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Realistic or Modern Ferality [IC][OPEN]


Four Thousand Club
Sauron City was never a real nice place to live in the first place, but recently it's gone past "not nice". For the past few weeks there have been riots going on left and right. Most of them seem to call excessively violent actions made by law enforcement their purpose. They do have a point, the SCPD has been a little more aggressive than they should be. However, there are some riots that have a deeper, more controversial meaning. With the help of a few hacking groups, some information was released about Project Z. Project Z is a government run project who's make a biological weapon that would turn the effected into what would be called a "zombie". These "zombies" revert back to more feral, animalistic, and aggressive instincts. They will attack those who are not infected or turned. The only way to be "infected" with this is by having it directly introduced into your system. Examples are bites from turned, bites from an infected, or injection. The government planned to use it on enemies to make them turn on each other. Well, let's just say that's not gonna happen. Sauron City held Project Z's headquarters, so it was no doubt that it be the worse here. Outrage swept across the city. Some people must not have read the fine print and thought the government planned to use it on the people of the city, not enemy soldiers over seas. More riots started up at these sites and it going to end well. Unfortunately, specimens of Project Z that were being transferred from lab to lab got caught up in the riots. This same thing happened in several other cities across the country. You know what happens next, and this is where I leave off.

Adrian "Addy" Fulmer
Adrian was being picked up by his parents from the school's after school program. Unfortunately, they had to go through a chunk of rioters in order to get home. His mother had an intense grip on Adrian's paw, one that was on the edge of inflicting pain. He complained, saying that she was squeezing too hard. He was sure there was a response, but he couldn't hear it over the crowd. They were almost out of the riot, but then something that would absolutely destroy Adrian's world happened.

A tear gas canister landed near them and erupted, spewing the irritant everywhere. Some, well, a good amount of people participating in the riot had gas masks, but Adrian's family wasn't part of the riot. He lost grip of his mother's paw as his and hers both went to rubbing there eyes. He couldn't see, he felt like he couldn't breathe, everything began to hurt. He started crying for his mother and father. He could hear their voices calling back, but they seemed to be getting more and more distant. They, or he, must be getting bumped away from each other. As he seemed to get out of the bulk of the crowd as he wasn't getting pushed around anymore, his vision regained slightly, but not enough at all for him to see clearly. All he could see was bright lights outlining a store of sorts. He couldn't tell what kind of store it was, but it was the only thing he could see at this moment. He stumbled into the shop's lobby, tears in eyes and in pain from the tear gas. He sat up against a wall and pulled his little arctic fox plushie out of his school bag and hugged it tightly, waiting for his parents

Merrick "Merry" Harrison
It was a busy day at the coffee shop, but that's the kind of day that Merrick could really take off with. Constantly moving, constantly taking orders and giving people what they ordered, it was atypically busy today. He himself had a few coffee breaks where he had more than a cup. Caffeine was a wonderful thing. The panther was moving up and down the counter, weaving through co-workers as he helped anyone who wasn't being served. This was another reason why he became a barista. You were never sitting still, always had something to do. It was also another thing that confused Merrick about Liam. How could he just sit at that desk all day?

Anyways, streams of people were coming in. Most of them were trying to get out of the madness of the riots. He wasn't surprised to see some of them were inflicted by something along the lines of tear gas. Some even had burn marks from Molotovs thrown by rioters. He finished taking someones order before deciding to do something about the non-customer flood. "Hey, I understand some of you are hurt and tired, but could you step away from the counter so those who are getting can get here! Thank you!" he shouted, just able to get his voice over the crowd. They seemed to have heard and moved away from the counter. It was one hell of a day.

OoC - Ferality [OOC][OPEN]
*Kia sat on the fire escape, watching the crowds, she had a bowl of stirfry and ricenoodles beside her as she began to play her instrument, the citoles notes playing a tune, delicate and a little foreboding, her feet tapped on the fire escape to accent the tune*
Location: Apartment Room

was looking outside of the window, watching as tear gas began to fill the streets below her. She was lucky enough that for once her work had let her out early. She only steps away from the window long enough to pour herself and Belle a cup of tea. She hands Belle the cup of tea who takes it from her hands. Belle was busy playing a video game and not even minding what was happening outside. She takes the cup of tea from her friend and games with one hand. Emily sighs, wishing she could change the mind of her friend but knew it was pointless. She had been harping on Belle for months now and only just convinced Belle to apply to jobs a few weeks ago. Belle had an interview at the end of the week at least. Emily goes back to watching the window, becoming more nervous as time went on. "Come on, Em, step away from the window, you're only going to freak yourself out more," Belle comments on her friend's behavior, knowing the riots were starting to get Emily paranoid.

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