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Fandom Fate/Great Order: Veni Vidi Vici

Romani (Solomon)
Romani sat in front of his computer, chatting with his internet friend and the idol Magi?Mari. The latter was complaining about Roman always talking about the salvation of humanity from his counterpart. He laughed and accidentally knocked over the cup of coffee that was on his desk. He bent over to pick it up, however...

The mug glitched, like a computer bug. It started to become static, then blinking in and out of existence. The mug that was gray was replaced with a white background. The coffee stain on the floor repeated the process, becoming static, then disappearing, leaving nothing in its place.

"What the...?"

Suddenly, Chaldea's alarm sirens went on, signaling all support personnel to proceed to the control room. Romani shut off the computer and ran straight to the facility where he was needed.

The Control Room was ominously quiet, with Chaldeas, the Multi-Era model of the world, undergoing the same process that Romani's cup of coffee went through. Spear-headed by 8 black dots that slowly grew in size, the world model was disappearing, little by little. Da Vinci was already inspecting Chaldeas in the main computer. Romani approached her.

"Da Vinci, what's happening now?"

"We have a major problem, Romani. Eight Singularities have opened up again."

"What's the difference since the last time?"

"The details are unknown, but these Singularities are attacking not humanity's history, but the world itself."

Romani understood immediately. He reached over to the P.A. and first addressed the technical crew. Some of them were new recruits, but he had to expect more from the staff. "Prepare for Rayshift."

Then, to the entirety of the facility. "All available Masters and Servants, please report to the debriefing room immediately... I repeat, All available Masters and Servants, please report to the debriefing room immediately."

With that, he slammed it close and stared at Chaldeas, slowly being erased. It was different from incineration of history. The destruction of the Akashic Records, the Root of the world, means the complete destruction of the multiverse, every timeline, every dimension, even the Throne of Heroes. All would be gone.

Chaldea cannot let that happen.

Odysseus, flicking through some of the modern texts of the world, paused as the announcement came on. A snap of the book, as it was shut with violent force. He would slot it back into the shelf in his room, his thoughts elsewhere for a brief moment- before he would throw on some of the lazy attire that the clothing section had gathered for him. His shroud was certainly on- yet the added touch of modern clothes assisted him grandly in the path of blending in. Most of the staff didn't question him, having long thought of him as someone not quite that special- and thankfully, he could do quite a grand amount of skills. Amusingly enough, the grail translated it into skills that popped up in the modern day, leaving him able to do things that few other Servants could dream of.

His pace was even, as he slipped into the debriefing room- his gaze flicking about for that errant Master of his. Perhaps they were here, perhaps they were not. Yet for now, he would slip into a seat, sitting there akin to a paranoid soldier- having been uncertain of what to expect of this entire...debacle of people. Maybe it was going to be alright. But until he was proven such, he would act on his instincts for now.

Active Noble Phantasm: Shroud of Athena
Location: Debriefing Room
Mentioned: None
Tagged: None

It has been a while since the King of Conquerors had made his return from the dead. This Chaldea place that he was called to serve in has been unlike anything he had seen before…it was actually quite fascinating. But that is to be expected given that he was in an entirely new era. And it also why he has been doing research on the world he is in now. After all, he would soon like to get back to where he left off in chasing the dream of world conquest.

It was then a very loud noise rang through the entire building. Then there was a call for all masters and servants to meet in the debriefing room. Well, let’s see what this is about. Iskandar walked out the room he was in to the place calling for their summons. Hey…just where was his master? Well they’ll catchup soon. Iskandar soon arrived in the room, towering over everyone he passed by. He found a seat and sat down, anticipating what this announcement would be.
"I still believe
Someday you and me
Will find ourselves in love again
I had a dream
Someday you and me

Will find ourselves in love again"

Ezra was singing along to a Mariah Carey song as he worked on mixing some possibly dangerous liquids. Holding up a test tube with a strange red liquid inside, Ezra looked it over for any irregularities. Pouring it inside a large beaker, Ezra added a few other vials of differently colored substances before stirring it around. Tasting it, Ezra frowned and furrowed his brow. Pouring a little more of the red liquid inside, he tried it again. It tasted too bitter this time. This time Ezra watered it down a little. It was perfect in taste. Mixing it with the carbonated water and drinking it, Ezra shed a single tear. Turning to his Servant, Lancer, Ezra smiled. "Lancer! I have finally recreated Mountain Dew Voltage!" Said an ecstatic Ezra as the alarm suddenly went off. Grabbing a cup and gesturing at Lancer to follow along, Ezra went to report in.

Interacting: wdinatx wdinatx
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Ezekiel au Balkus
See, the day! See, it comes! Doom has burst forth, the rod has budded, arrogance has blossomed!

It's been long since anything has happened in Chaldea, the place which he may soon call home, always present in his room listening to the clearest radio frequency or otherwise enjoying a book. Ezekiel's boredom had reached it's breaking point, he'd been told just to wait and that something would eventually happen, but for how long could he wait for an eventual happening? Apparently not too long, something rang in his ears louder than the screeching white noise that would come from his radio every so often. As he was exiting his room, an announcement briefly stopped the blaring alarm and although his ears were still ringing from the alarms he could make out a few words that were probably vital to what he needed to do; "Masters... Servants... report to Debriefing Room."

