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Rider calmly took a puff out of her kiseru, and continued to look around the area. She was lost. In hindsight this was going terrible for her master but not for her. As she continued to walk around, she admired humanity for it's advancement without magecraft. Though that earned the current era her scorn. What was the point of technology, when the stupid machines didn't even work. The machines mystified Rider whenever she tried to operate one. Sighing again she ended up turning around to go the opposite direction.

She was purposely going in the wrong direction just to admire the area. Although, she didn't want to fight in the Holy Grail War she might as well try to win it. After this corruption situation was over, she could only hope that the majority of the more powerful servants were gone. That was the result she would of wanted, but that situation was most likely never going to happen. They were strong for a reason, if anything the weaker servants like her would die off.

Upon seeing her master she didn't even speed up her walk game. He probably saw her as well, but then again she didn't care what happened to him. Putting down her kiseru back into her kimono, she simply walked up to him. Not finding the need to greet him, she just stood behind him as if he was meat shield.

Kyrenka Kyrenka
Lucas Remmington
Lucas turned in a slow circle to analyze the dock, thus he was caught off guard when he finally came face-to-face with Rider. He couldn't help the small jolt of surprise that went through his body. "Rider," he addressed calmly. Just in time. He didn't bother questioning her about her previous whereabouts. It neither mattered nor be divulged to him. Lucas waited as his Servant inhaled tobacco from her kiseru. The young mage wrinkled his nose at the scent but said nothing. I can't afford to start an argument with her right now. While certainly not in possession of the Archer class's Independent Action skill, Lucas's Rider certainly did like to act on her own. Not to mention, she seemed to lose her control similar to how he expected a Berserker Class Servant to do. All in all, Rider was definitely an unorthodox Servant. He vaguely wondered if his Servant's strange behavior was due to the fact that she was summoned by a Grail made by the Mage Association rather than the original Grail. If that were true, then perhaps the other Servants were not as put together as they seemed.

Blinking, Lucas mentally shook himself from his musings. There'll be time for that later, but not while we're already behind. He was fairly certain that all of the Masters were on the ferry, which meant that everyone was waiting on them. The mage stepped aside to allow Rider a clear path towards the boat. "Ladies first," he politely stated. While he and his Servant didn't see eye-to-eye, he was hoping to keep things cordial. At the very least they'd be able to tolerate each other until the war was over. If she refused then he was going to be in for a long boat ride. Hopefully the other Masters and Servants will be wise enough to stay away from Rider.

Interacting with: Misuteeku Misuteeku

"So, Master. When are we gonna fight something?" he asked. Lancer noticed some girl in a wheelchair enter the ship but ignored it completely. He tried not to think too much about it. It was true that there was a person in a wheelchair on the ship. So what? Lancer had no use for that information.

"Oooh, can I spar with another Servant? I promise to not go all-out!" He looked at his Master, with the grin of an excited, young boy.

xAlter xAlter Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Jean Otus Jean Otus
Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis Dante Verren Dante Verren Han JiHyo Han JiHyo

Optimism wasn't the right word, but death was proving to be a somewhat less intimidating prospect the second time around. Assassin eyed Nygaard as he approached and offered a slight nod to Caster, partly as a sign of camaraderie but mainly to give him a chance to study him at a glance. The servant's style of dress was familiar, but it would have been archaic even in his own time. Some sort of sorcerer from the distant past perhaps? Something to look into later, if he had the time.

"Assassin." He stated bluntly, not bothering to move from his post. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Rider could only nod to her master as she went up the stairs. She never had been out in sea, so this would of been a wonderful experience. Taking a glance around the area, she could immediately sense a disturbance within the air. "A Japanese..." She muttered darkly as she took another look. It made things worse since she could detect TWO Japanese people (don't ask how.) Taking a look to her right she immediately saw the cause of the disturbance. Her face turned dark.

Her Koto materialized in her hand, and she unsheathed it. With a little raise gesture from her hand the waters started to spring upwards in tendril-like shapes. Thrusting her hand forward at the foul Japanese Servant the tendrils started to dart towards in that general direction. She obviously didn't care if she angered the servant that was currently talking to the foul one. With that in mind the tendrils continued closing in the distance between their target and them.

SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Han JiHyo Han JiHyo Kyrenka Kyrenka @prettymucheveryone
Last edited:
Misuteeku Misuteeku Han JiHyo Han JiHyo Kyrenka Kyrenka Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis Dante Verren Dante Verren

Assassin's eyes widened as a familiar presence ran like a chill down his spine. The mass of aquatic tendrils suddenly crashed through the railing where he was standing and slammed into the side of the ship, crushing the place where he had been standing. A few feet away, Assassin stood, heels balancing on part of the railing that was still intact.

