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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Fate/Over Zero

Tracking the Target
Saber's patience paid off. There it was, what the servant was finally waiting for. Not just one, but the activation of several noble phantasms. Not all of them were equal in power, but it was more than the servant needed to know where to head next. Not that it was necessary, the servants were not exactly being subtle about it, as the sounds of explosions could be heard quite readily to anybody nearby. Without another thought, Saber was off of the building and headed towards the scene with intent. A short time later, Saber was now on a building not even a block away and able to clearly see the carnage that was unfolding below. Berserker's rod seemed to find the mark, as Assassin was sent flying in to a nearby building. Saber took note of the marked phantasms before disappearing from that building too.

Darkholme Darkholme
hudhouse hudhouse
Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom
Location: Early morning convince store.
If lancer was perceptive to magic (Or Perceptive at all). She probably would have noticed the massive amounts of of magic and explosions leaking out into the world from the center of the city as caused by a fight between servants, but it was unfortunately obvious by her not rushing off in a flurry of screams about adventure and evil to face that she did not, though perhaps the servants around her would be more perceptive.

After showering Ruler with compliments, she seemed entirely complacent, her guard down to the point that it would be easy for a servant with bad intention to strike her down...Something she seemed confident wouldn't happen, as she busied around the aisles searching for snacks and assorted convince store goods.

She first found herself in the junk food aisle, where she piled into her arms a good fair bags of assorted flavored chips, Smoked Gouda, Jalapeno, Sea salt, Cucumber, Candy corn, Toaster pops...And other intresting flavors, and on top of those bags she piled chocolate bars, gum, beef jerky...Almost one of everything, the phrase "A child in a candy shop" being easy to attribute to her.

Finding her arms full, even for a servants strengthens ability to carry things, she ran over to her master and dumped the pile of junk food at his feet before running back to the aisles and finding drinks.

She first grabbed alcoholic drinks that she definitely didn't look old enough to consume, and made her way down the drink aisle, grabbing caffeinated teas, sodas, iced coffees...

Until she faced a sudden challenge to her livelihood and safety as she knew it, far worse than her fight with Robin hood prior, or any fight she may face in the Holy grail war.

She found the grape juice section.
To many, the grape juice section is a trap, a deadly pit of confusion and utter terror in your local convenience store, for Lancer, who was already in a buying frenzy, it was even worse.

"Cranberry Grape...Blueberry Grape...No sugar added? Extra sugar added? Sweet? Candied? Sour? Spicy? So many...."

The amount of choices she faced...Honestly terrified her more than a monster or enemy servant ever could, and she took to reading the labels like a madman, trying to find the best option, as she had already certainly surpassed her masters budget by at least a hundred. After much fussing and head-scratching, she wallowed back to her master, her head hung low in defeat, as she dropped the multitude of Alcoholic beverages and Caffeinated treats into the excessive pile, and held two cartons of grape juice up to her master, and the other servants in the store very well might have laughed at the 4'3 girl, who was supposed to be a heroic spirit of old, with confidence, power, and dignity to match it, almost tearing up at being unable to pick a flavor.

"Master...I can't decide if I want Cranberry grape juice or Apple Grape....."

Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet
Xel Xel
Jean Otus Jean Otus
Iskandar Iskandar
Archer was completely unmoved by Gale's threat, only replying by giving him the finger. "Fuck the Grail. What's to stop me from shooting you right now? I've got Independant Action, you can't do shit. Unless you use a command spell." Archer shot back. "And I'm not wearing that shit." She added, pulling herself to her feet. She picked up the Glock pistols and the sniper rifle, and turned to her master. "You've got a massive bag or something? Another Archer sounds like bullshit. That shouldn't be possible." Archer commented. "So let's go hunt a servant. Point to where they are and let's make them cry in the fucking corner."

Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel
Still in the same fight

Having made contact, an explosion seemed to go off just as he struck Assassin. The noise of the explosion rang through the streets, and the power of it sent his swing just barely off target. However, it seemed to backfire on Assassin, sending him flying into a burning building. He retracted his staff once more, reducing it to it's inactive size, popping it back in his ear. Although he was temporarily deafened by the explosion, Berserker took a moment to size up the situation. His master seemed...dead? No, he still had the connection, but wasn't receiving mana...which might prove to be a major issue. Saber and another servant had arrived. Hopefully neither of them had seen his noble phantasm as they arrived, but he wasn't too concerned if they did. He'd already established that Saber was weak, and didn't care much about the fact that he may know his identity. Given his limited capacity to act due to being on a limited reserve of mana, he decided engaging either of them wouldn't be ideal. If he was fortunate, they might even engage one another. If his master was alive, she'd be able to recover - as long as Assassin wasn't around to pose a threat. Assassin's presence was fading, so the only way he'd be able to ensure his defeat was to chase him immediately. With that resolution, he leapt headfirst into the burning building, seeming to care very little about its current state.

