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Fandom Fate/Infinity



'Neither one of us were killed' He let out a small huff of air before quickly retorting "Not yet." His Master's recklessness was going to be the death of him, he could already see that. He remained where he stood, his eyes trailing after the woman as she walked back into the building. As the doors swung shut his form disappeared into nothingness. In his spectral form Archer followed after his Master, taking note of her apparent status within the building as well as her disdain for it. As his Master vented he could empathize with her plight. Politics and factional fighting were things he was never fond of and tended to avoid whenever possible. And then she finally words came out that actually required a response. "Were I alone I'm confidant in my ability to defeat all six Servants at once. Unfortunately I am not alone." Even in his spirit form his Master could feel a piercing, knowing gaze on her. "For now it is probably in our best interest to test the other Servants one at a time." The rules of the war clearly stated they weren't allowed to let non-participants know about the existence of the war. That made engaging enemy servants during the day far trickier, and outright impossible within the city. "If you wish I can scout around until night fall and locate us our first opponent." The city was vast and even with his incredible speed it would still take a while to bump into a fellow servant, the sooner he could start truly looking the sooner they would find themselves in their first match.

Godhowsae Godhowsae
He didn't have to wait long for his response, as the man in front of him not only confirmed their status, but also introduced himself. Saber shot a quick glance at the hand he was waving around, catching a glimpse of the command seals imprinted on the back of it. He nodded in affirmation.

"Good, good. Then, just for formalities' sake..."

The light surrounding him finally dimmed down, vanishing entirely within seconds. He extended his hand, as his usual serious demeanor was replaced with a more friendly one.

"I am the servant Saber, who has responded to your summons. I look forward to our victory in the war ahead, master."

He assumed that his summoning couldn't have been an accident. A servant of his caliber wouldn't have been called here from pure coincidence. His master would know his true name, so there was no reason for him to speak it and risk an enemy spy finding out his identity early on. Regardless, he continued to take stock of his current situation. The flow of prana he was receiving from his master was acceptable. Glancing around the room, he appeared to be in some sort of basement or mage's laboratory, and it was safe to assume he was summoned midday. There was no presence of an enemy servant nearby, or any other conceivable threat. With all that taken in, he looked once again to his master.​

"There are things I would like to confirm about our resources and situation, but those questions can wait a short while. If you're feeling fatigued from the ritual, I would suggest getting a short rest before nightfall. A well-rested army will be in better condition to fight any potential enemies."

Tancred let Berzerker's words hang as he walked. Taking the time to process very carefully what was going on meant that he was not going to be the best conversationalist, and as he ruminated, Tancred's mood seemed to turn more and more sour.

"My name is Tancred Nikoladze, if you like you may call me Niko." He said finally after an appreciable silence, his voice making him sound a million miles away. It was not too long after when the pair reached Tancred's sedan.

I agree, there are no threats I am able to perceive. However within the confines of this vehicle, our communications are guaranteed to be protected." He began waving his hand towards the car as the doors popped open, Tancred had a bit of a flair for fancy cars. He pointed to the passenger side as he resumed conversation with Berzerker.

And while I'm thinking about it I have a very important question regarding your appetite for murder, because this is real life and you will not be able to have your cake and eat it too. Are you more interested in victory, or violence? Do take a moment to think about that." Tancred shut the driver's side door and turned the engine over, waiting to hear his servant's wisdom.

SomeStupidWords SomeStupidWords
By the time Jeanette had entered her room and collapsed onto her bed. However, by the time she had reached her own room, Assassin had already been there, waiting for her. Strangely enough though, if Jeanette was observant enough, she would have noticed that Assassin hadn't made an attempt to move as Jeanette leapt from high-rise to high-rise. "I have disposed of the body." He informed his master telepathically. Whatever Assassin was, it appeared as though he could not communicate orally. He reached out his long, slender arm and offered his master a blood-covered wallet. "I thought it wise to remove any method of identification of the victim." He explained. "Now then. Since you do not know of my true identity, I had better introduce myself. I am the spawn of modern myth and legend- you would most commonly know me as **********. Now, before we discuss our plans for the war- I must bring one thing into light- unlike standard servants, I am unable to attack those who bear command spells physically." He added.