"Rider." He spoke with a pointed edge as he lept down to the dock. However this was going to go his first priority was to put space between himself and his master.

"I feel the need to remind you that we are supposed to be allies." He chastised her and slowly placed a hand on his sword, hovering the other over one of the small pouches on his belt. Out of the corner of his eye he could already see the tendrils circling back around as he spoke. "In the spirit of that, I'm going to say this one time. Stand down. Now."
True, she was a bit skittish and more than a little nervous merely by the notion of a war ahead of her. It put her stomach in knots, but Hiyori supposed that this was the best way to help. Destroy the corruption in this Grail and win the uncorrupted one. She blew a stream of air out of pursed lips, trying to settle her thoughts, when Berserker's voice - gruff and a bit roughened - cut into the half-trance she was in. More than a bit daunted by having such a powerful Servant class at her side (but cautiously optimistic despite all these people joining them and the prospect of a fight), she knew that she came off as less assertive than was probably necessary for someone like him. And he commented on it, too. In perhaps a way that was less than kind, but still.

His words made her at least straighten her back and stand a little taller, in an attempt to look less like an easy target. After all, any alliances they made before the corrupt Grail was defeated would be all for naught when the real war began. "You're right. I'll. I'll do my best, Berserker. We'll win this together." Hiyori started a little, though, catching herself on the rail and letting out a little breathless noise as her Servant slapped her on the back. He was stronger than he looked, but given who he was, it made all the sense in the world for her. As to the boat...? "That isn't my worry, though - thank you for the offer. I'm sure we'll be able to get from here to Iceland smoothly enough with all this company." She managed to make her expression less anxious and more confident (despite the race of her heart), and turned to watch another Master-Servant pair board the boat. A tall young man and a woman dressed in an elaborate kimono.

Humming softly as she watched the pair, the young Master chewed her bottom lip; there was something about the newer arrivals that didn't seem right, though she couldn't exactly put her finger on it. She got her answer as the Servant immediately seemed put on-edge, muttered something under her breath. Hiyori shifted, flexing her hands as though getting ready to put up a shield or a barrier if the need arose. And then--

And then the tentative peace of the ferry broke. Water rose around them in curving, snakelike tendrils, and though she felt that she and Berserker were not the targets here, it still didn't seem right for there to be infighting before they even reached Iceland. Her posture tightened. Even though this was none of her business, presumably, this was happening in a public enough place that-- well. There could be collateral if she wasn't stopped. She startled again as the water crashed through the railings, but the other Servant seemed to have this covered. She hoped. Taking a daring step or two forwards, Hiyori held her breath, setting her jaw and clearing her face of any fear.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Misuteeku Misuteeku SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Kyrenka Kyrenka Han JiHyo Han JiHyo Dante Verren Dante Verren

Remaining in corperal form, Caster followed Fredrik out of the room, remembering to close the door behind him as his Master headed up the deck to interact with tentative allies. Although he knew he should stick close to the magus, he didn't feel like mingling just yet, hovering outside the room for couple of seconds. The spirit has yet to meet any of his peers face-to-face since boarding this boat, but judging by the commotion he heard so far, there were a couple of...hmm. 'Unhinged' came to mind, but he settled for a more diplomatic unusual individuals.

Just as he headed up the stairs and turned the corner which would bring him to the deck, a small group of people appeared before him. Two of which he recognised as the men guarding the ramp of the ship. It was the female in a wheelchair that caught his attention. A Master? An important member of the Magus Association? Turning his body slightly in order to let them pass, Caster jolted down another mental note. Truly, unprecedented events always brought about unpredictable things. Quick adaptation was the key to victory.

He made it to his Master's side just in time to be introduced. Frowning inwardly, Caster thought even giving his Class away was unecessary. However, he held his tongue, instead studying the Servant at Narcisa's back. "The pleasure is mine." He replied shortly with a curt nod towards Assassin, gaze sweeping over the over male herioc spirit, trying to place his identity via his outfit.

However, any further conversation was cut short as tendrils of water smashed through the railing and hit the wall Assassin had been only a second before. Instantly, Caster placed himself directly in front of Fredrik, all but herding his Master backwards and away from the sudden fight that erupted between Servants. A couple of stray streams of water headed for him was cut down with a few slashes from his unfolded fan. A quick glance between Rider and Assassin was enough to tell him neither would be willing to back down first. Even if Assassin issued a warning, it would not be sufficient in stopping a fight from breaking out. Caster couldn't stand back and let that happen. They were on a ship, a rather shabby one at that. Allowing a fight to break out would mean placing his own Master in danger. While he might not care a whit about others, Fredrik's safety was top priority.

