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Fantasy Fate/Rp

As the girl began to cry the old man Xi, played by a rather flustered Danny was caught off guard. Wait, wh-what? What did I say? Danny would think, his mind frantically scrambling for a way to right whatever wrong he had said to the girl.

Of course, that line of thinking wouldn't last long, suddenly being replaced by a sharp pain in his foot as the girl stormed off.

"Gah! Damned brat!" The old man would cry clutching his foot in pain and hopping up rather spryly for a man of his supposed age.

Archer would merely snicker, a bit amused by Danny's reaction. The old man would crouch down rubbing his foot gingerely and glaring up at Archer as the door to the shop closed, the bell chime affixed to the top ringing as it slammed.

"What the hell was that!?" The old voice would demand, as the form of Xi crept to his feet.

"Well a whole lotta nonsense it seems, hey when were you gonna tell me you could do the whole..." Archer would stop pointing up and down at the elderly form Danny now held.

Danny sighed, brushing his shoulders off and swiping a hand over his face to reveal his youthful gaze restored. He'd shift his arms, legs, and torso back into place as he approached the door, locking it before turning back toward Archer.

His face was not at all amused and as his hair went from thinning strands of grey and white back to full and blonde he'd pull his hand out glaring at the command seals. For a moment he'd consider using one, his hand glowing as if sensing his desire.

But Danny wasn't a fool, he couldn't let himself be, especially if he wanted to find Xi's killer. He'd put his hand down, and sigh, "yeah I'm a body altering Mage, self transmutation" he'd mutter making his way over toward the counter.

"Huh, that's gotta be neat" Archer would say noticing his master's frustrations but deciding now might not be the best time to address them.

Danny would nod a bit out of it as he went behind the counter to pull out a bottle of bourbon. He'd begin pouring himself a glass, not really bothering to check the time, to think just three days in and already the war had turned him toward drinking.

He'd sigh, and bring the glass up to his lips only to be stopped by Archer. "I wouldn't if I were you." He'd say sternly, his face serious for a change, his hand steady as it held Danny's glass to the countertop. "I mean gotta commend yah that's good rot gut alright, heck maybe the best type of fire this side of the pond. But...that girl. She had a bit of Magic to her." Archer would say that last part with such certainty, but how could Danny not feel it!? He was a Mage right? He was one of the better ones at surveillance, having a good read on folks, heck that was part of his job!

He'd look up from his hunched over state, letting go of the drink and standing up straight to meet Archer's gaze. "What?" He'd stand staring at him a moment unsure whether to believe him. "I..there's no wa-" but as Danny attempted to say the words he'd know them to be false, this was the Grail War anything could happen right? Hadn't Xi always said that?

Besides taking extra precautions couldn't be bad, after all this was a war right? So with that in mind Danny's face furrowed, "okay I'll bite, she had magic, I didn't sense it, and the shop didn't recognize it. But let's say she had it, why play a fool? You think she's trying to gauge us?" He'd ask trying to get a sense of motive.

Archer would sit back, thinking hard on the matter, "maybe...heck, probably. Scoutings usually the most important part of a war..." he'd muse pulling a knife out from its long scabbard and eying it. "Either way we should probably up our guard maybe do some scoutin of our own" he'd recommend casually as he sheathed the knife and looked toward Danny.

Yeah, scouting could be good, really good.
Alecta turned back arou.nd the corner and leaned against the wall. What kind of crap had she walked into now. Glowing circles. Chanting. Skeletons. What the hell what the actual hell. "This is insane." She muttered. She looked around the corner again.The chanting continued. The skeletons kept moving. And in the corner there was a pile of bodies tat contained the corpses of the missing scouts. Her people. Her friends. "Well OK then." She muttered as she pulled out a knife, "Lets do this." She crouched then and dived in.

Feet splashing across the floor. She charged the man first . She went for the man first using the force from her charge to drive the knife into his spine. He screamed briefly in pain before his nerves stopped working below his head. Se kicked him out of the circle as he screamed and turned to the women. But then the circle flashed red and below her a piece of rock began to glow, curious despite herself and her situation. When she picked it up it flashed and the glow seemed to be sucked up by the strange, occult looking circle. The circle glowed brighter and a figure seemed to rise from it. Scared she drew a knife. "I ask of you, are you my master?"

"What the F!@#!?" Alecta replied.

The figure took form slowly, sifting rapidly as if indecisive as too what it should look like. In the end it formed as a teenager about Alectas age, taller and more muscular. She could tell because his clothes were skin tight, colored black and red, the jumpsuit was accented by bronze Greek-looking armor. He had a handsome face and longish dark brown hair. "You summoned me didn't you?" He said, his voice deep and older then his looks.

