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Fantasy Fate/Rp

Bacon is fluffy

Wut'n th'name of davy jonez lockr is uh sall-add?

Alright boys, commence operation take back!

It's Albert's first time in paris, but his first order of business is to see the Eiffel tower. Everything this day has gone so smoothly, from the departure from the Clock tower to entering a foreign country. A country rumored to be under the control of the aggressors of this war, not a single hickup getting there. Even as he approached the tower, the streets were unusually vacant. Even if a Football game was under commencement, this was a bustling city which never slept. The tower itself was vacant, the silence was palpable. It was an unnatural silence which was only contrasted by Albert's own approach. He'll see an elevator open on its own, the chime it makes would have an unnatural charm, an inexorable beckoning will tug at albert's heart strings.


It's a dark and dank place Alekta finds herself in,but these tunnels like a second home to her, or so she's claimed. Tonight was a bit odd though, well as odd as it gets for a woman who lived off the grid within it. There was an odd pitter patter resounding through the usually silent catacombs. Sometimes you might hear a mouse skittering along side the walls of human bones,but this was different. It was akin to scraping, rigid material thumping against the ground. The noises had only be going on a few weeks,but tonight the chatter was getting incessant.
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"How odd." Albrecht commented offhandedly, throwing around a sloppy attempt to structurally grasp the area of the famous landmark. He would never be as proficient at it as, say the woman of the Blue with the use of the Fifth, but it was enough to note that there was something there. Something even beyond his ability to comprehend from that distance it seemed. There was a compulsion around the area, that much was sure, that prevented normals from being involved, but no strange traps or any of the sort waiting for him to trip them. He sighed, at least that meant he didn't exactly have to fight anyone when he decided to go sight seeing.

"Let's go then." He rolled towards the narrow passage, into the closing doors of the lift before checking on everything. His newest gems seemed to be in order, as well as a strange mystic code he developed wrapped around his arm. If this did turn into a fight, then at least he would have an excuse ti test his newest heresy.
" roost the entered has delta the,I repeat roost the entered has delta the". Four figures forming a pillar at the top floor of the tower's visiting area simultaneously placed their palms on a support beam, causing a mild disturbance in the area. It would be akin to maybe a tickle sensation to a normal person, causing ripples around the tower's edge.

A translucent film followed the ground of the visitor center, causing ripples of light whenever someone move alon the ground.

There waiting for Albert was a tall, lanky man. He was very skinny, his cheeks had sharp distinct ridges which appeared to be crevicds in dim light. He smiled as albert's elevator came to a halt, revealing white teeth with an unnatural gleam. With his arms at his hips, he stood at an elevated position in relation to Albert.

"Welcome,he who can not stand".

It's your first day in Paris, the sun is shining and the grass is green. You're surrounded by a multitude of people of all walks of life, on this sunny day. There's school children frolicking in a nearby park and a mother burping her crying baby. A shopkeepe is selling his goods and bus drivers are making their stops.

All is per usual in a city, with all its functions working in sync to maintain its facade of disjointedness. But there was an overarching theme to it all, the sign of the cross adorned everything.

Children walked around branded by the cross on their forearms. The shopkeepe was selling crosses and robes, praising His God with a big smile. An outsider, would be easy to spot in this crowd

Uriel walks down watching the people as they pass, Seeing that everyone at least has a cross, and many other people have robes on over their clothes. 'I Should get a cross and maybe a robe so I don't stand out as much in this area' He thinks as he approaches a shopkeepe is Selling Crosses and Robes, "I'll take a Necklace and a robe" Uriel says to the Shopkeepe mimicking genuine kindness "Why yes good sir" the Keep says with a smile exchanging the Items for cash "You can keep the change shopkeepe" Uriel says walking away getting a thank you yelled at him from the shopkeepe Uriel rolled his eyes only giving him the extra money to get a good rep 'Now to get to my new place of living' He thinks while he takes off his suit jacket to put on the robe over the rest of his suit and putting the necklace around his neck.