Petroshka Petroshka
01001011 01101000 01100001 01101111 01110011
Khaos silently stood in the drizzling rain, his golden eyes sparkling. This was a tremendous event for everyone involved in this nightmarish night. He felt everything in his body scream to tell him to back down, get out while he still can. He could live a long life, trying to carve his happiness out from the mammoth of life. He was already at a third of his expected life span, why put the rest of the pie into the bird's nest to see if it will come out better? It all hurt, his heart, his lungs, his head, his throat... all of the strain. This life of his was his to make of it... and he knew it was time. He has forced himself into his role... A stranger who has found an even stranger war. His eyes opened once he realized an old memory coming back to him. That name, well... it was one of the tales he had played in a long time ago. He looked down to the ritual circle he had made... it was extremely formal looking, but he had nothing to summon the master- Servant... Servant of his fate. He had never even tried a summoning before! He has used a phone before, but that type of call won't work here. Khaos used his magic to vibrate the air, rumbling the land gently around him.

Khaos glowed with raw, pure magic. His intense draconic blood pulsated, sending his body into a frenzy! His nerves bursted forward with numbness, but more importantly... power. He pulled a single hand calmly to his throat, before extending his hand out like a opera singer. He sang out, forcing his magic outwards like the hands of a mother to their child. He was a life source to a servant, and he offered his life and his servitude for one who would give the same for his blood. His words spoke his heart's intent, as it finally started to rip apart his anxiety. His eyes shining brighter than ever...

"I've come here to saavvvee you... and I can already taste the kill!" The circle cracked a bit, his magic rumbling the circles slightly out of place.
"Like caressing an angel, Burning up in the Atmosphere!" He stepped forward like a model. His hands flew outwards like he wanted to hug the sky.
"And with the blood of a dying! Star! Above!" He forced his hand upwards, trying to hold the moon within the palm of his right hand.
"My true's Aesthetic's unwinding!~ And I'm about to come undone~...!" He cackled between the break. He clasped his hands together, clasping it as close to his stomach as he could.

He skipped some words, and said, "I know it's tempting to Jump off the edge and fly but this, is not a dream!" He stepped into the middle of the circle, using his magic to try and force something through, an inexperienced shove compared to the gentle hug from before. He asked towards the heavens, trying his hardest to do this ritual that he had such little idea what he was doing while his command seal shined like a star, "Will you finally be what! I! Was looking~ for?!"

( Sorry for a weird post, but it's his, and my, best attempt at something of this nature... Sing his purest feelings out)
Ian Temero Ian Temero
Katsu Suzuki
If Katsu had any indication she knew of the displeasure of Archer, he didn't show it. She simply continued to stroll along in the rain, seemingly without a care in the world. Her feet would eventually lead her away from the high rises to the shopping district. There was a particular place she stopped them in front of. A lovely place known as 'On the Rocks.' Looking at her watch, Katsu noticed the time. She wasn't quite certain why she checked it in the first place - she was going to have a drink regardless of the time. Her expression took an uncharacteristically serious expression as she contemplated the best course of action. This was a war. One she had to take seriously.

"You may be right about all that. I'm going to check in with a few underground sources of mine and see what I can find out about anything unusual they've heard of lately. If I have time, maybe I'll take part in a few fights in the underground. Feel free to act as you like. Just don't reveal your true abilities to anyone if you come across a pair. I'd like to avoid losing that advantage this early."

With that, Katsu pushed her way in to the bar.

