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Fandom Fate/Infinity


Error 404: Heaven not found.
Roleplay Type(s)
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Darkholme Darkholme

Strength: A
Endurance: A
Agility: B+
Magic: B
Luck: D
Noble Phantasm: A+

Severia Severia

Strength: D
Endurance: D
Magic: C
Luck: D
Agility: B

Xel Xel

Strength: A
Endurance: B
Agility: A
Mana: A
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: A++

Ian Temero Ian Temero

Strength: A+
Endurance: B
Agility: A+
Magic: C
Luck: D
Noble Phantasm: A++

Kloudy Kloudy

Strength: C
Endurance: D
Agility: D
Luck: E
Magical Energy: A
Noble Phantasm: A+

SomeStupidWords SomeStupidWords

Strength: C
Endurance: B
Agility: B
Mana: C
Luck: C

LostHaven LostHaven

Strength: A+
Endurance: EX
Magic: C
Agility: C
Luck: E
Noble Phantasm: EX
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Day Zero
Fuyuki City, 2020
10:00 AM
Weather- Slight Sprinkle

Mhmm? So what if this is set three years in the future? I don't really see flying cars or death-rays being a thing in the near future. SO, there's no problem. But iPhone 10's will probably be a thing. But that's off the point. Oh my god, let's just get this over with.

It's a beautiful day outside.
Birds are singing...
Flowers are blooming...
On days like these...

Wait... That's not how the intro goes... Lemme try again...

Armageddon has come... Let this crimson-painted moon mark the beginning of the end of all. My power runs through the air, and corrupts the grou---

Nope! Not that either! Go away Gatekeeper! mhmm... One more try...

And so there would be no christmas. Gatekeeper's scheme was complete. Yet, our salvation lied with one, golden-haired king. He was destined to reuinite with the his friend, and together, they would save Christm-----


I give up in life...... my embarrassing Gilgamesh x Enkidu fanfic got leaaaaakkeeed T-T

...Masters, you should start making summoning posts, intro posts, and all that goodness. Night Zero is when the slaughterfest officially begins! Also... we are lacking an overseer xD. I may or may not make an overseer just so people don't go bonkers breaking every rule in existence.
Location: Wurzel Manner
The rain lightly fell from the sky as crimson eyes glanced out through the window. Her hand slowly lifted up, brushing her short shoulder length locks to the side briefly exposing her small golden earring briefly. . A nice white button up top clung to her frame, custom tailored to fit her adorned by her red vest over top. A black skirt fell down her legs reaching just above her knees in length. She moved her hand down, touching the golden ring on her index finger to her lips briefly as she looked out in thought.

She had worked hard to prepare for the Holy Grail War. She had arrived nearly two weeks prior to the city taking lodging in an old Manner owned by her family. It had been left empty, serving in ways as a connection to the past built long ago. The lights barely light the home much of its electricity quite ancient not having been bothered to be replaced. Very few pieces of modern technology existed, mostly placed in various odds and end places for the sake of guests or her staff in the off chance it might be needed. She was a bit more outgoing then most Magus having some understanding of technology due to her father though it was something she kept a minimal exposure to herself. It was more then enough to fit her purpose as a base of operations for the war.

She had gone about placing a strong barrier around the yard, taking advantage of the downtime to use her power to ensure the property was protected from any attackers. It likely exposed her as a potential Master, but being a prominent bloodline as she was and being in the city was already a red flag. Creating the barrier utilizing her sorcerer trait before the conflict started meant she could ensure the barrier went beyond the typical means of defense. She wasn't any specialist when it came to the application of barriers, but with her sorcerer trait in effect she could easily create one that should be able to stand up to the best in being able to repel invaders. She had planted several traps around the property meant as a last line of defense.

Two employees were currently working under her, both aware of the situation though were instructed to keep a low profile. For her, the war was her business and so long as they didn't try and interfere she suspected they would likely be kept out of harms way, having some tools at their disposal should anyone of a more 'barbaric' nature seek to force them into the conflict. Hopefully the overseer would be able to keep a strict reign on the other Masters to follow a certain code of ethics when it came to engaging in the upcoming conflict.

"My lady, your father is on the line requesting to speak with you."

A sigh escaped from Nadina's lips as her calm composure seemed to shift to be a bit more uneven. She had suspected her father would attempt to call to try and talk her down from taking part in the war. She looked on shaking her head in response.

"Tell him I'm not a little girl, and I can handle myself just fine, thank you." She spoke her voice coming off in some part as if she intended for her father to hear and directing it more to him then to her maid. She walked forward past the young maid heading over to the door. She stopped for a moment in thought before shaking her head dismissing the thought she just had. It was stupid for her to go thinking about such things after all.

