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Feathered Destiny [DN Angel]


Bronze Year Student


Night was filled with strange sounds sometimes; sometimes nights were filled with silence. And the fact that filled Rosanna with surprise was that tonight, so far [it was only time for night classes to start] her night was quiet. She had gotten home from her college classes [which were still a bore] and had found a note tapped to her door. It was kind of sloppy and, from what she could tell, was about someone coming to steal something from her. And that's what got her standing in what was suppose to be a living room, looking at her recent additions to her collection. She glanced back at the note and thought for a second. She tapped her foot on the floor in frustration as her phone notified her of a text. She took it out of her pocket as she walked to leave the room, texting as she did. She stopped in the next room, which was filled with other painting and then she glanced at the note again. Rosanna was sure this man who was going to show up in a couple hours or so was going to have a hard time finding the painting he wanted. Half the paintings she owned did not have names, so she wasn't even sure she actually had this so called painting.

Rosanna pulled up the call screen on her cell phone. She figured most people would have called the cops by now, but she really didn't care much about the paintings she had. She just thought they were neat and nicely done. And she had the money to spare anyways. She typed in the number for the police station, 911, and waited for someone to answer. Before she could say much more than the name on the card, the officer on the other end told her to come in. Seeing as she had more than an hour to spare, Rosanna unhappily complied and canceled her plans with her friend.

She didn't stay long at the police office; she hadn't ate yet and the thief wasn't due to show until around 9 or so anyways. After handing the card over, Rosanna answered the questions the police threw at her before impatiently asking if she could leave. After explaining that she had not ate, they let her go and she grabbed something at a restaurant nearby before heading home. At this point, it was almost time for the thief to show up. She yawned as she pulled into her driveway. Before she climbed out of her car, she swore she saw a figure up on the roof. She rubbed her eyes, but the figure she thought was there was not there anymore. Rosanna yawned; she was surprised it was still so quiet.​
Dark Mousy always announced his plans to the media, and that was how Sade knew of his intentions. It was on the news before Rosanna had gone to the police, but when she did, there was a mini-uproar on the local news.

“Wait, wait!”

The black-haired girl pounded the palm of her left hand against her partner’s shoulder, noticing the television in the gym was showing captions of interest. The two had been practicing for a dance competition, and the gym was the only place they could get an open room.

“What?” Levi, blonde of hair and lean of body, asked as he followed after the woman in her shorts and tank-top to the television. “You know that’s meant to be watched while on a treadmill, right?” He joked, but noticed her focus on the words. He looked up, too. “So the thief is going to strike again.” His voice held a touch of admiration.

Sade scowled, “That thief stole from me,” she noted. Most of his targets had been in places too guarded, but a name scrolled through the captions that Sade recognized—a student she had failed. “We’ll pick this up tomorrow,” she turned immediately to leave, going towards the lockers where her clothing was.

“The hell?” Levi followed after her, “What are you doing?” He walked with her into the brisk air.

“Going to use my wonderful powers as a grad student to find out where Rosanna lives and catch a thief. Wanna come?”

“You’re going to get shot.”


“You’re also using those grad powers illegally.”

“And are you going to tell?”

“Nah. I can use this as blackmail later,” he smirked wickedly. Sade had known he wouldn’t, or she wouldn’t have said anything. “I’d better see you tomorrow, Sade, or else who knows what I’ll do with your reckless abuse of the student address book….”

She grinned, “Of course, love. See you then,” she waved, and then immediately jogged to her home building and ran to where her office was, shared with a few other students.

Lord Evers, as he was called by most, was there, grading. “Hey! Sade!” He smiled up at her. “Did you forget something?” He asked, noting her gym attire and haste.

“Just directions,” she said as she took a seat in her desk and immediately booted up her computer. ‘Not much time left, but I can wing it. I’m sure I can….’


“Well, this is going to be easy.”

Dark was the speaker, the purple-haired youth grinning to himself as he felt the irritation of his Tamer seeping through. “Oh, come on, we knew this was going to happen. You love her,” he teased, flying overhead the city with With as his wings. He twirled mid-air, “Shame you had to miss all your classes today since you can’t seem to change back.”

Not with his thoughts solely focused on his current Sacred Maiden, Rosanna Avery. How could he not transform? He couldn’t get the girl off of his mind, which meant the shift to Dark was inevitable.

‘Can we just get this over with?’ Dark could hear his Tamer asking from within.

