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Fated Bonds (Ellie&Juu)



Soft blue orbs darted around, looking for the majestic blue dog that was roaming this forest at the moment. Her long black hair was tied up into a high ponytail, and her pokeballs strapped neatly to her side of her waist. She was balancing herself on a tree branch, hidden from those who walked on the path beneath her, a hand resting on the soft black feathers of her Honchkrow. Closing her eyes, she let out a quiet sigh, listening for the rustling of the pokemons that made a living here in this forest. Then, finally, when she opened them and glanced down, there, walking down the path she had predicted, was Suicune, her target.

Her free hand rested on one of her pokeballs, the one that belonged to her partner, Umbreon. She grasped onto the capsule, ready to call him out, however Sucine's head shot up, locking eyes with the women, freezing her in her tracks. A flash of recognition went through his eyes and before the women got the chance to react, he quickly fled. She stood there for a moment, before her eyes widen as the scene registered and she quickly cried out, a look of disbelief crossing her face.

"After him!" she ordered, jumping onto Honchkrow, who squawked in reply, opening his large wings and diving down, easily avoiding crashing into the ground and maintained his balance as he flew after the running blue dog. Clutching onto the white fur smuggled around his neck, the girl glared at the retreating figure. "Don't lose sight of him!" she hissed out, and Honchkrow nodded in reply, increasing his speed, as he followed the dog through the dark forest. The moon shone above them, giving them somewhat of a light to go with.

Suicune pranced through the forest, and her eyes widen when she realize where he had stopped, and in an instant, she slowed her bird down, making him stop little ways from the legendary. Standing there, proudly, was Suicune, right under the Ecruteak City entrance. From where she could see, Suicune had locked eyes with a beautiful young women, with lush, long brown hair, and large curious brown orbs. Jumping off her bird, the black-haired women observed the two, curious.
"What in the world is going on? Suicune always avoids cities..." she whispered quietly to herself, knowing that because she had been following this legendary dogs for weeks now, and never had he set foot, or paw, near a city, much less in it. Returning her Honchkrow back to his pokeball, the girl quickly called up her team.

"Elite Laila here. I found Suicune, however, the odd thing is...he's communicating with a human, right in front of Ecruteak." she whispered into the microphone, and in reply she got one of her grunts chewing her out even though she stood higher in rank. "Excuse me? Watch your mouth, grunt. I'm not gonna capture him in risk of getting myself and this plan caught. If we're caught, we're done."

"Then what do you plan to do, Miss Laila?" a soft voice asked.

Laila furrowed her eyebrows,
"Figure out if that women has any connection to Suicune. Contact Dr. Siegraed, I'll get him to research a bit about her. In the meantime, I'm going to see what I can find out myself personally..." and with that, Laila ended the call, putting the pokegear back into her back pocket and pulling her hair of the high ponytail.

As the doors parted and Rae exited the gym, she was greeted by a chill in the air, one that lingered around her in a ghostly manner, a reminder it was the winter season. In her hand was the fog badge, which had a shine to it as the lanterns flames above her cast down light. These battle trophies hadn't really appealed to her in a while, not since her first few in Kanto, where she began this little journey of hers. In fact, she couldn't quite explain why she chose to participate in these gym challenges. Testing herself came to mind, but it seemed to be more so out of boredom. She had no aspirations for the league, yet enjoyed showing off her teams hard work, and they loved the adrenaline of the fight. Greninja had swept the entire gym with ease, switching out only on a rare occasion with Axel. He lead the battle with Morty to seem more like a distant day at an amusement park, than any kind of official tango, while the ghost enthusiast was enthused Rae had taken minimal interest in their match.

"But, we
did win, and I'm proud of you guys." Murmured the brunette, and in response the unique capsules she kept clipped to her wrist felt warm.