"I think I'll be going out to eat today for lunch, tell the chief I won't be in." She spoke to the maid as she headed through the door and down the hallway. A sense of stress filled her as she tried to settle herself down. Today was the big day and she wanted to ensure she was in top condition for the summoning she planned to do that night.
Katsu Suzuki.
In the middle of the city, stood a monument to decadence that dwarfed the others. It was the headquarters of the Suzuki corporation. Atop it, a woman stood alone looking over the city. She wore red pants connected to a pair of red suspenders that were draped over a white dress shirt that was rolled up at the sleeves. She looked like she belonged anywhere, but in a corporate setting. It was in fact the heir to the Suzuki corporation who cared very little about what happened to the family fortune. Behind her, the doors leading downstairs opened and a man dressed in a suit emerged. He walked up to her and handed Katsu a clipboard which contained details of their current list of assets available. She took the list, but said nothing about it. His duty fulfilled, the grunt disappeared once more in to the building, leaving her alone once more. Her thoughts were not with the present, however.

"Let thy body rest under my dominion, let my fate rest in thy blade.
If thou submitteth to the call of the Holy Grail, and if thou wilt obey this mind, this reason, then thou shalt respond.
I make my oath here.
I am that person who is become the embodiment of battle.
I am that person who is covered with the evil of all Hades.
Thou seven heavens, clad in a trinity of words,
come past thy restraining rings, and be thou the hands that grant me victory!"

After that, he had appeared. It was exactly as she had hoped. After all, she had secured such an object to make sure that she would be able to summon that servant in particular. Having such a powerful warrior in front of her was almost too much for her to bear. A thin smile creeped across her face and her circuits started spinning. She lept from her position across the room while her fist started to radiate a blue glow...

Back in the present, the clipboard she had been given was now ash. Katsu rubbed her chest in what was now quite a painful memory for her.

"It is only fitting. the strongest master should summon the strongest servant. Are you ready to go out there?"

Xel Xel
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An old black sedan rolled lazily to a stop, it's dark tinted windows obscured the driver while the vehicle idled. After a time the engine finally shut off and a tall, foreign man emerged. His appearance was in contrast to the formal looking vehicle he came from, wearing faded jeans, scuffed boots and a dingy tank top. Tancred scanned the parking lot, empty, no one to notice his car, his shabby manner of dress and most importantly no one to notice the revolver he'd stuck in his waistband. The parking lot was originally a scenic pull off, a good photo op for tourists to get a nice picture of the area's woods, but the place's popularity had waned and ultimately fell off due to some well earned rumors that the place was haunted. Tancred made his was casually into the forest, as he crossed the timberline he sensed an unearthly feeling fall upon him, others would call it supernatural tension, Tancred normally referred to it as Tuesday.

After about one half hour of disappointingly uneventful walking Tancred arrived at a small pond flanked by short standing stones. Despite the light of the morning sun, he could see the water glowed faintly. It was strange, active portals normally don't begin to open until 3:00 a.m. It's always three in the morning here. Tancred thought bitterly to himself as he began circling the pond, periodically checking his phone. After a few minutes and a few jotted down notes he set to task, producing a handful of silver coins with various runes carved into them. Tancred moved about the small area placing down the coins... then cursing audibly as he picked some of them back up and placed different ones, then came the drawings. Again, more cursing as Tancred scrawled on the stone in a strange black chalk, forming tedious ideograms.

Finally the preparations were complete, Tancred was ready to close the portal, lest god knows what came through. He stood facing due south with the pond in front of him, and produced another coin, gold this time an eerie rune carved on it's surface. He placed the coin in his mouth and after a brief period of concentration he began to speak. Tancred's mouth did not open yet a voice emanated from him, reciting an incantation in the language of communion, speaking as the first demons did. As he intoned Tancred felt as though he was speaking to the universe itself, he'd closed many portals over the years but the feeling had yet to lose its novelty. Unfortunately, so enraptured was he that he'd failed to notice the strange tingling on his left palm.

When the incantation was finished, Tancred spat the coin back out and placed it into his pocket, again failing to notice anything different about himself. To his dismay he had notice that rather than returning to a regular old pond the portal had in fact grown wider and began giving off a vibrant blue glow.

"Ah pizdec..." Tancred muttered to himself unholstering his revolver and waiting for whatever hellspawn to emerge from the portal.

SomeStupidWords SomeStupidWords
Jeanette Arsenault

A gust of wind blew into the quiet dark room as Jeanette reloaded her gun walking out of the balcony and into the penthouse hotel bedroom, avoiding walking on all the blood that continued to spread on the pristine floor starting to mix with the shell casing and gunpowder. She felt sorry for whoever had cleaned this place, and more so for who needed to take the mess. Whipping her phone out of her pocket she looked at the picture she was given, "Eric Garner" She leaned down to one of the bodies that looked like the picture and picked his pocket for a wallet or some sort of identification while grabbing the suitcase the man was carrying with him. "Poor boy, had so much ambition didn't you" She pulled out his wallet and confirmed it was indeed Eric. taking the cash for herself and throwing the wallet haphazardly away she walked over to the bed with the bloodied suitcasem threw it on the bed and tossed herself with it. "Okay, lets see what we have" Hesitating she opened the suitcase...

