to medium cover. Going alongside them were a bunch of random players. Checking the player count and their ranks, Bell brought up the scoreboard at the flick of their fingers, with a slightly amused smile as they took notice of the enemy team's names - particularly those with identical clan tags.

"No better way to do recon in force than to actually go against our peers. Stay focused, Friends, looks like the Slayers got the same idea as us this morning." Bell remarked, pointing out KSL's presence to his squad.

Meanwhile on the otherside of the map, a certain sniper has yet to bolt his rifle forward as they were briefly stunned by the scoreboard's names on the opposing team. Narrowing their glowing eyes with a focused gaze towards the distance, the sniper let out a heavy sigh as they quickly got on the comms.

"Watch your approaches. The Belles are here." The sound of the Ninety-Eight Bravo's bolt could be heard echoing across the comms channel following the end of MasterAssassin23's message.


Primary: Max 5
+ Bijicon ACOG 4x
+ Konsil K5 Compensator
+ PARA 13" Short Barrel
+ STANAG 556 Magazine (30-rounds)
+ Overbarrel Carry-Handle
+ Mk.IV Grippod
+ CTRX Adjustable Stock

Secondary: Warrick 40 (ATACS-LE)
+ UniMatch Compensator
+ Fast-Release Standard Magazine (15-rounds)
+ RM Flashlight
+ Axis-3 Red Dot Sight

Gadget: Smoke Grenade

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