Once inside, and in a closer proximity to Assassin, it was easier to track his location. That, and the clear path of rubble that Assassin had left behind as he was sent flying through the walls certainly helped. However, in his eagerness to finish the job, Berserker forgot about something rather important. As the smoke filled the area around him, he roared, covering his eyes reflexively. It seemed that the intense amount of smoke was irritating his eyes to the point of blindness. Deafened and blinded, there was no way he was going to find Assassin. There was only one thing he could think of to do to ensure Assassin's defeat. Bringing his arms to his sides, he bent his elbows, his hands balling up into fists. A golden bubble appeared around him, as on his chest, the symbol 金 could be seen. The bubble then fragmented into thousands of tiny little steel needles, as they shot outward in every possible direction, piercing through the walls, becoming superheated, and generally bringing the entire building down on top of him. He was absolutely certain at least one of them would hit Assassin, and if not, the collapsing building certainly would.

CasterConvenience Store: Day 1


Caster gave a small shrug at their Master's negative. They weren't so bloodthirsty as to ignore the woman's orders. Still, they didn't join this war just to lean on a counter in a store while watching a bumbling fool cry over which juice to buy with a smug Ruler basking in his own glory. As amusing as such things were, they wear out their welcome fairly quickly. There was also the fact that not all the servants in this war respected the rules. Caster halfheartedly looked out the store's windows to a sight that lay beyond. There was little that went on in this city that would slip past them, and the commotion in the streets wasn't one of those things. The spike in magical energies that could only be achieved through servants fighting one another. It seemed neither Ruler nor Lancer picked up on it, perks of being Caster they supposed. So while they didn't have much interest in jumping into that fray there were still things to be done during the day. Certainly better ways of spending time than loitering around in a convenience store.

To that end Caster's bobbing finger immediately came to a halt as they pushed themselves off the clerk's counter. They walked forward, stretching exaggeratedly as they went. "Aaah~ Well, as fun as this little get-together has been I think it's time we head out." Caster walked up beside their Master, laying their arm across the woman's shoulder as their eyes glanced between Lancer, Bhaxter, and Ruler. "You see, we're a busy couple, right? Places to be. Things to do. Mysteries to uncover. Enemies to kill. Grails to obtain. Busy busy." Caster's free hand waved about in the air as they spoke. "So.. Ruler, Lancer and... whatever your name was..." They pointed a flat hand at each individual respectively before continuing. "It was wonderful meeting you all. I hope we made a great first impression. And I'm looking forward to killing you in the future." With farewells said Caster glanced back at the store clerk, flashing her that same charming smile from before. "And don't worry about a thing, the Caster Insurance Agency has you covered." They finally looked back at their Master, eyebrows raised expectantly for her to do whatever it was she wanted to do so they could leave. They were getting restless in that store, and nobody enjoyed a restless Caster.

Iskandar Iskandar Jean Otus Jean Otus Girouette Girouette Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet @FallingChaos
Christina Kimmich
Convenience Store -> Streets of Marbenca.
Christina watched as the small girl went around the shop gathering junk food and other products and dropping her hauls of treasure at the feet of her master. She pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head at the girl. Either she was a glutton, or she was an idiot. Christina continued to observe the girl as she stood in front of the Grape Juice with an expression of confusion and fear. The girl eventually dropped a bunch of drinks, some that Rosa definitely wouldn't sell and held up to cartoons of Grape Juice. It looked like someone had just killed her puppy and she was going to break down into tears. The girl couldn't choose which grape juice to pick and was about to cry over. Christina sighed and thought to herself, She's definitely an idiot of some sorts.

As soon as Caster began talking Christina instinctively sighed once more, though she couldn't blame her Servant for wanting to leave as her own patience was being tested. Christina dodged as Caster tried to rap their arm around her shoulders. She wasn't really a touchy feely person but more so didn't want to get too close to Caster. She looked down at Caster as the... servant finished their speech about how it was nice to meet them and all that, "It seems my Servant is getting restless, as am I. It was a pleasure to meet you all but before I leave I'd like to make a deal with you Bhaxter. I'll let you think about it, but I'd like to offer you an Alliance. We don't attack each other, and we help each other when the time comes then we decide what to do when we are the teams. The ball is in your park." Christina offered a small smile before walking away from the counter and towards the door.