"No? What are you?" Alecta asked confusion creeping into her voice, then suddenly the woman started yelling behind her.

"Head magus No! Kill her!" Alecta threw one of her knives and it hit the woman in the gut with a wet smack.

"Very nice." The man said," I am a servant, a legend summoned to fight in the holy grail war, How do you not know this. Oh and look out for the skeletons."

"The what?" Alecta gasped as she flipped around right to a skull. Which she punched.

"Kill their controller and they will de-animate." The man commented. Alecta didn't even stop to question she charged the women and pulled the knife out of her stomach. The cloaked woman gasped in pain and Alecta spun the knife in her hand and reinserted it in her throat.

She turned to look at the skeletons but saw nothing but ash. The man was kneeling in a circle of ash that swelled like burning skeletons, a scent Alecta wished she didn't know.

"I believe I have grasped what happened." The man said,

"Wonderful." Alecta said, "Cause I sure as hell don't."

"I will explain." The man said, "Is there somewhere safe we can discuss this?'

"Pfffft." You really aren't from around here." Alecta said back, "but there is somewhere where we are less likely to be killed."

"That will do."
The flames rushed at him... and passed harmlessly over his clothes, his skin, and even his wheelchair as he shook his head at the stupid attempt on his life. He reclined into his wheelchair and breathed a sigh, not in the least exasperated but strangely relaxed, as if he was simply basking in the warmth of the sunlight on a spring afternoon. The young man's seemed to be more relaxed when compared to those trying to immolate him, his expression more akin to one falling asleep than one about to be burned alive, while the expressions of the other four grew from smug, to murderous, to downright worried as their spell dragged on for a whole minute while achieving nothing but expend precious prana.

Only the floor was singed when the torrent dissipated, revealing a patient Albrecht facing a few surprised would be assassins. "Reinforcement, if case you are asking, was what kept me alive; to be more specific, it was Personal Elemental Alteration." He began with a tone befit one of the more famous lecturers in the Clock Tower, a perfect combination between mighty and commanding juxtaposed against the nurturing tone of a regular parent addressing a child. "I would explain the theory to you five, but then I'm sure dead men such as yourselves won't have any use for such a technique in the afterlife. I'm not exactly sure where you heard that I was crippled, but that statement isn't as accurate as you would have liked. True, more powerful magecraft is now outside my reach but killing you four would take but a few words."

Jewels hidden on his person, via regular concealment or magecraft, began pouring out the prana they contained, the raw power released impregnating the very air they breathed as he rendered judgement. "Βροχή του Φωτός." Immediately, eight pillars fell from the heavens, pure light concentrated in a beam half as wide as a regular person was tall striking the ground and missing the five still figures by a hair's breadth. The sound was muted, and the effect the pillars had on the ground istelf was negligible, but none could deny the sheer amount of prana that filled the air when the spell was cast. All four of them, when they maintained their fire, could not match what the young man unleashed in an instant.

"Now, how would you four like to be my first human experiments?" He asked gently, deploying his own, quite simple bounded field around the entire floor they stood on.

@Bacon is fluffy
Uriel Looked at the Man, who was wearing all white button up shirt, white slacks and a white Priest scarf that has gold embroidered crosses with red embroidered diamonds in the center of the crosses. and thought 'This is either going to end up bad or really bad' He walked over to the other side of the coffee table standing with his back to the black screened TV able to see where the wine landed, Uriel's face scrunched up at the site of wine starting to seep into the nice wooded floor, but only for a split second as to keep a straight face.

"So as I take it, there's only two decisions I can make" He said pacing back and forth in front of the blank TV going over the things that he could do in his head. The sound of the mob getting closer

"I can either run and keep killing your people" He added looking at the man for any kind of cues to see if that's the option he wanted to take, "Or I could sit here and Talk with you to see if I can cut some kind of deal, were in I give you my services and you don't send your people to come and kill me" Uriel finished standing in front of the man who and an evil and powerful smirk on his face that Uriel just wanted to wipe off, with the intent on making a deal but is ready to run if the need comes. Uriel had already decided that trying to kill this man would be the worst thing he could do besides actually killing him both of which would end really bad for Uriel himself.
killerlung said:
As the girl began to cry the old man Xi, played by a rather flustered Danny was caught off guard. Wait, wh-what? What did I say? Danny would think, his mind frantically scrambling for a way to right whatever wrong he had said to the girl.
Of course, that line of thinking wouldn't last long, suddenly being replaced by a sharp pain in his foot as the girl stormed off.

