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Fantasy Fate/Rp

Bacon is fluffy

Wut'n th'name of davy jonez lockr is uh sall-add?
This thread is for whatever ooc threads are used for nowadays.

Day 1




Black:Killer lung


Tye dye: Church

Dark blue: Magi association
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Jacob Berry][I]When you can't think of a character for an RP you wanna do [/I] [/QUOTE] I can help get the ball rolling if you want. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19377-silsa/ said:
@Silsa[/URL] @theunderwolf @killerlung

If you like the map I chose for the general rp or at least the start,choose your starting points. I'm going to be editing it once I finish getting photoshop to point out where npcs are on the map,but also for players as well. That way if let's say someone is going to be working with the river because it's a leyline(hypothetically), you'll have a point of reference and we all will too. I'm also setting it up so it's easier for people to claim tracking skills by using the map and making territories easier to picture in terms of size.
I won't be able to make a change to your rp position till Tuesday, but as previously mentioned you need a master first. You can make a post or I can make an opener at least once you're squared away
@theunderwolf @H0lderOfH0pe

You guys have to stop controlling my outside elements. Holder, you made my mob act as you liked. And under, you killed my skeletons.

I can't continue like this, if the world I'm trying to build isn't in my control. I don't want to reverse things or shoe horn things like, but "little did x know, he/she forgot one thing"

So please, respect my world in the same way I respect your characters. If you want to roleplay something out that requires killing my stuff or controlling how my crowd reacts, ask me. Don't just do it.
For the most part, nothing. If you are reacting to my posts, you're not allowed to control aspects of my creations. In the same way that I don't go and say elekta missed when you clearly said she stabbed that guy, you aren't allowed to shoe horn details like them turning into ash. You might logically say they fell or say something like, " oh snap they're still alive or what happened to the skeletons".

But as for completely sweeping aspects of my posts completely under the rug and resolving things without me doing anything, that's a no no. I'm not competing for this Grail and I want you guys to have fun, but it's no fun having other people gm your character out of existence.

Hell im all about collaboration and making others look really cool. The thing is, you need to ask. Not just me, but your fellow players too.
Create your own story within this rp,make your own choices, but include your fellow players.

React to other players and gm actions only, but ask privately if there was something you wanted to do. That's how I treat others whether I'm a player or gm.

I don't mind if you killed silsa in the first fight you two had(hypothetical ofcourse)but you gotta collaborate with others.
Okie doke, I just wanted to point that out. It's not like these early posts(while important) are going to ruin anything, but later it'll count a hell of a lot more.

I'll have replies tonight when I get home.
Yea were still on day one stuff, so you could join in. Lancer and seeker are left

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[QUOTE="Bacon is fluffy]Yea were still on day one stuff, so you could join in. Lancer and seeker are left

Wait what is a lancer forgot.
Aqua said:
Wait what is a lancer forgot.
The only spot left now is berserker, unless grego wants to take that. I figured since you don't know what a lancer is, it'd be fine if you took this class. That's all that's left in the rp at this point

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