Chitchat Favorite Genre/Type of RP?


It's really hard for me to choose between ideas when I create a RP. To be honest, I'm not a creative person, but when I do think of something, it turns out well, like my most recent RP. However, these original ideas are often too complex for many, or seem unappealing. Most of the time. Or maybe I just make crappy Roleplays.

As far as generic RPs go, I've found much better luck with them, but I have trouble finding a plot, they die out quickly, and while they last, they're more of a chore than anything else. This isn't the case with all of them, just most in my experience. Some are incredibly popular, and I actually end up being unable to catch up.

Some RPs have potential, but they aren't worded well, or are summed up in more than 500 words, which some people don't even look at.

So there we have the pros and cons of Original and Generic role plays.


Which do you prefer?

If original, do you like Fantasy, Realistic, Fandom(though it goes against the meaning, if the RP is based off of something uncommon, or has an original plot with ties to the fandom, I consider it original), Futuristic or Other(I don't tend to explore the other types)? And of that, are there subgenres? Military? Drama? Dystopian?

If you prefer generic, what genre? Again, Fantasy, Realistic, Fandom(this includes common RP material-Pokemon, Tokyo Ghoul, Soul Eater, Harry Potter, Gravity Falls, Percy Jackson, etc(so many more)), Futuristic, or Other? Any subgenres? Zombie, Highschool, Supernatural School/City, Vampire, Werewolf, Camp, Royal, Road Trip, Move-In-Together, etc?

This is for anyone's use, but I wanted to see what was most popular with the majority of players, since I don't have a preference either way. Please do not direct hate towards any other genre, or fill up the thread with comments on agreements or disagreements on interest. Thank you!
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Overall I prefer fandom RPs; I have a hard time making my own characters and (more importantly) feeling confident writing them, but canon characters? No biggie. I've got a whole list of canon characters I write well.

So, with that in mind... I tend to shy away from romance or slice-of-life (though the latter has exceptions--I do a lot of casual interaction that can count as slice-of-life), but otherwise I'm cool with just about anything. If I had to narrow down my favorite tones & genres I'd go for action/fights, angst, and crossovers (the more series you're crossing over, the better, I adore multiverse).
I prefer fandoms RPs (crossovers with a other fandom), i'm not an OCs RPer, why? because i had a lot of bad experiences, so now, my characters came from my fandoms and they are all males.
i'm a sucker for rps with a theme of imprisonment. take a bunch of characters, whack them together some place their freedom is taken away (dystopian nation, prison, testing facility) and watch the tension rise. fantasising of a breakout automatically gives every character a motivation (something a lot of people forget about when writing) so there's always a goal to be reached and progress to be made. similarly, manhunt/fugitive rps are really interesting imo because whilst they're technically free, characters are forced to think about everything they do and can never feel 100% safe, especially when they're alone - so the characters always drift together to form groups, and then the drama spirals out from there.

tbh i also love fandom rps, but only if it's a theme that could work with ocs (because i've just got this deep-seated hate for rps that use canon characters). so stuff like durarara!! and sherlock wouldn't work because they're completely character-driven and an oc-only version of the world would just be identical to the modern day. stuff like fullmetal alchemist, however, affects every aspect of the world so it would be easy to whip up a new character and get to work with alchemy.
I only do fandom, I really need a springboard to go off of and enjoy making my own story from what someone else created, just based loosely or closely to the original. Though admittedly sometimes the ideas go so far out there the rp turns into it's own original content. =3

I love rp'ing Red vs Blue right now, I'm a huge fan of the show and have made a ton of ideas from the source material. It's a good one to work from considering how much is open for you to fiddle with. I also enjoy .hack and some other categories, too... Though I never had much luck with them.
I can enjoy just about any genre. Though, I find Sci-fi RPs attract me more often than any other. Especially, ones with a player driven story where anything is possible.

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