"Gah! Damned brat!" The old man would cry clutching his foot in pain and hopping up rather spryly for a man of his supposed age.

Archer would merely snicker, a bit amused by Danny's reaction. The old man would crouch down rubbing his foot gingerely and glaring up at Archer as the door to the shop closed, the bell chime affixed to the top ringing as it slammed.

"What the hell was that!?" The old voice would demand, as the form of Xi crept to his feet.

"Well a whole lotta nonsense it seems, hey when were you gonna tell me you could do the whole..." Archer would stop pointing up and down at the elderly form Danny now held.

Danny sighed, brushing his shoulders off and swiping a hand over his face to reveal his youthful gaze restored. He'd shift his arms, legs, and torso back into place as he approached the door, locking it before turning back toward Archer.

His face was not at all amused and as his hair went from thinning strands of grey and white back to full and blonde he'd pull his hand out glaring at the command seals. For a moment he'd consider using one, his hand glowing as if sensing his desire.

But Danny wasn't a fool, he couldn't let himself be, especially if he wanted to find Xi's killer. He'd put his hand down, and sigh, "yeah I'm a body altering Mage, self transmutation" he'd mutter making his way over toward the counter.

"Huh, that's gotta be neat" Archer would say noticing his master's frustrations but deciding now might not be the best time to address them.

Danny would nod a bit out of it as he went behind the counter to pull out a bottle of bourbon. He'd begin pouring himself a glass, not really bothering to check the time, to think just three days in and already the war had turned him toward drinking.

He'd sigh, and bring the glass up to his lips only to be stopped by Archer. "I wouldn't if I were you." He'd say sternly, his face serious for a change, his hand steady as it held Danny's glass to the countertop. "I mean gotta commend yah that's good rot gut alright, heck maybe the best type of fire this side of the pond. But...that girl. She had a bit of Magic to her." Archer would say that last part with such certainty, but how could Danny not feel it!? He was a Mage right? He was one of the better ones at surveillance, having a good read on folks, heck that was part of his job!

He'd look up from his hunched over state, letting go of the drink and standing up straight to meet Archer's gaze. "What?" He'd stand staring at him a moment unsure whether to believe him. "I..there's no wa-" but as Danny attempted to say the words he'd know them to be false, this was the Grail War anything could happen right? Hadn't Xi always said that?

Besides taking extra precautions couldn't be bad, after all this was a war right? So with that in mind Danny's face furrowed, "okay I'll bite, she had magic, I didn't sense it, and the shop didn't recognize it. But let's say she had it, why play a fool? You think she's trying to gauge us?" He'd ask trying to get a sense of motive.

Archer would sit back, thinking hard on the matter, "maybe...heck, probably. Scoutings usually the most important part of a war..." he'd muse pulling a knife out from its long scabbard and eying it. "Either way we should probably up our guard maybe do some scoutin of our own" he'd recommend casually as he sheathed the knife and looked toward Danny.

Yeah, scouting could be good, really good.
Sandy continued on for a couple of blocks, almost in tears because of the frustration her boss was making her feel. " What do you mean to drop this guy? There's something strange about him. i can feel it in my bones"! The voice on the phone, exasperated with her let out a long audible sigh, " Look we've got reports of crazy church goers killing peoples darling, lynching em for being heretics. Some are forced to confess to "sins" and forced to get branded by the church as if they were cattle. These people are nuts, please look into them. We don't have time for this, where's your common sense"? Sandy grimaced, " Fine sir.."

Although she had agreed to drop it over the phone, sandy actually turned tail and headed back to the shop. There she would stake out the china shop, waiting for the old man to come out. The actual reason she stomped on his foot was to tag his shoe with a small tracking device,but if he didn't notice it the first time, he probably wouldn't for a while anyways. Like a hyperactive kick on a car trip, she'd sit at a bench across the street pretending to read a paper, wait around a corner the next 5 minutes, and take cover under a big truck parked nearby the next. cmon you bird killing bastards

As she lied there awaiting the infamous cosplayer's departure, another ambulance came zipping. That's the 5th one today She pulled out her phone and switched from the gps app(which was tracking danny) and googled the local news.Top hits:

Woman crucified by mob

Cannibal homeless

Man shot 12 times, got back up

Mother murdered family, hung herself

Sandy shook her head and put her phone back into her pocket. I mean there's always violent crime and there's always some crazy group of religious nuts, right?? man shot 12 times? i bet...