Xel Xel
Location: Wurzel Manner​

Nadina looked back hearing Lancer's voice. She felt a bit stupid realizing she had dematerialized doing so more out of a habit then anything. She shook her head slightly, not getting herself caught up on it. It was silly to really bog herself down worried about such an innocent reaction to hearing her voice. As far as she should be concerned Lancer was her servant, there was no reason for her to need to maintain a 'noble' demeanor about herself all the time.

"I... well... honestly I was expecting that would likely be the best way to venture outside. I have to admit it isn't quite how I pictured it to be, but I don't see any issue if you take a physical form. It would be actually beneficial for the purposes of looking less suspicious if I was accompanied by someone else. I figured it would be good to have to be directly exposed to the world and get more use to the city the war is taking part in." She spoke looking forward, pausing where she was looking down in thought.

"Although... I was expecting you to be a male... and a bit taller then you are. There is no way you can go dressed as that without standing out in the crowd. I might have some clothing laying around here somewhere that could fit you. I do remember being here for a few days at least." She spoke thinking a bit. She lead her forward heading down the hall. She stopped in front of one of the rooms to open the door. The room contained a rather nice bed with several dolls situated around it. It was clearly meant for a child to stay in, granted compared to most modern homes it seemed as if it was stuck back in time in the 1950s.

"Hopefully you can find something to fit you in here... I don't know exactly what size clothing would be left around here. Usually the family vacation homes have many different wardrobes left behind... it wouldn't surprise me if there is something that might fit your size. We can go shopping for better fitting attire later. Money shouldn't be an issue if you need something. Once you are ready, just head down this hallway and take the first turn on the left. You should be able to find me from there. If you can't find something to wear we just take the detour to the clothing store first thing."

Severia Severia

hudhouse hudhouse

Khoas started his summoning and the winds began to howl as if to drown out his voice. Soon what had been simply a light rainfall had become a storm, the rain coming down like bullets, lightning flashing through the clouds, and the wind tearing at his face. It was as if the very sky itself was trying to stop him, like it was afraid of what he was trying to call. He stepped into the circle and a gust pushed against him harder than before, threatening to push him back. The mage called out the final words to his makeshift incantation when he was hit by a wall of wind sending him flying, just as a bolt of lightning cracked down, striking the center of the summoning circle, and the whole thing burst into flames.

The fire burned high for a moment before a figure stepped out. A young woman with pale skin, long golden hair, and piercing blue eyes like ice. Leather boots and chaps covered her legs, and a wide brimmed hat sat on her head, making her look like she stepped right out of a wild west movie. Most notably however was an air of power she had around her. Like a lion among sheep. A king among peasants. A god among mortal men. Looking down at Khaos with almost amused expression, she turned her attention to the raging storm. "Settle down now, ya hear?" She roared above the winds.

And the skies for five miles around listened.

The wind died down, the thunder quieted, and the rain slowed, till all that was left was a gentle breeze and a light sprinkle. Satisfied, she turned her attention back to man on the ground. "My apologies. The wind can be dreadful rambunctious at times." She said with a southern drawl, her voice as sweet as honey as she offered him a hand up. "Now you wouldn't happen to be the one what summoned me, would ya sir?"
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hudhouse hudhouse

Khaos started his summoning and the winds began to howl as if to drown out his voice. Soon what had been simply a light rainfall had become a storm, the rain coming down like bullets, lightning flashing through the clouds, and the wind tearing at his face. It was as if the very sky itself was trying to stop him, like it was afraid of what he was trying to call. He stepped into the circle and a gust pushed against him harder than before, threatening to push him back. The mage called out the final words to his makeshift incantation when he was hit by a wall of wind sending him flying, just as a bolt of lightning cracked down, striking the center of the summoning circle, and the whole thing burst into flames.

The fire burned high for a moment before a figure stepped out. A young woman with pale skin, long golden hair, and piercing blue eyes like ice. Leather boots and chaps covered her legs, and a wide brimmed hat sat on her head, making her look like she stepped right out of a wild west movie. Most notably however was an air of power she had around her. Like a lion among sheep. A king among peasants. A god among mortal men. Looking down at Khaos with almost amused expression, she turned her attention to the raging storm. "Settle down now, ya hear?" She roared above the winds.