Kimono girls were performing at the theater just across the street, there was distant music and a lot of enthused audience members. That left the town fairly quiet, others were inside trying to stay warm, or cooped up in the center as passerby travelers. As her lissome figure pulled away, Rae felt the oddest urge to shift her attention, casting a glance at Ecruteak's city gates. It wasn't like she had a reason to stay the night, it was eerie here, and she'd already visited both towers out of respect. So, she took a step in the direction beckoning her interest, and that's when she had a dizzy spell. Her vision blurred and her mind began to play vivid images, like a movie real, in slow motion. A distressed Raikou, snatched by shadowed machinery and human silhouettes. Suicide and Entei bolting from the scene, leaving their brother behind and, whilst the symbol of water kept on a consistent path, his volcanic brethren disappeared without a trace. The electric dog was in pain, Rae could feel the energy being doped from its body, the confusion that came with unfamiliar surroundings and misery as humans stood over it and called him their
progress. Like that, the cinematic flash was over, and after taking a few moments to replay, assess and refrain from freaking out, she gave into the beckoning feeling and hurried towards the cities exit.

When she arrived there was a brief moment of silence, though not too soon she was engulfed in a refreshing breeze and with it, in all of his majestic, magniloquent glory, Suicune. It had landed gracefully on its feet, appearing before her like an apparition from a dream, too surreal and captivating to even be real. She blinked for a moment, gazing around and then discreetly pinching her wrist -
ouch! Nope, I'm definitely not dreaming!

When the glorious creature permitted her to touch him, the realism of the situation began to soothe her quite suddenly pounding heart. With physical contact came confirmation of her vision.

We are in need of your help, Rachel.

Her doe eyes widened at the voice within her mind, yet the creatures friendly nudge reminded her it was merely him. "You mean you, Raikou and Entei...? Did you cause the precognition?" She furrowed her brows, looking around them as he did in an alert manner.

Yes. My brother's are in danger, as am I. We need to stop the humans, the ones pursuing me right now.

"Right now? Are they here?" She rested a hand on her wrist where her pokeballs were aligned, but he lifted a paw to stop her.

Not now. Soon.

"Um, why me?" She asked and sighed simultaneously, it sounded like such a cliche question, but she was inevitably curious.

I've known of you since your birth he answered calmly, as if that wasn't an odd thing to tell a stranger. Religiously, she knew his significance and didn't question further, though she so badly wanted to. We were spiritually linked, dated to assist one another.

"Oh," She nodded, and there was a bit of, what she'd interpret as, an awkward silence. He didn't seem to mind it though, instead she felt he was rather tired, it was obvious by the way he seemed to shift his weight from paw to paw.

I cannot stay, but we will meet again soon. Continue to grow stronger, and remain alert. He glanced over his shoulder, and then darted off as if suddenly part of the wind.

...There's a lot of humans though, so..." Rae trailed off and just stood there for a moment, glancing down at the ground and rocking from her heels to her toes, back and forth.

What the hell just happened? She though these things only happened to the important people! And to think Suicune had come to her for help instead of, like, the league or something? The reality sunk in surprisingly fast, Rae just wasn't entirely surprised as oddball things had a tendency to throw her life off balance rather often. "Did you guys hear all that?" She asked the capsules on her wrist, which trembled in confirmation. "Never a dull moment for us."

Brushing her long hair out, using a brush from her small little purse she wore, Laila stood in the bushes, pondering on how to approach her. She wanted to become "friends" with her, travel alongside her and hopes that maybe then, this lady will lead her to Suicune, where she can finally capture him once and for all. Of course there is the problem of that lady seeing and telling, but Lai can always find a way to resolve that conflict later. For now, her first step is to become acquaintance with this lady.

Now...if she could she figure out how...Laila wasn't much of the social time, so it'd be out of her comfort zone to walk up to her and introduce herself. Plus, she rather do something that will make the lady stick to her. A reason Lai is travelling alongside her...

Suddenly, a brilliant idea flashed into her mind, and a small grin rested on her lips as she got up from her spot. She quickly unstrapped her belt with her pokeballs, whispering the plan to them, before putting them in her bag, but leaving Umbreon's ball in her hand. Deciding to play as the innocent, young trainer who has no better to do, she allowed Umbreon to come out. Crouching down to his level, she gave him an affectionate rub on the head with a calm, gentle smile, explaining her plan to Umbreon. The eon pokemon narrowed his eyes at the end, not liking how he came in but nodded anyways.