theunderwolf said:
Alecta turned back arou.nd the corner and leaned against the wall. What kind of crap had she walked into now. Glowing circles. Chanting. Skeletons. What the hell what the actual hell. "This is insane." She muttered. She looked around the corner again.The chanting continued. The skeletons kept moving. And in the corner there was a pile of bodies tat contained the corpses of the missing scouts. Her people. Her friends. "Well OK then." She muttered as she pulled out a knife, "Lets do this." She crouched then and dived in.
Feet splashing across the floor. She charged the man first . She went for the man first using the force from her charge to drive the knife into his spine. He screamed briefly in pain before his nerves stopped working below his head. Se kicked him out of the circle as he screamed and turned to the women. But then the circle flashed red and below her a piece of rock began to glow, curious despite herself and her situation. When she picked it up it flashed and the glow seemed to be sucked up by the strange, occult looking circle. The circle glowed brighter and a figure seemed to rise from it. Scared she drew a knife. "I ask of you, are you my master?"

"What the F!@#!?" Alecta replied.

The figure took form slowly, sifting rapidly as if indecisive as too what it should look like. In the end it formed as a teenager about Alectas age, taller and more muscular. She could tell because his clothes were skin tight, colored black and red, the jumpsuit was accented by bronze Greek-looking armor. He had a handsome face and longish dark brown hair. "You summoned me didn't you?" He said, his voice deep and older then his looks.

"No? What are you?" Alecta asked confusion creeping into her voice, then suddenly the woman started yelling behind her.

"Head magus No! Kill her!" Alecta threw one of her knives and it hit the woman in the gut with a wet smack.

"Very nice." The man said," I am a servant, a legend summoned to fight in the holy grail war, How do you not know this. Oh and look out for the skeletons."

"The what?" Alecta gasped as she flipped around right to a skull. Which she punched.

"Kill their controller and they will de-animate." The man commented. Alecta didn't even stop to question she charged the women and pulled the knife out of her stomach. The cloaked woman gasped in pain and Alecta spun the knife in her hand and reinserted it in her throat.

She turned to look at the skeletons but saw nothing but ash. The man was kneeling in a circle of ash that swelled like burning skeletons, a scent Alecta wished she didn't know.

"I believe I have grasped what happened." The man said,

"Wonderful." Alecta said, "Cause I sure as hell don't."

"I will explain." The man said, "Is there somewhere safe we can discuss this?'

"Pfffft." You really aren't from around here." Alecta said back, "but there is somewhere where we are less likely to be killed."

"That will do."
A shrill laughter burst from the supposedly dead woman,her hand which stuck out from his robe seemed like it aged 100 years. She ran her hand along her body until it reached the grisly wound inflicted upon herself. Thrusting her hand into her own gullet, audible squishing sounds resounded in the silent catacombs as she squished and squeezed her innards. The silhouette of her body revealed a bare bones figure,one not much fuller than the skeletons she was resurrecting. " Really, look what ya gone and done! Now I gotta fix this chick and her father again! All the damn circuits are fried"! As if the other two didn't matter, the would be corpse wrapped her arm around the man's waist,racing toward one of the exit tunnels,but before doing so she looked back at the duo. "Mother is not pleased, you ruined her experiment".

Just then a sweeping sensation washed over the catacombs, it reeked of vengeance and anger. The term palpable isn't sufficient for this type of phenomenon, the caster who projected this feeling was almost as if she was there in the chamber and yet she wasn't. Faint runic symbols lined the walls, starting from a blip and expanding outward within seconds, creating intricate hieroglyphic patterns lined with blood. The faint pitter patter from before started to become more audible, coming from every direction. What might have been a few steps, now became many. Their growls resounded throughout the tunnels, incessant and rhythmic.

Silsa said:
The flames rushed at him... and passed harmlessly over his clothes, his skin, and even his wheelchair as he shook his head at the stupid attempt on his life. He reclined into his wheelchair and breathed a sigh, not in the least exasperated but strangely relaxed, as if he was simply basking in the warmth of the sunlight on a spring afternoon. The young man's seemed to be more relaxed when compared to those trying to immolate him, his expression more akin to one falling asleep than one about to be burned alive, while the expressions of the other four grew from smug, to murderous, to downright worried as their spell dragged on for a whole minute while achieving nothing but expend precious prana.
Only the floor was singed when the torrent dissipated, revealing a patient Albrecht facing a few surprised would be assassins. "Reinforcement, if case you are asking, was what kept me alive; to be more specific, it was Personal Elemental Alteration." He began with a tone befit one of the more famous lecturers in the Clock Tower, a perfect combination between mighty and commanding juxtaposed against the nurturing tone of a regular parent addressing a child. "I would explain the theory to you five, but then I'm sure dead men such as yourselves won't have any use for such a technique in the afterlife. I'm not exactly sure where you heard that I was crippled, but that statement isn't as accurate as you would have liked. True, more powerful magecraft is now outside my reach but killing you four would take but a few words."