And the skies over an entire third of the city listened.

The wind died down, the thunder quieted, and the rain slowed, till all that was left was a gentle breeze and a light sprinkle. Satisfied, she turned her attention back to man on the ground. "My apologies. The wind can be dreadful rambunctious at times." She said with a southern drawl, her voice as sweet as honey as she offered him a hand up. "Now you wouldn't happen to be the one what summoned me, would ya sir?"

01001011 01101000 01100001 01101111 01110011

Khaos was flung like a rag doll through the air. He should have just stayed home and drunk some Coco. He slammed into the ground, and just decided that it was best to let nature take its course. He done messed up. He's gonna die. He's going to become one of the fishes. Roasted alive, and salted for some crazy thing to eat. He was- Wait, what did he just hear? He looked up to the golden beauty in front of him and blinked. She was objectively beautiful, but he didn't really care about body types. Well, unless they were toxic to the organism in question. Either way, he snapped back to reality around half way through her sentence, hearing the question. Well... Introductions were about to told he assumed.

Khaos quietly brushed off his shoulders, then a little brushing off his stomach. He put his left hand behind his back and crossed his right arm over his chest as he bowed. He said, "I am Khaos Hokulani, and I am very sorry if I accidentally pulled you here..." He reluctantly tapped his fingers together in a bit of selfish shame before continuing, "This is my first time, and I am quite afraid I might have taken someone who wasn't willing, or even worse, someone who doesn't want to fight..." He stood there awkwardly. His right hand went behind his head, gently ruffling his hair. He didn't really know how to continue on the matter, akwardly lookin back and forth to her.
Jeanette looked up when her servant 'spoke' to her and grabbed the wallet that he thoughtfully took. "i thought servants were supposed to be real heroes of the past." She spoke to him a little confused. She stared the wallet still pondering about her servants identity sure mythical people would fall under the category but he, was just too modern. "you can at least fight other servants right?" She looked at him while she laid in the bed. Putting tossing the wallet to the side she closed her eyes. "Taking the wallet would've helped a lot if he didn't book in, i dont wanna say what you did was useless but," She shrugged. Going through her head of how they should approach a situation with her new found information. If Assassin cant attack other masters then maybe he can attack servants when their guard is off? but what if he cant attack servants like other masters? He could be a good distraction and he could probably provide some awesome transport.
LostHaven LostHaven


Archer followed silently behind his Master. His spiritual form taking him in a much more round-about route than his Master took. He was always in a position to respond if necessary, but he also sought to see the city they traveled through. It was only after they reached some bar that his Master finally agreed to his suggestion. Archer came to a stop on the roof of the establishment, his spirit form unseen to all below. Overall he agreed with what his Master said. Masters were usually from fairly prominent families so their mere existence in the city might well give them some clues to go on. Although not being able to show off his abilities would make things difficult, in more ways than one. Still, Archer offered the woman an unseen smile as his voice echoed in her mind. "I make no promises, but I'll do my best." His presence would soon leave the area as he made his way through the city. As he moved he left his Master with some parting words. "I just want to get a feel for who we're up against, I'll keep you up to date if I find anyone." And with that Archer's presence could no longer be felt around his Master.

Godhowsae Godhowsae
Marco Vaugh
The young magus smiled as Saber spoke. He expected such a large man to be a bit more business oriented, but it appeared this one standing before him was also of a casual nature.

That was all the more beneficial to Marco. Having a super powerful magical ball busting warrior standing over his shoulder was not the ideal he aimed for over the next few days.

Bowing to his partner, Marco started to speak again.

"Im honored to fight with you too, partner. And I appreciate the concern, but Im fine on the mana front. I, uh...had some assistance with the ritual. In fact, I've got some energy to burn, so how about we get out of here? We can see the sights, get you acquainted with the city, yknow?"