To her surprise and disbelief there was just a piece of goddamned paper that looked like a child drawing on it. "What the FUCK?!" She tossed the paper aside and roamed the suitcase for anything else but to her dismay there was nothing. Pissed off she threw the suitcase at the body producing a wet 'thunk' sound. She aggressively pulled her phone out again and called her cousin. "WRONG GUY" "Wait, what?" "YOU, GOT, THE WRONG MOTHERFUCKER." "Hold on, hold on was anything in the case?" She looked at the piece of paper again, the crayon markings which showed a bunch of trees and some stickfigure... Now that she though about it the man that she killed was probably a father, and his kid drew this for him... "Theres some piece of paper that the guys kid drew" Her voice tone changed drastically and her cousin could definitely hear it. "L-look, that might be the fragment that you need to summon a servant" "youve gotta be shitting me" "No, im not, just try and see what happens"

Reluctantly and with a sigh Jeanette got up with the piece of paper and placed it on the floor. "Okay, what do i need to do?" "First you need to draw a incantation circle, i'll send you a pic" a second later a "ding!" came and the picture of a incantation rune showed. "Alright, if this doesnt work you're going to hell" "Aren't we all?" Ending the call Jeanette realized she doesnt have any paint to use to draw the circle, "ah, shit" looking around frantically she stared at Eric's blood and gave a wicked smirk.

After the grueling drawing and making sure not to mess shit up Jeanette fell backward away from the summoning circle with the piece of paper in the middle. "Its a good thing i like runes" Wiping some sweat off her forehead she got up and started the ritual.
LostHaven LostHaven


The tall, muscular man stood atop the towering skyscraper at the heart of the city. The wind whipping violently around him causing his hair and garments to flutter around wildly. His eyes shone a faint golden hue as the man silently scanned the surrounding cityscape. Even with the smog and rain there was nothing that could hide from his sight. After a few moments of silent inspection his eyes returned to their normal color as he looked back at the woman that stood behind him. "The strongest Servant for the most reckless Master." He corrected the woman's assertion of her own strength. It was unheard of for a servant to be assaulted by their own Master the moment they're summoned. And yet the subtle scorch marks on his arms and chest were evidence that such an act did indeed take place. "I certainly hope you don't decide to greet the other Servants of this war in the same manner. My ability to protect you only extends so far." With that the towering man turned to walk the few paces to the woman's side. Archer came to a stop beside his Master, silently thinking over her proposition for a few seconds. "I very much doubt the other servants have been summoned yet, but I suppose there is no harm in learning the lay of the land while we wait."

Godhowsae Godhowsae


It was a strange kind of awareness that dawned upon Berserker as she woke. Something in her mind had shifted - the pain was gone, and with it, came clarity. Above her, some presence was calling to her. She looked up, and could only see light.

"Father, is that you?" She muttered. She drew herself upwards, clambering out into the light. Berserker swept at her hair, tucking it behind her ear. In the same movement, she pressed a hand to her forehead, and grinned. As she'd thought, her third eye had returned.

It took a moment to adjust to her surroundings, but it didn't take long for Berserker to notice the strange man in front of her. The source of the call. "Oh," She frowned. "You aren't-" She cut herself off. "Just who are you, anyway?" She looked at the stranger in assessment. He was strangely pale, and not particularly impressive. And holding a gun - were there enemies nearby? Well, she could take care of that easily enough.

"Well, whatever," she said, shrugging. "Your identity doesn't really matter. All you need to do is point me in the direction of the enemy, and I'll take care of the rest." She paused, looking around the area. She couldn't see anyone, or sense anything hostile. Still, her master was probably being cautious for a reason. She spent a moment considering the best weapon for the situation, before deciding on a sword, materialising one in her hand.

Sludgemouth Sludgemouth
As Jeanette began the ritual, a loud and sharp static noise started ringing in the hotel room-- the servant's Noble Phantasm was already in effect, before he had even been summoned. Soon, a black fog erupted from the summoning circle, as the silhouette of a tall, slender figure appeared in midst the fog. This creature that the master had summoned was taller than the roof, having to bend its head to a 70 degree angle just to fit in the room.

The fog subsided, as the figure became more recognisable. He wore a finely taylored tuxedo suit, with sleeves equally as long as his arms. However, his most bizzare feature was his lack of them-- his face was completely blank, just a smooth sheet of pale, white skin. He had no mouth, or even eyes. Yet, the creature seemed to know exactly his master was. However, he did not talk. Instead, a voice rang through her head. "I would be correct to assume that you are my master?" The creature asked. "I am Assassin." He introduced himself- his next action was to survey the surroundings- "It would appear as though a murder has taken place here. I think it would be wise that we leave immediately."

Petroshka Petroshka
Location: Wurzel Manner​

Nadina walked through the halls of the large manner, her heart racing a bit as her nerves started to prod at her. It was one thing preparing for the war, it was entirely another thing altogether to take the next step and confirm your involvement and handle the summoning. She touched her hand to her stomach, hearing the growl as she looked down upon it. Maybe I should eat first? No... no... I have to focus, it is best to get the summoning done with now. It gives time for the servant to get use to the city. Given it belongs to the one I suspect, he will more then be able to capitalize upon having some time to get use to the layout of the town. I can simply play it off as a lunch date. Even if it fools one observer its that much more time I can use to my advantage in the war.