Hence, not waiting for Rider to reply, he folded his fan back with a snap, loud enough to break the tensed silence. "Unless you wish to see your respective Masters swimming for the rest of the way to our destination, I suggest ceasing." He said, tone casual and unhurried as his eyes locked onto Rider. "If you persist, you would be placing not only your Master at risk of drowning, but six others as well. I'm sure as Servants, none will allow they Master to be placed in danger so soon. Are you willing to take on six Servants on your lonesome, Rider?"

"Whatever grudges you have can be settled once we get off this ship." A polite but sharp smile pulled at his lips. "I'm sure no one will object if the both of you off each other as long as they aren't part of the colleteral."


Location: On board the ship

Mentions: Hanne Hanarei Hanarei , Narcisa Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis

Interactions: Fredrik Dante Verren Dante Verren , Assassin SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS , Rider Misuteeku Misuteeku

code by Han JiHyo Han JiHyo
Lucas Remmington
In all honesty, Lucas was starting to think that maybe he should've summoned from a different class. Rider hadn't even finished her ascension up the ramp onto the ferry when she drew her weapon. Tendrils made from water slammed into the boat and caused it to rock violently; nearly throwing some of the unprepared passengers overboard. Lucas hissed before bolting up the ramp. She must be mad! We're in public! Stopping behind his Servant, he followed her gaze towards a masked Servant as well as a Servant with a decorative fan. He had only caught the tail-end of what the Servant holding a fan had said, but he doubted that it mattered. So far Rider hasn't shown herself to be one who listens to reason. Approaching her from the side, Lucas forcefully grabbed the hand that was holding her weapon. Patience. Relaxing his grip slightly, he leaned in to angrily whisper, "Stop this nonsense. We haven't even left the dock and you want to pick a fight?" Cautiously keeping an eye out for a potential attack from the tendrils, he continued quietly, "Whether you like it or not we need their help; so be a dear and play nice." As an afterthought he muttered, "At least until we've destroyed the Corrupted Grail."

He slowly released her hand, allowing her to choose what action she took next. Don't make me regret it. At least the other Servants seemed more than willing to help bring Rider under control. The thought did little to reassure him. If they get used to fighting her, then they'll figure out her weaknesses that much faster. Lucas was already wary of the situation. There was no way that his and Rider's inability to cooperate with each other was going unnoticed. They needed to do damage control and try to keep their other weaknesses hidden. The mage resisted the urge to itch the back of his hand. Patience. He really didn't want to have to use a Command Seal to bring Rider into line, but if she didn't calm herself then he wouldn't have much of a choice. He highly doubted that the boat would survive a battle here and now. Besides... Lucas glanced at the dock nervously. Witnesses.

Interaction: Misuteeku Misuteeku
Fredrik Nygaard
As Fredrik was talking with Narcisa and Assassin another pair boarded the vessel, however this pair was different. They managed to top the crazy scale, that's right. He heard someone yell at the ocean, a servant who looks cheerfully ramble about servants deaths, and this new servant managed to top those on the crazy scale! All with the simple action of immediately breaking the truce and attacking Assassin. Did she use a normal weapon? Of course not. Instead Fredrik could only watch as tendrils of water shattered the railing where Assassin had been a moment ago, and Caster was now standing in front of him.

While his brain had been trying to process everything Fredirk instincts and training had kicked in. With his right hand he unshouldered his rifle and with his left he produced a stone the size of a bullet from his pocket. In one fluid motion he loaded the stone bullet into the rifle and had the gun held at the ready. His eyes darted back and forth between Assassin and the instigator of the situation who happened to be the Rider servant according to Assassin.

After Assassin had said what he wanted to say Caster began to lay into Rider trying to make her see the folly behind her actions. Hopefully his servant's presence would make the other servant see reason. Of course if that didn't work hopefully her master could calm her down or maybe use a command seal. It looked like the master leaned in and said something before backing away from his servant a bit. That could mean something really good or really bad. Deciding to not take any chances Fredrik aimed his rifle at Rider's master. He would only fire if he had to. "Order your servant to stand down!" ordered Fredrik.

Interactions: Kyrenka Kyrenka SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Han JiHyo Han JiHyo Misuteeku Misuteeku Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis

Whatever Assassin said to her, she didn't care as she raised her hand again as the tendrils rose up to strike at him again. Turning to Caster, she just narrowed her eyes at Caster. "Don't make me laugh, I don't care if I have to fight all six of you," Rider said dismissing whatever Caster had to say. "And I do-" A hand grabbed onto her arm. Rider with her darkened look turned towards her master, who had a grip on her. Who was he to judge what she was doing! She doing her rightful job delivering punishment for those who go against her father. "What are you doing master." She muttered darkly continuing to narrow her eyes at him. Then to the guy who was aiming his gun at her master. Honestly he could shoot her master up for all she cared.