Uriel walks up the steps to his new house a few blocks down from the Shopkeepe "So Small but it'll do to keep me hidden from detection for a while" He says opening the door to see the fully furnished house the Living room has a rustic look going on with burnt orange walls and a brown sofa a wooden coffee table and a wooden Tv stand that has a flat screen on it the only modern looking thing in the house. the wood floors go all through out the house the Kitchen has wooden counter tops and a black double door fridge. "Looks like the employees did their jobs so they won't be fired" He says out loud as he starts making a roast. "I'll have to get use to making my own food" He says.
"You gentlemen should really invest in a better title maker." It's not as if he was the only magus confined in a wheelchair, one of the devices of technology even people like the Archibalds would use if the need arises, and it wasn't exactly the most creative of names. If it was meant to be an insult, then something was lacking and then again, there was exactly no reason for any magus if proper standing to want to insult one of the most well known educators in the Clock Tower.

He cleared his mind of such thoughts, taking a deep breath as the bounded field, it had no special effects as far as he was concerned, or they were just too weak to affect him, before he faced the man once more. "I see you know of me, but I cannot say the same for you. What is your name, sir, and what business to you have with me this fine night?
3 days ago...

Danny sighed as the smoke cleared from his summoning circle, he'd cough on the fumes of the thick cloud and try to bat them away from his face. As he opened his eyes wide he'd note the stunning lack of a spirit, "What? Not again..." he'd curse in a defeated tone, hanging his head low as he moved over towards the circle, crouching down and wiping the marks from the floor with a solemn sigh. What was he gonna do now? That was the last thing in this damned shop that even remotely resembled a catalyst. He'd cringe, his hands shaking with a mix of rage and helplessness, without a servant how was he gonna avenge Xi? How was he gonna find whoever killed him, whoever destroyed his life those few years ago.

His hand would clench into a fist and he'd punch the floor in outrage, his eyes quaking in light of his failure. Until, wait what was that!? He'd look down at his hand, spotting a tattoo he never had, a sigil he'd never seen. "Whaaaaaat?" he'd mutter in an exasperated tone, falling back onto his ass with a confused sort of stare. For minutes he'd sit staring at the symbol, lost in the shape, why did this feel familiar he'd think before his attentions were pulled from the symbol and directed towards a loud crash that broke the silence of the shop. Danny would spring to his feet rushing towards the spot where a shelf had fallen, only to be brought to an abrupt stop as he found his head in the vice of a choke hold. Danny would exclaim a breath of shock as a long knife was brought to his throat, "Who are you!? Where am I!?" the mysterious figure holding his neck would demand.

Danny couldn't get a view of the man, his neck held too tightly, his mysterious opponent having him held from behind. "I-I'm you're m-master...Danny Cing!" he'd declare nervously, if only he could shift, but with that knife so close he couldn't risk it without knicking his Carotid Artery.

The man behind him would sit in silence a few moments as if contemplating his words, "huh....master eh?" he'd finally say breaking a bit of the tension. "Why does that sound familiar?" the man would continue before pulling the knife back and freeing Danny from his grip. Danny would turn around frantically clutching his throat, and bringing his eyes to stare at the man he was sure was his servant. Was this what they were supposed to be like!? He'd wonder with a twinge of shock. As he stared the spirit up and down he'd notice not extravagance, not grandeur, but rather something he could only consider humble war torn garb.

The first thing that struck him though wasn't his clothes, it was height, at 5'11'' Danny was by no means the world's tallest, but this man was shorter, maybe 5'8'' dare he say 5'7''? Weren't all spirits supposed to be larger than life? Danny would cock his head to the side trying to remember the tales his master would tell him of servants.

"Eh? What're you looking at kid?" the slightly gruff man would ask, apparently picking up on Danny's confusion.

"Eh, nothing nothing" Danny would reassure the impatient looking spirit. It was then that he'd notice the eyes, the eyes that stared straight through him, the eyes of an animal. Danny would freeze, a bit at a loss for words before the man spoke up again.

"Master and servants huh? What're we supposed to be doing again? Why am I here?" he'd ask Danny as he sheathed his sizable knife and ran a hand through his unkept hair.

Danny would stop, the realization that his spirit was really clueless beginning to dawn on him, weren't they supposed to know the deal!? The grail freakin chose them right!? Danny would sigh, this was gonna be a long day.