The young Magus stepped over into the library, the windows covered by curtains with only the dim bulbs providing light to the room. She walked forward, glancing around until she got to the back wall. She reached forward, tapping carefully along three select books before placing her hand finally down upon a forth. A glow briefly flashed up as the bookshelf moved, opening a passage with stairs spirally downstairs. She began to walk down the stone path, various magic powered lights flickered to life. She stepped inside, the bookcase moving back into place as she slowly walked down the steps. It was perhaps as cliche as it came, but when it came to Magus it was important to keep their family knowledge a secret. The room she was walking down towards was designed as essencially a bunker meant to withstand any siege.

She stepped down before the thick metal door. She lifted her hand, touching it upon it before a loud clanking noise could be heard. The door slipped upon, exposing what was essentially a second library. Various text littered the walls as the room itself was quite large. In the center a summoning circle sat prepared with various candles lit around. Lights helped to illuminate the room despite the lack of windows as she stepped forward to the circle. She glanced down, peeking under the cloth, the form of the item jutting out from under the thin fabric. She held her hand out, pulling out a knife as she carefully cut her finger, letting the blood drip down upon the circle next to the catalyst. She slowly stepped back holding her hand out.

"Heed my words, My will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny. If you heed the Grail's call, and obey my will and reason, then answer my summoning. I pledge my very being that I shall serve for all the good in the world. I will defeat all evil that inhabits this world. Let your spear be raised once more in this world so we might together drink of the hope the grail may beseech upon us, the worthy! Come forth from the heavens, mighty hero of the past!"

As she did the chant the circle began to glow, the light quickly enveloping the room as sparks rose from it. With her final words a flash of light was emitted as the summoning was accepted, Nadina holding her hand out standing stoically even if blinded awaiting to see the servant who she expected to witness before her.

Severia Severia

As the smoldering spark and blinding light gradually disappeared, a legend materialized. Stood there was a rather petite girl in quite an odd outfit, a red short kimono with a modernized skirt and long stockings. Based on her rather good-looking childish facial features, she probably didn't even get pass her mid-teen yet.

The girl's amber eyes slowly opened. For her, it was like waking up from a dream known as past life. The necessary information about this era, magecraft, as well as the grail war presented in her mind.

It gave her a clear direction of what to do and behave.

After all, the very concept of defiance and egotistic doesn't exist in this girl's heart. Orders from someone directly above her are absolute, and failure they face together are solely born from her incompetent. Her seemingly tear-filled eyes slightly wavered before fixing at the only magus presented in the room. She then knelt and opened her mouth.

"I am servant Lancer!! I have been summoned and come at your request. Please take care of me, m.. master..."

Unfitting of a servant ーthe so-called ultimate killing tool, the voice was girlishly soft and high-pitched as suggested by the speaker's appearance. It also exuded insecurity and fragility, as though the girl was a glass that could be broken with ease.

Lancer remained kneeling. Her head still lowered and her eyes still tightly closed, awaiting the order.

Hanarei Hanarei
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Location: Wurvel Manner 'Bunker'
Nadina's eyes kept fixated up, expecting to see some tall handsome warrior to look upon.It came much to her shock as her eyes caught sight of something else, shifting down as the figure came into focus much shorter then she had ever expected. She looked on, her eyes observing quietly not saying a word. A seemingly perplexed expression lingered on Nadina's face not seeming to fully register what was going on. Her red eyes locked on looking over the young girl before her. She lacked any sort of weapon or even armor looking so frail compared to what her mind pictured 'him' to be... not to mention it didn't even seem to be a man as she had expected. That was when she spoke that she was quickly snapped back to reality.

"What did I do wrong... this isn't... I did the ritual as it was instructed. I ensured the circle was crafted just as instructed, the chant followed along the lines of what was told. The catalyst was perfect, I ensured it was the right object not just through my own observations but through trustworthy third party sources to help confirm what it was to be extra safe. Or... is this some trick and...." She spoke not seeming to pay much attention to the girl before her as she looked at her. A sense of unease filled her unable to get any clear reading off of her only able to see her frail appearance. She glanced down at her hand noticing the command seal yet looking upon the girl she couldn't feel anything about her.

"Are... are you some elaborate prank?"
She spoke looking around confused, unable to sense any sort of bond or connection with the girl. There was no doubt she had summoned a servant, yet she couldn't feel the girls presence at all. Her mentioning that she was lancer slipped back into her mind only furthering her confusion. It seemed impossible someone would be able to even get down into the Bunker unless they knew the trick to enter and somehow could replicate her special Mana signature. The only thing that should be able to bypass it at all would be the grail.