When her master finished thinking she continued rise up the tendrils at Assassin. Only to go into spirit mode making the water fall down harmlessly. "Don't get the wrong idea master, I hardly care about the grail," Rider said to her master. "If anything the only reason I haven't stabbed you yet is because I don't want Japan to be destroyed." And with that Rider remained silent. It was true that she hated Japan, but her father wouldn't want Japan to get destroyed. If only she could take a puff out of her kiseru, it would of been nice.

Kyrenka Kyrenka @prettymucheveryone
Lucas Remmington​

"Order your servant to stand down!" Shit! Jerking his hands up, Lucas felt his temper flare to life. Bastard thinks he can take me out? Gritting his teeth, the mage squashed his anger. He has every right to be pissed. Donโ€™t be rash donโ€™t be rashโ€ฆ

Before Lucas could even consider using his Command Seal, Rider dematerialized. The water was calm once more, but the tension was still thick in the air. At least she deigned to listen this time. Lucas kept his eyes on the mage aiming his rifle at him, but kept the other Servants and Masters in his peripheral. Canโ€™t be caught off guard in case they decide Iโ€™m too much trouble. Clearing his throat, he announced, โ€œI apologize for the trouble, but the matter has been dealt with.โ€ Taking a risk, he stepped further onto the boat, never letting his gaze stray from his current threat. โ€œI promise you that it is not my intention to bring you harm.โ€ Just Riderโ€™s, he thought moodily. Getting her to cooperate with the Japanese-esque Servants was going to be a challenge in of itself. It would be a miracle if they could get to Iceland without her threatening them anymore. Just another problem to add to the growing list. A list that now included a gun being pointed at him. Casting a quick visual sweep of the deck, he could only hope that either the gun-wielding mage relented or that somebody else stepped in.

Interactions: Misuteeku Misuteeku Dante Verren Dante Verren
Mentions/Nearby: Han JiHyo Han JiHyo SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis
Berserker scoffed at what his Master said. "No one's winning this." He said to her. "Despite what you may think, each and everyone of us here has their own agenda. Each Servants wants something, and so does each Master. The moment the Grail's destroyed, we'll all turn on each other." He said as he faced her. "They will kill us. And I will be blunt, you are the least likely to live the way you are now. If you want to live, we will have to strike first, and if possible, thin them out before we destroy the Grail. It will be hard, for you at least. This world you live in is too soft and peaceful, and it will make it hard for you to do what is needed. I don't care if you find it disgusting or evil, but if you want to live, then you will not use the Command Seal on me when I do what needs to be done."

After Berserker shared this to his Master, he proceeded up the steps without waiting for her reply. As he ascended the ramp, he saw a Servant attacking another with what seems like tendrils of water while another Servant talks her out to it and a man, a Master perhaps, pointing a gun at another man who is likely another Master. Seeing them like this got Berserker's blood pumping, and in all honesty, made him want to join in the fun. Before he could do so, the attacking Servant dematerialized and the fight stopped. "See, I told you they'd want to kill each other." He said to his Master as he climbed aboard the ship. "It's not too late to accept my offer you know."

Interaction: BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture
Mention: Dante Verren Dante Verren Kyrenka Kyrenka @Mitsuteeku SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Han JiHyo Han JiHyo
When Viera introduced herself to the aging man, she expected some snobby old magus family head to be the master of Lancer. "Cl-clovis L-ludovic S-savatier IX?" Viera repeated in shock. She didn't expect it to be Clovis Ludovic Savatier IX. He was a pretty famous, or infamous, figure in the Mage Association, and to boot, an Average One. Those were extremely rare! "I-it's a pleasure once more my lord!" she nearly screamed bowing once more. If she could get onto his good, side, an alliance, or anything, being acquaintances with him would be spectacular for Viera's status.

"And yes!" she exclaimed getting over her initial shock. "I am indeed the master of Servant Saber! And no. He doesn't plan to do that often." Sensing Saber move to the bowels of the ship, most likely to scout their 'allies', and maybe find a room for them to stay in, Viera turned her attention to the boy.

"We're all going to die?" she repeated sarcastically. "I would hope not. Each and every one of us was selected for this mission. While magus usually don't get along, I believe we can put aside our differences to achieve our goal, and not die. Once that happens, then we can play Murder Death Kill." Now thinking on it, Viera did wonder what would happen once the corrupted Grail and servants were dealt with. Would they have an official Grail War, or would they go back to their everyday lives?

Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Birdsie Birdsie Jean Otus Jean Otus
"You're pretty naive, nee-san, and that's coming from me," Lancer mused, almost snickering to himself, although in his tone he meant no disrespect and hoped that was clear and she wouldn't perceive it as such. He explained how he perceived things: "Everyone here is a dead man walking as long as they have a wish for the Grail. It demands sacrifice and battle in order to win it. Once the Blackened Servants are dead, it's free game. That said, I will happily die for my Master's wish. It's as good and probably better than my own."

There was some dissonant serenity in Lancer's voice. He blatantly accepted that dying a second time was something to be expected, probably because there was no human pride or idealism in him as if no one ever taught him those values. The way he perceived things was sharp and clear-cut, yet the way he spoke and explained them was acutely childish.

Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom xAlter xAlter Jean Otus Jean Otus
"Not everyone has to die." A choice spoke up as the white haired girl approached, pushed in her wheel chair. Her uneasy expression had slipped away to be more neutral, having more so overheard the conversation. The maid kept at attention pushing her into place, her eyes lingering in particular on Rider. While she might not show it, she was more then ready to spring to action should another 'episode' occur that could put Hanne at risk. She might not be able to take on a servant directly, but her skills as a bodyguard were enough to at least work to keep her safe from danger.

"I know its not much.... compared to a wish... but you all are still due for compensation for the work you are doing here. Hopefully when it comes to it... the wish can be handled in much more friendly terms, rather then a battle to the death." She spoke with a light smile on her lips. It was perhaps a naive though on her part, childish even, but it was likely to be expected for a being such as herself. Hanne wasn't a typical Homunuculus though she still hadn't experienced life in the same way as a human would.

"I'm sure there will be a lot of danger... but let's try and enjoy this boat ride as best as we can... okay?" She spoke with a light smile on her lips. It was hard to tell if it was genuine or fake. Homunculus weren't known for showing much emotion, even those created by the Schreiner clan only tended to show a limited range of emotion. The maid glanced over towards Hanne only briefly, not seeming to show much of a response herself keeping a rather plain expression on her face.

"Yall done?" A voice could be heard as Hans stood in place holding his hand up gripping onto a small cylinder. A rather strange shimmer could be seen as he maintained his position, the drink he had been holding laying spilled on the floor along with his cigarette much to his dismay. It was bad enough with the grumpy woman came storming through almost as if she was trying to knock him over, then he had to drop everything to do a very hasty cover up. On the other side all anyone who might be looking towards the ship would just see what was the ship, the incantation working as a form of illusion to conceal the rather flashy show Rider put on with her attack. It was far from a perfect illusion, though it worked to at least aid in covering up what they were doing.

Vincent stood quietly on the other side, keeping alert, the little stunt having luckily not seemingly been caught by anyone else to force his hand. The cold temperatures had at the very least kept the docks a lot clearer then they normally would be. The last thing the Mage Associated needed to deal with at the moment was having to handle a larger cover up. They already had so much on their hands in trying to keep the entire event in Iceland from seeping out to the general public.

Birdsie Birdsie Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom xAlter xAlter Jean Otus Jean Otus BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Misuteeku Misuteeku Kyrenka Kyrenka SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Han JiHyo Han JiHyo Dante Verren Dante Verren Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis JulesX JulesX
Lancer heard the soft voice of a woman. He heard her proposition and couldn't help but cackle. "Friendly terms? Holy Grail War? You're talking diplomacy. I like the sound of that word, onee-san, but it won't happen. Not in this economy..." Lancer jested but had a proper reason for doing so.

Indeed, he decided to explain. He looked the white-haired girl in the eyes, with a nonchalant look. "
The reason everyone of us is here is that we are basically ghosts with unfinished business. The Grail is a catalyst for that business. Add to that seven Masters who are also that, but less powerful and not ghosts, give them Command Spells, and you have the recipe for absolute warfare. Diplomacy was never an option; even if for pure benefit. Any alliance during this conflict is a shaky 'you-don't-stab-me-I-don't-stab-you' kind of deal. We are all enemies and we are all dead men walking...

It's just that the lucky few of us can become friends and become alive.

There was cynism in his voice and it was obvious, clear to be seen, like the sun in the sky. Perhaps it was the outcome of his life that led to this cynism, or perhaps it was the strong lack of a sense of idealism that Lancer had, that resulted in being so brutally honest and negative, that he couldn't help but see the Holy Grail War as what he just described.

"Anyway, I'm Lancer. Pleased to meet you!"

Lancer smiled at the homunculus girl, then spun around to face his Master. "I'll go check out the other Servants, Master. Holler if you need me!" Perhaps it was the slightly intimidating ratio of 2:2 in terms of women and men in the conversation, or it was that the homunculus girl was kind of cute, but Lancer decided to flee and meet other people and get to know them.

