Favorite hilarious RP moments?

it was a Forum RP, some fools beleived that Fae were a complete joke due thier only experiences involving Fae being Tinker Bell. 2 Rangers, a Bard, my Shaman, and an Assassin. the Rangers and the Assassin get Ganked to death by a Sneak Attack from a Pixie because they thought a Pixie would never be sufficient to harm them. as a Nymph, i convince the Pixie to let us pass and allow me to heal the Trio of Idiots, they wondered how a Pixie dealt so much damage to them with a needle. i explain to them that Fae are Extremely powerful creatures and that you shouldn't mock them. after the got constantly defeated by Fae, they eventually learned respect for them. they also learned that Shamans aren't completely useless after all, because Shamans are Great at Nuking Foes and Crowd Controlling them while also being fairly decent healers.
Another experience from another RP site I was on was that we were writing up a Fandom RP for Shokugeki no Soma. One of the problems was that clearly nobody there actually knew how to cook, so they just made generic fancy dishes like Lobster with Fettucine or something. When it was my turn to post, I made an absolutely horrible tasting dish IRL but hid it behind really vague yet lively descriptions of the ingredients and fancy words for preparation techniques (see below). The judges ate it up and said it was the best thing they ever had without a single question as to why.

Another experience from another RP site I was on was that we were writing up a Fandom RP for Shokugeki no Soma. One of the problems was that clearly nobody there actually knew how to cook, so they just made generic fancy dishes like Lobster with Fettucine or something. When it was my turn to post, I made an absolutely horrible tasting dish IRL but hid it behind really vague yet lively descriptions of the ingredients and fancy words for preparation techniques (see below). The judges ate it up and said it was the best thing they ever had without a single question as to why.


you made a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich? Yummy.
It was a really dramatic scene in an RP and it was my turn but I had some major writing block. Then...I had an idea:

She walked past the streaming waterfalls. Man, those waterfalls were really streaming.... videos on Twitch! How did they get computers, anyway?
my Nymph Shaman got called a useless Healing Servant by a fighter who kept fighting things recklessly and demanding me to heal him. we approach an Ice Primal Atop a Dormant Volcano, the Fighter Assumes i'm going to somehow heal him when he falls, using the power of nature, i make the Volcano Spontaneously Erupt, taking out both the unconscious fighter and the primal. the group brought up "why did the little faerie healer girl just nuke a primal instead of doing what she was payed to do?" "because Reincarnating the fighter later would be cheaper than the cost of letting the primal escape." s i reincarnate the fightrer as a little faerie girl and he complains that he wanted a new body, i'm like "i did what i could, at least your new body has that regeneration and flight you wanted so badly for your build. however, cold iron weapons, as well as salt will be painful to touch. but you can damage ghosts with your punches now." the fighter didn't like being an adorable little nymph, but it offered every monstrous ability he sought, as well as better saving throws.
Basically, I was in a Fantasy RP. Not a dice-based one, to clarify. My character was this clowny, derpy demon who disguised himself as an elf in a white tophat and really avantgarde suit. He looked all kinds of fancy and oozed with pimpiness. Either way, he was also a mage and in this one scene - a few powerful warriors whom he annoyed previously wanted to kill him. His response? He rose one eyebrow, counted to three in german: "Einz, zwei, drei!" and exploded with pink smoke and golden stars, leaving behind only his tophat lying on the floor. One of said warriors picked it up and as soon as he did, my character's fist came through it and sucker-punched him in the jaw, knocking him temporarily unconscious (Also, a lesson and warning to heed for the knights that don't wear helmets because it obscures their hair and face.) The tophat dissapeared afterwards with only a note behind: "So long, suckers~~!" in an exquisite, pink font written with a quill. (Can't show here because BBCode isn't a thing anymore.) Regardless, this pissed them off even more and they wholeheartedly devoted themselves to hunting me down for this insult to their honor. We had several, slightly more serious run-ins, but I always defeated them in an utterly comedic way, which made everyone laugh. Once I just spewed pink glitter at them, and one of them exclaimed. "That all you got?!" While swinging his sword at me. What he didn't know was that the glitter-dust they were covered in was like a mating call to imp-demons. Another one was when I simply threw a sword at the ceiling and it collapsed on them, curbstomping them and allowing me to proceed. The best part is that the people I roleplayed with were actually cool enough to let me keep winning, so we all had great laughs out of the creative curbstomp battles. Rest assured, they finally beat him and sealed him into a bottle... and then he broke out after it fell off of the desk and shattered. There weren't many more funny ones before the roleplay died out.

Just for the codex, this is my characters' appearance:

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when I was in a pokemon rp with my friend who's nickname was POkeBallGirl or  PBG for short so when one day someone called her PeanutButterGirl we all had hysterics .
Ok, well me and two others were hired to steal a bunch of things from a noble's house during a party. One of us immediately splits off to bang someone, so me and the last guy split up - I take the top floor, he takes the bottom.

First, since I'm playing an addict, I get a good ol' snort of some of the drugs being passed around. The top floor's pretty clear, and he describes some pricy things around. I'm like "Alright. I need to get some nice things out - Discreetly." I go out to the balcony and see a pool, where there are three women. Before I give the story, my plan was for them to leave the pool, consider me a dick, and I'd just be able to continue from there.

Not quite what happened.

I throw out cheap vases to get them away and they go inside. As I'm now tossing the pricy stuff into the pool, the DM tells me I hear a "WHAT!? WHERE IS HE!?" From downstairs. Apparently they were part of the harem to a half-shark man... 

So I'm chased around the upper floor, using a wall separating the hallway from the lounge as the life-or-death version of trying to remain on the opposite end of a table during a game of tag. When he's finally cornered me I'm like "Wait! Dude, I didn't know. Just let me apologize, and I'll even pay you for the misunderstanding."

He thinks about it and eventually goes "Alright, fine." I make some excuse about getting my coat, go into a room, then sneak into the owner's bed chambers planning to steal some coins for the bribe. Well, as I'm skulking around I get kidnapped by ANOTHER group of thieves here to grab someone for a ransom. When I'm caught, the other two rush in to help and que fight. As it goes on, the shark man eventually joins. Of the thieves, there are no survivors... the noble they were kidnapping dies too.

So after that, apparently the shark was sort of part of it but betrayed them for a reason I can't remember. The drugs were... uh... drugged, so the nobles would pass out. I also passed out. We torched the house and everyone inside to hide our tracks, then lied to the thieves guild for a contract.

I think our DM eventually hated us...
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That awkward moment when your chars tongue gets stuck on an icy pole during a fucking firefight. And the jokes in OOC afterwards.
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