"Who are you? I don't sense you being a servant at all, yet there is no other way you could of appeared in the circle and made it down into such a well protected place with such ease. Answer me now." She spoke as an attempt to act strong and ready to lash out, although her rather puzzled state made it quite easy to expose the cracks in her demeanor as she appeared a bit more confused rather then posing some threat. .

Severia Severia
Katsu Suzuki
"Eh...don't sweat the small stuff. Neither one of us was killed either way."

Katsu brushed off her servant's complaints with little thought. It was a carefree attitude that she had picked up and carried her entire life. More than once it had gotten her in to trouble. With his confirmation of her idea to go out, she turned and headed towards the set of doors the earlier employee had exited to. Pushing them open, she stepped in to a hall which led to an elevator. It didn't take long to reach and once she had, she pressed the button for the bottom floor. The elevator itself was encased by glass, so the entirety of the layout they were passing was visible to them if they wished to see. For her own part, Katsu kept her arms folded and looking straight ahead while waiting for it to descend. After a time, they finally reached the ground floor which housed the lobby area. She made straight for the exit, ignoring the greetings of those she passed. Once they had made it outside she gave a sigh of relief.

"I really do hate that place. Everyone expects you to be so formal and polite. Nobody says what they mean and you have to engage in the factional politics if you wish to advance. What a waste of effort."

Truthfully, she didn't expect Archer to actually care about her grievances, but it was more for her own sake that she was voicing them. Katsu ignored the attendant who was holding open a limousine door for her and walked on past the car, preferring to walk. Their path took them away from the commercial part of town.

"What do you think? Want to cause a ruckus and bring down the overseer on us? It would be the quickest way to get the other masters out here to fight us."

Xel Xel
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Marco Vaughn

Marco watched the rain as it danced along the outside of the window of his hotel suite. As he buttoned up his shirt and stared out over the city of Fuyuki, he couldn't help but think about how beautiful it was. An asymmetrical mirror of modern and classic that he admired.

It's almost a shame that these streets will see the violence and destruction of the Grail War, once again.


A soft moan behind him pulled Marco out of his thoughts. He smiled, and turned to the woman waking up in his bed. He walked over to her as he tightened his belt, sitting down and massaging her shoulder gently. She groaned appreciatively, and rolled over to face him, smiling. she leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his lips before pulling away, lying down on her back.

"Is it morning yet?"

"Mhm. And it couldn't have gotten here soon enough. Fun as last night was, We got so distracted we forgot to finish up our work."

Marco rolled off of the bed, grasping his suit jacket and tie from the bed frame. He slipped the jacket on quickly and considered the tie for a moment before tossing it away as he smiled down at his guest. A contact of his from the Association. She helped him on occasion, with...various matters. The two got along well enough that Marco considered her a close friend, and it was for that reason he was willing to trust her with this task.

"Well, I'm all ready. Shall we be on our way?"

"How about you get started without me. I think I need to get cleaned up first." She replied, stretching and letting the sheets fall off of her. Marco looked away, blushing, eliciting a chuckle from his associate. He groaned and waved her off.

"Fine, fine. Your loss. Where's the case?" She replied with a jab of her thumb towards the floor on her side of the bed. As he walked over and leaned down to grasp it, took his hand in her own, causing Marco to look her in the eyes.

"Are you sure you don't...want to just stay in bed?"

Marco sighed gently, and pulled his hand away, grasping the case and walking towards the day.

"I think I can handle this myself. You should head back.Those asshats at the clock tower are probably expecting you to check in about now."

As he opened the door, and moved to leave he paused, considered turning back around and saying more, before shaking it off and stepping out.

Take care...


Marco set down his briefcase on the altar standing before the ritual circle he'd drawn, and opened it it open. He unwrapped the ancient artifact inside and stood, his hands twitching in excitement for what was to come. His eyes lingered on the ancient sliver of metal reflecting the small amount of light provided in the small space, the catalyst by which Marco would begin his first and last greatest mission. He reached out his left arm cautiously, and let out a deep breath.

Alright...okay, let's get this done. It's time to get started. Just...just speak.

Heed My Words!
My Will Creates Your Body,
and Your Sword Creates My Destiny1
If You Heed the Grail's Call,
and Obey My Will and Reason,
Then Answer My Summoning!
The magical circle started to shine, overflowing with prana as Marco spoke the words that would seal his fate, for better or worse.

I Swear..
That I Shall be all of the Good in the World...
That I Shall Defeat all of the Evil in the World!
Seventh Heaven Clad in the Great Words of Power,
Come Forth From the Circle of Binding,
Guardian of Scales!

Darkholme Darkholme

As the man completed the ritual, the entire circle became engulfed in a bright, white light. The light continued to shine, even as a figure emerged from it. The light from the ritual itself faded, but a light continued to shine behind the man that appeared, casting a shadow in front of him and the man who summoned him. The light and the man that stepped forward had a divine aura about them, with the latter seeming to have the presence of authority as well. He stood at an equal height to his master, but had a much more impressive build, clearly having been a warrior of his time, although his manner of dress did not imply that he was a warrior. The only clothing he wore was a black robe draped over his left shoulder, with golden detailing inlaid into the robe, with an ordinary cloth belt at his waist. The only items of protection he had were his short silver greaves, barely visible below the bottom of his majestic robe. He looked directly to the man behind the ritual that had bought him here, speaking with a commanding presence. He had to ensure that this man was his contractor - and that they were both safe - before he assessed anything else.