He walked in an opposite direction, until he found himself back near the ship's ramp, next to the two magi guarding the entrance. Lancer was careless and didn't mind the two particularly. As he did this, Berserker and his Master were boarding the ship. Lancer, like a beast, or a feline cat, jumped on top of a railing, squatting on it with his feet and hands next to each other. He observed and listened to their conversation, then smiled.




"His analysis of the people on this ship is clear-cut, erm..." Lancer said, unsure whether calling the girl 'onee-san' would be appropriate since she didn't really look older than him. The two were about the same age, at least physically. "...senpai?... No, I'm sorry! That's rude... I don't know how old you are and asking a girl for her age is kind of mean..." Lancer looked away in shame momentarily.

Lancer hopped gently in their direction, doing so carefully as to not aggravate them or make them think Lancer had hostile intent in the movement. He did so with impossibly human grace, and to the random onlooker's eyes, it would seem as if though the teenager before them is just a kid really good at parkour, but a magus would quickly know the agility he presented was several shelves above even peak-human, Olympic grace and competence, despite it being purposefully slow.

Lancer bowed before the two. He closed his eyes and grinned. The joy and glee that radiated from his smile were like radiation leaking from a broken reactor or the rays of the sun coating everything in light. "I'm Lancer. The pleasure is all mine!" His eyes opened and he looked at the Servant curiously. "Say, are you Berserker? You look like a Berserker, sir!"

He didn't have much care for the normies around the ship. Even if they overheard the conversation and saw Lancer hopping from a railing to the ramp, there was nothing blatantly supernatural about a teenager introducing himself with a name as weird as Lancer who happens to be good at parkour. Stuff like that is common enough nowadays to ignore it.

Hanarei Hanarei Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom xAlter xAlter Jean Otus Jean Otus BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Berserker was too preoccupied with the fight going on that he failed to notice a boy squatting on the railings. The boy seems to have heard what he told his Master and judging by his reaction, he seems to be a Servant, and one that agrees on his observation at that. "What does it matter squirt?" He said to the boy. "You're probably decades older than this girl, just call her whatever you want. It's not like she'll fight back or complain." He said. Berserker was definitely going to keep using te term squirt on this boy, seeing as he's the only one who's significantly shorter than him.

The boy then did do a few fancy moves before bowing with a smile and introducing himself. "Lancer huh? I thought you'd be taller than that. How are you even able to handle a proper spear? It's probably taler than you are." Berserker observed. He did not mean it to be offensive, it was just his blunt opinion. "And yes, I am Berserker. What gave it away, the muscles? The crazed look in my eye? The facial hair? The fact that I'm probably the last Servant to arrive?"

BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture Birdsie Birdsie
"Decades older... well, in theory. I died when I was young and the teachings of my mother never really left me." As all other Heroic Spirits, Lancer only had his memories of life when acting as a Servant. A Servant was just a copy of a Heroic Spirit. An imprint. A fake. A copy. "I suppose that will suffice."

After that, Berserker asked a few questions, the answer to which Lancer was more than happy to give away. "It is indeed. My spear is two meters long. It's not all that impressive. When I was seven, I could already fight warriors with decades of experience that, sometimes, were a whole meter taller than me. Including my father, who's eh... how to put it... let's just say fighting was always his thing."

"Actually, judging by physical characteristics alone, I'd be what you consider 'weak.' It's my skill that lets me fight people who are abnormally stronger than me. In theory, and with all due respect - taking you on and fighting to a standstill wouldn't be a problem, but defeating you is where things would get iffy. I'd need a good strategy, resort to my Noble Phantasm, or use some underhanded tricks to do that. And to be fair, I have no qualms about using all three at the same time," Lancer winked and smiled.

And then, Berserker asked what gave him away. "It was mostly the fact that you're one of the few reasonable people I met here so far," he joked. Lancer walked over to the edge of the raft and looked at his reflection in the water. His movements, from his walking, to his leaning, were notably smooth and paced. It was almost like moving with incredible self-coordination and finesse was instinctual to him, which wouldn't be too surprising considering he was a Lancer-class Servant, who are known for their agility and dexterity above all else.

BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Dante Verren Dante Verren

Archer, to her credit, was interesting enough to converse with. Ruka didn't think she would have been able to work with a servant who was too rigid. The taller woman may have had an ego that was on par with her own, but she wasn't insufferable. She found that it was entertaining to hear her Servant's thoughts. The mage made a face when the nickname was thrown out. "If you're going to take me, then you'd better hurry. I can hear our comrades outside." She replied, meeting her gaze with confidence. "I'd bet you'd like that, Archer. Making someone who is called your 'Master' into a simple slave. Obviously, you would want me as a bed slave." She smirked at her from her spot.