“We will, we will,” he laughed, starting to descend as they neared the campus and the homes right outside it. He was dressed all in blacks and midnight blues to blend in with the night. “We have to be on time. Being early is cheating.” He reminded.

‘It isn’t like this place is guarded or anything. It’s not going to matter. No one even knows what that painting is.’

“Rules are Rules, young Niwa,” Dark chastised.

He saw the house just as a car started to pull into the lot. Ten minutes early. He decided to land upon the roof anyway to look down, to get a glimpse of the one who had taken his young Tamer’s heart with his own eyes, rather than always through the eyes of Amaro.

He whistled lowly, the sound blending in like a bird’s call. “She is pretty, isn’t she?”

Dark could feel Amaro blushing. “You really ought to talk to her.”

And then he noticed the woman looking up, and he darted down, leaving the roof in a flash and going down to the ground floor on the other side of the building.

‘That was too close, you idiot!’
"Get Up!" The voice made his head pound; Claude stared at the ceiling in his bed room, hating that he could never sleep, "It's almost time you idiot!" His headache started to increase and he curled up, feeling the warning of a forced transformation, "If you don't get up, I'll make you. Dark has to already be there! You were suppose to get me there half an hour ago!"

"Fine," Claude muttered and his head decreased enough for him to finally breath right again. He climbed out of bed and almost fell over. He rubbed his eyes and grabbed his glasses to get rid of the blurred vision, "I'm putting my contacts in though," Claude tried to ignore the slightly larger headache, knowing Krad wasn't happy about his slowness. Claude didn't care if Krad was angry; he did not have the money to pay for another pair of glasses this month. After placing his contacts in, Claude glanced at the mirror and sighed before leaving the bathroom and heading out into the hallway. He adjusted his shirt to make sure he was presentable and then left his house. After locking it up, he took out his phone to look for more news about Dark. The new channels were already speaking about his next heist.

He didn't recognize the girl or her name, but recognized her house as one of the more expensive homes closer to the dorms. He had passed it before during his walks from the college and around the town. It was also easier to find when there were cops driving by to get to the scene. As he got closer, he felt more pressure in his head. This was Krad's way of telling the boy he was going in the right direction. Claude rubbed his head and checked the time. He was already late. Dark most likely had already broken in. Once he could see the lights of the police cars, he ducked out of the way. He knew that he couldn't hold Krad back much longer. The angel could sense that Dark was basically right there and all Claude could wish was that the angel cared a little about his well being this night. Claude fell to the floor in pain and the pain mostly disappeared as he allowed Krad to take over. His golden eyes took his surrounding in and he smirked. The hunt was on.


Rosanna placed the key in the lock and unlocked the house. She turned the alarm system off and closed the door behind her. She looked at her watch; the thief would be there in the next three or four minutes. And so would the cops. Rosanna was sure it wasn't so safe to be in her home when a thief might brake in. She really wasn't that worried. Rosanna turned toward the light switch and flicked it on. The front of her home lit up and she yawned again. She headed toward the kitchen to throw her trash away from what she had ate minutes before as her phone beeped to notify her of another text message. Rosanna ignored it, seeing that it wasn't so important. As the clock finally reached the right hour, she could hear sirens nearing her home. And then she knew it was time.
‘Thank god for small favors.’ The chaos of the lights had already drawn a crowd to the house when Sade arrived, gym bag over her shoulder and a smirk playing on her lips. ‘This time I’m not late.’ And with the chaos of the crowd, she looked like she belonged as students tried to press in to get a glimpse of the action. The cops were having a hard enough time trying to keep them from getting too close to even think of finding Dark.

Sade just walked around back, going to the street over and then crossing from the yards into the backyard of the well-manicured lawn that belonged to Rosanna, just to see the shadow of the creature who stole her song slip in through a glass door—and Sade made a break for it, gym bag falling away, her fingers slipping between the glass just before it was shut.

She hissed in pain as the door was slammed onto her fingers, and she caught the purple eyes of the winged stranger as he spun around, surprised the door didn’t shut.

'You hurt her! Not cool!' Mars cried out, and Dark could feel the young man writhing in horror at the thought.

Dark hadn't meant to hurt her, of course. He hadn't known she was there.

He let out a sudden laugh, “You?!” He stepped back, and let her open the door, holding her fingers in her hand. “Hey there, it was…ah, Sally? Samantha?” He at least had the sense to whisper.

