Opinion Feeling invisible


I like to rp fandoms.
is it me or do people on here don’t seem as active as I think this place is? I see people posting but no one seems to talk to me or send me pms. I send maybe five messages to people and after a week or two nothing! It’s like people sign up and then disappear not even telling us why they are up and disappearing!
What you’re describing is pretty much everyone’s experience and the nature of roleplaying or making any connections with people really. RPNation is definitely very active, but you have to be talking/PMing with different people constantly. You can hit it off with someone for a week, and the next week they’re gone and never log back in again or they just don’t reply to your messages anymore either because life happens or they lost interest and don’t want to tell you. Out of every ten people I PM with, one will stick around. Maybe. Two if I’m very very lucky. And then sometimes they will still disappear.

Keep talking to people. If someone doesn’t respond back to you after a while, forget about them and move on with other people. Maybe that person will come back around and maybe they won’t but either way you’ll still be making new connections that could potentially be long-term if you’re willing to put in the work and be patient :)
I agree with all of the above.

It's the same in real life. You meet someone at a party/work/school/sports club/... , add them on Facebook and then never talk to them ever again even though when you met irl you had a lot of common interests to talk about.

It's normal that out of 10 potential rp partners only one rp gets going, and maybe not even that.
The site has thousands of active users, there is a lot to choose from but it also means that you might have to 'fail' a lot before you find the right rp partners for you.

Don't wait for people to come to you. If you like talking to someone in discussions, for example, you can PM them and ask if they want a rp, or just chat about random stuff to get to know them better.
They may not reply, might turn down your rp request but maybe you'll get something good of it.

There were a few times when people PMed me about starting a rp and I had to turn them down for various reasons (too busy, wasn't interested in rp theme, liked the fandom but didn't feel like rp in it etc).
But there were a couple of instances when someone PMed me out of the blue and we started randomly chatting about non-rp things first and then suddenly created rp idea even though we weren't even planning to rp originally. Not all of those ideas developed into rp, but it was still very fun to chat. Also, there were a few people that resumed talking after a few months of absence and it was as fun as before if not more.

These things happen, but they are rare. They may really seem common from the outside when someone says they met a lot of rp partners. But no one talks that before they met those rp partners they had a few dozens of people disappear and hundreds of rp ideas that never took off.
It's hard to find a good, consistent RP partner. Most of the time RPs will flop and people will ghost you or drop off. It's that precious small percentage that works out that are worth trying for. Also you have to sort of fall in at the right time and find a person who wants what you want and also has time at the moment.
Reading this makes me question RPN's quality of community for various reasons. And it also reminds me that the times and craft, have indeed changed dramatically.
I think this happens a lot regardless of what site you write on. I've seen sites try and tackle this by creating welcome groups for users to join. Sometimes it worked, people get on, meet and chat then branch out from that group. Other times its backfired because tribalism kicks it.

In the end, as the others have said above, it's just about reaching out and interacting as much as possible. Sometimes it sticks.

Great example of this is with my friend Nova. I disappeared from this site near enough 3 years ago, and left Nova's rp hanging. Not my proudest of moments. I came back this week and by chance sent them a message and they answered. We are back to talking like we were before the 3 year gap.

Just reach out, get involved with some group RPs or chats and see if anyone is up for a chat. You'll find peeps soon :)

I'm always up for a chat too, if you are ever bored. Fair warning though, I am sometimes slow to reply... Super Villain Nova Super Villain Nova XD

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