Sure enough true that assessment it was, what with Danny showing the stranger his summoning circle and the catalyst he'd used to summon the stranger. The catalyst, a bone dagger would hold the man's attention a while, before he'd move onto the grail war and the explanation of all the proceedings. Eventually the stranger would shake his head to indicate a thorough understanding.

"It's all coming back now, okay....I reckon I got it." the man would say dismissively, scratching behind his with a bored yawn before turning toward Danny, "So you're my general, I'm your troop. Got any big plans for that grail?" he'd ask somewhat disinterestedly. Of course his eyes would tell a different story, as the stranger glanced up into Danny's eyes studying them intently.

"m-me? Well I guess I haven't given it a lot of thought, Xi always wanted to go back to China to make a name for his family...but that's not my home. Guess I'm just in it to avenge him...I-I mean winning would be cool but yeah guess I don't really know what to wish for" Danny would say nervously, knowing his answer was bound to be a disappointment.

The man would stare Danny up and down, his face stern and serious for a moment. The air would grow tense, and then it came, a laugh that lit up the room. "hahahaha, any wish in the world is a lot to take in, sh*t I reckon it'd be hard for anybody to choose on the spot." the man would cry, before patting Danny on the shoulder. He'd look up at him, a subtly sly yet sincere smile plastered on his face, "I know what I'd wish for...and you summoned me, resolve like that....I'm willin to bet you'll know exactly what to wish fer when the time comes, hell, deep down you probly' already know." the stranger would declare with a grin before continuing, "b'sides losin means one of us kickin the bucket right? So, course we're gonna win."

Danny would be taken back by the kind and unexpected words, already know huh? he'd think to himself still at a bit of a loss. All the same his spirits were ignited, and he'd smile confidently back nodding his head, "Yeah you're right, we've got this" he'd say with a beaming grin.

The rest of that day was spent catching up, names and stories were exchanged, the pact was sealed, even some beers drank. Danny would eventually circle back around to the revenge he sought, and the stranger he now knew to call Archer would agree to assist so long as it didn't put them in an disadvantageous spot in the war. Initially Danny saw a problem with that, but after Archer assured him there were folks he'd regretted not killing in his day, he'd let it go after deciding that Archer would do his best.

After a few more beers and reminiscing the two would pass out, calling the first night of their alliance to an end. In those moments, it seemed as if things were looking up for Danny Cing.

The present...

Things were not looking up for Danny Cing, not one bit. Upon waking days ago he'd find Archer gone, and after panicking he'd track him to a nearby park where he'd attracted a small crowd with his strange clothes and unfamiliar actions. After bringing him back to the shop, he'd managed to distract him with the television but now a day and a half later, he was still watching it! Danny sighed, bringing a hand up to his head as he shook it, just what did he do to deserve this?
Alecta moved through the tunnels like a ghost, darting and dashing from cover to cover silently as can be. They were louder then usual. Of course the tunnel system beneath paris was always loud. Rats, water whatever poor bastard had pissed someone off that day. But this was different. This was loud in a way that didn't suit the tunnels unnatural. Amd she didn't like it. Of course she had brought her concerns up to her fellow black-wings and they agreed and sent runners down to investigate. They didn't come back. SO the next to go was Alecta herself. She had opted to go in light, black hoodie and dark grey jeans. Copius hidden knives and her cell phone. She took no one else because she didn't want to risk anyone else. So now, here she was alone in the sewer. She didn't have a flashlight of corse and she didn't need one she wasn't scared of the dark How could she be, the night was pretty much the biggest constant of where she lived and worked. But this dark was different, it made a small highly suppressed part of her very afraid. She suddenly remembered the old wives tale about crocodiles in the sewers.