Jewels hidden on his person, via regular concealment or magecraft, began pouring out the prana they contained, the raw power released impregnating the very air they breathed as he rendered judgement. "Βροχή του Φωτός." Immediately, eight pillars fell from the heavens, pure light concentrated in a beam half as wide as a regular person was tall striking the ground and missing the five still figures by a hair's breadth. The sound was muted, and the effect the pillars had on the ground istelf was negligible, but none could deny the sheer amount of prana that filled the air when the spell was cast. All four of them, when they maintained their fire, could not match what the young man unleashed in an instant.

"Now, how would you four like to be my first human experiments?" He asked gently, deploying his own, quite simple bounded field around the entire floor they stood on.

@Bacon is fluffy
"So this is a clocktower magus",von said dropping to his knees in despair. "Stop it, stop it you damned fools! W've be-b-been had"! Tears coursing down his cheeks as he pounded the ground in anger. The others, taken aback by the display of power finally cut off their channeling and stepped back from the beams of light. It was ironic to them, that something so bright and luminous could be so terrifying. Demons dwelled in the shadows, consumed by dark fire and spoke in tongues. It appeared to them, even the light could be corrupted.

Von called for back up,but all he could hear was static.

Von looked around at his brothers, all of whom were paralyzed with fear.

"please forgive my baby brothers, they were dragged into this because I'm a failure even as their gaurdian. We're just a bunch of low lifes excommunicated heathens, who abandoned god to pursue magecraft. Even after we were expelled from our home and paris,we were also failed at the clocktower just recently as well. Please take me,but let them go". The once seemingly proud von postured himself at feet of albert, communicating the wide gulf in dignity between the two. His brothers conflicted by his actions,couldn't even watch him relinquish his pride.Turning about face or blinding themselves willingly, the 4 others almost wished to be experiments.

H0lderOfH0pe said:
Uriel Looked at the Man, who was wearing all white button up shirt, white slacks and a white Priest scarf that has gold embroidered crosses with red embroidered diamonds in the center of the crosses. and thought 'This is either going to end up bad or really bad' He walked over to the other side of the coffee table standing with his back to the black screened TV able to see where the wine landed, Uriel's face scrunched up at the site of wine starting to seep into the nice wooded floor, but only for a split second as to keep a straight face.
"So as I take it, there's only two decisions I can make" He said pacing back and forth in front of the blank TV going over the things that he could do in his head. The sound of the mob getting closer

"I can either run and keep killing your people" He added looking at the man for any kind of cues to see if that's the option he wanted to take, "Or I could sit here and Talk with you to see if I can cut some kind of deal, were in I give you my services and you don't send your people to come and kill me" Uriel finished standing in front of the man who and an evil and powerful smirk on his face that Uriel just wanted to wipe off, with the intent on making a deal but is ready to run if the need comes. Uriel had already decided that trying to kill this man would be the worst thing he could do besides actually killing him both of which would end really bad for Uriel himself.
The bishop gingerly placed the wine cup on the coffee table in front of him and pondered for a moment, scratching his chin as he smiled at him. He stood to meet Uriel's gaze with his ridiculous church hat, shoulders puffed. He turned about face about to say something,but he simmered down and walked in the opposite direction. The mob paused too, as if they were controlled remotely. One minute they're as fierce as a maelstrom of hate, the next as tame as a herd of sheep. The bishop turned back to him pondering some more before opening his mouth. " Offer services? What would god gain from he would bite his hand? What would the one and only loving father gain, from allowing a heretic to exist even a little longer"?

@Silsa @theunderwolf @killerlung @H0lderOfH0pe
Danny sighed shaking his head and running a hand through his hair, "alright scouting...." He'd mutter under his breath trying to think of a good place to start.

Truth be told that left him a ton of options, but which was the one that made the most sense? Better yet, which was the path with the least resistance? He'd stop a moment contemplating the questions, his face growing pensive as he grew more and more consumed with the thoughts.

Archer annoyed by his master's indecision flicked a finger at his forehead, "c'mon, it's not that hard, I reckon it'd be easy with that switcheroo yer workin" he'd say with a slight grin.

Danny would shake away the daze, scowling at Archer. "It-it's not that simple! And what would you know you've been dead for years!" He'd say defensively, before its strike him, the epiphany hidden in Archer's suggestion.

