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One x One Feathered Destiny [DN Angel]


Bronze Year Student

Name-Claude Grady Hiwatari


Occupation- College Student Minoring in art and Majoring in Engineering



Pale blue hair color, lighter than the normal Hiwatari color. Something like the picture above, result of having a pale blond haired mother. Dark blue eyes and pale skin. Wears contacts-bad eye sight runs in family. When he wears glasses, they are plastic with black frames. He's about 5'11 or maybe a little taller. His a bit thin, since he does not care about himself and often skips meals to work on school work and Krad related things [not of his choice]

Brief History

His decision to have a minor in art came from a young age when his father, hoping Claude was lucky enough to not obtain the Hiwatari or Hikari curse, taught him how to draw once he got into middle school.

His seventh year of school, he was teaching a friend of his how to draw and he placed the finished drawing in his room to finish when he woke up the next morning. To his surprise he was awoke in the middle of the night because of a crashing sound downstairs. His father, looking tired and bruised, showed up in his room a couple minutes later and explained the curse. From then on Claude was banned from drawing in their house, but continued to draw at school, not realizing the danger since he was so young.

This friend of his and others were his last ones. He scared them off the day he first transformed into Krad at his fourteenth birthday party, minutes away from turning fourteen. After that, his 'friends' were scared of him and without given much of a choice he ended up chasing after the newly seen Phantom Thief after his dad finally told him the full story about the curse.

He knows of Dark and knows there's someone like him, but does not know who he is. He transferred colleges when his father found out that the Phantom Thief was spotted in that area.

Claude hoped college would be his fresh start, but he still is pretty friendless and he lives off campus.



Name: Amaro “Mars”Niwa

Age: 20

Occupation: Undergraduate Criminal Studies Student; Thief.

Appearance: Mars stands at 5’8”, with fair and slightly freckled skin. His form is more toned than most expect of him, as he usually wears layers or baggy. He’s quite athletic and flexible. His hair is red, and kept slightly long and is often a big shaggy or messy, but he likes the ‘bedhead’ look. His eyes are green.

Brief History:
Amaro Niwa always knew his destiny—he was going to be a great thief of powerful pieces of art, to protect the world. He learned of Krad and Dark from his father, who had fled Japan to avoid that blonde psychopath. For a while, he remained inactive as a thief, as well, not wanting to draw attention to his family.

Amaro “awoke” when he was thirteen, and has enjoyed his adventures with Dark ever since, even though the man annoys him whenever he gets a crush. He’s been with Dark for a while now, and has considered if it is possible to truly give Dark a life of his own, since it seems to be what Dark craves most of all. It’s one of the reasons he also keeps his crushes secret—he knows the ‘curse’ is broken when his love is returned. It can’t be retuned, though, if he never pursues it.

Dark’s told him not to pursue helping him, though. It would only cause more harm if he, and Krad, were allowed free reign like so many other works of art. Even so…Mars thinks of it. He wants to help Dark. He’s known him longer than most in the Niwa family.

Amaro Niwa moved away from home for college, but made sure to go to a place where he could still remain active as Dark. He still sends out the calling cards, and is quite arrogant about his thievery, even hiding right under the nose of someone hunting him down. He’s studying law, though he doubts he’ll ever need it. The Niwa family has gotten ridiculously rich over the years, through some less-than legal means, and ‘cleaning’ all of their money in trusts and the like.

He lives in the dorms right on campus, and of course, has With as a pet.


Name: Krad

Age: 300 or older

Occupation: Half of an artwork, hunts after his other half.



In addition to his huge white wings, Krad's height is about 5"10 or 5"11, as it has been since he was created. His eyes and hair basically match in color, but his eyes are more golden than his long and weirdly styled hair. His ears are also pierced and his face normally has a cruel looking smile.

Brief History

Since his creation, Krad's goal in life has been to get rid of his other half and become the only and greatest part of the Black Wings. Krad has always thought he was better than anyone and his ego has only increased over the years.

He has always been the crueler half of the Black Wings and does not care about harming his Tamer. He will take control without the need of a Sacred Maiden to cause the transformation. All Krad really cares about is Dark and this can make his Tamers become very lonely.



Name: Dark Mousy

Age: Somewhere over 300

Occupation: Masterpiece, obviously.

Appearance: Dark stands at 5’10”, and looks to be only around 17, with a long purple hairstyle that is also quite messy. His eyes are also purple, and is skintone is fair, lacking the freckles. He is not as built as his tamer, but makes up for it with his supernatural talents. He does have black wings, but frequently uses With to manifest them, rather than harm his Tamer.

Brief History: Dark Mousy is the handsome, amazing, and simply fantastic half of the Black Wing masterpiece. Unfortunately for him, he’s condemned to forever be incarnated in people of the Niwa bloodline, and to suffer the pursuit of his not so-handsome, amazing, or fantastic half, Krad.

He wants nothing more than freedom, and tends to abuse his moments of freedom whenever he can. Although, he has great care for his Tamer, and understands what it would mean if he were ever, actually, free. It is not what was meant to be, though the Hikari had breathed life and longing into him. He sees what has become of so many works of art, and does not want to end up like them.

So, he has accepted his fate, and works with the Niwa to prevent these artworks from destroying the world they know…and to keep Krad in line whenever necessary.


Name-Rosanna Evangeline Avery


Occupation-College student- Major in Foreign Language and is still taking core classes [some of them for the second or maybe even third time]



Brief History

Born into a rich family, through her high school years she goofed off and barely graduated[her rich status helped]. Her parents are highly invested in her old high school, which is actually on the other side of Chicago. The only classes she passed without much of a problem were her foreign language classes.

Since she got by high school without really trying, she doesn't care to go through college trying. So she rarely studies and, if she's lucky, barely passes any of her classes. She has gotten annoyed looks from other students who actually try.

She's pretty friendly and has always had a bunch of friends, mostly because she is rich and has such a laid back attitude about most things. She also doesn't get bothered by much.

Rosanna lives in an apartment close to campus, since her childhood home is on the other side of the city. She rarely goes to visit and mostly goes to get her credit card fixed.

Other than foreign languages, she does like certain kind of paintings and has a bad habit of buying whatever catches her eyes. She has a storage area somewhere else in the city with random paintings that she has bought. She likes to be supportive of other's hobbies and talents, even though she doesn't seem to have many herself.



Name: Sade Cadence


Music Grad Student; Teaching Assistant

Sade stands at 5’8”, with fair skin and black hair that falls to her waist, mostly straight. Her eyes are green. Her body has a slight tone to it, as she does take some care of it with dance and the gym.

Brief History: Named after her mother’s favorite musical artist, Sade Adu, her mother had high hopes for her daughter from the start--and not to be a sadist, though some of her students joke about that. After all, both mother and father were involved in the musical scene. The same is true for her younger brother, Robin. At a young age, they were both made to learn to sing, to play instruments, and to dance.

Robin rebelled and ended up running away—Sade keeps in touch with him, though. She has not rebelled, for she’s found a love of music and the arts, though she attributes part of that to a discovery of one thing: it is alive.

It was an accident, a song condemned that she found and unwittingly brought to life when she played it out on a piano when she was fourteen. The song became a part of her life, a melody she hummed to keep it alive, unknowingly letting it take her over. That was, until a certain thief declared it was going to steal that song from the library where it was kept, and he sealed the song away.

Sade’s never forgotten, and so when she moved for Graduate school and saw the string of heists going on again, she decided to get in on the investigation, albeit as a vigilante. She is blissfully unaware that the thief is right under her nose…in her own class…​
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