"Oh..." Christina said stopping at the door and looking back at Ruler, "Try not to be so smug. I get that you are confident, but try to realize when your own confidence has turned into arrogance... I'm sure no one would like to live under a Ruler who is full of themselves and only wishes to sate their Ego." The girl offered a bow of the head before opening the door, "Let's go, Caster. Nice meeting you all. See ya Rosa." She walked out the door and onto the sidewalk and looked up at the sun. The streets seemed to be more dangerous than usual at this hour, as the increased spikes in Magical Energy meant that something was going down. Christina took a deep breath and began to walk down the street back towards her house while humming a familiar tune.

Xel Xel
Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet
Girouette Girouette
Jean Otus Jean Otus
The Warehouse
Assassin, taking a brief breather, was surprised again by Beserker bursting into the warehouse. A brief moment of where the runic symbol began to be traced in the air- and Assassin was on the move, trying to stay more on the silent side. His senses slowly expanded, allowing him to feel out what was out there- including his Noble Phantasm hanging out around a block away. A moment later, a series of spikes impaled themselves into his armor and back. They were needle thin, and most thankfully deflected off him- yet one punched straight through his arm, sending a flicker of blood to the wall. A faint hiss of pain escaped him, as the wound had sealed itself almost instantly due to the extreme heat.

His arm shot to the wound, gripping it faintly as more of his mana circulated through him. He only had so much- and each wound he took was another drain upon his energy. But considering he had more than enough mana to fix most of his wounds at a general pace, he would ensured his presence concealment cycled through him. The primary issue of the moment, was that he was slowly draining enough mana to have a severe issue if he didn't ration his mana before he managed to get to the next formalcraft circle. For now, he needed to move slowly, but carefully as the fire spread throughout the building,

His presence still concealed, he began to inch out towards the front entrance, even as the napalm-induced flames kept raging on. Granted, he wasn't in the best condition- but it was better than dead.

Presence Concealment: Rank C?

Darkholme Darkholme
Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom
hudhouse hudhouse
Godhowsae Godhowsae
@Am I Missing anyone?
Exiting stage left

The steel needles finally stopped shooting, as the remainder of the building Berserker and Assassin occupied came crumbling down upon them. For a few tense moments, nothing could be seen or heard except the combined smoke of the fire and the collapsing rubble, and the continuous crackle of the burning remains. Eventually however, as some of the smoke from the collapse cleared, some of the rubble began to shift. Berserker slowly rose from the pile of rubble, smouldering pieces of ruined building falling off of his back and shoulders. He still had his eyes shut, and he was clearly singed all over, but he didn't seem incredibly impeded by all this. No, what was more important in his mind was survival. There were still two servants nearby, and he wasn't in a condition to fight them both without a steady supply of mana from his master. Speaking of which, he still had to find them, and either solve their mana supply problem, or find a new mana supply. There were many issues with the current situation he found himself in, and he had no time to be dealing with other servants, or expending any more power than absolutely necessary. In his mind, Assassin was finished, so he was safe to retreat. Unless one of the other two servants attempted to stop him, that is.

Slowly stepping over the burning remains, he made his way over to where his master should have been. As the smoke cleared, he slowly began to regain his eyesight. He looked down, inspecting the body that was left behind. This body clearly possessed the command seals, but was dead. Yet why did the contract remain? Why was he not receiving the mana of the contract? Questions he wouldn't be able to solve in his prevailing mental state. He slung the "corpse" over his shoulder, as he began to feel a familiar presence approaching far off in the distance. Yes, that was why the connection still lingered. Perhaps those weren't familiars of his master's after all. Maybe they were body doubles? Perhaps all hope wasn't lost. Grunting, he looked in that direction, and sprinted away from the battle scene, in the direction of the approaching fairy figure far off in the distance. He could only hope that one of the enemy servants wouldn't try to engage him as he did so.​

hudhouse hudhouse
Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom
Godhowsae Godhowsae
CasterCity Streets: Day 1


Caster let out a small little hmph as their Master nimbly dodged their outstretched arm but nevertheless carried on as if the event never even took place. They kept their focus on their Master as she said her goodbyes. Finally it was time to leave and Caster was quick to fall in line flanking Christina, only stopping when the woman stopped to give Ruler some helpful advice. "Ciao~" Caster gave the crowd in the convenience store one last quick wave as they followed their Master out into the city streets. As they walked they brought their arms up, interlacing their fingers as they cradled the back of their head. A sigh of relief finally left Caster's lips. "That dragged on a bit too long. Still, I don't mind too much. Lancer's fun." They kept stride beside their Master, keeping a mindful distance so as not to hit the woman with their elbow. "Although I can see that Ruler being a problem in the future. The fact there even is a Ruler is something to be mindful of, really. I doubt you know anything about it, but Ruler isn't exactly a common thing for a Holy Grail War. They're not something that should appear in your standard war. So the fact that he's here...." They trailed off, not bothering to finish their sentence. They still had to find out whether this disruption would prove good or not. But that would have to wait.

