• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy Fantasy Restaurant

hope my little ladies will be up to standard-- would have spent more time on the character sheets but i was having a mental block. cx
ailurophile said:
hope my little ladies will be up to standard-- would have spent more time on the character sheets but i was having a mental block. cx
I love ailu~ She's 2cuteforschool
[QUOTE="Scattered Ambitions]Same difference.

can you please make your character, we could always use more members!
Renjin said:
I hope you don't mind a regular customer popping by~
Not at all! Come on in whenever you like!!!!!

[QUOTE="Scattered Ambitions]Also bro, I can't write detailed length posts.

It's alright, and yeah sure you're allowed to bring your OC into this if you like ^~^

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