"You. Are you the one that has summoned me?"


Raven hummed a soft yet eerie melody to herself as she walked through her family's estate. It was a rather large house with several rooms, many of which were never used. The house appeared Victorian looking on both the inside and out, not that she really cared about the appearance. It was a place to stay while she 'played' in the Grail. For all she cared, she could stay in a hut on the beach and make that her headquarters, but this would work too.

Raven was along in the giant house, so she didn't really creep anyone out with her little song or the way she walked slowly down the unlit halls, a single lantern in hand. This lantern looked old, older than anyone could truly place. Inside a single little flame burned, acting as the only like Raven needed to get where she was going. It wasn't long before she made her way out of the house and into the back yard, from there she walked through the forest behind the property. As stated before, the estate was old, dating to the Victorian age, and coming from the royal blood she did, her family had a graveyard not too far from the house. That is where she would summon him. The perfect Servant. The one would make her wish come true.

It wasn't long before she reached the family graveyard. Iron gates closed the area in as gravestones marked where each person or couple lay. No two stones were a like, but they all held the same last name, Rosewood. Here is where she would summon him. It was a truly fitting spot for Servant like hi to emerge, though she could only hope she would be able to do such a thing. With a small exhale, Raven to work making the summon circle.

Quickly she got to work, taking dirt from a grave and forming it into the the perfect circle. he cared not that she was defiling her family's graves, nor did she truly care about her family name. It was a name to her, something with little meaning behind it, but to the world meant everything. Pathetic. Humans valued titles and wealth as though they were truly important things to be worshiped and cared about. With an eye roll about the topic that had come to mind, Raven took a knife from the pocket of her jeans and cut into her palm, summoning blood to strengthen the circle. She added her own blood to the main points before reciting placing the lantern onto a nearby gravestone at the top of the circle.

From there she recited word for word the incantation to summon her Servant. There was no going back now. She was part of the Grail's 'game' now.

Heed my words!
My will creates your body,
And your sword creates my destiny!
If you heed the Grail's call,
and obey my will and reason,
then answer my summoning!

She took a breath in as the circle began to glow, giving her hope that he would soon emerge.

I swear...
I shall be all the evil within the world!
I shall defeat all the good within the world!
Seventh heaven clad in the great words of power,
Come forth from the Circle of Binding,
Lord of the Dead!
Kloudy Kloudy

As the incantation was completed, there was a brief pause where nothing happened. Perhaps anti-climactic for some, the moment immediately passed as a dark purple energy crackled along the rune circle like evil electricity, a white impenetrable mist rising around and within the graveyard of its own accord. The runes began to glow brighter than ever as the ground itself shook, stones and pebbles jumping along the vibrating ground excitedly. The stench of blood and rotting flesh could be smelt as more mist, blood red this time, gushed from the mouth of the hellish swirling portal that had manifested in the centre of the circle. The purple energy flashed about larger and more aggressive than ever until there was a bright flash.

As the vision of onlooking mortals was regained, they would notice the purple energy's absence, in its place a dark black mass now swirled before them above the ground. The mass span and pushed in on itself until if formed a wider humanoid figure amidst the thick white fog. Eventually details came to fruition as wisps of cloth came to the edges and definitive shapes were made apparent. Fully transformed, the servant had completed its transference into the physical world. It was too dark and too misty to make out certain features, but a large heavy black flowing cloak was what had appeared, as well as a massive presence of mana.

Arms by its side in a neutral body stance, the ghostly figure had obscured face and hands due to the cloak, the low light and the mist. However, it made itself known as more than just a garment when a deep, absolute voice sounded off in the summoner's mind, accompanied by millions of tiny whispered echos that seemed to repeat the words, "I am Caster..." It was a terrifying statement in its simplicity. Not only had the new master successfully summoned a servant, but it seemed that the servant would prove itself to be quite a powerful-looking being on the grand scale of servants. If she looked closely, a hint of white could be made out in the deep recesses of the shadowy cowl that hid his face.

Not moving and instead choosing to simply levitate in position, Caster used a form of echolocation magic to instantly gather information of the physical lay of the land around him. An estate, housing for mortals, he presumed. It likely belonged to his new master, one who he decided to focus on now. She seemed to strive for uniqueness amongst other mortals, a canvas filled with various artworks and markings that probably told much of the mortal culture of today. Most modern information about this age and Grail war itself had been implanted into his brain, so Caster was under no illusions as to his standing in this realm. He would fight for ultimate power, more ultimate than what he already possessed, it seemed.

Gliding forward slowly towards the female, Caster studied her physical form closely before analysing her magical essence. It was strong, not the strongest he had observed in a mortal, but more than average and enough to suit his purposes. This particular mortal would do, simply put. A thought occurred to Caster and he glanced to the side, a purple pulse of mana pulling away from his form as it expanded outwards a short way, before dissipating to nothing.