But that was ridiculous. She thought as she stormed through the sewers. Whatever this fear was it needed to stop. But her senses told her something big was happening. Just a small part. She turned a corner and hit the side of the wall. There as light coming from the next tunnel. Alecta knew the tunnel in question. it was a major drainage pit, circular and big, not easy to go into alone as it wasn't typical tunnel. Tunnel fighting was more of an art than a science. It was quick and dirty and relied hevily on how small the space was. Gaps and clearings like that were always big wrenches in a fight, where one side got more room to maneuver or buckle down with a larger force. If she waned what equivocated to a fortress in these tunnels she's choose that. She could easily dive in the whole and be riddled with bullets and unlike normal tunnel fights, they wouldn't worry about ricochet or shooting themselves. "Alecta swoe under breath and pulled her knife. She'd have to go in quick and quiet. With a scant breath she peeked around the corner and couldn't believe what she saw.
Terror crashed upon Uriel's walls, outrage swept the streets like a disease. A girl burst through Uriel's doorway and slammed it as hard as she could. The sounds of an enraged mob could be heard outside, items of various kinds were thrown at his humble abode. The girl pressed against the doorstep had tears coursing down her cheeks. " please don't let them take me mister".

The man standing before Albert chuckled to him, using his hand to futilely hide the disdain he had for him. " Hath the wheelchair stunted your mind or are you without proper mental faculties? I, Von buluer the third, have come here to have you relinquish your seal".

He paced a bit, his hand covering his temple with a grin forming upon his twisted countenance, " I have come here to appeal to your... Sensibile side. You who sits upon a wheel hair must know you're a liability to the clock tower? You who can not run, you without your magecraft are nothing more than a beast without its fangs".

Throwing his arm up into the air, with a fist thrown with a theatrical flair," you must leave it to a man who commands the clocktower's respect. A man with an inexorable charisma about him. A man who. Can. Walk". He smiled with his hands shoved into his coat pockets, hunched over; staring into albert's eyes with a sincerity so pure, so naive."what do ya say, chap"?

"Oh, my seal? You have come to relieve me of my seal? Well that's great!" Albrecht cheered quite enthusiastically for a person confined to a wheel chair, drawing a strange unbelieving look from the gentleman, Von if he caught the name right. "Though, to be quite frank with you, my good man, it's called a wheel chair not a wheel hair, but then again, you would not need to know of such things if you really are taking my seal from me."

"I must give you my deepest thanks for taking this burden, now that I am free, I will have much more flexibility in trying out this little project of mine, and I'm sure the Association won't mind if I begin immediately." He began to turn around towards the elevator once more, quickly taking out a tome and reading it once, memorizing the aria in his mind before fully turning his back on the person who offered to take away one of the current banes of his existence. "Come along, we have to finalize the papers back in London, and I want to be back here in time for the Holy Grail War."

Ah, the war, the last hope he had in restoring his circuits and maybe even accessing True Magic. He could very well command a large amount of energy, through 'cheating' as it was but once he fully recovered, something a vessel of Third Magic, Ultimate Existence itself should be able to bring about, he could very well be an equal to the Ultimate Troll and the Magic Gunner. The actual mastery he had over magecraft was, according to Zelretch himself, superior to the Sorcerer's before he gained the power of the Kaleidoscope, so he could only imagine the powers he could gain once it was in his grasp.

If, he was mistaken, and normally he was, the man said he could no longer even cast magecraft for goodness' sake, then he would have to prove the old chap wrong. If it did escalate into a fight, he was certain he would win. One had to go against commonsense to be a proper magus after all, and his very being ensured that he entered that category.
Uriel Looked at the Girl for a moment and thought to himself 'If I keep the girl I'll most likely have the anger of the mob on my hands worse than it already is' "My girl you are a strong one, able to get through a locked door but also gentle enough to not break it" He said stepping closer to the girl her hair was in a messy pony tail bangs plaster to her forehead with sweat implying that she has been running for a long time, She looked up at him her bright brown eyes showing fear with a small glimmer of Hope "Please Mister save me from them" She repeats moving away from the door when a loud bang came from it "What did you do to get an angry mob after you girl" Uriel asks her moving ever Closer to the girl who's now cowering by the couch "I don't know they just started chasing me" she said crying but not looking him in the eyes 'Clearly she knows what she did to get the mob after her and knows what the mob will do to her if i let them have her" He thought not buying the girls' crying act but he doesn't show that. "Come here Girl I'll do whats right" Uriel said with a smile offering his hand to her as another bang came from the door. the Girl looked at him buying the act that he is going to save her and took his hand. Uriel smiled and whispered "Geler la force" and the girls' Strength froze. Uriel walked her to the door the girl incapable of fighting back only able to watch as she was led through the front door.