For now there were far more pressing concerns. Caster shifted slightly to look up at their Master as the woman started humming to herself. "By the way, Master.... What was with that alliance offer?" They finally dropped their arms to grasp them behind their back as they kept their gaze firmly locked on the woman beside them. "Am I not good enough? I'll have you know you summoned the greatest Caster to have ever lived! You shouldn't need anyone but me at your side.." Caster paused briefly as they gave a sidelong glance. "Besides, Lancer's kind of... Well... You know... Some things are better left unsaid." From what they'd seen of the servant so far they certainly weren't a servant to fear. And despite their protests Caster didn't actually seem that opposed to the idea. Truth be told someone like Lancer would provide a never-ending supply of amusing events. Not any tactical value, but tactical value wasn't high on their list of priorities anyway. Still! It was a matter of pride at this point and having a Master who thought they were capable of anything less than absolute domination was a grave insult! Caster gave a small huff of air alongside an emphatic nod at their own internal monologue.

Iskandar Iskandar Jean Otus Jean Otus Girouette Girouette Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet
Burning Warehouse - Pursuing Berserker
While Assassin crept closer to the entrance of the burning building, an armored figure stepped through the smoke and flames to block his exit. Saber stood among the wreckage, staring down Assassin, but the servant did not make a move to attack him. Instead, Saber walked on by him and further in to that hell. They stopped momentarily to look back towards Assassin.

"My master has an interest in meeting you. If you intend to stay in this war after what happened to your master, you should consider meeting him in warehouse 3 at the old port tonight. I doubt you'll receive this offer again."

With that said, Saber disappeared in to the flaming wreckage and left Assassin to do what he would. There was a different servant they were looking for. There it was. A presence Saber had felt before. From the outside, Saber burst through a flaming wall of the building and kept going. The target was the beast currently making its way away from the scene. Saber didn't intend to let it get away.

hudhouse hudhouse
Darkholme Darkholme
Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom
Exiting stage left

The steel needles finally stopped shooting, as the remainder of the building Berserker and Assassin occupied came crumbling down upon them. For a few tense moments, nothing could be seen or heard except the combined smoke of the fire and the collapsing rubble, and the continuous crackle of the burning remains. Eventually however, as some of the smoke from the collapse cleared, some of the rubble began to shift. Berserker slowly rose from the pile of rubble, smouldering pieces of ruined building falling off of his back and shoulders. He still had his eyes shut, and he was clearly singed all over, but he didn't seem incredibly impeded by all this. No, what was more important in his mind was survival. There were still two servants nearby, and he wasn't in a condition to fight them both without a steady supply of mana from his master. Speaking of which, he still had to find them, and either solve their mana supply problem, or find a new mana supply. There were many issues with the current situation he found himself in, and he had no time to be dealing with other servants, or expending any more power than absolutely necessary. In his mind, Assassin was finished, so he was safe to retreat. Unless one of the other two servants attempted to stop him, that is.

Slowly stepping over the burning remains, he made his way over to where his master should have been. As the smoke cleared, he slowly began to regain his eyesight. He looked down, inspecting the body that was left behind. This body clearly possessed the command seals, but was dead. Yet why did the contract remain? Why was he not receiving the mana of the contract? Questions he wouldn't be able to solve in his prevailing mental state. He slung the "corpse" over his shoulder, as he began to feel a familiar presence approaching far off in the distance. Yes, that was why the connection still lingered. Perhaps those weren't familiars of his master's after all. Maybe they were body doubles? Perhaps all hope wasn't lost. Grunting, he looked in that direction, and sprinted away from the battle scene, in the direction of the approaching fairy figure far off in the distance. He could only hope that one of the enemy servants wouldn't try to engage him as he did so.​
Burning Warehouse - Pursuing Berserker
While Assassin crept closer to the entrance of the burning building, an armored figure stepped through the smoke and flames to block his exit. Saber stood among the wreckage, staring down Assassin, but the servant did not make a move to attack him. Instead, Saber walked on by him and further in to that hell. They stopped momentarily to look back towards Assassin.

"My master has an interest in meeting you. If you intend to stay in this war after what happened to your master, you should consider meeting him in warehouse 3 at the old port tonight. I doubt you'll receive this offer again."