Darkholme Darkholme

"Niko, huh?" Berserker muttered, sounding the name out. They reached the car soon after. It was hardly an impressive vehicle, compared to the grand chariots of Berserker's time. It didn't even offer a useful platform for archery, never mind its lack of flight capability. Still, it would likely be useful enough for her Master.

Berserker quickly slid into the passenger seat, and, listening to Niko's questions, she scoffed. "Victory, of course. I have my own wish, after all. But you can't win a war without killing the enemy." She looked at Niko coldly, and continued. "My father taught me that you should do everything in your power to win as quickly as possible, through whatever methods necessary. Letting your pride shackle you to rules or honour is doing a disservice to the people who fight and die beside you." There was a dangerous edge to her voice. "So I fight to kill, to win. If you have any issues with that, then you should leave the battlefield now."

Having said her piece, she fell back into the seat, her eyes locked on Niko, waiting for his reaction.

Sludgemouth Sludgemouth
Looking the man up and down, it appeared to Saber that he wasn't offering up false bravado about his current condition. He nodded once again.

"Very well. It would indeed be wise to take in the lay of the land before the war begins in earnest. I am familiar with the time that I've been summoned in, but not the place. However, I believe my current attire would be somewhat conspicuous regardless of what area we're in. If you don't have any clothing more suited to the environment, then I can remain in my spirit form while we make our way through the area."

"No, servants are not required to be heroes from ancient myths- they can be summoned from the present, near, or even far future. The Throne of Heroes is beyond the concept of time." Assassin explained. He soon moved on to answer his master's second question. "As for your second question, I am completely confident that I am more than capable of handling each servant in a one-on-one fight. As for masters, I am still able to attack them mentally. If that helps at all." Assassin twisted his head around, his 'face' turning toward the window. He continued to 'speak' as he looked outside. "I think it would be best to wait for nightfall. I have the ability to teleport, so scouting the area will be easy. However, in daylight, I will have to stay in spirit mode- it would be... inconvenient for me to walk around in public."

Petroshka Petroshka
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Jeanette took in his words agreeing with him, after all he probably knew more about this 'war' than she did, and he certainly knew more about his abilities than she did. "Well what do you suggest we do for now? I guess i can go searching right now. Although im tired so we should probably rest up for now. Do we at least know the general location of masters and their servants? Or should we rely on the fact that they'll show up sooner or later?" Jeanette was close to bring her phone up and asking her cousin but she decided that her servant probably knew more about it than her.
LostHaven LostHaven
Tancred's face split into a wide grin as they pulled out onto the highway. He seemed either ignorant of Berzerker's harshness or simply did not care.

That is very good, Devushka. Indeed it is preferable overwhelm the enemy with superior force and firepower, alas I regret to inform you that this war will be a protracted affair." Tancred's tone dropped, taking on more morose quality. "It will be imperative that we identify our enemies' weakness and exploit it to the fullest extent possible, there will be no honor on our part." Tancred raced his way around the mountain as he spoke, the car's engine roaring to a thunderous crescendo. "The necessity for this subterfuge is unfortunately due to my own shortcomings, I am not a proper magus." He paused, evaluating Berzerker's reaction before continuing. "I am what's known as a Warlock, as well as being a unique kind of soldier, so plagues, vermin, car bombings...shit like that. While that may not seem impressive to one such as you, I know how to wage war."

Tancred slipped into silence, after a while he began to slow down as they entered the outskirts of the city. The traffic around them began to build as the pressed on into the city proper and the car slowed to nearly a crawl, gliding through downtown like a specter of black silk and chrome. With the pretense of the grail war clinging to his mind, the normally mundane streets took on a sinister subtext for Tancred, and he found himself viewing everything as a potential threat. He felt himself growing more anxious, and regretting his decision to reside in the city despite his residence's unique advantages.