Without another word Danny would rush off, throwing his shirt off and inning into the back room's rather extensive wardrobe . In it he'd find what he was looking for, the uniform of a Paris police officer.

He'd pick it off the rack, grinning from ear to ear as he threw off his pants, and with no small amount of shifting emerged from the backroom once again.

Archer's jaw would drop, while before he'd been angry, ready to give his young master a piece of his mind, now he was simply shocked as he was faced not with Danny but instead a half naked blonde. "You're changing too, no more old school look, not out of combat" the girl would say sternly as she turned back around to finish changing.

Archer would take a deep gulp, "yes si-mam..." He'd say a little unsure on how to as he hopped to and headed into the back room.

Within the hour the odd couple would walk out of the shop, Archer in a plain white v necked t shirt and jeans, and Danny under the guise of a rather gorgeous young Paris cop. Off the two began to stroll down the streets of Paris, but wait what was this!? Why was Archer in cuffs!?
While the man was turned around Uriel thought 'I can’t believe someone with this much power wears a hat like that' He ran his fingers through his blonde mane thinking of why the sound of the mob stopped before he listened to the man speak, intently going over every word as to come up with the best plan of action. The best plan of action Uriel sees is trying to convince the Bishop to let him join the side of god even if that meant that one day he would betray a possible powerful ally.

"Okay first, I would never bite the hand of God" Uriel said not fully telling the truth but made it look as true as true can be. "I am Named after Archangel Uriel" He added trying to win the Bishop over with his Name sake. "Second God would gain a Powerful 'Heretic' Joining his side" Uriel stated as he walked past the man and went into the kitchen and pored a glass of wine for himself, before turning to the Bishop "My skills include Tracking, combat, and stealth" He adds as another ploy to get the Bishop to believe him and allow him to join his side, omitting his ability to gain information by manipulation.

Uriel Takes a Drink of wine as he moves to stand behind the sofa. Uriel had already told Assassin to head back to him when he made a glass of wine. Uriel had his legs in the shade of the couch just in-case he needs to call upon the Shadows if this encounter goes bad. Uriel knows that the Bishop is a powerful man and he wouldn’t fight him Uriel would only buy time for Assassin to comeback so he could fight the Bishop.
the day before the grail war

Cyril stood at his workstation and read over the ancient text, it was all memorized by now. he turned to the symbols in the center of the room, aligned in a circle, a summoning circle. he placed the ancient bone fragments in the center and began to chant "Holy Grail, here me! I wish to perticipate in your games! I have an offering from long ago, now grant me a servant that I might use to win!" he said, suddenly a burst of light came crashing down. earth seeped through the floor boards and formed in the center a green haired girl. Cyril ran to her and picked her up. to his astonishment she had no breasts...wait a second...it wasn't a girl. it was...a guy? the girlish man awoke and looked up at Cyril. "you, you are my new master. by my contract I will help you win the holy grail." he said, standing onto his own feet.

Present day

"Come on Lancer! we are already late for the war, people are probably already fighting." Cyril said running of the train and looking around the city of Paris.

"you do not fully grasp the situation yet, do you master?" Lancer said as he walked off the train slowely, stares from unknowing guys followed his every move.

Cyril turned and smiled at Lancer "are you kidding? I've been training my whole life for this moment, and when it's finally over I can finally live the life I dreamed of, no more daily sword practice, no more magic lessons, just me and the open road." he said turning to face the Eiffel tower. "now, if we get up there, your Lancer ability should let us sense the location of other Servants more easily." Cyril ran towards the Eiffel tower, pulling Lancer along.
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"Oh, but you misunderstand me, good sir." Albrecht explained patiently using Structional Analysis on each of them as he continued. "I asked you lot how you felt, as more often perception affects performance. I never insinuated than any of you had actual choice in the matter." They were better than he expected, all with cuircits more developed that the ones he possesed in nis current condition. They would make excellent materials, being discarded by both the church and the association, and while they feared him now, they could be... convinced not to feel anything at all if he performed the separation flawlessly.

"Do not fret, to experiment on you as you are will not do me any good. You all will die, make no mistake, but as of this moment I need you five alive as my assistants." With a flash of green flamed a scroll manifested before their eyes, each piece of parchment floating before them as if suspended by an invisible force. "Read and sign, I will give you all a minute to do so before I rend the circuits of anywho will not comply.
H0lderOfH0pe said:
While the man was turned around Uriel thought 'I can’t believe someone with this much power wears a hat like that' He ran his fingers through his blonde mane thinking of why the sound of the mob stopped before he listened to the man speak, intently going over every word as to come up with the best plan of action. The best plan of action Uriel sees is trying to convince the Bishop to let him join the side of god even if that meant that one day he would betray a possible powerful ally.
"Okay first, I would never bite the hand of God" Uriel said not fully telling the truth but made it look as true as true can be. "I am Named after Archangel Uriel" He added trying to win the Bishop over with his Name sake. "Second God would gain a Powerful 'Heretic' Joining his side" Uriel stated as he walked past the man and went into the kitchen and pored a glass of wine for himself, before turning to the Bishop "My skills include Tracking, combat, and stealth" He adds as another ploy to get the Bishop to believe him and allow him to join his side, omitting his ability to gain information by manipulation.