Ruka's smug expression was wiped from her face when her Servant suggested that she was akin to cowards. While she agreed with her, the Master did not want to leave her newly found warm, cozy haven of blankets and furs. "Surely, they'd be considerate of my condition. How am I to participate when I am freezing and exhausted?" She pouted, moving closer to her companion. "Besides, Archer, if you stay here with me, we could warm up together." Her eyes became half-lidded at the very thought of her proud, strong Servant in a compromising position.

"You come from a place where winter reigns, yes? Then you must know the best way to get warm..." She trailed off. Ruka knew damn well that Archer wouldn't take her flirting well, but it was more fun than actually listening to her idea and getting up without a word.
Fredrik Nygaard
Fredrik felt the tension and adrenaline vanished along with Rider. He could see a flash of rage in Rider's master eyes but luckily the man stood down. Fredrik let out a small silent sigh of relief as he re shouldered his rifle. Luckily the situation had managed to diffuse it's self. Unfortunately for the two boat guards were forced to cover for there little scene. Turning to face the two men Fredrik bowed his head in a quick apology. "My apologies for the scene, and thank you for covering it up so quickly" said Fredrik.

Now time to figure out what was going on. Turning to look at Assassin he was hoping the servant could give him some answers. "Assassin, You and rider wouldn't happen to have met before? Perhaps you two have some past grudges?" asked Fredrik. Honestly the only thing Fredrik could think of was that this was a rare case of two heroes who knew each other being in the same grail war. Of course in this case that didn't look like a good thing.

Interactions: SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Hanarei Hanarei
Nearby/Mentions: Han JiHyo Han JiHyo Kyrenka Kyrenka Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis

A smirk appeared on her face at the sight of her masters attempts at seduction and the lustful glint in her eye. IF she wanted to play that way so be it. Archer vanished into her spirit form, only to reappear a moment later sitting on the bed directly behind Haruka, her face right next to Haruka's right ear. "It would please me greatly to see someone in a position of power over my own brought to their knees begging for my attention..." Whispered the servant. Archer raised her left hand to Haruka's neck, running two fingers up her neck. "If a bed slave is how you wish to be treated then so be it. Yet you have so much talent, talent that in magic, something that would be wasted on some one reserved for simple pleasures."

Once more archer vanished, this time reappearing in front of Haruka, her face close enough to the other girl's that she could feel her breath. "We can have our fun later, after all it is along boat ride to Iceland that leaves plenty of time for pleasure and rest. What matters now is that you make a good first impression so that our supposed allies don't decide to off you the first chance they get. Now stand up little cub, I will make sure you stay nice and warm, but only after you have earned it." she finished.

Having made her position clear on what there next course of action would be, Archer stood up and walked to the door. Turning around and locking her gaze on her master, although this time instead of a playful gaze it was that of an impatient ruler waiting for there orders to be carried out.

Interaction: JulesX JulesX
Dante Verren Dante Verren Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis Han JiHyo Han JiHyo
Mentioning: Misuteeku Misuteeku Kyrenka Kyrenka

Assassin relaxed a bit as the tension faded, shifting out of his combat stance but still seeming rather stiff. Part of him still expected Rider to come storming out again. Regardless, he made his way back onto the ship and caught Nygaard's questions as he boarded.

"Nothing as grand as that I'm afraid." He said, almost dismissively. He moved briefly back towards where he had been standing, but seeing his spot in ruins he simply propped himself against the nearest wall. "Rider and I arrived in this country at close to the same time. Similar skirmishes have occurred twice now, but both times she had only attacked out of view of others. Since then I've been keeping myself concealed to avoid conflict, but I had let my guard down assuming she wouldn't be so brazen as to attack in broad day light." He shrugged, but his thought carried an irritated snarl that did nothing to mask his irritation.

"Whatever Rider's issue may be, I assure you it is entirely of her own prerogative."

It took the intervention of Rider's own Master to make the Servant dematerialise. Only after ensuring the threat is evidently over did Caster relax from his stance, moving back to his original position behind Fredrik. Narrowing his eyes at the Master-Servant pair, he added a mental note to their profile. Unpredictable, hence the need to be wary of them. He would strive to ensure for the duration of this alliance, his Master wouldn't be anywhere near them. There might be a time in the near future where working together is inevitable, but until then, they would be labelled with a "take pre-caution".

As Fredrik issued an apology to two men flanking the female in a wheelchair, Caster ignored their rhetorical question. Far be it for him to apologise for someone else's mistake, let alone an individual proving to be a loose cannon. If not for the Master clearly addressing her as Rider, he would've pegged her as Berserker. Besides, the Magus should have expected scuffles breaking out now and again when they came up with the idea of shuffling all Seven onto the same boat. It was part of their duty to conceal such events, wasn't it?

