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Realistic or Modern Federal Bureau of Investigation

CJ Mason

Are you sure about this?

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Well thank you for taking the time to read this. I'm the F.B.I Director Vangues, and we are in the need of new Agents and Officers! Are you interested? If so please send me your application in an Email!

We ask you to join up due to the increase in federal law-breakers, and we need help from officers and high ranks Dt. Sgt, and Lt from different departments such as the NYPD, CPD, and the LAPD. Even though those are just a few of the well known Police Departments we will only accept applications from there.

Alright now that the fun stuff is out of the way lets get down to business. My name is Carter, and I'm the GM for this roleplay, and this one will be ran a little bit different than ones that I have ran in the past. There will be a new target every week of roleplay, this doesn't mean we catch them every time, some criminals are good at getting away, and that's just the god honest truth.

So if you are interested in join this roleplay please head over to the Character Sign Up tab, and fill out the Application. Director Vangues will be with you soon.

Here is a list of possible roles within the Bureau:

no slide
no slide no slide
Agent Division


Trained Agent

Experienced Agent

Senior Agent

High Agent

Commanding Agent -
(Only 1)

Head Agent -
(Only 1)

Security Division

Security in Training

Security Agent I

Security Agent II

Security Agent III

Experienced Security Agent

Security Expert -
(Only 1)

Security Head -
(Only 1)

Training Division

Trial Trainer


Trainer I

Certificated Trainer

Expierenced Trainer -
(Only 1)

Head of Training -
(Only 1)

Elite Unit

Elite Agent

Elite Agent I

Elite Agent II

Elite Agent III

Off. Elite Agent

Elite Officer -
(Only 1)

Head Elite Officer -
(Only 1)

HR - High Rank (Not Payable)

Trial HR

HQ Manager

HQ Support

HQ Senior Support

Head of Alliance

Head of Rules

HQ Specialist

Head of Transfers

HQ Over-sear


Trial Director - (Not Playable)

Director - (Not Playable)

Director of Security - (Only 1)

Director of Training - (Only 1)

Director of Elite Unit - (Only 1)

Director of Ranks - (Not Playable)

Director F.B,I - (Not Playable)

Leading Director - (Not Playable)

Head Director - (Not Playable)


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