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Fantasy Farewell to Kings: Temple of Hyxia

  • “Hmph. I thought you’d be quicker than my aim.” Aida planted the rifle butt on the dirt.
    “I must thank the old man for his gift of sight. Who are you, anyway?”
    Dracula’s lastborn, a pale girl with black hair tied in a tight bun. She wore a brown cloak made from a skizzit hide, and carried her rifle with ease.

    “Aida! Heavens, that girl’s still alive.” Lautrec grabbed his skull and growled. He put a hand on his throat and kept casting.
    The horse rode up towards the dead-to-rights pair of women.

    “Let her go, Aida.” The horse spoke with Lautrec’s voice.

    “Whaat? That horse is creepy!” Aida laughed.
    “I’m serious! I hope you haven’t been indulging in blood savagery.”
    “Lautrec...” she said spitefully.