Fate/Chaos: Stained Grail War


Endless Witch
Welcome, one and all to a very exciting and suspenseful entry into the Holy Grail War. My name is Rose. Your Co-Gms during your stay here are @JusticeSword sword and @XalofLanternsLost

This is a reboot due to our previous GM dissappearing like a sudden gust of wind, but we of the fanbase are determined!

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them here for us.

I'm still setting this baby up, so I might not respond immedatly.
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I may be interested in joining.

I do love the Fate/Series =w= b

I'll be keeping tabs on this. =^=
Yes. It's up to you whether you want to use your old character or create a new one. I don't think there should be, but if Valkyrie has an issue with anyone, she'll let you know.
Humm, I'm not sure...

I'll definitely use the same master, but not sure about Servant...

I mean, should I go with Astolfo w/ Elijah's chariot, or Gawain with the girdle, or make a Theodore Roosevelt Rider and utterly wreck all of you?
Only if I use Rough Riders era Teddy, Presidential was 1901 to 1909.

Also, do the myths and legends surrounding someone shape who they are if they're summoned as a Heroic Spirit (like Napoleon would be very short, even though he wasn't IRL)
I thought it was 1800s and before by Archer's design? Too lazy to look it up . . . But anyways.

I'm gonna have to say no to that. Else I'd think that a lot of the Servants would be vastly different. I mean, King Arther was 'rumored' to be a guy, but Saber is still female. Admittedly, that's a bit different than a height differences, but I think it still applies somewhat.
I could've sworn it was 1900s, need to recheck Beast's Lair. Ah well.

That leaves it down to Gawain and Astolfo.

Also, I have a good feeling you'll say the same, but me and Archer were discussing a new servant for Mr. Priest since Galahad went rogue, and I suggested a fragment of Lucifer's power or something like that, and he said trying to summon such would certainly kill the magus. Would it be too much for ANY magus, even mana wells like Ilya?

I'm not asking for this RP, BTW. I'm asking because a friend was asking me if some Homestuck character could be a summonable Servant.
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Hmm. Other than the obvious issues with a Homestuck character in general, I'd say it might be possible. Mainly I base that on the fact that Caster is a part if Ameterasu. Though, iirc, she's a unique facet rather than a fragment of power. A fragment may be disqualified by not having any actual history behind it. Yeah. I think that may be it. I think Satan, and Lucifer as a unique facet, would be summonable, but not a random shard. Though if they presented a good enough argument I might let then slide.
Frankenstein sounds cool.

Just make sure it's not a DFC loli this time (*glares at Apocrypha*)

But, yeah. Astolfo or Gawain...
Don't hate on DFC Frankenstein. She's almost as cool as DFC Jack the Ripper.

And I'm against Astolfo. I'm against his trapness.
Hey so this time around are we going to try and meet the usual requirements of only knew of each type of servant. I think we can pull it off
If it works out that way it's a-ok. If not, oh well. It would be cool to stick to that however

Has Alligot shown intrest in joining again?
Obviously not, I'd never want to continue this. It's not like I suggested it, or anything.

Seriously though, I'm still interested. We can still use old characters/servants, right? I really liked Tomoe.

AKA, I call Lancer.
No! You can't! Dang. Valkyrie beat me to permission granting . . .

Glad to have you still on board, Alligot. Are we missing anyone from the old thread other than Archer and Serene?

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