"It seems we remain unseen in our endeavours. I suggest we seek a location for development of a workshop. Do you know of a suitable place, mortal?"

KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa
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"Wahhh.. I.. I..."

Lancer who faced her master's direct question was unable to made an immediate response. Nevertheless, as indecisive as she is, Lancer tends to achieve her desired goal through algorithmic, strategical thinking. According to the grail's information regarding her status as a servant, she known where her master's question and sense of denial came from, as well as a method to easily solve it. The only reason she didn't do so was because of her past life. Not even once that those guys would let her wield her spear in front of them, but now..

"Excuse me, master"

The black-haired girl stood up. At the same time, a mana surge instantly occurred. A bluish-white light briefly formed in her right hand, before giving birth to a spear with a blue pole, almost taller than the girl herself. This confirms her status as one of the three knight class Servant, a heroic spirit of the lance.

"Rest assured. I'm definitely a servant Lancer. My true name is..."

Lancer spoke. Her voice remained high-pitched but became a lot more firm and confident, as though the girl's heart was sheltered by the spear's existence. She let her master observe her skills and modifier-applied parameters for a while before continuing.

"As you can see, this skill allows me to conceal my parameters and skills from your masters' clairvoyance and mask my presence from mana detection so long as I haven't brandished my spear. As for the mana supply..."

She then explained her Noble Phantasm's passive effects, including the one that lets her supply herself with mana equivalent to a high rank Independent Action skill.

"... so I won't need your mana supply all the times and our opponent cannot detect me from our mana connection either. We can still communicate telepathically though."

In fact, with these effects combined, it is even possible for her to walk right in front of a pair of enemy master and servant completely undetected should they have never seen each other. In addition, her spirit form could be summed as literal invisibility.

Having finished what she had to clarify, the spear vaporized into bluish-white particles and disappeared. Even though it gave the girl a peace of mind, Lancer was disciplined so that she would never unnecessarily wield it outside of the battlefield, especially not in front of someone that can give her orders. Lancer once again exuded an air of fragility as she looked directly into the crimson eyes. She then opened her mouth, trying to speak as firmly and reliably as possible.

"I may not be the best servant and might make mistakes from time to time, but please let me lead you the path of victory!"

...she automatically lowered her head and closed her eyes as she finished...

Hanarei Hanarei
Location: Wurzel Manner "Bunker"​

Nadina looked to the young girl, her perplexed expression not quite faltering right away as she spoke up and revealed more of her abilities. She watched her spear appear in hand, looking upon it as she wielded it. She looked a little surprised, feeling her presence now as the weapon was held by her. It wasn't an ability she was quite use to, nothing at least she had read up upon in her studies preparing for the war, particularly for the spirit she had summoned. Hearing her utter the name had only worked to convinced her that she had summoned the correct person.

"I see... I suppose it makes sense. While a relatively accurate account of history is kept within the Magus circles, it isn't likely to be flawless either. A lot of specific details are generally obscured after all, with a lot of the records not all being fully complete. I've heard of cases in which servants have appeared of a different gender then what history has told of them before... it shouldn't be too shocking that there can be other cases and with other details that the texts won't disclose whether as part of a secret or through simply not knowing the situation in its full entirety. A frail girl was always a possibility when I was summoning someone so revered with stories seeming so fantastical behind the person its no wonder my expectations might not be met."

She rambled on, looking down in thought. Her head couldn't help but turn up, looking at the girl as what she last sad clicked back in her mind seeing seemed to lower her head as if in a gesture of shame. She shook her head lifting her hands up a bit panicked, realizing her words likely weren't helping.

"Ah... not that I mean anything is wrong with it. I mean, from what I can tell you seemed quite strong, I mean no you are strong, there is nothing to worry about." She spoke as some guilt filled Nadina feeling bad for talking in such a way about Lancer. As much as Nadina tried to put up a strong front and act tough, she had a soft side to her that she couldn't completely conceal. Lancer's expression and general innocent look only helped to make that part of her roar to life. So much for her attempt to act tough and to give off a presence of being a strong Magus who wouldn't falter. The sound of rumbling could be heard from her stomach as she blushed a little bit in response, shaking her head as she turned around to hide her embarrassment.

"Anyways... I'm... sure you might... want to check the city out? I could use a bite to eat and if you can hide your presence like you said it wouldn't hurt for you to head out with me. I have to admit... I'm probably a waste as far as your ability to conceal your presence as a servant given how high profile my family is, but still I suspect we will be able to take advantage of it to some extent so long as we are careful. At the very least it should give the other Master's some doubt. A Master isn't likely to attack a fellow Magus unless they know for certain they are taking part in the war... or at the very least they should be hesitant in doing so."

She spoke liking back with a smile, waving her forward to follow her as she headed through the door to head back upstairs into the main section of the manner. Her eyes darted down glancing upon the command seals on her hand. A simple pair of gloves should hopefully be enough to conceal them and allow her to move around for now without worry.