"Stop throwing things at my house and causing a ruckus" Uriel said above the mob's shouting getting them to quiet down "Now that you are behaving like people I am going to give you the girl to do as you wish to" He said and the mob cheered at that "I wasn't finished yet" he said shutting them up "You are to take her else were I do not want my house to be a crime scene and you are not to bring up that she fled to my house" Uriel says bringing the girl in front of him her eyes filling with fear as the Mob looks at her their eyes filled with evil intent "Is that clear?" Uriel asks the mob to which they shout yes "Alright, do as you will" He states as he pushes the girl off his porch, she falls down the steps and lands on the ground hard. Uriel turns around and walks back inside his home a few members of the mob tell him they won't forget his services before he shuts his door. the girl is taken away by the mob not knowing the horrors that await her.
Someone approached Danny's shop, she stopped in front using a car's side mirror to check her hair and make up. Stuck between the interim of woman and girl, sandy took a deep breath and entered the eccentric shop.

She looked about, not really understanding what she saw. In fact it seemed apparent that an odd cosplayer such as that man would hang around with the owner of this shop.

She walked around a bit, looking around and rung a bell located at what seemed to be the front counter. " hello, anyone here"?

A pair of cowled figures stood in a clearing, one waved it's hands in the air. In their wake archaic symbols were illuminated, following leaving a faint translucent array of lights which faded as quickly as they appeared. They seemed to follow a pattern which never seemed to deviate from its original sequence.

The other, slender and softly spoken spoke very poeticly. The ground around her illuminated, causing the non existent gusts to roar throughout the chamber. In the residual light, shadows could be seen in he foreground. Bare skeletal forms marched behind the figures, in a single file line.

Danny sighed, shaking his head at Archer before walking into the backroom, he'd have to lend Archer some clothes if he was gonna fit in when in physical form. Wait physical form!? Why didn't he just go spirit!? Danny turned back around suddenly getting a tad angry at the notion that Archer outright ignored the premise of going incorporeal, he knew he could do it, heck he'd seen it just the other day in the shop. So why not now!?

Danny would walk toward the front, only to stop as a bell was rung, crap a customer!? he'd think to himself frantically. In his mind he'd think hard enough for Archer to hear him, Whatever you do stay quiet okay? he'd think frantically. Yeah yeah, hey have you seen this Clint Eastwood guy!? He's a tough one alright, think we could get'em on board? Archer would think back, to which Danny would stifle a rather rude exclamation. Great he found out about the Clint Eastwood marathon, are we ever gonna join the war? he'd think desperately before he'd stop, hearing another ring of the bell.

Shit he'd think frantically before ducking into a backroom closet and shifting forms, as he emerged he'd look like an old man, his old master Xing to be exact. Danny would sigh coughing a few times to try and grow accustomed to his shifted vocal chords before emerging from the backroom and approaching the counter, "yes yes, how may I help you my dear?" he'd ask in an old gruff, tired tone.

Von laughed a wicked cackle inside, struggling to contain his excitement. It appeared his target was even more foolish than he thought. He places his hand on albert's shoulder and walked along side him to the elevator,"yes let's sign the papers. Then maybe we can eat a crosaint and other Frenchie foods". Von's hands began to exude a wicked aura, the men stationed around the floor began to close in on al.

The young girl flailed in the possession of the man who squeezed her unmercifully. His eyes gleamed with sadistic intent, but on the outside he held back. Some of the mob tended to the girl, tieing her up before hoisting her away. We'll teach you to take the Lord's name in vein heretic!

Meanwhile the rest of the mob continued to batter at Uriel's home. Angered even more at him than they were at her. Bricks were thrown into his window. Eggs and other foods pelted his home further. Two burly men started to beat on his door. "Come out blasphemer"!

The girl pondered for a second, tilting her head in confusion. " Oh I didn't know others tended to the shop sir. I'm sandy and I was wonderin if'n I could get an interview with the cosplayer? He seems like he's some sort of circus star on leave or something". She clapped her hands and bowed to the elderly man out of respect, "please sir, it'd be a neat story for my paper".