'It's Sade.' Mars all but groaned.

“Sade!” She hissed at him, irked that he was being so casual about this, and even standing to chat. The arrogance!

“Sade, right! Sorry, that word makes me think of someone else,” he chuckled, “Anyway, I’m here to get a painting. Wanna come?”

Sade had never known cold fury quite like this. He was openly mocking her, even though she’d caught up with him at long last. “No, I want my song back,” she said, gesturing out with the injured hand before they both noted the light that flooded the room coming from a room further away. Neither knew it was the kitchen.

He shook his head, “Can’t do that. Anyway, I’ve gotta go, so,” and without another word, he used his wings to propel him faster, and up the stairs he went at the speed of darkness.

'Do you really have to be such a jerk about it? Really?'

Sade ran after immediately, hardly done.
Rosanna heard the commotion and froze. Someone, more like someones, had broken into her house. Not very happy about it, she placed her purse she still had with her by the doorway as she left the kitchen and headed toward where she heard the noise. She stood in front of the empty stairway, a frown on her face. Rosanna wasn't sure which way they had gone. And then she heard a crash from upstairs, the place she never let anyone go to, even though she had nothing to hide. Something about someone going near her bedroom and art room full of her favorite pieces she had collected frustrated her. She started up the stairs, quietly. As she got closer to the second floor, the noise from the crowd and cops barely reached her ears. Her heart raced as she reached the top three steps. She stopped and debated with herself. Should she try to stop the thieves or should she just stay on the stairs, hidden from their view points? She peeked to see who was there and then hid herself again. Rosanna was to nervous to see what was going on. She wasn't sure what she did to deserve these people to take her painting. She held her breath as she waited for one of them to say something.


From a safe distance, Krad waited for Dark to appear. The angel swore his other half would not get away this time. More than three hundred years was to much time he failed. Krad was determined to triumph this time. He was not going to let Dark get away for another three hundred years.
“Where is it, where is it?” Dark muttered as he entered the room where he could feel the energies of the painting emanating from. He didn’t have much time, he knew that. He needed to grab the painting and fly out the window. “Ah!”

And it was near the door.

The door Sade was now standing in.

Dark lunged for it, and Sade turned and grabbed it first. He reached for her, but she pushed out and managed to shove him back against the wall. That was the crash that Rosanna would hear, as he staggered back. “If you want it…,” she let her tone imply her meaning.

“You don’t know what you’re doing!” Dark blurted, seeing the painting clearly then. It was a beautiful landscape, but there was a white image in the back. One could mistake it for a white building of some sort, but Dark saw—it had gotten closer. It was waking up, “That’s dangerous!”

“Is it?” The grin that spread on Sade’s face said it all.

That only made things better for her. He was desperate for it.

Dark noticed that look, and his own expression lost its humor. As he moved to try and get it again, Sade ran out of the room and towards the stairs. As she turned the corner to head down them, she saw Rosanna and came to a halt, barely managing to stop herself from tripping down the stairs by throwing a hand out to the wall to steady herself.

“Hi,” this was awkward. “Got your painting from the thief. Here.” She offered it out as Dark turned the corner.

‘You can’t let them get hurt!’

“I know, I know,” he spoke aloud to his Tamer, then looked right at Rosanna, “Hey there, I’m going to need to get that painting from you,” he put on a cheesy grin and held out his hand to her, as if truly expecting she’d just drop it into his hand. He could feel his heart in his throat, and now had to fight off and resist changing back into Amaro on the spot. That would not end well for either of them.
Rosanna went to step back in surprise, but felt her foot hit air and caught herself on the railing that was on the wall. She let go once she realized she wouldn't fall and then brought her attention back to Sade. The painting she had bought two weeks ago, that reminded her of what she thought was a rural road in the early autumn days would look like.

"Thank you," She said as she took the painting back, "This one is one of my favorites," A male's voice then spoke to her and she looked up from the painting, which was lit up by the moonlight. Because of his words, she did not notice the difference in the painting. She frowned, "I paid for this myself," She spoke, "Why would I give it to you?" She held it closer to her, like she did not want to give the painting up. It had called to her the moment she saw it and still called to her then. Rosanna had this weird, new, and unnatural want, no need, to keep this painting from the strange thief that had broken into her house. She removed one hand from the painting and on to the railing as she stepped back one step, keeping her eyes on her uninvited guests.

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