SomeStupidWords SomeStupidWords
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Marco Vaughn
"Oh, don't worry about that. We can find something to fit you and be on our way in a couple of hours. Plenty of time to make the most of the afternoon. C'mon, we can have that talk you wanted along the way."

Marco walked up to the massive basement door, pushing it open and standing to the side as he motioned for his master to head through.

"I had a few questions myself, Saber. Y'know, strategy and such. How would you prefer to handle the coming battle?"

Darkholme Darkholme

hudhouse hudhouse

"Sure as a gun you're new to this!" The woman laughed. "I've known some shave tail mages, but ain't none of them tried to stand inside the circle before! Ain't never seen one use a song to summon neither!" She found the whole thing rather entertaining, just how close he had come to killing himself and how unlikely her summoning was, especially being summoned in her current state. She raised a brow when he bowed. "Bowin' to a lady like a gentlemen of the first water? Even though she's your familiar? You're an odd stick, ain'tcha?" She then flashed him a pearly white grin and winked. "I think we're gonna get along just peachy, Mister Hakulani. Folks call me Rider, though if ya wanted to call me somethin' else, I wouldn't complain none."

Khaos expressed his concerns and Rider just shook her head. "Now don't you worry none, sir. The grail ain't summon no hero that don't have nothin' to fight for. And I don't mean to blow none, but you called a mighty powerful one," She slammed her fist into her palm to emphasize her point. "and I ain't never backed down from a fight. So if you're on the shoot, then I'm someone you can ride the river with!"


Not long after separating from his Master the sky darkened as the wind rapidly picked up. A portion of the city was blanketed in a torrential downpour. Winds whipped into a frenzy as lightning streaked across the sky. Archer was not one to overlook such an oddity as the storm seemed to revolve around a single focal point. As he began towards the center of the spontaneous gale it ceased. Gone as quickly as it had come. Returning to the light sprinkle it had been before. His immense speed carried him away from the city towards the forests that surrounded it. As he neared his destination the obvious feeling of a servant filled his senses. The towering man came to a rest atop an outcropping over a cave, below him was a woman straight out of a western with a man standing idly nearby. His arrival was a timely one and his voice echoed around as he re-materialized from spirit form.

"So powerful as to broadcast their arrival throughout the city."
The man standing above them cut an imposing figure, far more so than the beautiful female servant. While appearances rarely betrayed a servant's strength he was one of the exceptions. Standing well over six feet tall his body looked as if it had been chiselled from stone, his skin a golden bronze. The man held an amused smirk upon his lips as he gazed down at his opponent. "You already introduced yourself, even if inadvertently, so it's only right that I return the favor. I am of the Archer class and..." He stretched out his arms to either side. "As you can see, your Master picked quite the remote location to summon you." He lowered his arms back to his side, a brilliant golden light appearing in his hand as a large Bow materialized within his grasp. "So what do you say, Rider, willing to have a quick go at me before night falls?"

Godhowsae Godhowsae Ian Temero Ian Temero hudhouse hudhouse
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Assassin thought for a while, and finally answered to Jeanette's questions. "If you are tired, then you must rest. It will be reckless to attack another team when you are not at your full." He answered. As he spoke, a storm appeared to rage outside, and the storm had appeared very abruptly. However, it soon lightened. "hmm. Looks like a servant was bold enough to announce their arrival. Perhaps we could locate a servant already... I do hope that Jesus wasn't summoned as a servant... the raging storm and the sudden calming of it certainly gives a hint..." Assassin's last comment was meant more of a joke than anything, but with his emotionless and blank voice, it was impossible to tell whether he was serious or not. "We do not know who the masters are, and who they summoned as their servant. However, like I said, scouting is the least of our problems, due to my ability to teleport. Hell, if you know where a bank vault is, money wouldn't be a problem either." Assassin finally stopped looking out the window and turned to face his master. "There is one major problem though. As my legend is very modern, and furthermore, I look much less than human, it will be very easy for some masters to identify me. Especially if a sad, pathetic misfit that does nothing but play video games accidentally summoned a servant. With your permission, I will survey the area and try to find masters and servants tonight."
Petroshka Petroshka
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Nodding once more at his master's affirmation of his clothing request, he walked forward through the door, then paused, waiting for the man to take the lead in showing him around. He was right to ask about strategy, considering Saber's vast experience in that area.