"Oh what fun." Ezekiel mumbled to himself as he made his way to the Debriefing Room, as he was opening the door, he saw a great glimpse of a man who looked as though he was a castle, a living castle. Well ain't that nominal. Entering the room, he had thoughts of what was to come, he hadn't exactly thought what it may even be about but he had good faith that it wouldn't be something of great disaster. Ezekiel found himself a seat and sat down accordingly.
Name: Terrace(Terry) Gresham
Location: Personal Room >> Debriefing Room
Physical Condition: Well rested, slightly drowsy
Mental Condition: Annoyed but curious

The silence of the morning was peaceful. Something, even the rather rough Terrace could enjoy. Although there was no sun to look out upon, due to the fact she was out miles in the frosty depths of Antartica.

'Wonderful.' The witch thought dryly. Looking into the mirror as she dried her hair, Terrace idly wondered if she could get some new clothes-- somehow even these barely fit her. Only what she brought wasn't too loose or tight. She recalled when she first made way into the facilities of Chaldea, the most immediate thing she noticed, was the lack of personnel, with what numbered under 60 Master candidates like her, which while an impressive number of Magi in one place, in such an influential organization it's somewhat underwhelming.

But knowing the cunning nature of Magi, Terrace wouldn't be surprised if other personnel were located deeper in the facility. Her room wasn't as homey as it was now, essentially barren but it was easy to begin putting in her own taste. She looked around in her bathroom she found towels draped everywhere, clothes littering just outside of it.

'Okay, maybe not that tasteful...'

Sighing she picked up the brush to fix her hair, black strands poking out at random. Though as soon as her finger brushed the handle, the alarms began to blare, seemingly from everywhere as she practically jumped, knocking a few things down in the process. Rubbing the back of her head, she couldn't remember what this alarm was for but still got up, hissing from the slight pain pulsing from her head. This was when she wished she put effort into Reinforcement or Healing Magecraft. Seemed to be seriously useful for things like this. Heading out of the bathroom she tossed of the grey jacket and grabbed her brown jacket, worn around the shoulders and elbows from use. Smiling a bit as she placed her hat on her bed of wild hair and made her way out towards the Debriefing Room as the weird doctor's voice rang out.

Stepping through the halls of the residential facilities, she saw other Master Candidates and Servants make their way out, a slight shiver running up her spine glancing at the Heroic Spirits. Though she knew it was impossible Terrace had always thought somehow reaching the Throne of Heroes would be amazing. Drawing her mind away from that line of thought Terrace arrived at the Debriefing Room, where she took a seat quickly.
"The price of doing the same old thing again
is far higher than the price of change."

"Why does one give so much for such things?" Lancer questioned as Ezra made his comment, shortly before the alarm rang. "Well I guess we should get going..." She muttered before following him to the Debriefing room atop Dun Stallion. Upon arriving Lancer saw a row of seats, many of which filled, but she didn't need one. Her steed will make her stand taller, prouder than the others present. Then it seemed everyone was glaring at her. Or at least staring. "Sigh, I hope the wait won't be too long."

Mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Ezra wandered in next to Lancer as she rode atop Dun-Dun. Ezra had developed a close relationship with the equine, feeding him carrots and brushing his mane. His relationship with Lancer was different. Ezra found that she didn't exactly treat him like her Master. Lancer preferred to act like the typical Onee-san. She was cool, calm collected and very confident. She also seemed to doubt his capabilities as a Magus. Which was most likely because he was almost constantly working in the short time they had known each other. The lack of combat must have driven her crazy. Sitting down in a nearby seat, Ezra began playing games on his devices to pass the time.

Interactions: wdinatx wdinatx
Steven Stone

Hearing the good doctor's orders to come to the debriefing room, Steven finished up his meal, half of it sweets of course, and made his way to the debriefing room.

Seeing that a motley of Servants and Masters have arrived before him, he felt a tad sheepish. Hopefully he wasn't late or anything. Seeing a few already took their seats, he decided to sit in one of the laid out chairs of the debriefing room. He can wait until it starts. Impatient he may be, it's not like he can't wait.

And if it's a mission in which he may die in?

He'll persevere. He'll live through it with everyone else.
(Steve's Caster)

Hated's whereabouts were completely unknown prior to the alarm going off. Upon learning of their new orders, the Caster servant mobilised. As everyone gathered, a black mist begun to seep up from the floor just behind where Steven Stone was sitting. The incantation "Tradition Magic: Minor Teleportation" would hiss in the master's head with an echo as an aura of fear would begin to resonate from the spell's exit origin behind him. As the mana levels began to rise, the black mist thickened into smoke and a shadowed figure began to rise from its depths.

Hated's cloaked form came into view as the smoke receded and gathered more closely around his body, the mana levels fading somewhat as the aura of fear also withdrew back into Caster. It was merely a side effect of Hated's magic and didn't serve any intentional purpose, despite the fairly dramatic entrance. Not saying a word, Hated's cowl-adorned head turned to 'stare' in Romani's direction. Caster had also felt the strange disturbances caused by the Singularities and the severity of them was somewhat... disturbing, to say the least.

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