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Fantasy Fantasy pirates is dead

Zeda "I hate cats!" he states with a harrumph
Cat rushes to the edge and watches as jack go's into the water
Razor overheard the word daughter , "Sorry Eros, I gotta go see this.", He walked outside to see, "Awww, no tentacles for hair..." Goes back in
Zeda "The wolf cymaran and cat cymarans have been rivals since cymarans were brought into exsistance"
Cat "Because you slept with mom, then she had me and died when I was 2"
Eros looked up at him when he came back moving closer. "What?" He asked ran a hand up rubbing his chest a little looking up at razor pursing his lips. "Razor, give me your attention.."
Razor closes his eyes, kisses two of his fingers, and puts them against his lips; "hold up for a little bit. You gotta remember that every time I give you affection, it drains a little bit of my life force. We need to try to figure out a good balance so that I can get some of my energy back in between." He smiles at him and puts his arm down, "but I'll give you this one", he leans in close and kisses Eros passionately.
Abigors cocoon cracks and wings pop out allowing abigor to move and letting him look around. The wings were black and green just as abigors skin, bird like yet with scales and claws at the top like a bat. the hole he looks out was only large enough to allow his single eye to have limited vision.

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