"That was actually what I wished to discuss. I can only come up with a strategy once I'm aware of the resources I have to work with, and what my troops are capable of. Are the two of us the only people we can rely on, or do you have allies or underlings at the ready? What are your capabilities as a combatant, and how would you rate yourself compared to other magi? All of these are important questions, and then there's the issue of finding out the capabilities of other pairings before engaging them in earnest, if possible."



Not long after separating from his Master the sky darkened as the wind rapidly picked up. A portion of the city was blanketed in a torrential downpour. Winds whipped into a frenzy as lightning streaked across the sky. Archer was not one to overlook such an oddity as the storm seemed to revolve around a single focal point. As he began towards the center of the spontaneous gale it ceased. Gone as quickly as it had come. Returning to the light sprinkle it had been before. His immense speed carried him away from the city towards the forests that surrounded it. As he neared his destination the obvious feeling of a servant filled his senses. The towering man came to a rest atop an outcropping over a cave, below him was a woman straight out of a western with a man standing idly nearby. His arrival was a timely one and his voice echoed around as he re-materialized from spirit form.

"So powerful as to broadcast their arrival throughout the city."
The man standing above them cut an imposing figure, far more so than the beautiful female servant. While appearances rarely betrayed a servant's strength he was one of the exceptions. Standing well over six feet tall his body looked as if it had been chiselled from stone, his skin a golden bronze. The man held an amused smirk upon his lips as he gazed down at his opponent. "You already introduced yourself, even if inadvertently, so it's only right that I return the favor. I am of the Archer class and..." He stretched out his arms to either side. "As you can see, your Master picked quite the remote location to summon you." He lowered his arms back to his side, a brilliant golden light appearing in his hand as a large Bow materialized within his grasp. "So what do you say, Rider, willing to have a quick go at me before night falls?"

Godhowsae Godhowsae Ian Temero Ian Temero hudhouse hudhouse

hudhouse hudhouse

"Sure as a gun you're new to this!" The woman laughed. "I've known some shave tail mages, but ain't none of them tried to stand inside the circle before! Ain't never seen one use a song to summon neither!" She found the whole thing rather entertaining, just how close he had come to killing himself and how unlikely her summoning was, especially being summoned in her current state. She raised a brow when he bowed. "Bowin' to a lady like a gentlemen of the first water? Even though she's your familiar? You're an odd stick, ain'tcha?" She then flashed him a pearly white grin and winked. "I think we're gonna get along just peachy, Mister Hakulani. Folks call me Rider, though if ya wanted to call me somethin' else, I wouldn't complain none."

Khaos expressed his concerns and Rider just shook her head. "Now don't you worry none, sir. The grail ain't summon no hero that don't have nothin' to fight for. And I don't mean to blow none, but you called a mighty powerful one," She slammed her fist into her palm to emphasize her point. "and I ain't never backed down from a fight. So if you're on the shoot, then I'm someone you can ride the river with!"

Katsu Suzuki
If Katsu had any indication she knew of the displeasure of Archer, he didn't show it. She simply continued to stroll along in the rain, seemingly without a care in the world. Her feet would eventually lead her away from the high rises to the shopping district. There was a particular place she stopped them in front of. A lovely place known as 'On the Rocks.' Looking at her watch, Katsu noticed the time. She wasn't quite certain why she checked it in the first place - she was going to have a drink regardless of the time. Her expression took an uncharacteristically serious expression as she contemplated the best course of action. This was a war. One she had to take seriously.