Danny would cringe even under the guise of his deceased master, obviously taken back by the girl's request. Crap, this isn't good Danny would think a bit flustered by the whole ordeal, right as Archer emerged from his spot at the TV.

To say he looked dumbfounded would be an understatement as he sat behind the reporter and stared at Danny in the guise of an old man. Wha-who is that!? Archer would think to Danny to which Danny would respond in kind by explaining his disguise.

Whoah...well ain't you full of surprises Archer's thoughts would exclaim before he'd tap the girl on the shoulder.

Danny would go pale, in the guise of an elderly man he'd look downright sickly , freezing stiff as Arher began to talk to the girl.

I thought I told you to stay quiet!! Danny would think frantically to which Archer merely winked at him as if to say 'he had this'.

"I'm sorry ma'm I'm not really much fer interviews, but you might wanna check into yer local factories. Mighty fine number of birds looked sick at that park, and I reckon there's a story in there if you're willing to work for it" he'd say cheerily, smiling wide with that rugged sort of stance.

Danny would stand on pins and needles wondering just how this would play out.
Sandy was a bit bewildered by the old man's change in demeanor, he almost seemed nervous to her. " is something wrong mister"? She asked, reaching into her purse for a tissue paper.

That's when the supposed cosplayer showed up, garnering her attention with a tap of the shoulder. Sandy shivered a bit, turning to face the man she was looking for. She instinctively wiped the bead of sweat from her temple and gave a nervous smile.

" hmm, so yer saying the birds at the park are sick"? She rubbed her chin, then met his eyes once more," How do you know they're sick? Are you some sort of veternarian who cosplaysin his free time"? As the young girl full of spirit dug into her interviewee with much enthusiasm, something lurked beneath the surface. Almost independent from the excited girl, a glint in her eye seemed to react to the gruffy man independently from her. Dissipating as quickly as it had come.

'Well this isn't going as planned' Uriel thought as he dodged a brick that was thrown through his window. He looked at his door which looked as if it was about to fly off the hinges 'These fools what to mess with me at my own domain?' Uriel questioned in his head 'well they have another thing coming' He thought as he stepped up to the door only to be pulled back "Let me handle the mob Master" Said a man in a helm wearing all black "Fine Assassin" Uriel said crossing his arms "Just don't make it bloody" He added as Assassin opened the front door and slit the guys throats that were banging on the door, No blood being spilled "I can not let you harm my master" Assassin spoke and went after the other mob members Killing them with out drawing blood.

"Nice Job Assassin" Uriel said standing on the porch next to two of the bodies "Now help me dispose of them" He added as he started to drag the two bodies on the porch into his house, Uriel opened a door that was in the kitchen that led to the basement. Uriel pushed the bodies down the stairs to the basement Assassin caring two bodies and dragging one down to the basement, the master and servant worked in silence for twenty minutes hulling in at the most fifteen bodies "Assassin Do with what you will with these bodies but I want you to find the other mob members" Uriel said "Will Do master" Assassin replied "I want to know where their base of operation is and if you can kill them, we're going to need a new place to stay." Uriel said starting to clean up broken glass that was lying on the floor "Consider it done" Was Assassins' reply before he vanished.
Sitting upon Uriel's couch was a man who adorned the traditional garb of the church. Its pristine white silk rested on his body, baggy and extravagant as one would imagine of a bishop. His arm straight as a pole, resting against the seat as he rested his chin upon his fist whole swirling some of Uriel's wine in a simple cup.

"Ahhh, I always find it funny when insects do not know their place". He laughed, his voice raising as mimicked Uriel, " find their base of operations and kill them if you can".

He took a sip of wine, swishing it in his mouth before spitting it on the floor next to him. " what makes you think the people of God would be confined to a simple base"? The man lifted his arms into the arm, spilling the wine and makin it splash randomly across the room. " the world is our base".

The sounds of people could be heard down the block, a mob easily twice the size of the last. Armed to the teeth, they clammered about, speaking of heretics and doing god's will. Closing in upon the duo, word of who he was spreading through out the city.

Danny watched in abject horror as the lady pressed the matter further, totally ignoring Archer's attempt to subvert her with another story. What should he do!? He couldn't kill her, she wasn't even a Mage! Besides he really wasn't exactly the type to just go around killing folks.