Severia Severia
This was a strange turn of events, what crawled out of random strange sphincters in space-time were usually monstrous eldritch nightmares, not young women with a tan. Weirder still was the fact that she spoke well. Tancred simply stood a moment eyeing the girl suspiciously while he attempted to address the strange gnawing sensation in the back of his brain. Approximately a minute later the realization hit him, Tancred slowly passed his Mateba from his left hand to his right and holstered it. Then he gazed down at his left palm in abject disgust. There it was, a black eight pointed star that was not present when he'd arrived, a command spell... his command spell.

Calmly Tancred inhaled and let out a deep heaving sigh. "I suppose you're here for the war then..." He began, sounding like the apotheosis of exasperated. "Well, I regret to inform you that this may not be your decade, though there is still a fight to be had." Tancred turned towards the direction he came to the pond and began making way for his car. The portal was closed and he and his new associate had no further business there. "Come, Devushka we can talk shop once we get to the car." Tancred said as he looked back at her over his shoulder.

SomeStupidWords SomeStupidWords
Jeanette wasnt prepared for the amount of ambiguous black smoke that erupted from the circle she made, she didnt really expect anything when her servant appeared before her, probably some person in medieval times or older but what appeared in front of her was some kind of, creature in a Tux. "u-uh." She looked up into its, face? it was quite ugly. "you, are, correct" She then looked over at Erics dead body as soon as it made a comment about him and how they should leave. "Good idea" a smirk creeped across her face, shaking her head back to clear her mind she turned around and walked to the balcony of the high-rise hotel then looked back at her servant. "i dont know who you are, or what you are. But we have to work together now, so i'll be counting on ya" Smiling at the frightening grotesque mass in a tuxedo she gestured a salute, reinforced her legs and jumped off.

She landed on another highrise and jumped again going downward, making her way to her little hide out which was just a small apartment in the city. She didnt look around for Assassin as she trusted that it was competent enough to catch up to her, going through the window silently first looking for any tampering then relaxing. Sighing Jeanette walked over to her bed and collapsed on it. "this was an eventful night" Perhaps she could get to know her servant a little bit better now.

LostHaven LostHaven (sorry for the slow responses)
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Marco Vaughn
"Heh. Yeah, I brought you here for...well, you were summoned with the important information, weren't you? I don't need to explain everything?"

Marco waved his hand around as he spoke, examining the command seal that finished forming on his hand.

"Welcome to modern day, buddy. I'll admit I was expecting you to be taller, but the little details don't bother me. I'm Marco. Glad to have you here."
He said, offering a hand to the man standing before him.

Despite him not being as imposing as the Magus might have expected a warrior of the class of Saber to be, he was surely strong. Marco was certain he was a valuable ally. Then again, Marco considered all allies to be valuable.

Darkholme Darkholme
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Berserker shrugged, casting one last look around the pond before turning to follow her Master. She glanced down, looking at his hand, and the command seals decorating it. She frowned, annoyed at the power he had over her. But, on the other hand, she had power over him, too. It would be completely trivial for Berserker to crush him like an ant. There was a kind of equality there, then.

As Tancred looked back, Berserker met his gaze and grinned in a way she hoped looked friendly. She allowed the sword in her hand to dissipate, and jumped to walk alongside him. "Alright," She said, "If there's nobody nearby to worry about."

"I'm Berserker, by the way," She said, her tone friendly, calm. An tone unsuited to someone who'd just introduced themselves as the most volatile and unpredictable class of Servant. "Like I said, you can just leave all the killing to me, Master."

Sludgemouth Sludgemouth
Lancer's eyes widened. As her master turned away and started to walk, the servant's body faintly glowed before disappeared. This is a servant dematerializing and assuming their spiritual form, the optimal method to ease their master's burden. With telepathy that transmits words directly into her master's mind, Lancer shortly replied without expressing her emotion, something that she was unable to do with her actual voice.


While following her master, Lancer silently thought about what she just saw; that smile. It resembles the one that that person used to make. The person who treated her nicely and gave her courage and meaning of life despite her status and hostility from those people. The person whose existence was the only thing that prevented her from becoming a mindless killing machine. The person whom Lancer tried to forget ever since her lifetime.. and always failed. Lancer's mind traveled back in the past...

"Seriously, you are not my greatest spear, definitely not."


"What I want to do, huh..."

As she caught up with her master, Lancer made up her mind and spoke up.

"Master! I want to ask for... a permission. May I materialize and walk alongside you?"

Servants in their spiritual form have their senses limited. While it is enough to observe situations, it clearly wasn't enough for someone from the past. Lancer continued

"I want to see with my own eyes... the land that I once lived and fought for. Also... I want to try out this era's food..."

... from vast knowledge the grail provided, she noticed the cost of living, which got a lot higher from her era. The servant instantly added.

"... if that's not too much to ask!"

That was the first time she wished for something that neither follows order nor benefits her superior.

Hanarei Hanarei

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