Uriel Takes a Drink of wine as he moves to stand behind the sofa. Uriel had already told Assassin to head back to him when he made a glass of wine. Uriel had his legs in the shade of the couch just in-case he needs to call upon the Shadows if this encounter goes bad. Uriel knows that the Bishop is a powerful man and he wouldn’t fight him Uriel would only buy time for Assassin to comeback so he could fight the Bishop.
The bishop observed his Uriel, taking note of everything he had done up until this point. As he made his case, the bishop rubbed his wrinkly chin and nodded at every claim. His attention even more acute when Uriel poured himself some wine,but opted to omit some things about himself. The bishop pulled a book out of his robe, a small one at that. It was dark green with a worn paperback cover,the pages warped and torn from age. A wry smile washed over his aged countenance, gaze affixed upon the liar before him.

"It seems to me you've left some things out young one. You're not only projecting a subtle form of suggestion through your words,but are even now trying to manipulate me. Secondly, you are a magus of the Ombre De Glace, the hier to a weapons manufacturer. And above all else a mast----er"! For a man of his stature, his voice bellowed as it struck uriel like a punch. He swiftly shut the book as a light enveloped not just the room,but the entire city block lighting up the sky even in broad daylight.

Moments later as the light settles and all comes back into focus,Uriel will find himself in lying face first in an extravagant chamber for worship.

Shadow does not exist in this place and an overwhelming warmth radiates from every inch of the cathedral, drawing in more followers by the day. It would hypnotize even the most staunch non-believer and convert them with an inhuman zeal, destroying the person they were as the converted go through a period of inexorable ecstasy. In the midst of a congregation the bishop stood at the altar, taking bread and giving thanks to god. He clasped his hands together and gave thanks. His attendants within the chamber mimicked him and were unaware of the outsider amidst them.

Te bishop began to approach Uriel with the same wry smile,but his followers only saw a gentle elderly man walking beside their pews. " Praise be to god heretic. If you wanted to fool me,you would have faked being a follower of the one and only father. Now then, if you wish to see to truly convert, I have two conditions. One, You must call upon your servant using a command seal. Two you must use a command seal to have him pledge fealty to me".

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"That depends on who wants to know." Cyril said, stopping short of the men.

"That is not exactly what you should answer with if you are trying to hide your identity." Lancer said getting into a fighting stance. He gently moved Cyril behind him and stood at the ready. "Be you friend or foe, mortals?"
He ignored the two individuals, familars if he was not mistaken, not exactly worried by their appearance. They used technology that was somewhat similar to his own, though nowhere nearly as advanced. Having the backing of both the Clock Tower and several world renown scientific laboratories furthered his research by leaps and bounds. Anyway, the situation had been resolved, not in the method he would have liked, but all the same he obtained what he needed. All that was left to do now was complete the procedure before anyone was the wiser.

The Magic Circle he constructed was something no magi would ever dream as simple, something so complex and intricate that one would need to either be its creator or study it for decades, time well spent he supposed, to unlock even the barest secrets hidden in the mass of glyphs and circles. With but a thought, it was summoned, alongside a few spells made to incapacitate anyone who held the geass scroll he had given them. Now that it was obvious they would not be joining him, he would rather collect what he had came from; ergo, the magic circle.

In a flash, the five were dead, the circle had vanished, and in the hand of Albrecht was a marble that glowed quite similarly to a prism struck by white light. He pocketed his spoils without a word, turning to the men that had addressed him quite rudely in his eyes. He saw them coming, the bounded field he had set-up, while not the strongest, was extremely sensitive. He was no Kiritsugu Emiya, a respected bounded field specialist other than one of the most infamous assassins in the Magic World, he couldn't be subtle enough to detect intention though he knew it when people entered an exited.If they were hostile, this would be over far more quickly than they expected.