Smiling, Laila walked out from behind the bushes, feigning lost, as she looked around curiously. Glancing up, she saw the entrance and her eyes lit up as she quickly skipped on over, Umbreon following angrily behind. Approaching Rae, the girl looked at her with a gentle smile,
"Umm...excuse me, do you know what city this is?" she asked gently, rubbing her arms as she glanced around curiously and lost. Umbreon pranced by Laila's legs, staring up at Rae with cold, red eyes.

Brushing a strand of black hair behind her ear, she gave a sheepish smile,
"I lost my map and my pokegaer doesn't have one registered, so I'm not sure where I am..." she began, "I was walking from Violet City, when suddenly, a sneaky little Sentret stole my map I had..." Laila sighed. "I'm just looking for a pokemon center to stay in." The girl shrugged, glancing at her Umbreon who shifted his glare at her, making the poor girl sweatdrop. Her acting skills weren't that great, but she had them, and she can fool some people if she tried hard enough.

Aside from her acting skills, her plan was to somehow get this lady to travel alongside her, although she'd probably need a reason too. Laila would act as the innocent, young, inexperience trainer who doesn't have any pokemon at her side, aside from Ampharos and Umbreon. Then, after she has contacted one of the grunts, she'd "engage" in a battle with them, where the grunt will proceed to steal Laila's Umbreon and get away with it, and they would make sure it was in the lady's view. In order to make sure of that, Laila would feign being lost, ask for her help tonight, then in the morning, she'll see if she can find the lady again, thank her for her help and treat her to breakfast, and shortly after, if they both leave the city by some chance, she'll get the grunt to attack them.

Sounded like a good plan, right? Laila just hoped she can pull it off, for she has never done anything like this, and she knew it would hurt the lady if they were to develop a relationship, but she didn't care. Her mission was to capture Suicune, and that's exactly what she plans to do. Feelings can't sway Laila from completing her goal, it would just show how weak she is. And Laila wasn't weak.
Who would be after the legendary dogs? Some sort of maniacal gang I'm assuming, and that'd mean another huge movement, like Flare back in Kalos.

She'd been there for some of the hell that group caused, unfortunately she'd never gotten to do more than decimate a handful of grunts, maybe an elite or two. The root of the problem was, of course, crushed by some heroes and gym leaders, a feat she didn't exactly aspire to - although Rae wouldn't mind if her name was plastered somewhere in the log of heroics. The misery Raikou was in had become a store weight on her mind, the sooner Suicune returned to help her, the better. Yet, if he was being pursued, she had a lot more to look out for than a handful of battles - these people tended to have guns, posing threats as legitimate gangs. This troubled her already over analytical mind, though she was somewhat brought out of her thoughts by a shy inquiry arriving before her.

"Umm...excuse me, do you know what city this is?"

"Ecruteak," The brunette answered, simultaneously her Kabutops broke from his capture, standing beside her with eyes almost as cold as the Umbreon's.

Remain alert, Suicune's warning resonated within her mind, but the brunette didn't find the girl to be menacing, be it due to her own naivety or she just didn't care enough to over analyze a person, what with all that was on her mind now. She cast a glance back at the city, and then her doe eyes landed on the pacing fox in front of her. "Not very friendly, are you?" She murmured as the glare remained blatant.

"I can show you the pokemon center, it's just a few blocks away-"

Kabutops discreetly nudged her in protest, but knew she'd argue they couldn't exactly leave her here.
Not with gangs running around, plotting destruction again, She thought this with hinted sarcasm, the brunette could write a lecture on foolish pursuits and the reign of Arceus. "Ease up, we're prepared for anything," She reminded him with confidence, and nodded her head towards the cities interior.

