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Fantasy Faults and Mutations

Doctor's logs M*rc* 16th 20**

Final entry

Long ago the apocalypse started, it wasn't until now- ten years after the initial break out that 'they' started mutating- rumors are even going around that people are starting to become a part of their community without receiving any kind of infection through bites or scratches. Everyone calls them freaks- the most dangerous thing out there is the human mind. If someone managed to mutate and somehow keep their mind it's the end of any kind of civilization we're holding onto.

Look chances are if you're reading this we're long gone- any hopes of researching a cure have failed and you're looking just for medicine to survive. I'm here to give some advice as some cheap way of receiving forgiveness for my sins, there's no point in hiding anymore they know you live, they can hear your breathing and you're better off running from these things.
At the end of the day I just wanted a paycheck- not the end of the world...Live for humanity's sake
May God spare us


The world has fallen apart, as various survivors it's your job to- well, survive! (Duh)
Of course this can be done in many ways and is carried out by your definition of survival, do you kill everyone on sight to avoid getting stabbed in the back yourself?
Are you a lone wolf wandering the lands clearing them out from infected?
Are you someone who'd much rather spend your last moments on earth with one you love than die alone?
The choice is yours- let your fate begin now!

Character form!

(If you want to be a mutant please limit yourself okay don't make everything overpowered!)

Power: (?)
Backstory: (?)

Please use pictures if you can- a detailed description works just as well!
Feel free to invite friends!
Please post in the respective pages thank you. -w-
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I'm interested. How dark would we be talking about? Could my character be one with mutations and or powers?
This Rp would get fairly dark depending on how interactions go- I'm planning to have attacks become fairly brutal but again it depends on what people are comfortable with. I tend to lean towards the darker side of things

also yes your character can be mutated just remember to limit yourself ^w^
Mutations can be physical strengths, as far as powers go nothing too supernatural.
This Rp would get fairly dark depending on how interactions go- I'm planning to have attacks become fairly brutal but again it depends on what people are comfortable with. I tend to lean towards the darker side of things

also yes your character can be mutated just remember to limit yourself ^w^
Mutations can be physical strengths, as far as powers go nothing too supernatural.

So, like a Ghoul from Fallout?

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