With that said, Saber disappeared in to the flaming wreckage and left Assassin to do what he would. There was a different servant they were looking for. There it was. A presence Saber had felt before. From the outside, Saber burst through a flaming wall of the building and kept going. The target was the beast currently making its way away from the scene. Saber didn't intend to let it get away.

hudhouse hudhouse
Darkholme Darkholme
Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom

Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom
Godhowsae Godhowsae
Yi Kose

Kose was flying as fast as she could, and was probably going to go out into the open to try and reattach to her remains until Berserker was coming running in her direction! She plunged straight into the tail as fast as she could, which made it twitch and start snarling. The opening of flesh, where her waist should have been, grows teeth! The rabid, gnashing teeth would be the precursor to a skull forming, with muscles and tendons forming over it. Flesh, and hair quickly forged over it. The tail crashed into the main mass of the body, splitting in half to form into legs! She lurched forward so that Berserker would be able to hold her better. She ripped out her arms from the sludge-like mass, creating her shell of clothes. She groaned out, "...Okay! I expect to get murdered a little later~, but we at least got Assassin's master taken down. But..." She grew an eye from her rear, looking at the Saber that was coming over! She twisted her rear end to reabsorb the mass, and asked Berserkerk, "...I think my familiars should give us enough mana to fight, but try and escape if you can! We need some rest after that gap!"
Christina Kimmich
Streets -> Outside Christina's House.​

"Hmm. I suppose you are right. The Boy. Bhaxter was it? He seems like an honest boy that got wrapped up in this deadly game." Christina replied as she looked over at her easy going servant, "Lancer seemed like the type to get distracted easily, but also seemed a decent and honest person." She huffed and continued to walk at a rather brisk pace down the cemented sidewalk. Out of the three members in the War that Christina met, two of them seemed like good people, that or they were very good at hiding any malicious intent which Christina found hard to believe. She remained silent as Caster explained how Ruler being in this war meant that it was abnormal and should not occur in your normal Holy Grail War. Once again Christina had to agree with her Servant, "I agree that Ruler will be a problem. I don't know too much about his class other than what I skimmed in that book back at my house. He is supposed to serve the Grail and be a sort of mediator. Impartial if you will. If he were to be swayed by someone it would not end well. Plus I dislike that smugness of his." Christina somewhat forcefully kicked a can as she said the last part watching it roll and tumble down the sidewalk and into the street.

Christina's hum was broken by Caster talking and asking her a question. It bugged Christina a bit as she was just getting to the good part, but let it slide as Caster had a very valid question. The Master stopped and made a perplexed face at Caster, "I guess if I had to answer your question... It was because I felt like it. Also, Greatest Caster ever, huh? Are you perhaps Circe?" Christina offered Caster a smile at her tease and chuckled before walking down the sidewalk once more, "That and because at the end of the day, the less enemies we have the better. Granted they will only be temporary friends, but I'd rather not fight those two yet. As I said, they seem like some of the better people that could have shown up in this war. What if we allied with some psychotic servant that killed cute girls? Well, I mean I never would ally with them in the first place. Think of the dead cute girls!" Christina chuckled to herself, in a somewhat cheery mood. They two of them were almost back to Christina's house, all they had to do was walk up the hill. Greatest Caster... Christina thought to herself before shrugging. It wasn't a mandatory objective for Christina to know Caster's True Name. At the end of the day that was Caster's shot to call.

Christina began trudging up the hill, returning to the song she was humming earlier before breaking the hum herself, "Say Caster... Who exactly were the other two Servants I met?" Christina didn't look over at Caster or anything. She merely continued to walk up the hill with her bag of beer and snacks. Truth be told the woman was more interested in the other two servants than anything else. Even more than Ruler or Lancer.

Xel Xel
Moving around at the speed of sound

As the amorphous figure took shape over his shoulder, he slowly began to understand a bit more about what sort of creature his master was. He'd never really had the opportunity to find out more about that, in between his constant state of activity since he was summoned, and the fact that he couldn't actually speak. Nevertheless, once they had finished reforming their body, and confirmed the fact that Saber was in hot pursuit, he was finally able to switch from a leisurely jog, into a full blown sprint. He had unfinished business with that servant, but he refused to fight at anything less than his full power. As he went into full tilt, he leapt up into the air, and stretched his arm out. A green symbol appeared in front of his open palm: 木. As he did so, he once again started to run on the air itself, but this time there seemed to be a turbulent force of air propelling him forward even faster than he could naturally. Sure that no servant could possibly follow him short of Rider, he made a beeline straight for his master's mansion.