In all actuality they weren't quite prepared for
anything, in fact, Rae never really planned ahead regardless of circumstances. Aside from the pokeathlon, a few spurs in the frontier, and eating (even those were debatable) their lives were rather spontaneous, sometimes they'd just ditch the region all together and scour the lands of a new nation, or, they'd hole up in a hotel for a week on their earnings and just loaf around 'till they felt like being productive. Its a good life, she smirked, though the thought of being tied down here until the dogs were safe became increasingly disconcerting. Still, if it was for then, she'd do just about anything.
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At the sudden appearance of an aggressive Kabutops, Laila couldn't help but give a quiet squeak in surprise and Umbreon's stance stiffened a bit. He was ready to attack if he had too, but Laila sent him a look to tell him to stand down. She quickly gave a nervous giggle as she quickly accepted the girl's offer, "Um, yes! That'd be nice..." she murmured, fidgeting on the spot. This was definitely not an act, but rather herself being shy and awfully nervous. Laila had no idea what to do because this is one of the first few times she actually tried to become close with another being. She was used to being alone, she didn't know what to do.

Umbreon brushed his head against her bare legs, trying to comfort the girl. Then without another word, Umbreon began to walk into the city, expecting Laila to follow behind, which she did. Sighing quietly to herself and twirling a lock of black hair between her fingers, she wasn't sure if she could do this.

Arrrgh. What was I thinking? Should've made Ariada do this or something, because I can't talk to people! I always get too scared, and aaaagh! Internally beating herself up, the girl shook her head to get rid of the thoughts. No. Stop. Don't think like that, Laila. You can do this! Then, realizing she was supposed to act lost, Laila abruptly stopped in her tracks, turning around to face Rae with a sheepish look on her face.

"Um, where are we going? I have no idea where the pokemon center is..." Laila mumbled. She did, actually, and it was just an instinct to follow her Umbreon when he leaves because he was usually her guide, because Arceus knows that Laila can actually get lost. This girl had no sense of direction whatsoever, unless you know, she has been to the city before. Ecruteak was where she mainly worked, because that's where the dogs were first seen. She had been around Ecruteak so many times, she pretty much knew where everything was.

Ugh. Bad idea to come to Ecruteak where I actually know where things are!
Rae's naturally empathetic nature could pick up on the girl's discomfort, and although she wasn't one for nurturing people, she did attempt to keep talking in order to soothe her nerves. Mostly for her own sake, Rae found any discord to be twice as intense as the average person, which was one reason she practically catered to her pokemon team, anything to keep the harmony. "Don't even worry, it's just a block away now. I just hope there's a room left," She told the girl, and then noted she hadn't even asked for her name.

Mentally, she cursed her naivety, and slowed her pace as the distant center finally came into view. With a golden gaze cast over her shoulder, and Kabutop's cautious eyes added onto the fresh face's frame, Rae inquired, "I never caught your name. I'm Rae."

The street lights bathed the asphalt in dim lighting, other than that it was both gradually growing darker and there was a notable lack of people. They'd likely retired or were finishing up at the theater, Rae honestly preferred it that way. Less human beings meant there wasn't any congestion; no one in her way, no one else getting lost and needing any help, no youngsters begging for battles with their meager ratattas... She cringed at the thought, until the distant
whoosh of sliding doors caught her attention. "Aaand, we're here."

She led the way to Joy's receptionist counter, resting her elbows on the surface after reaching for an animal friendly candy, and handing it over to Kabutops, who was eager for it like a child although he seemed stone cold. She offered a half smile, lips pressed thin until the nurse came around the corner, Chansey in tow. "Need a room, girls?"


"I've only got one available, but luckily it has two individual beds - Would that suffice?"

Kabutops nudged Rae, shaking his head discreetly. Her doe eyes met his and they seemed to exchange a million words through one simple gaze, eventually he looked elsewhere submissively, and the brunette cast her gaze to the stranger she'd guided here. "What do you think? I don't snore, if that's a bonus," Her grin was quirky as she said this, and quietly the young woman tapped her manicured nails on the counter, awaiting the girls answer. "Might work out, I can show you around town if you need it - Or, should I say, if he's alright with that," She addressed the protective Umbreon almost like he was a person, entirely serious in her questioning.
"O-Oh! I'm Laila..." she mumbled, introducing herself quietly as she followed the girl, whose name was Rae. As they walked through the city, Laila couldn't help but admire it for it's beauty. Ecruteak was definitely one of her favorite cities, if not her number one favorite. From the view, to the people, to even the gym leader who lived here! She had never met him, but she had seen him occasionally, and when she did, she often saw him with pokemon. Suddenly catching herself at what she was thinking, her face was dusted in a light pink as she shook her head in a small motion. Umbreon glanced at her quizzically, but didn't question, instead, nudged Laila back to reality.