"Seeing as she did not directly target anyone else besides you, and you admitting no knowledge of having antagonised her before, I would assume something about you struck a nerve." Caster injected into the conversation quietly. The stream of water aimed in his direction just now wasn't the full brunt of the attack. Rider's target had been Assassin and Caster and his Master just happened to be in the way. He ran slightly narrowed eyes up and down the other Servant, scrutinising him from head to toe. "Your appearance, perhaps? Prior to returning to her incorperal form, she did confess aloud her hatred for Japan."

"Still, it is fortunate you are of the Assassin Class. It would make avoiding her for the duration of this trip a simpler task."


Location: On board the ship

Mentions: Hanarei Hanarei , Fredrik Dante Verren Dante Verren , Rider Misuteeku Misuteeku , Lucas Kyrenka Kyrenka

Interactions: Assassin SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS

code by Han JiHyo Han JiHyo
Lucas Remmington
The gun's aim was taken off of him so Lucas slowly lowered his arms, watching as the Masters and Servants conversed without him. Great. I've been ostracized. Rider had quickly and effectively alienated him from the group. Then again, attempted murder tends to do that. Turning and giving the two guards a grateful wave, Lucas cautiously made his way further onto the boat. With a sigh, he examined the gathered people. No doubt some of them now thought of him as incompetent if he couldn't keep his Servant in line. Who would've thought that a Servant would hate her own people? Doing a visual analysis of who he assumed was Assassin, he couldn't even tell if the Servant was actually Japanese.

Gazing over towards a portion of undamaged railing, he was surprised to make eye contact with a petite girl. She was accompanied by two men, both of whom he assumed were Servants though he couldn't tell which one belonged to her. The fierceness and determination in her stare was what caught him off-guard. It was rare to see such a righteous fire burn within someone's eyes, and it brought a heavy blanket of fear; not for himself but for her. Fire... Taking a steady breath, he made a beeline for the girl. What is the Mage Association thinking!? The girl seemed too young to be a Master, not to mention she definitely seemed to have foolish ideals of heroism in her mind. The girl would be an easy target for manipulation and eventual betrayal. She'll be slaughtered! He couldn't have that on his conscious. Not again.

Realizing too late that he was probably putting the girl on guard by storming over after his lovely display with Rider, he schooled his face into a friendly smile. Eyeing the other Servants somewhat warily, he stopped in front of the young Master. He muttered a quiet, "Please behave yourself," to Rider before performing a slight bow. It was best to be as polite as possible since he doubted that the other Masters had the highest regard of him right now. "Good afternoon, my name is Lucas Remmington." Straightening himself, he mentally berated himself. What am I supposed to say to her? 'Get out while you can?' Rubbing the back of his hand, he resisted the urge to scratch at the Command Seals there. It's too late to leave. "Might I have the pleasure of knowing your names?" He asked while indirectly including the nearby Servants. No doubt her Servant would be on guard around him and want to keep close to his Master while Lucas was near. However, I need allies and she needs protection. He realized that his immediate attachment to this girl was not healthy. Hell, he was probably projecting a little bit onto this unsuspecting mage. After all, there was no guarantee that she was as innocent as her face suggested. Grief shows itself in peculiar ways, he chuckled darkly. Lucas had to admit though, the girl seemed to be unprepared for the ruthlessness of the war that was to come.

Interactions: BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Birdsie Birdsie Misuteeku Misuteeku
Mentions: SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Han JiHyo Han JiHyo Dante Verren Dante Verren Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis
"A curse on me forbids me from speaking my name. The next best thing I can offer is my class; Lancer. Alternatively, we can play charades where I aggressively hint at my identity and you try to guess it," Lancer jested. Of course, a game like that was a complete waste of time for any self-respecting magus and Lancer was well aware of that fact.

The reason why Lancer found it difficult to get along with magi was that magecraft was something more to them. While he was a magus, Lancer never considered magecraft important at all. To him, it was just another means of obtaining the desired end. Stabbing with a spear? A fire rune activated under the enemy's feet? One way or another, they're dead. So what's the difference? The reason magi were different was that magecraft wasn't means to an end to them.

No, it was a lifestyle.

Lancer grinned sheepishly, from ear to ear. The toothy grin was a dumb expression. He was less like an idealistic knight and more like an awkward teenager with weird experiences, trying to fit in with people who were not of his crowd. "So, Mr. Remington... Was it your Servant who made that fuss earlier? No offense, just curious..."

BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Misuteeku Misuteeku Kyrenka Kyrenka

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