Once he arrived at the front door of said mansion, he rather unceremoniously dropped his master onto the ground. He looked down at her, with a rather displeased expression on his face, breathing heavily. He was clearly not pleased. About the fact that he had been ordered around. The fact that he had to reveal a noble phantasm to the enemy against his will. The fact that they were no better off than when they set out, despite his master's promises to the contrary. He merely stood there, continuing to look at her, waiting for her explanation.
CasterCity Streets: Day 1


Caster followed along silently as their Master gave their own thoughts on the trio they had just met. Going by what they'd seen of Ruler's personality their Master's worries were ones they shared. But they weren't going to dwell on that possibility too much. There were numerous avenues available in dealing with meddlesome Rulers. The response to their question was also one Caster took no exception to. They weren't so hypocritical to criticize their Master for acting on a whim. However, her guess at their identity being Circe elicited a frown from the pretty magician. "Circe? I tell you that you have summoned the greatest Caster to have ever lived and you think me to be Circe!?" Caster threw their hands up in indignation at the very thought. As they were prone to do their tone shifted abruptly as they dropped their arms back to their sides. "An intelligent guess, as expected of my beautiful Master. However no, I am no Greek Goddess... As gorgeous as I might be such thing is an impossibility." Caster gave their ponytail a quick flick as they spoke, the agitation they had just displayed swept away as quickly as it had arrived. How much of it was Caster's true feelings and how much was just their showmanship was difficult to tell.

Caster's theatrics aside, they couldn't fault their Master's reasoning. If you were to ally yourself with another Master it was only logical to pick one with similar values. And the very notion of standing idly by as pretty women were taken from the Earth was not one they would entertain. They didn't much care about allying one way or the other, as such a thing offered nothing of value outside of potential entertainment. But it was precisely for that reason that they wouldn't stand against their Master's decision. They were pulled out of their thoughts at their Master asking about the other two servants. "Ah..." Caster brought their index finger to rest on their chin thoughtfully as they glanced off to the side. "How to put it... They are powerful warriors with powerful Noble Phantasms with which I can fight the war in a variety of different ways. Or something like that?" They let their finger slip from their chin as they looked back to their Master, curious if she would accept the explanation. Not like they'd elaborate further if she didn't, but still. "I like the idea of having each of the seven Classes at my disposal to use against enemy servants. It's more interesting that way, don't you think?"

Iskandar Iskandar
Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel @FallingChaos Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Iskandar Iskandar Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet Godhowsae Godhowsae LostHaven LostHaven Girouette Girouette @Lancelot Xel Xel HTCOR HTCOR Darkholme Darkholme Jean Otus Jean Otus

Night 1
: Although it is a bit cold, the air is rather difficult to breathe; arid and dry. The night carries a rather unpleasant aura to it.
Time: 23:11
Other: Newspapers and TV shows discuss the likelihood of the existence of actual, secretive supervillains somewhere in society, most likely influenced by the speculation regarding the release of a movie about a supervillain. This is a hot topic.
The Church
Assassin sighed, looking over the Church. His hand reached up to knock on the door, hitting it heavily as he held a briefcase- within was a severed arm. Particularly an arm possessing command seals of his late master, while he had recently recharged completely. He still hid his presence to ensure that no one would find him except for those he wished to be found by. Namely the local Priest- he understood that he had to discuss something with him, particularly the factor of a Dead Apostle on the loose.

And so he waited in the darkness, keeping his senses open for whatever was disturbing him. Something was tripping his danger sense, and he had a distinct feeling it was from the presence he felt last night.

Birdsie Birdsie
@Whoever is in the Church
Last edited:
Ninsei Kotomine
The length of the church ran for roughly 20 meters before ending near the altar. Benches of very old, oaken wood were to the right and left, with several sub-wings to the right and left in the middle of the church in a cross-shaped intersection. Near the altar, a single priest was praying.

He was on his knees, with his hands put together at the level of his upper torso. His eyes were closed and his head tilted slightly toward the ground. As Assassin entered, the priest's head flickered upward and his eyes shot open. His head turned back to see who visits him this late at night, during the evening prayer. The priest looked back forward and made the sign of the cross before slowly standing up. "Amen."


Ninsei turned around to face Assassin. "Ho? Welcome to my humble sanctuary. If you're a lost soul, I'm afraid you're long past service hours," he joked. Ninsei stood quietly for a few seconds to see if Assassin would have a response to the joke before he spoke up again. "You must be Assassin. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Yet you arrive without a Master. I hope it is not because you intend to kill me. How sad would that be?" Ninsei said, this time, he was only half-joking and half-serious.

HTCOR HTCOR (I imagine Kerry has a PTSD for priests at this point.)
The Church
A scowl formed on Assassin's face as he stepped fully into the church, even his normally dead demeanor slightly unnerved by this man. But then again, his head shook. He'd recovered his Noble Phantasm from before, and so he would walk over to him, staying silent until he was halfway there. His bronze eyes locked onto Ninsei's, as Assassin spoke quietly. "I am not here to kill you. If anything, you would be doing the killing- after all, is it not the Church's work to end those who extend their life past the point of death, and reek of the damned and dying?" Assassin was channeling his lack of an inner priest, and formal tone. He was trying to appease the man, and he didn't know exactly how.