Before anything else there was one thing he needed to clear up. "First of all, sir, my name is ALBRECHT. A-L-B-R-E-C-H-T. I am so sick and tired of all you bigoted nobles, or whatever you represent calling me 'Albert'. It's just like Nietzsche. I'm a Philosopher am I not? The Clock Tower saw to that, and while I do not have as much freedom as I wish, I deserve the respect one of a Sealing Designation is given." His wheelchair began glowing, some subtle alterations in preparation for combat should it come. "State your purpose. If you are Enforcers than I hope you have settled all accounts for you die this night. If you wish to speak of research, then be quick about it. I still have a servant to summon, and though I do not have a 'prime hour' I do not like being defenseless."
"Hmmm." Alecta said, "That. Is probably not good."

"No Skata." The boy shot back, "We should probably get out of here."

"Well I'm open to suggestions." Back the way you came. We need to get into a closed space so their numbers will be useless."

"Agreed lets do this..." ALecta paused whipping her head around, "What the heck do I call you?" She didn't wait for an answer and instead dived for the tunnel she had come from. The boy ran after her and dived behind the corner.

"Caster." He replied

"Weird name." Alecta said as she drew yet another of her many knives aiming it at a sewage pipe.

"Its not my name. Its my servant class." Caster explained,"And allow me." He pointed at the steam pipe and it burst and with another hand he turned the gush of water to hot steam.

"Your what?" Alecta asked as she turned to move.

"All summoned servants have classes!" Caster shouted as he pushed her up the stairs, "Saber, Archer, Rider, Berserker, Assassin, Lancer and Caster! I'm a caster I supplement your magic with my own!"

"My what?"

"MAGIC!" You're a mage!"

"Am not!"

"Oh for- Can we do this after we escape?"

And the two ran up the tunnel hoping the steam would block their escape.
the Bishop started freaking Uriel out when he was talking and Stating facts that Uriel hadn't told the Bishop, 'How did he know I wasn't telling him everything' . Uriel thought with horror flashing through his eyes for a brief moment as Uriel was afraid that he was done for when the Bishop exclaimed "Master" and Shut his old dirty book which gave off a blinding light, thankfully Assassin made it to him before Uriel was transported taking Assassin with him. Uriel comes to laying face down in a Cathedral alter room, the Bishop is handing out wafers and praising God 'So I'm stuck here with a nut case alone.' Uriel states in his head only for Assassin to respond with 'I'm here as well, Just give me the order and I'll take them down" Assassin says in Uriel's head 'NO we are not killing him in his domain of Light' Uriel says in his head to Assassin.

Uriel Stands up as the Bishop finishes handing out Wafers, "Assassin wrap an arm around my waist because when I give the order you're taking me out of this place' Uriel thinks to Assassin as he looks around the Alter room and spots a beautiful stain glass window "That window up there across from us, is where i need to to jump, can you bust through it?' Uriel asks Assassin as he wraps an arm tightly around Uriel's waist.

Uriel watches the Bishop walk towards him, 'Good thing He's here' He thinks as the Bishop tells him to use a command seal to bring Assassin to the Church. 'And there he goes off his rocker' Uriel thinks as he hears the second command for him to do. Uriel smiles and looks at the Bishop "The good thing about my servant is that they can go completely undetected whenever they want." He smiles "My servant is already here so no need for command seal number one to be used" Uriel adds looking at the shock that flashes across the Bishop's face "And the second thing, I'm not going to be pledging fealty to you or your so called God" Uriel says as Assassin starts to slowly appear "and with that said I bid you adieu" He adds as Assassin fully appears and jumps with Uriel in his arms, through the stain glass window across from them.

Smashing through the window Uriel and Assassin land on the steps of the Cathedral only to have Assassin jump to the roof of a nearby building and just keep running while caring Uriel.
Archer groaned as he was shoved again by the gorgeous blonde police girl at his back, "Get moving short stuff" she'd cry in a voice so demanding and entitled. Archer would cringe, "Y'know we're the same height lady!" he'd cry back, unable to turn around with the woman's grip so tight around the cuffs that bound his arms behind his back.

The blonde would cut a glare at the back of Archer's head, ready to go off on him, "Shut it dirt bag" she'd cry defensively, Danny internally stifling a laugh as he noted Archer's note of his height. So even heroic spirits have insecurities, Danny would think under his guise smirking beneath the smile of the blonde buxom police girl as he led Archer along the streets of Paris. On and on the two walked, bickering back and forth until they came near the police headquarters of south Paris.

"Aw, no not jail, I ain't goin in no jail" Archer would chime, to which Danny would smile before pushing him through the doors, "You don't get a say thief!" the guise of a girl would chime in her underwhelming and yet all too loud tenor.

One thing was for sure, whatever Danny was planning, was bound to be interesting.
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