Archer would stop, a bit caught off guard by the girl pushing he issue. Typically people just kinda took his word on these sort of things, he'd stop his face a bit puzzled, maybe he'd lost his touch? No way, Archer would shirk the brief feelings of doubt with an uncanny air of confidence.

He'd see her push the subject further a glint in her astute gaze catching his eye for a fraction of a second, wait what was that!? Archer would pause, his brow furrowing as he considered it. Eventually the room would go quiet as the others awaited his response. Archer catching notice, put his thoughts on the back burner and fell back into that presumably care free swagger.

"Well I don't righty know what a cosplay is, and I'm not exactly a doctor, people or otherwise, guess you could say I'm a bit of a hunter" he'd say with a hint of pride.

"So y'know gotta know what the healthy ones look like, eating the sick ones isn't exactly good get yah" he'd say so sure he'd absolved himself.

Danny's jaw would drop at Archer's claimed profession if he looked like a sick old man before, he was sure to look worse now. The hell was that!? That sounds way worse than vet! And who the hell eats park birds anyway!? He's insane! That had to be it! Danny would make his way inbetween the young for and Archer slowy, as if recovering from the shock, as if he were just as old as he appeared.

With a curt nod and an old raspy laugh he'd turn to the young girl, "I'm sorry my friend here isnt from here, and is rather bad with our language. What he means to say is he's a guide, a nature guide. I went abroad on safari not too long ago and we met." He'd pause coughing a bit to emphasize his supposed age, "as for the clothes well he came straight from the field, it was all a little last minute you see, and as you can probably guess he doesn't exactly wear my size" Danny would pause once more, okay now was the time to bring it all home, "Now Im sure that will prove satisfactory for your story then young lady?" Danny would ask with a wisened voice, so full of sincerity and learned respect.

If lying was a sport Danny would be a pro, it was after all part of his job and as Archer stared at him he would watch in awe, making note of his master's way around a forked tongue.
"Great, the sooner i get the Sealing Designation out of the way the sooner I can get back." Albrecht replied with a smile before walking towards the elevator. Finally his freedom was at hand, and not even the Second Magic could curb his excitement now that he would finally be allowed to do a bit more research than before.

His work specifically entailed something beyond vamprism, not to become an Apostle but to grasp an imitation through the means of artificial enhancement. Machines would cover sinew and computers would replace the soul, allowing a more controlled construction of a being he could channel through. The final bit of information he needed, the last piece required to complete his new mystic code was just beyond his reach, and if he could make it, even before the Holy Grail War starts, then that would be the end of the discussion.

Still, he had enough codes to make a programmer stutter, one needed them when faced with his condition, so it wasn't at all that hopeless to win. He even secured a piece of stone as a catalyst by now, ready to summon at a moment's notice.

@Bacon is fluffy
Sandy's lips quivered as she watched the elderly man ramble, tears welling in her eyes. " you guys are bad people. Meanies eating poor birdies in the park"! She stomped his foot, digging her heel into his toes. As she was leaving she looked back at both of them with a hint of disappointment before hurrying off.

Sandy stormed off in a fit of rage, looking like a mad woman raving incoherently on her cell phone. Safari this and uncovering the truth about the stranger hobo that.

???: so he's a master too? He seems a little clueless though.

???: doesn't that mean we should take em out while they don't know any better?

???: where's your sense of sport grom? A ignorant person usually proves to be the most fun. They wriggle and squirm the most, looking to rectify what is already set in motion. The harder they try, the more lost them become. Often times it's more fun to ruin someone's life, than it is to take.


Von gestures Albert to stop and moved forward quickly just as they were about the reach the elevator. The damned thing would beep sharply, indicating something being wrong with it. Von feigning distress pushed the button many times, crying out curses at the cruel world who would do this to he would could not walk.

Concurrently the film layer lying next across the floor would close in upon albert, followed by a group of magi who abandoned their posts too.

The field would contract just around Albert, binding itself to his position relative to the floor. Forming a box around him, 4 magi with Crimson hand called upon their spells names and unleashed a torrent of flames which homes in upon Albert.

Von would just stare at him, waving with a grin on his face," don't cook him too badly boys, we still need his command seals".


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