"But I personally have business with you that isn't violent at all. But I believe it would be better to discuss where peering eyes cannot find us easily." With each word, his magical senses extended, feeling out every part of the Church, and trying to ensure they were truly alone. It would take a heavy amount of Presence Concealment to hide from him, thankfully. Most likely A Rank or Above, which wasn't the most common thing, even for an Assassin like himself.

"What I can say out here is that we have one of the Undead roaming the city- or more particularly, something that has plenty of familiars. From what I can tell...no Servants have died. And I'm fairly certain the Master who was a Dead Apostle should be dead...unless they managed to avoid the brunt of my Noble Phantasm. Which is worrisome in its own right." His words had lost their grand tone to them, becoming more dull.

Birdsie Birdsie
Ninsei Kotomine
"Hah," the priest let out a small, muffled chuckle. His eyes closed, he kept silent for a second. Soon enough, Ninsei's head rose and his eyes opened, glaring at Assassin with diligent fanaticism. "Of course. Such heresies can't be allowed to walk on this earth." There was bloodlust in the priest's eyes, but only for a second. Soon, his smile and expression shifted into a smaller form of peace. Closer to serenity than actual happiness.

"Do not worry, Assassin. This temple is very secure. There are six dove familiars sweeping outside and I also set up a bounded field, although I admit I had to ask the Einzberns to help me do it." Ninsei chuckled again. "Regardless, I assure there are few places more secure than right here."

Ninsei listened to Assassin's words, heeding each and every one of them. Throughout the report, Ninsei nodded a few times, and his expression shifted almost constantly. From sadness, to bitterness. From bitterness to anger. From anger... back to peaceful serenity.

Ninsei's sullen eyes stopped and closed. Clearly, the priest was tired, but he had to keep thinking. "And whom is that the Master of? Which Servant class, I mean."

The Church
Assassin held out the briefcase to the Church Supervisor- and they could almost certainly smell the scent of burnt flesh coming from it. It wasn't extreme, but it was faint and noticeable. Something that both Assassin and Ninsei would be familiar with, by this point in their respective careers. "Beserker. And considering they're a man-sized monkey who uses a staff that can expand and the such...I think their identity is fairly evident off that legend. And these are the command seals that are coordinated with me," he'd say lightly, before continuing on, "And there is most likely a second Servant with Presence Concealment, or the ability to teleport out of extreme range. I felt it last night before the flash went off, and after my first encounter with Beserker. Expert martial artist, and able to react to bullets most of the time." There was another pause, as he glanced around.

His arm crossed across his chest. "And how am I to serve the Einzbern upon this fine night?" There was a distinct degree of bitterness in his voice- either at serving, or the Einzbern.
Christina Kimmich
Christina's House

Many hours had passed since Christina and her servant, Caster, left the convenience store where they met Bhaxter, Ruler and Lancer. They arrived safely at home, where Christina had proceeded to fall asleep, of course she had Caster keep an eye out for anything or anyone suspicious. The woman hadn't gotten much sleep in the last three days, but now that she had slept for more than enough time she was feeling better. It would most likely be the best course of action to devise some sort of plan with Caster as to how they should go about this War.

Christina sat at the table in her dining room, where she had invited Caster to join her in this impromptu strategy session. Hopefully it would be quick and easy and then the two could actually begin to carry out their plans. She leaned forward a bit, resting her elbows on the finely crafted wood table. Christina's mind was somewhere else, mainly on the conversation she had earlier with her servant. So, she... or was it he? They, are not Circe, yet they are able to summon multiple servants... They have to be powerful to do that. Hmm. Maybe Abe no Seimei? Nicholas Flamel? ...Uh. Baal Shem? Christina continued to think to herself before exhausting a good five or six guesses.

"Ah. Sorry. Got lost in thought. So, Caster..." Christina's eyes drifted over to Caster, "You obviously want to win this war. So, how do you plan on going about. Do you have a specific plan in mind?" Christina's eyes stayed on Caster, waiting for the Servant to speak. Christina joined this war on accident, and thus didn't have many plans other then survive and find an ally or two. She wasn't prepared like most of the other master's were which put her at a severe disadvantage. Before she could let Caster answer though, Christina asked another question, "Do you have any sort of plans for tonight? The sooner we either win, or lose the better. As you know I didn't intend on joining the War. That and I have work to do... well had." Christina let out a small sigh at the last part. She had to cancel all of her jobs in order to focus on the Holy Grail War.

Xel Xel (Not the best quality but I will let ya take the lead.)
Ninsei Kotomine

Ninsei took the briefcase from Assassin. The priest held onto it, frowning at the smell. "Crispy," he whispered. Ninsei opened it. His eyes showed repulsion and he closed it again. "What do you want me to do with it?" he asked, a bit perplexed.