"Aaand, we're here."

The two girls entered the Pokemon center, the sliding doors opening at the nearing presence, and Laila couldn't help but gaze around curiously. She rarely goes into Pokemon center, and every time she enters one, she sees so many people, it made her uncomfortable. She followed Rae to the counter, watching as she gave her Kabutops a treat, then glanced at Umbreon, silently asking if he wanted one. He shook his head, and instead, sat beside Laila, his black fur brushing against her bare legs.

Once Nurse Joy, Laila gave a soft smile in greeting, wondering if she had seen her before. Shaking her head, the girl probably mistook her as some stranger she saw on the street or something. Snapping out of her running thoughts, Laila glanced at Rae, then at Umbreon who just rolled his eyes.
"O-oh, well, uh, I guess. I don't mind, and I don't think Umbreon minds either..." she murmured with a shrug.

Nurse Joy gave a gentle smile,
"Great. Here's the room key, and would you guys like to rest your pokemon here for the night? I can get them all healed up for your next journey." The nurse offered, handing the room key to Rae. Laila shook her head with a quiet "No thanks" then patiently waited for Rae to guide them to their rooms.
Laila, she reminded herself, awaiting the room key and ignoring the fact her black fox disregarded her. He had a bit of an attitude, but so long as they all got along in the same room tonight she didn't care too much. She swiped the key and mumbled a thanks, handing over the four capsules of her remaining team, and nodding to Kabutops who followed diligently. He was admittedly both the strongest and most intelligent of Rae's group, he just seemed to understand when there was trouble, and picked up on her silent pleas and, honestly, she'd even say they had telepathy sometimes!

"So, what are you doing here in Johto? Are you a native or just a traveler? Marathon runner, maybe?" Rae inquired casually, hands stuffed in her pockets. "I'm kind of just wandering around. Moms got an art business back in Kalos, I have a job waiting for me, but I'm not ready to settle down. I actually came with a friend... wonder where he is..." She said casually, as if she hadn't intentionally snuck away from his dogmatic persona.

She guided them down the first of three corridors, flinging open their bedroom and almost immediately flinging her body on her bed. Kabutops mimicked her actions, causing her frail frame to launch two feet and land back down with a
thud. She hated being on her feet all day, and even more tiring was the truth she'd lay in bed for the next three hours, just thinking on the evenings events. It was so surreal, she'd almost entirely forgotten about Suicune.
Following Rae with her hands interlocked behind her back and Umbreon right beside her, the girl was once again lost in thought. It was a bad habit of hers, wondering off to la-la land when she isn't on a mission. Well, technically, this was her mission, but it wasn't like, a hunting mission. Ah, whatever. Once again, for, what seems like the millionth time today, Rae snapped her out of her thoughts and Laila gave a small 'huh?' Before the question even registered in her mind. She let Rae continued her statement before speaking up.

"Well...I guess you can say I'm a native? I live in Violet City with my father and his...friends," she shrugged, a bit hesitant to tell her stuff about herself. It wasn't really a lie, she just didn't tell the whole story. "Anyways, who's this friend of yours?" the girl asked, a bit disappointed that she had to deal with another human being too. Laila suppressed the urge to sigh and brushed through her hair as they walked through the corridors towards their new room.

Entering the room, the girl curiously gazed around, before settling down on the bed Rae didn't occupy. Did it hit her.
She had to arrange the plan! Setting her things down, and grabbing her Pokenav, she quickly excused herself. "Sorry, I have to tell my dad where I am otherwise he'll freak out," she nervously chuckled, before leaving the room, hoping Rae wouldn't rummage through her things.

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