"You may be right about all that. I'm going to check in with a few underground sources of mine and see what I can find out about anything unusual they've heard of lately. If I have time, maybe I'll take part in a few fights in the underground. Feel free to act as you like. Just don't reveal your true abilities to anyone if you come across a pair. I'd like to avoid losing that advantage this early."

With that, Katsu pushed her way in to the bar.

Xel Xel

Khaos put continued to rub his own head, blushing a bit at his own incompetence. He was naive to so much, yet a master in a good deal as consequence. This place wasn't one where his mastery could be shown that well. He stated, "Unfortunately, a mage needs a mental trigger to activate their spells. Some it can be as limiting as sex or pain, but fortunately enough for I, it is singing." He then gave off a shy smile, saying, "And who cares if you are a familiar? You're still human. You're clearly thinking and feeling." He shrugged a bit awkwardly, hoping his point was clear with his less than smooth words. He would flow, almost as if his body was vibrating into a softer, more malleable shape. He leaned backward, almost as if he was sitting down in a car as far back as possible. Before he could further comment to Rider, Archer decided to show up!

Khaos blinked in horror, looking around to see that the Archer's master was nowhere to be seen. Annnddd Had a giant god damn bow that was prone to impale him like a nail driving man into a wall. He began humming, and a voice would hopefully echo within Rider's head, "~My magic specializes in support and utilitity. I can create illusions, light, and sound disruptions so that I can protect myself, and give you a bigger advantage in a fight. For this fight, since it looks like we are about to get dragged in, I suggest trying to bash his fingers so he can't draw the bow. I'll try to blind him and give him multiple targets. Any suggestions...?~" He was still not the most confident in his plan, due to as previously mentioned, fear. He began calling upon memories of his past for some inspiration o how to deal with this... and got a quick idea. He put both of his hands in his pocket, and his whistling intensified.

What looked like stars would form all above the battlefield. They twinkled softly, trying to blend into the sky. The number was rapidly rising...


Lancer replied with her physical voice that failed to hide her enthusiasm. She materialized in the room shortly before the door was closed.

A few minutes later, emerged from the room was a girl in pinkish-white sleeveless shift dress. On top of it was a permanently attached Peter Pan collar. She also wore a frilly skirt of the same color. Reaching from below her skirt to her kitten heels was the same long white stockings she used to wear. While it might still be hard to avoid attention due to the quality of the clothes from a prestigious family household, it certainly looks more like what people nowadays would wear(?). Then again, these were the only clothes she found that could fit her, so it couldn't be helped.

Lancer left the room with a neatly tidied wardrobe despite her thoroughly search a while before. She reached her master and about to spoke up when a flash of lightning could be seen out of the window. She turned to that direction. All the thoughts about the town and modern foods had vanished from her head as she approached her master with a troubled face. Normally, in front of those people, she doesn't have to.. no, she can't voice her opinions at all if not asked, despite her talent in military tactics and strategies. Lancer made up her mind and reported.

"Master... uh... a servant has just been summoned without hiding their location!"

Lancer briefly paused. In her mind were strategies like sending her alone or just use those familiars that magi boasted to observe that place in order to avoid the obvious invitation which seemed too bold that it could be a trap, but her past life wasn't that easy to defy...

"...I... your order please."

Hanarei Hanarei

Berserker smiled at Niko's response, the hostility melting completely away. "That's good to hear, Niko. Even if you're weak, our methods are compatible. And I have more than enough strength to make up for it." Shifting in her seat, she began to look out of the window. "I'll follow your lead, tactically. I was never that good at planning. The one time I did lead an army, it was..." She trailed off, frowning through the window in silence.

A short while later, Berserker turned to look at Niko, watching his trepidation grow as the journey continued. It was worrying that her life was tied to something so fragile. "We should stay close together," She said, trying to keep any worry from her voice. "If I die because you did something stupid, like getting in the way of a fight between Servants, I'll hunt you down and kill you a second time, ok?"

Sludgemouth Sludgemouth

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