Ninsei looked up at Assassin as he reported further. "So... Team Berserker. Sun Wukong and a Dead Apostle, you say?..." Ninsei instantly recognized the myth. The priest had taken a few classes on popular myth and history before setting out to administrate the Grail War, just to be safe and sure that he can recognize Servants based on their abilities and Noble Phantasms. It was definitely some knowledge to have handy. "No matter, I will relay the message to the other Masters. By tomorrow morning, everyone will be on the hunt for them. I'll promise an additional Command Seal to the one who strikes down Berserker's Master."

"Another Servant? Teleportation? As in True Magic? Now, now. That's quite the hasty assumption. I suppose it may have been Caster."

He snapped at Assassin's bitter remark. You could tell it, but Ninsei kept his smile. Only his left eye twitched for a moment. "Well, I suppose you should start off by finding a new mana source," he push-threw the briefcase into Assassin's arms with his both hands, before patting the man on the shoulder and walking past him -- "Because your Master's toast," he whispered, almost intimately, into Assassin's ear as he walked past.

Clovis Savatier

As the church official would walk away from the servant, a sudden gust of wind would hit him in the face, which was strong enough to throw him back into Assassin. If Ninsei were to examine the area, he would find that the main doors were not open, and neither were any windows. What he would find would be a small trace of mana that would reveal a spirit standing over him.

It seemed that someone had taken quite the offense to the priest's words.
* * * * *​
Clovis grinned as he looked down at Ninsei. While he was generally unable to interact with the physical world in a normal method, the gust of magical wind made his point loud and clear. After a moment, he decided to make the point even clearer.
* * * * *​
In the physical world, Ninsei and Assassin would see what appeared to be letters begin to burn into the tiles before them. After a moment, a short message had been created.


HTCOR HTCOR Birdsie Birdsie
Ninsei Kotomine

Wheeeeeeeeeeew! A gust of wind hit Ninsei.

The priest ducked and covered his face with his arms to keep himself from being moved, then stood up once it was over, although he was still pushed a meter back or so. The gust of wind was powerful. The priest didn't even look around for a source. He instantly knew it was supernatural, and that thesis was proven a second later as the words 'RESPECT THE DEAD' were engraved into the tiles.

"N-Nani?!" Ninsei took a step back just to be safe, reaching into his suit for a black key... Then his hand stopped and he calmed down. Ninsei turned his head to Assassin. "Seems your Master hasn't quite baked properly. He's in here. He's a wraith." He looked down at the message. "Point taken."

Ninsei looked at where the wind came from. "If you can hear me, move something in this room, Clovis. If you can't move anything, do something else to inform us of your presence. If you aren't Clovis, prepare to be exorcised."

Ninsei looked at Assassin afterward. "Can you go into your spirit form and attempt to sense, or interact with the presence here? I bet it is your Master, indeed."

HTCOR HTCOR Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom

CasterCity Streets: Day 1

After their Master had fallen asleep Caster busied themselves elsewhere. Keeping tabs on the sleeping beauty was a trifling matter as they fluttered about their atelier keeping things in order. Readying fun projects took a little time, even for them, and it was a way of keeping their mind occupied as they waited for their princess to awaken. Upon being invited to join Christina at the table Caster's form materialized from thin air, already sat in the opposite chair with one leg draped over the other. Caster sat in silence as they simply looked on at their Master thinking her thoughts. There were so many things the woman had to think about to the point that even Caster couldn't tell what it was that occupied her attention, at least not unless they pried. But now why would they do that? The assertion that they wanted to win the war caused them to perk a brow. A servant typically couldn't be summoned without a wish so it was only natural to assume they sought victory. Once their Master had posed both questions Caster mimicked their Master's pose, leaning forward to rest their elbows on the table as they interlaced their hands directly above their mouth. "Winning the war, huh? That would be ideal. Doing so hastily... not so much." Caster didn't hold their dramatic pose for long as they once again leaned back in their seat before continuing.

"While I have no doubt in my abilities to bring us both victory I would advise against trying to end the war prematurely. We may very well find ourselves caught off guard by the capabilities of our fellow participants due to our recklessness." As they finished a grin formed along Caster's lips, their tone becoming far more jovial. "Besides, it wouldn't be fun." They knew full well that their Master had little interest in the war, that it was an intrusive affair. But even so, they had to enjoy the adventure or there wasn't any point. "As for plans, no, not really. My plans are for later in the war. The climatic finale, if you will. Until then I was thinking of simply combating the other servants. Have Saber get into a duel, perhaps show off Lancer or Assassin. Whatever seems more amusing at the time." Caster held their gaze on their Master, thinking over something for a few seconds before continuing. "Why do you ask? Did you come up with a strategy you wish to see through? If that's the case I'm all ears!" Caster stretched their arms out emphatically, eager and curious to see what their Master might have come up.

Iskandar Iskandar

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