Anime & Manga Favorite Anime/Manga? (and some info)

Favorite Manga hands down by far is Berserk. I've been following it since 2003 and I've fallen in love with it. The intense dark, gritty world traversed by Guts and Co. as he seeks vengeance against Griffith for wronging him, how does that not sound appealing. I'm even more excited that it's coming back as a monthly series (FINALLY) after a long hiatus.

Favorite Anime has to go to Cowboy Bebop, the only anime series I've ever seen that has ever actually made me cry. Like physical tears started flowing down my cheeks when it ended. Nothing has ever hit me that hard since. The space western setting is phenomenal, and the characters are so memorable and their development throughout the series is always astonishing to watch.

Note: I don't wanna say to much about the plot because everything is a spoiler for these two.
favorite manga is Bleach :3

I just plain love the world in general not to mention the awesome characters, I especially love zanpakuto :D

Favorite anime is by far hands down no contest no argument nope you're wrong I'm right best anime evah is totally Gurren Lagann :D
My avatar probably gives it away, but I loved the tsukihime manga/anime/visual novel. It's one of my favorite stories, and I've played through the visual novel more times than I can count.
my fave manga is koe no kitachi. i remember it when it was just 1 volume. it broke my heart into little pieces and it was very nice and heartwarming.

as for anime, i could really care less. all anime is just not that interesting to me anymore.
Favorite Anime would be hands down:

Kuroshitsuji aka Black Butler both 1 and 2

(Haven't seen season 3 yet)
I have watched over 50 anime now and have a word document full of reviews.

My two favorites thus far are Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and Steins Gate!

Perhaps in the future I can share some of my reviews
I'm not the biggest fan of anime, as in I don't seek out new series or stuff without suggestions, but I do love the medium.

Anyway, my old favorites are Baccano!, Fullmetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho, El Cazador de la Bruja, and definitely a handful of others that are now slipping my mind.
Lots of great anime here. I've recently found myself really liking an anime called Kuroko's Basketball recently, which despite being a sports anime, has really compelling characters (including the "antagonists") and a charismatic intensity to it that particularly inspired and attracted me, even though I'm not typically a basketball enthusiast.
Hm, my favourite for both anime and manga is Attack On Titan, however my other favourite animes include: Fairy Tail, Tokyo Ghoul, Another and Black Butler.
My favorite animes would have to be Pandora Hearts and/or Puella Magi Madoka Magica. However I prefer the Pandora Hearts manga over the anime, they're both phenomenal.
verifiedkat said:
My favorite animes would have to be Pandora Hearts and/or Puella Magi Madoka Magica. However I prefer the Pandora Hearts manga over the anime, they're both phenomenal.
Oh my god its Korosensei -pokes picture-
My favorites are probably Zankyou no Terror, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and No.6.

Zankyou no Terror is my absolute favorite. It's a psychological anime about two teenage terrorists, and a teenage girl who becomes their accomplice. It has dark undertones and an ending that definitely makes you feel some emotions. I would say it's a tearjerker, but I'd be lying on my part seeing as I've never cried at an anime, movie or book, as far as I can remember. Well, I might have cried out of fear after a nightmare involving rabbits from Watership Down when I was little. That movie is terrifying. Anyways, the soundtrack and art from ZnT is spectacular.

PMMM is one of favorites mainly because of the philosophical themes and the questions it poses. Who am I kidding, it's mainly because of Kyousaya. But it does have some pretty awesome ties to various philosophies.

No.6 is one of the few shounen ai anime/manga that isn't just fluff. (Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy mindless fluff once in a while.) Actually, the shounen ai isn't the focus of the story. Parasitic bees, dystopian governments, rebellion, breaking in to prisons, and a pessimistic Shakespeare nerd named after a rodent.The light novels that the series is based off of are some of my favorite books too.

As for manga, I like Olimpos and the Angel of Elhanburg by Aki. Owari no Seraph is pretty awesome too. (Also Caste Heaven, but shh)

Ahh, I can't forget Aldnoah.Zero. Oh how I adore that anime.
For anime I love Tiger & Bunny and I do have a soft spot for yu-gi-oh!

For Manga I love the older stuff Devilman and Jojo and things like that. :3
My favorite anime, without a doubt, would have to be Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Sure, it looks like a typical Magical Girl anime when you first start off, but when you get further in... Well, it was made by Gen Urobuchi. That's really all you need to know xD And I absolutely love it.
My favorite (and one of the only) anime I've ever watched is Lupin III. It is a rather old series (being almost 50 years old at this point!) but I do like its characters and how fun it is. The anime in question is about Arsène Lupin III, grandson of the Maurice Leblanc character Arsène Lupin. Lupin is a thief and pulls off ridiculous heists to always get what he wants. He is joined by his friends, master gunslinger Daisuke Jigen, and master swordsman and samurai Goemon Ishikawa XIII. His love interest is a femme fatale named Fujiko Mine, who almost always ends up betraying him. However, the persistent Inspector Koichi Zenigata of Interpol is always chasing after Lupin.

It has a unique style in animation as well as being more of a "Western"-aimed anime. The film that dragged me into the anime in the first place was The Castle of Cagliostro, which is, incidentally, Hayao Miyazaki's first directed film! It has also influenced several modern animes (Cowboy Bebop being one) and western films (both the Castle of Cagliostro and The Great Mouse Detective have clockwork scenes, Goemon's catchphrase being used in other pieces of media...) I would definitely recommend it to any avid anime watcher, or at least The Castle of Cagliostro for someone who wishes to view more of Miyazaki's work.

I'm actually not an avid reader of manga, but I do like Boku no Hero Academia. Because superheros are cool.
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I could be cliché and say naruto. ...bleach etc...however one of my favorites is

Hellsing: ultimate!!

And why, well it's simple really it's an anime about a vampire that doesn't suck (hah puns) and weilds two pistols, blessed with holy bullets. He fights ghouls (zombies), nazi vampires, an insane priest, the Vatican

Did I mention he doesn't suck, oh and he can die.....through 10 different steps, and if you screw up this is what you get

(Internet cookie to all who gets this)

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I have too many to list... I'd have to say at the moment its between Sengoku Basara (Tv and game) and Ao no Exorcist (manga)
For the anime there are two that was my favorite:

Madan no Ou To Vanadis

madan No Ou To Vanadis is quite an ecchi anime because the Light Novel says so like that but i love how a young noble facing many trials and tough situation like that even there are more than two war maidens are with him.

Episodes i like is how Roland can slaughter thousands of soldiers smoothly with just his own and his weapon Durandal.

For more information about Madan no Ou To Vanadis visit:

I work there as an admin named Valkyrious
Assassination Classroom

One thing i like is this Assassination classroom provides many advises and utilizing the weakness as it's own guns to defeat those who are superior than them.

Class E managed to beat Class A on final semester exam test and the payoff was big :D
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