Other favourite rendition of Death?


sentient colony of myxo

Everyone and their mama has a rendition of Death- whether it’s an anthropomorphic version, a foreign god, or a character so closely embodying the aspect they’ve come to embody death itself. Now, question time- - What is your favorite embodiment of death? - Do you have your own embodiment of death? What are they like? For example, my favourites are Death from the Discworld series and Death from <em>The Book Thief</em>. Both are exquisitely human and treat the humans they guide with such tenderness.. ugh they’re so good.. Additionally, Death from <em>The Book Thief</em> introduced me to the idea of a strange narrator adding an extra layer of depth to the story! Double good, as that's an idea I like to toy with. As for the second question, I have a story with a character named Death, although they aren’t quiiite in line with the traditional idea of death. Rather, they’re a massive asshole who likes making fun of people and is the editor of Life, who is an author/script writer of people’s life stories.

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That story sounds like an interesting concept!

I don't know if he's really my favorite, but I liked Andrew in Touched By An Angel (cheesy, I know). I thought he was so sweet and gentle, and he always seemed so concerned about the people. I also thought it was interesting that he didn't seem to know whether a person was going to live or die, he just showed up when the possibility was imminent. I dunno, I just thought he was a good character, and so likable for being Death... (:
@AlbaGuBrath He sounds like a good character! aaa sweet Deaths are really my fav thing.. Also I'm glad you like the concept, thank you!
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Honestly, I actually really enjoy League of Legends' rendition of death, Kindred.

They're a spirit split in two, both embodying two types of death: Peaceful and Violent.

Lamb is the peaceful one, giving those who accept death the sweet release of a quick death with her pure arrow.

Wolf is the violent one, who happily chases down those who oppose their death, only to eventually capture and mangle them to shreds.

Their lore is where they basically started as a lonely man who took an axe and killed himself by splitting themself in two. Lamb and Wolf were then created and made to travel the world and kill those who's times are due. Lamb feels no emotions while Wolf feels them all, Lamb and Wolf are always there for one another and never leave each other's sides.

They're pretty interesting, in my opinion.

I myself, believe that death is like a battery in the sense that your life eventually drains up. And then "Poof." Gone.

Although, i would think of death as more of a run the clock (Then break it.) sort of thing.
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The Abhorsen in the Old Kingdom Trilogy acts as a sort of Death figure in the series. He/she basically guards the border between life and death, keeping the living from entering and the dead from exiting. Fantastic series, by the way. :)
Now, this might be a bit expected but I love Death from Soul Eater. The way he had changed to be more kid friendly was a really interesting as his voice.
i remember reading a novel yeaaaars and years ago called the prophecy of the gems -- i can't remember now if it was particularly good, though i enjoyed it as like, a 10 year old -- wherein Death was a woman who (iirc) went on strike because she was so sad about her job. i remember being quite enamoured with the concept, haha.
Death from Supernatural and Death from Marvel are my favorites. They handle life and death like a scale and balance it. Marvel made Death more an entity while Supernatural made Death a person. But both are amazing I think.

My own idea of Death is from my story. I like to think that Death runs a business and handles death like so. Lots of numbers and rules etc. He has his own helpers that do the 'dirty' work. (he isn't really the main character so I haven't focused on him as much :P )
milkmold said:
For example, my favourites are Death from the Discworld series
Oh man oh man Discworld's Death is amazing. Hilarious, more adorable than a seven foot tall skeleton ought to be and a pretty neat grandfather, his humanity and dedication to the harvest is turned into something terrifying from time to time, like when he, the Reaper Man, faces off with the "human" New Death, the cruel, dramatic, prideful embodiment of humanity's fear of death.

Also, he likes cats.
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vergil said:
Death from Family Guy. Best one ever.
The one from Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey is a close second
I just watched Bill and Ted recently. I had forgetten how great death was in that movie. He seemed old and kind of grouchy at first, but softens and becomes more of a rowdy character after he meets Bill and Ted.

My favorite Death is an idea I heard of once. It is decided who is death through different test. And the chosen one is cursed to be death for a time, until the next generation comes to take their place. Some of the characters were very interesting.
milkmold said:
Everyone and their mama has a rendition of Death- whether it’s an anthropomorphic version, a foreign god, or a character so closely embodying the aspect they’ve come to embody death itself. Now, question time-
- What is your favorite embodiment of death?

- Do you have your own embodiment of death? What are they like?

For example, my favourites are Death from the Discworld series and Death from The Book Thief. Both are exquisitely human and treat the humans they guide with such tenderness.. ugh they’re so good.. Additionally, Death from The Book Thief introduced me to the idea of a strange narrator adding an extra layer of depth to the story! Double good, as that's an idea I like to toy with.

As for the second question, I have a story with a character named Death, although they aren’t quiiite in line with the traditional idea of death. Rather, they’re a massive asshole who likes making fun of people and the editor of Life, who is an author/script writer of people’s life stories.
I an angry dude with a garbage bag is my embodiment of death, No cool scythe or shroud just a track suit and a garbage bag going around picking up souls like they were litter and yelling at the stubborn ones that won't accept their death to GET IN THE BAG!!!
I would have to say that, just like Bast, Terry Pratchett's Death will always and forever be my favorite. though Nix's Abhorsen in the Old Kingdom Series is a close second.

My own Death is...well she's more of a leader, delegating responsibilities of lesser Deaths down to regions and religions. she's pretty chill about it and keeps to a VERY important schedule. only showing up on special occasions.
I'd say my favorite rendition of Death or rather ''The Hereafter'' is the Goddess Nui from the ArcheAge world (she had been a charity-minded noblewoman named Eanna because yes, she was once a human!)

Eanna became Nui, Goddess of the Hereafter. As such she sacrificed herself to open the first Hereafter gate, allowing survivors to escape the violent and final battle between Gene Evernight (now Kyrios, God of Destruction) with Aranzeb and the other gods and leave the now crumbling continent of Auroria

Nuia (Western continent of the ArcheAge world) was named for Nui herself, as a gesture of respect from all those she had saved.

At some point during the game you find her diary (I think? I haven't played in a while) where it says how much her kind heart suffered while guiding restless souls in denial to the hereafter since some people held grudges and such.

I've always hated how death has been portrayed as ''Evil'' so Nui being so kind-hearted and gentle with human souls was a refreshing change.


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